Thank you so much for the personal care you have taken with my orders. And yes, I am really enjoying the benefits of this enzyme program very much. Since starting these products about 5 or 6 weeks ago, I have lost 5 pounds already!!! I'm especially excited about that since my ultimate goal is to lose a total of only 10 pounds in a healthy and balanced way, and I'm already half way there--quite effortlessly.
-- Christa M. [9.25.08]
I just want to let you know what a gem you are, I really do appreciate you in such a large way, and you are such a magic women! -- Candice, Portland, OR (8/19/07)
Shay, thanking you for the conversation this a.m. I really appreciate all the information you so generously shared. Am printing out the files you sent and will take them with on the trip and hopefully have a better idea of what to do about supplements when we return in July. Am very sure things have a way of happening to our best advantage, so will count on this as one of the good things that happened. I hope to do some juicing to heal the digestive tract and will keep at the idea of limiting sugars. That will be possible when we are on the road east for three days and then I know there will be sweets for the anniversary and while we are together at the family in Wi. God goes before us to prepare the way before us. May He guide you and keep you in the palm of His hands. -- Beth F., Oregon [6.12.07]
I am still very impressed with the integrity with which your business is managed as well as the high quality of your very refreshing... Dorothy McDermott
You people are amazing, I am very impressed with your service and will most definitely forward your Web site to my other colleagues in the health industry. Thank you very much, I truly appreciate it. Jana, Queensland, Australia
After my conversation with you I felt empowered. Really so. I feel happy and I feel energized by the fact that you are standing right behind me with love and support. Imagine if we all had this as children growing up? -- Madeline, New York City, NY
Dear Shay,
The new website looks great. I would like you to place my words about you on your website. Here what I want to say:
Meeting Shay was a wonderful experience! I am impressed with her knowledge, education and creativity. She is also very spiritual, and a generous human being who is always ready to share her ideas and feelings. Shay is an inspiration for every woman who would like to grow professionally and spiritually. Thank you, Shay, for being such a great person! --Marina Volod, Dermaesthetica, Lake Oswego, OR
I have used your products for years and I recommend them highly. Great quality! Great prices! Great results! -- Gwen M., Maryland
Been taking these for quite a while now...
As you know, I'm one of your senior customers, and have been taking your subtle energy elixirs for a while now now. I continue buying and taking your elixirs because they have a noticeable beneficial effect on me, otherwise I would have no reason to keep buying them. The effects produced by the elixirs are indeed 'subtle' and energetic, therefore one has to be paying attention to your own state of being when taking these products, to know what benefit your getting. I have enough experience with these types of products to judge whether they are effective and of good quality or not, and the products I've always purchased from you have always performed well, that's why I consistently buy those particular products. I know you have other very products to offer, and I'll eventually get around to giving them a try; but for now I am satisfied with the ones I have always bought. I appreciate you maintaining the consistent quality of your products, because there are other companies out there that make similar products that are just as good. But what keeps me coming back to SES is my history of good experience with your company, and the trust factor that has evolved in using your products, and of course the long-lasting friendship that we have always had and continue to keep, which is also a key factor in staying with SES when I make my buying decisions. Thanks my friend, and keep up the good work.
-- Verdell D., Texas
Love these!...
I love these 2 things (E-1 and E-3 Energy Cream). They keep me going, thinking clearly and sleeping deeply, both essentials to my work, to say nothing of my life in general. Thanks again for making them and sending them. Elin S. [9.23.11]
They work!...
Your products work exceptionally well and I highly recommend them! They are backed by a lot of physics and I have taken them for quite a while with great results. -- Todd Thompson [4.12.11]
Chronic acidity helped...
THANKS!!! I feel so good after my glass of water with the E1. I could feel it right away. Thanks for everything, HUGS right back to ya--so grateful for you. --Dorothy Steen [5/19/07]
Insomnia went away...
Just to let you know I'm on my second bottle of E-1 and it works great. I had a lot of trouble sleeping at night and when I did finally go to sleep I woke up frequently. No matter what sleeping pills I took they did not help. I tried your product and was really satisfied. I told my mom about it because she was also having trouble sleeping and then felt really worn out during the day. When I ordered a second bottle for myself I ordered a bottle for her and she loves it. She takes only 4-5 drops at bedtime and is sleeping very well. Thanks for this product. -- Rhonda S. [8.4.10]
A life saver...
