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Slym Magic Weight Loss System
(See www.slymmagicdietpills.com)
Slym Magic Is The latest In Scientific Breakthrough for Energy and Weight Loss.
No one needs to tell you that weight control and obesity is a national problem plaguing most of North America. In the U.S. alone, some 200 million people have a weight problem. And an ever expanding number of children are experiencing great difficulty managing a normal weight.
Now, GlobalSmart Products is bringing Slym Magic, the finest weight-loss product in the last ten years, to the marketplace. An extremely effective product that not only helps curb appetite, but also supplies abundant energy to all its users.
Please take a moment and read about these amazing and magical ingredients that make up the incredible Slym Magic:
Vitamin B6 40mg
Benefits of B6
- Amino acid metabolism
- Gluconeogenesis
- Lipid metabolism
- Neurotransmitter synthesis
- Histamine synthesis
- Hemoglobin synthesis and function
- Gene expression
Chromium Polynicotinate 120 mcg
Benefits of Chromium Polynicotinate:
- Helps turn protein into muscle and convert sugar into energy
- Helps maintain healthy body weight and promotes normal energy metabolism
- Helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels and promotes cardiovascular health
- Promotes normal insulin function and maintains healthy blood sugar levels
- Chromium-activated insulin increases the amount of blood sugar available for energy production nearly twenty-fold
- Chromium works in the body as the glucose-tolerance factor that stimulates insulin activity
- May help with PMS related symptoms
- May help suppress hunger pains
- Non toxic form of Chromium
- Absorbed much better than other forms of Chromium
Proprietary Blend 400 mg
Cocoa Powder-Jet Black Bean, Kelp(Atlantic) Whole Plant, Coral Mineral, 1,3-Dimethylamylamine (constituent from Geranium Flower), Phenylethylamine HCL, Trace Mineral Complex, Fucoxanthin
Cocoa Powder-Jet Black Bean
Cocoa derives its health benefits from flavonoids which are plant pigments capable of acting as antioxidants to counteract some of the cellular damage that can lead to chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Cocoa Powder has also been shown to lower blood pressure and improve blood flow in humans. Also helps with inflammation.
Kelp (Whole Plant)
Kelp is especially high in iodine, which must be present for proper glandular function and metabolism. It also contains iron, sodium, phosphorus and calcium, as well as magnesium and potassium. Kelp is a source of vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D and E, plus amino acids. Kelp also makes a popular salt substitute. Because the plant's nutrients come in a natural form, they are easily assimilated by the body.
Coral Mineral and Trace Mineral Complex
We are a mineral-deficient society. The typical American diet lack minerals, but even if you tried to eat a diet high in foods typically containing minerals, you are still probably coming up short. Reasons contributing to mineral deficiencies include: our soils are depleted; we take medications that deplete certain nutrients; we consume processed foods; and the list goes on.
Minerals are naturally occurring crystalline elements of inorganic origin. They originate from the ground or water. Perhaps most important, yet most overlooked, are the trace minerals. Trace minerals are found in the body in very small amounts.
Even though they occur in such small quantities, the importance of supplementing them should never be overlooked. There are 31 common trace minerals and some examples of these are chromium, selenium, iodine, zinc, and sulfur. The many functions of minerals in the body include:
- Formation of bone
- Healthy nerve function
- Regulating muscle tone
- Energy production
- Growth
- Healing
...And hundreds if not thousands of other amazing functions we don't have space for in this article.
Every living cell depends on minerals for either proper function or structure. Science has shown that type 2 diabetics have lower levels of minerals like chromium and magnesium than people who are not Type 2 diabetics.
Osteoporosis and osteopenia are becoming epidemic. Again, the lack of the right minerals like calcium, magnesium, zinc, etc., contributes to this health issue. Oh, don't forget the energy crisis.
Millions of women are suffering from fatigue due to anemia-nother condition with links back to mineral deficiencies. Conditions like heart disease, diabetes, cancer and many others all have links to lower than normal levels of key minerals that help maintain good health. Over 150 different diseases have been linked to mineral deficiencies. Many of these deficiencies are with the trace minerals and are virtually impossible for a doctor to diagnose.
Minerals also play a critical role in raising the pH of the body back to its natural, healthy levels. A higher pH (alkaline) is important because most disease thrives in a low pH (acidic).
Nature has provided us with the most complete and balanced mineral supplement all in one place-fossilized stony coral. Organic stony coral minerals contain a balance of 74 minerals including every mineral found in the human body. The natural balance of all 74 minerals is important because each mineral requires other minerals to do its job and, in turn, those minerals require different supporting minerals.
All minerals must be present for any one mineral to work properly. The organic nature (previously digested by an animal) of the coral minerals is also important. It is very difficult to digest and absorb minerals, especially inorganic minerals.
