Your best bank account is the one you call health. The economy may be in the tank, so there's no better time than right now to re-commit to taking care of Number One. If you don't, who will?
I am no different from you--I miss a beat, skip my yoga practice, eat too much at dinner, beat myself up and sometimes get on a roll that takes several days to turn around. Such is life. We all have our programming, but the most important thing is to not give up on yourself. You are all you've got when it come to self-care--and, making amends for past infractions and slip ups. Do not give up on yourself. Re-commit, get support, stay in action.
I have been reading Dr. Christiane Northrup's book Mother-Daughter Wisdom; Understanding the Crucial Link Between Mothers, Daughters, and Health. Dr. Northrup is a wonderful writer, and this book can serve as a reference to all women as they move through their life seeking support and knowledge towards living a vibrant, healthy and productive life. It is also terrific for the younger females in your life, for helping them to understand their bodies, emotions and passages toward adulthood.
I had a mother who died young--well, early 60's seems young from where I am now. She didn't take care of herself on ANY level, so all of my programming as a child and adolescent came from a woman whose template was made up of self-defeating, self-destructive behaviors. Because of this, I have had to work my entire adult life creating a better template to live from, and it has not been easy, but it is possible.
This is why I have this heart-felt business; one based around vibrant living, living whole and complete in a responsible manner--not from the example given, but one created from nothing other then a desire to live differently from the example I was shown. The side benefit is that I am blessed with all of you who are seeking the same thing, sometimes missing a beat, but dusting off and re-committing to a rich and productive life--a life where people always come first. We are all related in the deepest and most spiritual way, and from that place there is sweet satisfaction and reward gifted daily.
Stay the course, friends. I plan to, and we can support each other along the way. You are my greatest inspiration.
If you have not checked out our new energy spray, Clean Sweep, do, it is a great addition to our apothecary. And, for those extra Holiday pounds, take the Body Type Evaluation, and support your body with the enzymes it needs to stop food cravings and promote better nutrition assimilation. The Herbal Accelerator is such an excellent product! I continue to offer two bottles for the price of one. Why? Because it works! And I want you to have that success experience I have had.
Until next time, be well, know you are good enough, because you are!!!
"When we suppress any feeling or impulse, we are also suppressing its polar opposite. If we deny our ugliness, we lessen our beauty; if we deny our fear, we minimize our courage; if we deny our greed, we also reduce our generosity." -- Debbie Ford
Well-Being Tips from new Research
What good are positive emotions, and why do scientists care about whether people are feeling good? Historically, the prevailing scientific view in the field of psychology was that efforts to understand positive emotions should take a back seat while psychologists learn more about how to effectively treat the suffering generated by negative emotions. But what if positive emotions could help to explain some of the problems that negative emotions produced? Emerging research indicates that when we look at the question in a multivariate way, we do not find a single, simple answer to the question of how positive emotions influence health. Instead, the most accurate assessment is to say that it is a process that proceeds along at least three intersecting pathways.
Positive emotions undo negative emotion arousal. In laboratory studies in which positive and negative emotions are experimentally induced, researchers have found that positive emotions are linked to faster cardiovascular recovery from negative emotions.
Positive emotions fuel psychological resilience. Psychological resilience may serve to strengthen resistance to stress by affording greater access to positive emotions, which in turn, creates more resiliance.
Positive emotions trigger emotional and physical well-being. the capacity for positive emotional engagement in times of stress has consequences that are not just emotional but physiological. Research with older adults suggests that deficits in positive emotions create a subtle but persistent difference in cardiovascular function that sets the stage for trouble in later life.
