Since 1996, Pure Energy Rx has been providing unique health products online to thousands of satisfied customers. We have always honored a policy of customer satisfaction, open communication lines, personalized service, and knowledgeable advice.
We welcome you to our products, and fully hope they will meet or exceed your expectations. Feedback is very important to us, so should you have a remarkable experience with our products, let us know; or, should you have a suggestion about how we could improve, that's even more important to us.
Our longstanding policy has been that if you are not satisfied with our products, you can return them for a full refund of the product price, no questions asked.
As advocates of a vibrant living lifestyle, we believe everything is energy. How one thinks and feels directly affects what physically manifests in life. Our products are all about raising the frequency or vibration of life, allowing for greater well-being and thus creating a zest for living. Consistent use of these products has raised our own quality of life, and we feel confident it will do that same for you!
We continue to search out and make available online the very best "vibrant living" products we can find, and we never sell anything we aren't using ourselves.
So, do let us hear about your experiences with our unique products, and if you haven't done so already, subscribe to our Vibrant Living e-Newsletter. In it, we provide tips for how to live a vibrant life, and offer discounts and coupons to our subscribers.
Also, find us on Facebook and Twitter for more special offers.
Hope to hear from you soon!
Pure Energy Rx
PO Box 8
Quemado, NM 87829
E-MAIL: info @
Boyd Martin
Boyd joined Pure Energy Rx in 1998 as a product distributor, and came on as a staff member in 2002. He designed the website and sees to its daily maintenance, including the Quantum Health Newsletter, where he is editor and writer. Boyd is a well-known regional musician (drummer), and has toured the U.S. and Europe with national-level musical acts. He is an avid, daily Yoga student, with a keen interest in metaphysics, natural health, and alternative healing methods.
"As the basic concepts of 'natural healing' are disseminated and accepted by consumers, the drug treatment approaches to specific diseases begins to make less and less sense to all but the least interested. The tenets of self-treatment through health responsibility, positive attitudes about the healing power of the body, as well as hope, confidence, and the striving for a vibrant life, are all part of the Natural Healing modality.
Taking responsibility for one's own health is so much more rewarding than handing it over to medical drug therapists, and millions of success cases attest to the effectiveness of doing so. Now, more than ever, we all have access to healing and health naturally!" -- Boyd Martin (boyd.martin at
"Hello Boyd and team -- Thank you very much for creating such amazing newsletter with the most lovely warm energy. I am very impressed with all your latest information including the Essential Living Foods and wish to assist any way I can. All the very best in your great work! --Light & Love, Jana."
Hi Boyd -- No, there was no problem with your service. In fact, this email was a VERY nice, professional, non-pressuring gesture on your part. We really just haven't had any need for the E-3, but your e-mail just reminded me that it might work for the pain that is still in my foot from foot surgery. I still have a partial bottle left, so I will give it a try. If I need to re-order the E-3, I will get your e-mail address from my bottle and if I see that my life gets a little less complicated, I will re-subscribe to your newsletter. Thank you - I commend you on your method of doing business!!! --Jean R.
Please include your mailing address and phone number, just in case we have any questions. Service is our business and we want you to be 100% satisfied with not only our products but our customer care.
We welcome inquiries and feedback on our products, so feel free to give us a call anytime. (Order hours are Mon.-Fri. 9 AM-5 PM Pacific).