The E-1 has been a life saver to me when it comes to being able to sleep better at night. I never skip a night of taking it. I have my mom and my husband taking it now. I just gave a bottle to my sister-in-law to try! -- Rhonda Star [1/9/11]
E-1 seems to be working for me. It has been just a couple of weeks but I feel more balanced and clear. I am putting my husband on it now. Let's see what happens. I will report back. Thanks. -- Jean S. [10.10.15]
Doctor uses E-1...
The [ionic minerals] provide a profound resetting of body energies at the cellular level. The [ionic minerals] help to up-regulate the parasympathetic system. This helps to relieve some of the stresses on the pituitary. I use the Subtle Energies to get that cellular-level-DNA-mitochondric-energetic phenomenon going on, and then I use my nutriceuticals, whole foods and other remedies. Some of our toughest cases have come out of it and are moving forward. --Dr. Dan Davis (from conference call 12/11/02)
A true believer...
I use this collection of products every day. E-4 allows me to be grounded, even when I am working with pre-schoolers during the day at my job. My husband uses the Protease Enzymes, and they have helped tremendously with his digestion. The SES Mouth Care Rinse and Gel we use daily. It has eliminated the placque build-up that we used to experience before finding these products. I am a true believer! --Joyce Magee, Palmdale, CA
Everyone tests for E-1...
Nearly everyone tests for needing E-1 in my clinic. As a family, we also use it daily. The E-3 Energy Cream is part of my clinical pharmacy, and is often recommended to my clients. --Scott Moyer, President--American Association of Living Systems Information Practitioners, Santa Rosa, CA
Putting her husband on E-1...
E-1 seems to be working for me. It has been just a couple of weeks but I feel more balanced and clear. I am putting my husband on it now. Let's see what happens. I will report back. Thanks. --Fatimah (5/1/06)
Maintaining balance...
The E-4 drops help me maintain balance during very often hectic days of working and raising a small child. I use Enzyme Body Type One to help ward off the sugar cravings I so often have. I love these products! --Heidi Young, Burnaby, BC, Canada
E-2 and MS...
I gave a nurse friend of mine who has MS the E-2. She has a very slow metabolism, and reports it works amazingly for her. She only takes it on occasion when she is extra challenged with overtime. When I get a massage I have my masseuse use the E-3 Energy Cream on painful areas, it works well. As for the SES Dental Care, they are just great for me. I have 8 lower teeth left and I have them cleaned four times a year so I can keep the partial denture that I have. This is good enough to testify to, I have had gingivitis and now a deep pocket around a 23 yr. old gold crown, both the E-3 Energy cream (externally) and mouth rinse help me maintain stability with them, otherwise they would have to be pulled. --Maria, Santa Rosa, California
Gem Elixirs really work...
Your products just really work for me! I love the tinctures, easy to use web site, quick delivery. -- Susan L., Darby, MT
Subtle Energy products have changed his life...
All of the SES products have changed my life in their own particular ways. Suffering from chronic acid indigestion for many years, a course of E-1 with E-4 in the morning and E-2 with E-4 in the afternoon for a week ended it. After taking a bottle the Body Type 3 Enzymes over the course of a month, I lost 10 pounds and trimmed my waist, without changing anything else in my active lifestyle. I have controlled chronic low-back pain (from a compressed lumbar disc) with a combination of E-3 Energy Cream and Protease Enzymes (PureZyme). The Protease seems to help clear out toxins in my body that seem to lodge in my back, and the E-3 Energy Cream is instant pain relief if things get painful from my daily activities (drumming and yoga). I have used E-3 Energy Cream for minor cuts and bruises, and the occasional "twinge" with immediate and dependable results. By applying the E-3 Energy Cream directly to cuts, healing time I have experienced is at least increased by a factor of two, if not more. I cannot say enough about the SES Tooth Gel and Therapeutic Mouth Rinse. I started using both shortly following an aggressive tooth abraidment to remove years of built-up placque and recessed infections. The procedure left my teeth extremely sensitive to hot and cold, to the point that I could only eat and drink things when they were room temperature. After a couple of weeks on the Tooth Gel and Mouth Rinse, I could eat a much wider range of food and beverage temperatures, and after about a month, the sensitivity, for all practical purposes was gone. Plus, my dentist was flabbergasted at the speed my gums healed after having been pretty severely torn up by the abraidment procedure. --Boyd Martin, Portland, Oregon
Changes happening...
