A monthly publication of Pure Energy Rx www.pureenergyrx.com Service Voice Mail: 620-399-7462 | 2.15.2006 |
Finding the Hidden Treasure within Your Desires
Developing a new attitude and method of attaining your goals often feels very exhilarating; however, it may not prevent you from experiencing the classic cause and effect slump. It is as if one day you are basking in the glow of your new attitude, expectations and active role in directing your energy, when suddenly you face the existence of some undesirable aspect in your life that appears larger than life itself. Often this happens because it is after we have begun to make these changes, that we become even more aware of what we no longer desire. We always want fast results. This feeling of frustration or even futility in some cases can feel like a weight on your back and threaten your belief, new attitude and focus. Do not let it. Remember that we create our own results; therefore, the results you may be experiencing today are most likely the effects of your previous attitude and focus. This presents an opportune time to develop even greater power and clarity by re-establishing your goals and exploring your motivation for attaining them.
There is always a purpose for why you desire what you desire, which is why some people experience a feeling of disappointment when they finally get something they thought they always wanted. Look at one of the desires or goals you've generated for your life. Now ask yourself, why do you want it? Perhaps you desire to make more money. Making more money is a very general goal. Why do you want to make more money? Take a moment to reflect even deeper. Something happens when you delve under your initial goals to see if you can find more. It is within this more detailed list that you'll find the hidden treasure I speak of; hidden because it is found within the deepest underlying explanations of why you want what you want, treasure because of how identifying this information can add value and clarity to your life. For those of us who live in Los Angeles, our planes, trains and automobiles are filled with people who desire to manifest fame. Conversely, we see examples of famous people who are depressed, dependent on alcohol or drugs or even resentful of their fame. Do you think these latter examples made a mistake and did not really desire to be famous? Perhaps. Although it could be that their fame did not give them what they wanted from it the most, because they had not clearly identified what that was. For example, if you have money as a goal, what is the money for? Money may seem like a clear goal though really it is not. Do you want money for travel? Do you want money for repairs on your home or a new home? Do you want money for various types of purchases? Is there something you need that money will help you achieve? The treasure in this example is to define clearly, why you want the money, or what you want or need that you believe that money will give you. Doing so enables you to pin point your specific desired results so you can focus on manifesting them directly. Let us say you desire to travel the world and you are focusing on manifesting money. Suddenly you receive a large sum of money, but cannot spend it. It can only sit in your bank account. Would you have attained your goal? You have lots of money, cannot spend it and what you really wanted was to travel. It may sound a little silly however, people focus on manifesting things all the time that once gained, surprisingly and disappointingly do not always satisfy their true underlying desires. Equally, you can miss an opportunity to gain what you want by limiting your focus to one way of achieving it.
Get comfy in your home office or cozy on your couch and embark on a wondrous odyssey to uncover what awaits your definition in your mental treasure trove. Join me next month with your true desires in front of you so we can explore how to create space for your desires to manifest!
Copyright © 2019, Charly Emery. This article is available for export only by permission. Email Charly Emery, www.charlyemery.com. |