Fossilized stony coral minerals are highly absorbable. What makes the coral minerals so absorbable is their natural ability to become ionic (disperse in water) upon contact with moisture. This natural ability to go ionic combined with the completeness and whole food form makes fossilized coral minerals one of the best minerals available to the body.
In summary, consuming fossilized stony coral minerals as a part of your regular everyday diet is a sound way to ensure you're not missing the minerals that sustain life.
The geranium flower contains essential oils that provide an array of health benefit. It may help with anxiety, digestive disorders and support the digestive system. Promote healthy cell growth, improve skin and muscles.
1,3-Dimethylamylamine is a derivative of geranium oil which resembles the body's own chemical messenger, epinephrine (adrenaline). Similar to adrenaline, 1,3-Dimethylamylamine exihibits a powerful CNS stimulanting ability, for increased energy, mental clarity, and physical performance. 1,3-Dimethylamylamine works through a similar pathway as ephedrine, causing an increase in cAMP (the chemical messenger that triggers fat release and provides potent appetite suppression and thermogenic action).
An effective dose of geranamine is about 25 mg (miligrams) taken 1-3 times a day.
Phenylethylamine HCL
Phenylethylamine HCL is one of nature's wonder stimulants that you find in chocolate which elevates your mood and supports control over your appetite. The Phenylethylamine works to increase your metabolism, so your body burns more calories in less time without giving you "a case of the jitters" or nervous energy.
Phenylethylamine HCL is a favorite among pharmacologists because it is structurally clean - it is naturally present in human fluids and tissues - and because it has a close chemical relationship to pharmaceutical stimulants.
Phenylethylamine HCL is also found in chocolate, and is responsible for its effects on mood, appetite and sense of well being.
Phenylethylamine is an intrinsically "clean" stimulant. Its ability to stimulate the central nervous system without causing jitters or nervousness is extraordinary! This naturally occurring catecholamine precursor is found in the human body and is known as Phenylethylamine. When Phenylethylamine HCL is taken, the resulting thermogenic enhancement causes an increase in metabolic rate and energy.
Phenylethylamine HCL is a mood elevator and an appetite suppressant that affects the central nervous system. Phenylethylamine HCL is frequently used together with diet and exercise to treat obesity in people with risk factors such as: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes.
Recent studies have also shown Phenylethylamine HCL is an effective treatment for patients suffering from certain forms of depression, including Bi-Polar Depression, by providing relief in at least 60% of the patients who participated. Those results are about equal to the results obtained when patient studies were conducted on the effectiveness of name brand prescription medications, such as ProzacŪ. The significant difference is that Phenylethylamine HCL is considered a "physiological" treatment because it is a naturally occurring brain hormone that is deficient in patients who suffer from some forms of depression. It seems to be most effective in patients whose depression failed to respond to other anti-depressive drug treatment therapy.
Phenylethylamine HCLdoes not put the patient at risk for the common side effects which can occur with the use of prescription anti-depressant and diet drugs, such as weight gain and/or decreased sex drive, produces NO TOXIC EFFECTS, TOLORANCE OR ABUSE. Furthermore, it works much faster and can yield noticeable results in as little as just a few hours to one day. (Most prescription anti-depressants take up to 2 weeks to have a noticeable effect.) There are no known harmful effects even when taking Phenylethylamine HCL over long periods of time, within the recommended dosage range.
Japanese researchers now have proof positive that fucoxanthin burns abdominal body fat in laboratory animals. Fucoxanthin is found mainly in various species of brown seaweed such as kombu, wakame, mozuku and hijiki. Since about 1970, hundreds of studies have revealed the great potential of Fucoxanthin as a safe and nutritional answer to a large array of health issues. Some of these issues include:
- Weight Gain
- High Cholesterol
- Arthritis
- Thyroid Conditions
- Heart Disease
- Blood Pressure
Caffeine (Natural Source)100 mg
Vanadium (nicotinate/glycinate chelate) 10mcg
You might find it interesting to know that Vanadium has a number of health benefits. First,has been found to be necessary for tooth and bone development. Vanadium is also reported to play a significant role in the metabolism of carbohydrates.
It is also believed to help in metabolism of cholesterol and blood lipids. If you have too little Vanadium you may end up with high cholesterol as well as high triglyceride levels, and you are at a higher risk for cardiovascular and kidney related diseases.
Early in June, my friend Bobi Brown called me very late at night and shared with me the information about Slym Magic. I told her I was not interested, and I was busy with another company. Before we ended the call, she reminded me that I always wanted to find something that would help me with my own challenge with weight, which has been a battle all of my life.