Hi. I wanted you to know that my digestion is much better and I'm getting calmer. I was terribly out of balance and I think in time I will regain my balance more and more and my sleep will improve. I'm very glad I found your products. The changes are happening over time (subtle!) but are definitely happening. Thanks! --Judy Z. (6/27/06)
E-3 Energy Cream:

4 OZ. $19.95
Not so chronic anymore...
Love my E-3 Energy cream! Really works on my chronic doesn't seem as chronic since I started using it. -- Linda H. [6.16.13]
Miracle pain reliever...
Never change the E-3 Cream. Twice it performed a near miracle re: rapid healing, and no pain!! -- Ken A., Flushing, NY [3.2.15]
Foot pain gone instantly...
I was so pleased to get my E-3 Energy cream. I had been out of stock for way too long. In the meantime, I had developed a pain on the bottom of my foot that went into my toes. It would come and go at the most unwelcome times. When I received my cream a few weeks ago, I immediately put it on the bottom of my foot and the pain went away instantly. Thanks goodness!!! Really I love this stuff and won't be without it again. Thanks! --Dr. Betsie Poinsett, Clinical Hypnotherapist and author.
Massage Therapist uses it...
I massaged a client today that had super bruised ribs and could hardly breath. E-3 Energy Cream to the rescue! ...Sold her a bottle. Felicia Bond, San Diego, CA [6.8.12]
A reliable product...
Absolutely everyone I give it to , loves it works most of the time so perfectly. They try a little of mine and then they get one right away. Thanks for such a reliable, great product. --Gail D., Branford, CT [9.9.10]
Wants to buy a whole case of this stuff...
I tried the lotion on my husband after he complained of being sore after exercising and he said I should get a whole case of the stuff! He said, "Man, this works better and faster than the heat rubs and with no crazy odor--I'm sold!" I occasionally suffer from mild knee pain, which I think may be the start of arthritis. The E-3 Energy lotion kicked that pain within minutes and kept it away for days. About 2 years ago, one of my healthcare providers suggested that I start getting regular hand massages. I do some freelance writing, as well as working full time as an IT Specialist for the Social Security Administration (a job that I got right after trying your meditation crystals). Using the keyboard and mouse for hours at a time, causes my hands to swell and the area between my thumb and forefinger seems to stay sore all time. Not anymore! I noticed as I was rolling my hair the other day, that my hands have not felt tight, swollen, or sore for weeks now. I even braided my 9-yr old niece's hair and after 2 hours, my hands were not sore! I am definitely thinking ot buying " a whole case of the stuff"! Thanks so much for offering products that are reasonably priced and really do work! I am definitely a happy customer. -- Gwen Maddox [4.6.10]
Grateful for E-3 Energy Cream...
I am filled with gratitude for the dear people who are with this company. They are always kind, loving and very helpful. I am grateful for the E-3 Energy lotion. It had helped so very much years ago when I had a car accident, and now I needed it again for muscle and joint healing, which it is doing once again. There is nothing out there I have found that is this helpful. I also use the other products: Clear Mind to clear the cob webs, and the Healthy Mouth--so great for pH balance in my mouth and healing. These products have been so helpful to me. Do not take my word for it--try them. I am sure you will come to the same conclusion. Gratitude and Blessings, Dorothy Steen, Iowa
Shoulder pain gone...
The E-3 Energy cream has really helped my shoulder. It rarely aches now, and there is vast improvement in mobility. I cannot thank you enough for sending the two bottles. I'm using the second one now! -- Rosalee D. (6/23/08)
Arthritis relief...
I use E-3 Energy Cream for arthritis in the sacral area and also at night when my legs get jumpy. It puts me to sleep in five minutes due to the relaxation of the sensations. I never travel without it. I have also seen it greatly reduce the pain of a ruptured disc in a friend's neck, and my dad used to say that is was the only things that helped his bad knees, pain-wise. -- G. Dalby (6/21/08)
Sharing E-3 Energy Cream at work...
I have been sharing E-3 Energy Cream at work as well as giving it for gifts to my family. My sister told me her legs ache so bad at night she could not sleep. I gave her the old bottle I had and in two nights they were doing so much better. I also put some on a few co-workers that were having pain and they wanted to know where I got the magic cream and how to get some. The best part is I learned something new about what this product will do. I got a heat rash, I am a heavy woman and did not want to use the diaper rash cream, so I tried E-3 Energy Cream and wow my rash was gone in hours. I want to thank you for such a wonderful product. -- Darcy from Canyonville, Oregon (6/2/08)
Headaches and burns relieved...
