A monthly publication of Pure Energy Rx www.pureenergyrx.com Service Voice Mail: 620-399-7462 | 3.15.2006 |
Creating Space for Your Goals to be Realized
Last month we talked about the value of identifying what your true desired results are so you can focus on developing them directly. If you are just joining us in this process, I encouraged readers to look closely at their list of goals and dissect each one more meticulously to determine what the specific desired results are for each. For example if the target is to create more money, you need to ask yourself why you desire to create more money and identify what it is you believe the money will provide or give you so you can in turn focus on that specific outcome rather than money itself. With such a broad objective as money, you will probably find looking within the money goal yields several different desired outcomes. Surprisingly enough sometimes, we are not able to achieve what we really want through the path we have decided is the source for it. For this purpose, knowing what are you most motivated to accomplish or obtain has immense value. You can consult your list to complete the exercise and continue, or go back through the archived articles to investigate what else we have explored on this topic thus far. Now that you have your true desires in front of you, let us explore how to create space for those desires and results to be realized more easily. Just as it is vital to become a positive energy force personally like a magnet so you attract optimum energy, it is also important to have positive expectations for your goals, so they can more easily take shape in your life.
Everything we manifest, enjoy, and experience holds a lesson or piece of learning for us. Similarly, the progression of obtaining or creating our desires holds lessons for us as well. Sometimes on our way to one goal, we come upon another that may hold great value for us and even indirectly satisfy our desired outcome. Letting go of specific ways something has to develop in favor of being open to how it may develop can prevent you from blocking what you desire in addition to helping it come about faster.
Now that you possess positive expectations and have an open mind about how your desires may manifest; that they may come in unexpected packages or within new opportunities, create a list of several ways you can achieve your results. For example, if you desire to travel, let your imagination be free to come up with several different ways your goal of traveling can be satisfied. If you desire a partner because you want love in your life, consider how many ways you can bring that feeling of love into your life. Once you can appreciate the various avenues you can activate to manifest what you want along with all the different ways they can materialize, you will be excited about having an open mind and seeing how magically things begin to come together and transform. It will also enhance and strengthen your ability to become a possibility thinker thus making it easier to continue approaching your goals with positive expectations. Open your mind creatively as you open your senses to the nuance of spring and begin to experience the enchantment that possibility thinking and positive expectation will bring to manifesting your dreams. ARCHIVED CHARLY ARTICLES:
> LIFE COACHING Copyright © 2019, Charly Emery. This article is available for export only by permission. Email Charly Emery, www.charlyemery.com. |