There is a work element within everything we do; adjusting your perspective to optimize your relationship to work can be invaluable in helping you manifest what you desire in all areas of your life. With phrases like, "Climbing the ladder to success," and, "Anything worthwhile requires hard work," it's no wonder we assume creating any kind of positive change and success in our lives could be difficult and cumbersome.
Those who enjoy the rush of working hard, dive into new tasks with excitement, while others struggle to envision the possibility before ever getting started. The truth is, living a life in which you avoid doing the work it takes to experience what you desire, is the most difficult life to live in many ways. Over our lifetime, our childhood, conditioning and experiences affect much of what we perceive to be true. If you've developed an aversion to the concept of work, you may find yourself resistant to taking many of the actions required to create what you want. However, if the changes you wish to make ultimately bring you to new heights of fulfillment and satisfaction, enhancing your perspective of the process it takes to realize them will help you achieve your goals more easily.
For many people the idea of manifesting feels overwhelming, as if it is some mystical process we magically participate in. The more people tell us that it's attraction not actual work, the more it can feel like work. Let's remember the concept of manifesting is about creating and attracting what you desire. There is a work element to creating and attracting anything you desire, just as there is a work element to maintaining what you desire. Most of the time, the difficulty (or work) is overcoming the doubt from your inability to see exactly how it could be done before you begin. The other half of the equation is trusting in the process and taking action, as you focus on getting the result you want anyway. Your individual perspective of work either simplifies this process or serves as a foundation for struggle.
Have you ever gotten excited about a specific car, and consequently seen one every time you went out on the road? Your sudden interest in the car did not magically make the other cars appear. You started focusing your interest in the car; hence similar cars became more visible to you than they were previously. Similarly, anytime you focus on achieving a goal, your awareness and sensitivity toward the goal and aspects relative to achieving your goal become heightened. You'll not only attract the things you want; opportunities and people as well as ideas that facilitate you reaching your goal will become more visible.
The biggest mystery for our egocentric brains is how something we focused on so intently could materialize despite our inability to conceive of it when we began. At that point we are thrilled with the results and agree to celebrate the wonder of it all. Either way you look at it, there is an element of work involved. Consequently, whether it is big business, a relationship, or a more satisfying job you desire, the action to accomplish these goals does not have to be a grind.
Relationships, career and family are the three main components we draw from to find individual fulfillment; all of them require work. Ask yourself what work means to you. Have you connected work with specific past outcomes or experiences? Have you connected work to a job or state of mind? Why is it some people love their jobs while others actually feel sick at the onset of another work week? The idea of work is often assimilated with a negative connotation, which is why we are so fascinated by those who boast to love their work.
Some of today's most successful entrepreneurs didn't set out to create financial empires of any kind; their businesses grew out of personal interest, hence their love of work comes from doing what they are interested in. In the process of creating a fulfilling life experience, your perspective about work plays an invaluable role. As I mentioned earlier, romantic relationships, friendships, careers and more all have a work element.
If you want a successful marriage, you must put work into your relationship. If you desire a healthy, fit body you must put work into your physical self. If you want to feel fulfilled in your life, you must work on creating those aspects, which fulfill you.
Now, imagine you perceive work to be negative, hard and unfulfilling. If everything you desire requires work, yet you believe work is hard and unfulfilling, how likely are you to approach creating what you want with an effective level of focus? If you tell yourself your efforts will be hard and yield unfulfilling results, you won't approach your goal with the kind of energy and focus that will result in a positive outcome. Why would you encourage yourself to do anything that promises to be hard and unfulfilling? For example, possessing this perspective when you're looking for a job suggests you will inevitably attract a job aligned with your negative expectations.
For example, one of my clients told me how much she hated working. In twelve months she had changed jobs several times. When I asked her what she would do if she didn't have to work, she answered with volunteer charity work. If any of you have ever volunteered for a charity, you understand how much work is involved. With a desire like that, clearly it wasn't work she hated. I could also see her negative connotations with working were connected to specific jobs she had, not work itself.
After some exploration we realized her resistance to work was related to expectations her parents had regarding her job choices. They were focused on her having a career, thus the majority of the jobs she chose were intended to please them by having the potential to develop into a career. She easily manifested every job she chose to interview for, yet she didn't approach any of them with the intention of satisfying any of her own needs and wants, therefore she resented every single job until she began to believe there was no job that could even temporarily satisfy her.
Once we identified the connection to pleasing her parents, we could redefine her idea of working in addition to how she would approach getting a new job. She created a list of criteria for the new job she would manifest. Her list included working approximately 30 hours per week instead of fulltime to give her the flexibility to exercise regularly and stay healthy. She wanted the ability to travel on weekends and identified how much money she needed to sustain an enjoyable lifestyle. She wanted to save on gas by working close to home, be challenged on the job, and have a sense of autonomy, in addition to interacting with people.
After making a list of criteria for the next job she wanted to manifest, her entire perspective changed. In less than a week she interviewed for a position with the potential to meet most of her criteria. After her interview, she submitted her list of terms for accepting the position including the total number of hours she'd like to work each week, specific days to allow for weekend trips, along with her salary requirements. She got everything she wanted with the bonus use of a full-service workout facility and complimentary training sessions. She could hardly believe how quickly she manifested a job, which met her needs, ultimately contributing to her personal health goals as well.
In the course of manifesting the life experience you desire, appreciating the extraordinary results your work can achieve will raise your expectations, boost your efforts and take the grind out of the process. Work doesn't have to hard, long or negative. Redefine what it means to work so the entire concept does not threaten to disconnect you from actions, which will create wonderful outcomes in the areas of your life.
It is always our perspective and attitude that dictates how we will feel emotionally about the actions we are taking. Take a moment to reassess your perspective and find out if it is aligned with achieving the outcomes you desire for your life.
If you are experiencing trouble in areas of your life, feeling stuck or blocked, a private session will launch you toward success. Email me at Charly_organic@yahoo.com with Synergy Session in the subject to schedule time just for you. If you have an idea for a topic you'd like me to write about, you may also email it to me at Charly_organic@yahoo.com with "Article Idea" in the subject. I wish you the best. It's Your Choice, Choose To Thrive!