I like the product very much because it works. It works on muscle aches and sprains. I have used E-3 Energy lotion to take away headache, just dab on the temples and the base of the skull. I even put it on cuts and burns. It helps them heal faster and takes away the pain. My girlfriend got in a car accident and she is using it on her neck and shoulders. Most of my bottles have gone to family and friends and they each love it. --Linda G. (4/1/08)
Good for cat scratches...
Got a chance to try the E-3 Energy Cream on a cat scratch on my cuticle. It was tender and swollen, as cat scratches can be. The discomfort was quickly aleviated and the cut healed in short order! I'm impressed! -- Lynn M., Michigan (2/18/08)
I carry it everywhere...
The E-3 Energy lotion has been a very solid companion. I carry it everywhere and use it whenever I feel a need to provide relief for the sensation of an oncoming flu, to relieve cramps in my legs at night which resolve almost instantaneously--something that would have taken me at least a half-hour to work out with stretching and massage, to relieve a topical burn from a hot substance on the skin, and to offer improvement for those occasional skin erruptions and blotches.
Works on cats...
E-3 Energy Cream has also worked exceptionally well for one of my feline companions who has an occasional bout of lesions that errupt on her face that also includes feline acne. I think it was the only thing that helped her resolve these knarly things, which were no doubt partially a detoxification.
Bottom line, I use it for just about anything that needs attention. It truly is like a miracle treatment in a bottle and I wouldn't want to be without it. -- The best, Alyx (2/8/08)
Longtime user...
I have used subtle energy E-3 Energy Cream for many years, it is truly great. -- Sandra P., Plano, TX (6/19/07)
E-3 Energy Cream is an excellent product and it works so well. -- Dean B., Ohio (5/15/07)
We use it for everything...
We love your E-3 Energy lotion, we took it on holiday, and I used it for every thing, charles headache, my sore knee (from walking in naughty shoes!) and even for my cramps... -- Candice, Portland, OR (8/19/07)
Helps back pain...
Hi, there! E-3 Energy Cream helps me on my back pain. I rub it on my back and it helps me get back to my life. And, my joints feel good, and for my leg, it is good! -- Ben H., Bothell, WA (8/15/07)
Relieves neuropathy...
It helps me alot with pain and especially with neuropathy in my feet and hands. I thank you and the Lord for this product. -- Beverly J. Green, Newark, Ohio (7/15/07)
Chronic foot pain relieved...
Many thanks for allowing us to try the E-3 Energy lotion and think we may be hooked and will definitely need to buy more. My foot pain does dissipate when I apply the lotion and hope it continues to progress in that fashion and I like the fact that it doesn't mask the pain, like I am sure the Aleve was doing. Hope the healing process begins!! --Alisa (3.28.07)
P.S. I mentioned the E-3 Energy lotion to a co-worker today and am going to send her the link to your site. Thanks again!!
Use on sports injuries: Archery...
My fiancee and I shoot archery and this cream comes in handy when (especially I) start getting arm fatique, lose my form and end up slapping the inside of my forearm with the bow string. Let me tell you, if I get the E-3 Energy cream on it and then an ice pack (to help get rid of stinging) the healing time of that bruising and tissue swelling is cut in half if not less. Tammy Finley (2/15/07)
Relieves neuropathy...
It helps me alot with pain and especially with neuropathy in my feet and hands. I thank you and the Lord for this product. -- Beverly J. Green, Newark, Ohio (7/15/07)
Rash healed and glad E-3 Energy Cream is non-allergenic...
Dear Pure Energy Rx,
I was exposed to some dangerous chemicals eleven years ago. As a result of this exposure, I have had many health problems. One of them being, that I have allergies I never had before the exposure. Certain foods, perfumes, lotions and most chemicals make me break out in miserable rashes, and/or headaches that can last for days. Most everything I use must be organic or natural. I find your lotion to be one of the few I can safely use. I do not have to worry whether or not I will get a rash or a headache. My health care professional let me use some of hers one day, and I fell in love with it. When I had a rash, it healed much faster with this miracle lotion. So needless to say, I keep it around the house ready to use. Thank You, Natalie Moore
E-3 Energy Cream for circulation...
My mother swears by the E-3 Energy Cream. It helps keep the circulation going in her legs and heals sores. She has diabetes. It also has given her great relief from itchy skin and tender feet. --Ilene T. (12/1/06)
Use for every ache and pain...