The next day I called her back, and she then put Hernan on the phone and Barbara Dotts. They both shared their own stories and they were amazing. They both lost quite a bit of weight in a very short time. So right there and then, I signed up. I received the product on June 16th, 2010, and started to take it on that date.
On that very same day I had another experience that I will never forget. I met an angel that appeared at the Bank--our dogs introduced us... His name was Alberto Perusset. He happens to be one of the founders and owner of Malibu Marathon. He has been running marathons for 20 years. He invited me to come to the track and started to train me. He is the best trainer anyone could ever have. He also became a member of Global Smart Products and is building a very large business. Now that we have the Om product, it is very helpful for all the athletes.
So in short, my life has changed dramatically. I am very happy expecting to reach my goal by the end of March. I would like to achieve this by the next SlymMagic convention.
I just took a trip to Washington, D.C., did some business there and visited my Daughter in Maryland. For the first time in years, the airplane seat belt fit me and I didn't have to ask for an extension. The tray table came down and it didn't land on my stomach. Going to the bathroom in the plane was easy. The other thing I noticed is that I could pick up my purse from under the seat in front of me. I couldn't do that before. Walking down the aisle was also a breeze, I didn't hit people along the way. .
It feels like I have been released from a prison in my own body. I will be thin for the rest of my life. It is a knowing from deep inside me. I am so sure that I gave away all my clothes.
Well that's the story to date. I will keep everyone posted. For those of you taking the Slym Magic, make sure you take it and do not worry about the pounds on the scale. Just take it like you are taking your vitamins every day, and please add walking to your regimen. It makes a big difference. I love being able to move so easy. And the most important thing of all DRINK A LOT OF WATER!!! Everyone will get results with the product, just do not be attached to the outcome and when it should happen. Just take it.
If anyone has any questions about the product, please give me a call. I am happy to help.
Bye for now! With much love, -- Lisa P.
Here it s the latest on my progress with Slym Magic. It will be four months on the 16th since I started on the product. I was a size 22 in the Large Woman's department. Just last week I purchased pants and tops in the Petite Department a size large and extra large top. My goal is to be a size medium by Christmas.
For the first time in my life, I have not measured my success by the scale. I know if I did, it would make me frustrated. I wanted to stay in a good frame of mind and do what ever I wanted in the MOMENT!!!! And that is how I have managed to keep going on this journey.
I am walking almost every night at five and when I get home, I usually have a small bite to eat, like a salad or fruit and nuts. I am not very hungry when I get back from my walk. In the morning I have a wonderful breakfast--whatever I want. In the afternoon I have my main meal. I am eating the way they do in Europe. I take the Slym Magic first thing after my breakfast and I am on two a day. Drinking the tea has also been helpful. All I can say is that finally I am on the road to becoming completely THIN AND RICH. They always say you can never be too thin or rich.
The weight seems to be coming off faster now that it has been four months. It is like my body is cooperating. This is a dream coming true. Walking has also made a big difference. I can move so much faster now. I am never winded. I can actually talk while walking. It will definitely speed things up doing some form of exercise. -- Lisa P.
Because of Slym Magic, I'm down by 26 pounds and losing weight easily WITHOUT calorie counting, food restrictions, or an exercise regimen. The best part is that I don't feel deprived of the foods I love. And that's because I am eating anything I want; I just don't WANT very many sweets or carbs or fats because the amazing natural ingredients in Slym Magic make me feel full.
I knew that Slym Magic was burning fat but it was hard for me to believe that it could also help my body actually BUILD muscle. Yesterday saw my holistic doctor who is treating me for a neurological condition that somewhat limits my mobility. The doctor - who is not involved with Slym Magic - checked my body-mass index and then compared it with my numbers from a month ago. She said, "You lost 3 pounds in terms of overall weight in the last month-but the good news is that you actually lost 7 pounds of fat and gained 4 pounds of lean tissue."
I knew that building muscle is very beneficial for all of us because muscle tissue contributes to increased energy and resilience and an improved metabolism-and increased muscle mass is really helpful for someone like me who has balance and coordination issues. I told the doctor that it was hard for me to believe that Slym Magic could build muscle and she said, "Well, the ingredients in it must be giving you the right nutrition to do that." Then she went on to say that other people who take Slym Magic and simultaneously increase their exercise regimen may not be able to tell how much of their muscle gain is due to the product and how much is due to the exercise. But since I have not gotten more exercise, she felt that Slym Magic must be given all of the credit for my gain in muscle tissue.
As a person who has been overweight most of her life, Slym Magic is nothing short of life-changing. Before Slym Magic, I had given up on losing weight. Since most of us regain our lost weight within a year or two, my attitude was "Why bother?" But Slym Magic has changed all of that. I love fitting into smaller clothes and visualize myself going down to my ideal weight. I still have a way to go on that but it is easy and magical with Slym Magic. -- Norma O.