The Quantum Health Newsletter is a weekly e-zine sent out to our over 1500 opt-in subscribers interested in the fields of Alternative Health & Medicine, Creating Well-Being, as well as News and Tips for living a Vibrant Life.
The publication is posted Fridays. Ad submissions must be received by midnight Thursday to be included in the week's publication. Your ad should not exceed 25 words. Ads are $20 each for 1 month (2-3 issues), and $15 each for 6 or more months (min. 12 issues).
STEP 1 of 2:
Send an email to boyd.martin at pureenergyrx - Subject: Sponsor Ad Copy - with your ad copy. Please, 25 words or less.
Send an email to boyd.martin at pureenergyrx - Subject: Graphic Ad - with the graphic attached or embedded in the message, along with the link you wish to use. The graphic must be 120 pixels WIDE and not more than 120 pixels TALL.
We also offer full-size banner ads for $20 per month, with a reciprocal link and an agreement to send three invitations to the Quantum Health Newsletter to your subscribers. Please boyd.martin at, or call 971-269-7050, to arrange this.