E-3 Energy Cream is a lifesaver!! I have used it for over 8 years on probably every part of my body. Whenever I have an ache or pain on goes the E-3 Energy Cream and it disappears within minutes. I highly recommend it to all my clients. Dr. Betsie H. Poinsett, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and author of, Mothers Who Cry in the Night
E-3 Energy Cream a big help with arm strain...
Hi Shay - I received the package today - thank you so much - great information and I started the products - Thank you for the E-3 Energy cream and Sea Buckthorn - I actually strained my left arm last week and didn't realize it - so the E-3 Energy Cream arrived just in time - I've been in a lot of pain the past couple of days - I applied it immediately and tonight it's feeling a lot better. Wow. Thank you for sending that. I'm so thrilled to have found your site! Big smile, Kazzrie [Dec. 7, 2005]
E-3 Energy Cream for knee pain...
I use E-3 Energy Cream all the time. It works real well for sore muscles and bruises. I even used it on a recent bee sting and it took the pain away. I do massage for friends and found it relieves chronic back pain and knee pain. --Linda Galvin
Help with spondylosis...
We were extremely impressed with the results we received from the use of the E-3 Energy lotion from the very beginning. I bruise very easily and the E-3 Energy Cream was most impressive stopping the size of the bruises and even stopping bleeding when I would tear the skin on my hands. At the same time I was experiencing terrible pain in my gluts, down my thighs and down my leg beside my shins. Unknown to me at the time, I had a completely destroyed disk between L4-5 in my back, with spondylosis. I put pints of E-3 Energy Cream on my backside and legs and it kept me walking until I had back surgery last September. The neurosurgeon put two titanium cages between the vertebrae in my back. I can't thank Shay and Subtle Energy enough for the relief I received. My husband, Larry, also had back pain associated with some heavy work he was doing building our retaining wall, and E-3 Energy Cream made a believer out of him. I remember going to a Seminar close to the Portland Airport and being introduced to the Subtle Energy products. The claims being made caused us to smile and snicker "snake oil," but we agreed to try it. No one is a bigger doubting Thomas than my husband. He came back saying "Hey, this stuff really works"! I said, "I know it does because it's the reason I'm walking at all!" Before the surgery I was taking steps one at a time, almost crawling up them. Could not walk any distance further than the car in the driveway. --Janice Williamson
Diaper rash...
My mother-in-law had come across SES products a while back, and I must say the E-3 Energy lotion is the tops. When my son had gotten a severe diaper rash and nothing seemed to be working; we put some E-3 Energy lotion on his tender bottom and within a few minutes (not exaggerating), he was feeling much better. And by the end of the night there was no sign of reddness or irritation. When I looked more into of what this lotion can do I was amazed. Now, I always try to keep a bottle on hand. --Tammy, Maricopa, AZ
Masseuse uses E-3 Energy Cream...
My bodywork practice is a relatively new venture, as I am just heading into my third year. I have a background in dance and dance instruction that spans decades, so moving into massage seemed a natural. However, the first year was a lot about setting up the business, learning marketing techniques, training in new skills and lots of research. My dance time dwindled. When the business began to flourish, I was working a lot of muscle groups into overtime, and ignoring the rest. At fifty years old, this is deadly, so I had a massage therapist work out my shoulders and back for me. It sure loosened things up, but I hurt like the dickens. Salt baths, stretching and using essential oils helped moderately, but a colleague offered me a bottle of E-3 Energy Cream on the third day, and after an hour the discomfort was virtually gone, never to return. I was sold! A couple of weeks later, I used it on a neck muscle that is linked to the migraines I often get when my menstrual cycle starts. Watching my diet, getting extra sleep and using Clary Sage and Peppermint oils have been my standbys for years, and a combination of them usually keeps things under control. Adding E-3 Energy Cream on that muscle seemed to really tip the scale. Not a hint of a headache. It was great. As long as I act before the migraine gets established, I can now avoid it completely. I have a client who has recurring pseudo-sciatic symptoms - pain and numbness in the lower back, hip and down the leg. Sometimes it's so severe she can hardly walk. I offered her some E-3 Energy Cream during a particulary painful bout, and she walked out of my office without a limp. She was so impressed she took a bottle home. I now use E-3 Energy Cream on the feet and thymus of many clients, and also for 'spot work'. I have a large inventory of Young Living essential oils, which are my standard tool. I feel E-3 Energy Cream compliments the work of the oils as well as the Esalen massage that is the foundation of my practice. I am currently expanding to include Ortho-Bionomy as my basic 'repair tool' for chronic misalignment and/or trauma. I love the theoretical premise of the SES products, and I will be ordering the full range of them shortly. I especially like to hear about individual success stories with the products. It is amazing how often a similar situation then arises in one's own experience, and it is great to have an option for helping. Thanks for your interest. I enjoy your newsletter tremendously. A special thank you for your commmitment to products of quality that can assist people in making Real change. My most recent success with E-3 Energy Cream has been for dental and jaw pain. A friend who was suffering with a broken tooth used a Wintergreen-based essential oil blend along the jawline to control the discomfort. When she added E-3 Energy Cream over the oil, the pain virtually disappeared. It is truly a phenomenal product. -- Kaye Castleman, The Oasis Bodywork & Massage Studio, 100 Mile House, BC, Canada
Knee swelling and pain...
First tried E-3 Energy Cream ON Friday, August 9th (2003). I work for a trucking company and am usually sitting at a desk for 8 hours. I have been on crutches on and off (more on than off) since May 31st. Both of my knees have been swelled during this time. I have gotten a steroid shot and been on Celebrex. One of my drivers told me to try E-3 Energy Cream. I rubbed it in my left knee which was swollen at that time. I did not feel a thing. I work 2nd shift and at 11 PM I went home and did my usual nightly routine--hit the LazyBoy with an ice pack. I went to bed around 2 AM, woke at 4 AM, and noticed I was walking without the crutches. I have been using E-3 Energy Cream since then. The swelling has gone down, plus I'm walking almost normal. I gave my Mom some to try. She has had problems with her hip. She used it 2 days and noticed a big difference. She rubbed it on her fingers the other day due to soreness in one of the joints, and the pain went away in minutes. She has since given me $ 40.00 to get her a bottle. We are firm believers this works. --Dennis "Weez" & Theresa Wisniewski- Toledo, Ohio
Another doctor uses E-3 Energy Cream...
Just a short note to thank you for your recommendation of the Pure Energy Rx Formulas. In particular, I have found the E-3 Energy Cream to most efficacious as a therapeutic adjunct to healing. I use the E-3 Energy cream for patients/clients with various acute and chronic musculo-skeletal problems. I find by applying the E-3 Energy cream over a site of a recent injury or trauma, and with the use of laser therapy, it has been an effective therapeutic combination. I have also found that I have very good results with E-3 Energy Cream applied to old or recent scars-scars from past injuries or surgeries. It seems that the E-3 Energy Cream helps restore the tissue to its normal physiology, the end result being that I have seen old scars seemingly becoming less prominent. Thanks for a great line of products. [7/29/2005]: I'm still using the E-3 Energy lotion. I find that a little dab goes a long way. Since we're working with subtle energy, I find that the E-3 Energy lotion in very small amounts, when driven-in with a laser at 830 nm goes a long way. The Transformation line remains an integral part of our clinical protocols. --Dr. Gerald K. Shigekawa, D.C., Aspen Chiropractic Center, Orange, California
Edema of the hands...
My husband, William, had a stroke about a year ago, and unfortunately lost a lot of movement and feeling in his body. The E-3 Energy Lotion in particular has helped with edema in his hands. It seems to help the swelling and reduces the water retention and that tight-skin feeling that's a part of his condition. The physical therapist that works with my husband weekly has also been very impressed with the E-3 Energy lotion. --Patricia Whipp
Arthritis pain...
I was introduced to E-3 Energy Cream by Dorothy. One day I was in pain and she handed me a bottle and said "try this it is great stuff." Since that day I use E-3 Energy cream morning and night as recommended on my feet and upper chest area. Plus, I use it on my arthritis "hot spots" for healing and pain control. When I have sinus problems I apply it above and below my eyes for relief and I can actually feel my sinuses I use it for neck and headache problems with instant relief. I have handed many bottles to people that I met during the day, including clients, when I see they are in pain--I feel that strongly about the product. My husband also uses E-3 Energy Cream for arm and neck arthritis every day. E-3 Energy Cream is part of our daily life. We use it with confidence, knowing we are helping to rebuild our bodies! I also use the Pure Energy Rx Therapeutic Mouth Rinse daily and enjoy the fresh feeling it gives me. Plus, after gum surgery, my mouth was sore and tender and the rinse was soothing and help reduce the pain level. It helps my teeth not to be so sensitive to cold water. --Kathee Estey, Dennisport, Massachusettes
Skin damage...
The E-3 Energy Cream has been a tremendous help in coping with skin damage caused by parasites. It definitely speeds up the healing process. I also enjoy using the mouth rinse as it not only makes my mouth feel great, but when swallowed helps promote good digestion. --JR, Portland, Oregon
Arm and wrist pain...
I met Shay in California this past May ...what can I say she has an incredibly beautiful and intuitive Heart and a wealth of information to share on the alternative health world! She is an amazing supporter of our children! I have been using the E-3 Energy lotion which to my surprise took care of a very painful arm and wrist in a matter of hours! I have been using it with Lawrence as well for massage and specially on his legs...he has a ton of bruises as he spends a lot of time creeping and crawling! E-3 Energy Cream has been working wonders! Thanks Shay! --Leo Provan
Avoiding hip surgery...
We are senior citizens and experience some pain. The E-3 Energy Cream lotion works miracles on eliminating pain. My husband's doctor said at some point he would need to have a hip replacement. He did experience a fair amount of pain in the hip area. With the E-3 Energy Cream lotion applied daily, Ray has been able to eliminate the pain that was so often a part of his day. And we both feel there won't be a need for a hip replacement at anytime in his future. --Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Longway, Sr., Rockaway Beach, Oregon
Low back pain...
Had a recent patient who came into our office after having going through a weekend of moving furniture. She was the everyday low back pain patient--intractable buckling low back pain. Pain level was reported at 10+ on a scale of 1-10 worse. The usual orthopedic and neuro example came up with subluxations to the pelvis and lumbar spine with a working diagnosis of acute pelvic instability. Treatment rendered was adjustments to the pelvic and lumbar spine adjunctive therapy with E-3 Energy Cream to the quadratus lumborum muscles, pushed-in with low level laser therapy, (LLLT) Resonance/energy testing revealed she needed E-2--10 drops every 4 hours. Patient was fitted with a pelvic stabilizer and instructed to sleep with the knees in flexed position with the knees above the hips. Next morning she called, left a message that she couldn't believe how good she felt, pain reported at a level of 0/1--Halleluya!!!! another miracle cure.--Gerald K. Shigekawa, D.C., Aspen Chiropractic Center, Orange, California
I am a big believer in the E-3 Energy lotion. I use it every day and am ordering four bottles this time. I've been using it mainly for indigestion. I apply it on my abdomen when the symptoms start, and the pain goes away immediately. --June Yeargin, Georgetown, IL
Great on the feet...
Thanks so much for your generosity & kindness in offering these products to the list. I have to say that my fave is the E-3 Energy cream, too, & I love to put it on the thymus & feet. I feel such energy all the next day & I am not taking any supplements right now. It is amazing! Thank you so much for blessing us. --A.T. Heal
Buying in bulk...
The E-3 Energy Cream is an excellent product! We have been selling it to a lot of our friends and neighbors and they expect us to keep it available for them that is why we are buying in this quantity. --Dean Begg (1.24.06)
No arguments after using the spray...
Just had to tell you about my success with the Tattvas Kaffir Lime oil. I added about 40 drops to a large bottle of the Clean Sweep spray. I took it to work because I had a long day of difficult meetings ahead. I sprayed my car, myself, my desk area, and the meeting conference room before everyone else arrived. If you've ever been exposed to government buildings and personnel, you know the negativity is so thick you can cut it with a knife. And I have to tell you, this was the FIRST time we've had a meeting that lasted less than 1 hour and there was not one argument! We even managed to resolve an issue that had been on the table for months. Now, I spray my work area every morning. I have been so impressed with your products and services, I just can't thank you enough! I am now happier, healthier, much more positive, and willing to share my Subtle Energy experiences to help others. I loaned my spray to my sister yesterday (who also works in a government building) and she emailed me this morning to say, "I REALLY love that spray - you HAVE TO get me some". I will be placing an order today. -- Gwen M., Maryland
Worked right away...
I would like to share something with you. I started using the Clean Sweep spray right away. Today is Monday and I feel alot better--more calm, relaxed, and grounded. I have the ability to see negative energy, and I noticed the amount of negative energy has diminished. I've tried other type of sprays in the past and none of them worked. I will continue to observe the results and I will keep you informed. -- E. Medina, Kissimee, FL
Finally found a job...
Love your site! Love your products! I wanted to share my personal experience with one of your products. For the past year and a half, I have been DESPERATELY seeking day shift employment. As a victim of the current economy, I found myself having to accept work on the graveyard shift. After just 6 months, and several asthma, vertigo attacks, and stomach issues, I was diagnosed with severe sleep deprivation. My health professionals urged me to go back to a day shift position. I purchased one of the Vital Force Success & Achievement crystals and I started wearing it and meditating on it the day after Thanksgiving. I kid you not - by the 3rd week of December, I started getting responses to my job search. Now, I have a full time DAY SHIFT position with the Federal government! I work 4 10-hr days and have every Friday off. Thanks to your products, I've been able to conquer my employment and my health issues (I also take DigestZyme). Thanks so much! -- Gwen M., Baltimore, Maryland [2.22.10]
Definitely making a difference...
Thank you. I received my EMF busters today. They are already in use and helping a lot. I am uber sensitive to cell phones and computers so I can't believe how great this product is. Its definitely making a difference! Thank you for the effort and consciousness that you put into making this device. You are a true asset to the world. Warmly,-- Cindy B., Medford, MA [1.7.16]
Headaches gone...
We love the EMF transformers on our cell phones! The headaches I would get using my phone have gone completely away with these anti-EMF strips. Thank you so much! -- Jane B., Grand Rapids, MI [12.15.15]
Thanks again. Really enjoyed the articles and your
Commitment piece as well.
Have a great day!
-- Meghan M. [1.29.16]
Thank you! This is important and helpful information which I will use to live healthier and longer. Best wishes on your continued success in the mind-body-spiritual connections. -- Celia H. [5.30.13]
Been thinking how GORGEOUS you are and your newsletters have been inspiring with your recipes; and you and Boyd living such radiant health! -- Gwynne Warner, 10,000 Blessings Feng Shui [3.25.11]
Thank you! I thoroughly enjoyed your article on the merits of regularly practicing Bikram Yoga and sent the link to your article to a number of friends who may not yet be acquainted with this type of Hatha Yoga or have concerns about starting B.Y. at a not-so-young age. I hope those who stumble upon your article will keep stumbling -- all the way to their nearest Bikram Yoga studios. As a fairly new B.Y. student, my body already lets me know that it's very happy after finishing a B.Y. session. I wish I had the guts to drag my overweight, stiff, elderly, arthritic Persian in-laws to a Bikram Yoga class, but it has to be something that the practitioner wants to do for him- or herself, and my in-laws haven't shown the least amount of interest. Somehow I don't think Bikram Yoga has made its way into Iran yet. Maybe if they offered separate classes for men and women... Thanks again for a terrific article! -- Suzie B. [8.27.08]
Shay and Boyd, I love your vibrant newsletters. They are fabulous. So full of exciting information about health. I can't say enough good things about it. I love it, I love it, Iove it! Hugs, Bobi [5.13.08]
Your news letter is great. Packed full of vital information and appericated very much. I read every word and use many of the techniques for my personal health and growth. Thank you for sharing so much greatly needed information. Hugs, Bobi B. [12.10.07]
Thank you for passing along your latest tones of well, "VIBRANCE!" --Nanci Wong [6.25.07]
Hi Shay---simply sending you much LOVE and wanted to let you know I absolutely love your energy and newsletter. Of coure I have your site info on literature I hand out at my workshops/seminars. Keep movin' and groovin' because You are doing a Good thing! Be Joyful Always..... a fan in Philly....Sepia
"Thank you for your newsletter--very informative, with GOOD news about nutrition,etc. Thankfully,I don't eat any of the things you mentioned on the "don't eat" list. It is always so good to talk with you on the phone and I appreciate the wonderful products you market for our good. Thank you so much. Good health and lots of blessings. Sincerely, Cecile."
"Hello Boyd and team -- Thank you very much for creating such amazing newsletter with the most lovely warm energy. I am very impressed with all your latest information including the Essential Living Foods and wish to assist any way I can. All the very best in your great work! --Light & Love, Jana."
"Very well put and beautifully written!" --Madeline
"Thanks for the newsletter. I really enjoyed reading all the articles. Since I work with children, I was especially interested in the autism and vacine information." --Maria Poole
"I really enjoy your newsletter, you both do an excellent job!!!" --Lisa Helffrich, RD Technical Services, Transformation Enzyme Corp.
"What a great newsletter! I enjoyed it so much. It 's so informative, well written, and eclectic, Truly fabulous. Thanks so much for thinking of me." --Debrah Stuartt, OxyBliss
Your last newletter was really, really excellent. So full! Amazing! --Barbara Jennings (12/05)