Five Tips for Promoting Positive Emotions 1. Find meaning in everyday life through (a) reframing adverse events in a positive light; (b) infusing ordinary events with positive value; and (c) pursuing and attaining realistic goals. 2. Explore relaxation techniques (e.g., imagery, muscle and meditation exercises) that create conditions conducive to experiencing contentment and inner calmness. 3. Make connections by reaching out to others. 4. Engage in activities that you enjoy and find intrinsically motivating. 5. Take care of yourself by eating right, getting enough sleep and engaging in regular physical activity. >>>> MORE
New Subtle Energy Product
Dr. Yury Kronn has developed a new "energy spray," that neutralizes negative or life-depressing energies. Tangible energetic emanations linger the in the environment from all kinds of sources: distress, suffering, depression, anxiety, traums, difficult relationships, as well as electrical devices and equipment such as computers and televisions. Called "Clean Sweep," this 8 oz. spray bottle can be used for nearly immediate effect for clearing out bad energies from a room, calm anxious children or pets, and relax the body. >>>> MORE
Deepen your Feng Shui
Feng Shui expert, Gwynne Warner, asks, "Is your energy a little down, exhausted or stale? Maybe you're feeling anxious? This month's invitation is to move out that "sometimes-too-much-yin-chi-funk" and get your Feng Shui groove on with some powerful yang energy!" " >>>> MORE
Life Energy Pack
Hook your body up to a life energy battery! Give your body the energy it needs to heal itself. Most naturopathic physicians will tell you that the main problem with giving herbal formulas or homeopathics, is that very often their patients' bodies lack enough ENERGY to fully utilize the healing properties of the medicines. To help fix this, the doctors will then prescribe dietary fasts, massage or acupuncture in an attempt to get energy into the body system. Once this has been done, then the herbal formulas will have much more punch and less waste.
Modern-day quantum physics has begun to scientifically explain these ancient practices, and new technologies are now available as a result. Quantum physics refers to this life energy, or "chi," as SUBTLE ENERGY. Without having to get too technical, the laws of quantum physics allow that life energy can be transferred from one substance to another. This is where the Life Energy Super Pack comes in... >>>> MORE INFO
Older Americans May Lack Adequate Nutrition Many middle-age and older Americans aren't getting enough micronutrients such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and vitamin C, all of which play an important role in maintaining health, a new study finds...[ALSO SEE THIS AND THIS]
Healthy Foods to Balance Your Chakras Foods that share colors with the chakras carry vibrations that can activate or balance your chakras. Explore this gallery to find out which health conditions are associated with which chakra, and learn how to choose foods to bring your chakras into balance... [ALSO SEE THIS]
Musicians' Brains 'Fine-Tuned' to Identify Emotion In a study in the latest issue of European Journal of Neuroscience, an interdisciplinary Northwestern research team for the first time provides biological evidence that musical training enhances an individual's ability to recognize emotion in sound...
U.N. Seeks a Green Revolution in Food Organic small-scale agriculture can deliver increased yields without the damage that has resulted from the industrial model of agriculture...
Study shows compassion meditation changes the brain Can we train ourselves to be compassionate? A new study suggests the answer is yes. Cultivating compassion and kindness through meditation affects brain regions that can make a person more empathetic to other peoples' mental states, say researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison...
What you see affects what you hear New research from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston and the City College of New York shows that the visual information you absorb when you see can improve your understanding of the spoken words by as much as sixfold...
Research finds human emotions hold sway over physical health worldwide A researcher from the University of Kansas has spearheaded a new investigation into the link between emotions and health. The research proves that positive emotions are critical for upkeep of physical health for people worldwide, above all for those who are deeply impoverished...
We recommend...
By Dr. DicQie Fuller-Looney, Women's Health is a definitive look at the relationship between digestive enzymes and hormones, and how hormonal imbalances in women can be traced back to enzyme deficiencies. This book is a logical, no-nonsense evaluation of the current medical approaches that overlook digestive enzymes as an ultimate solution. Dr. Fuller-Looney makes her case by showing that the symptoms of protein malabsorption are the same as the symptoms of menopause. DOWNLOAD HERE
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AUDIO: "The Missing Piece of the Health Puzzle"
VIDEO: Dr. DicQie Fuller tells her story about the Transformation Enzyme Company.
What is your body type?
Take this short survey and find out the optimum enzyme levels for your body.
Digestive Enzymes
Highest therapeutic dosages available on the market. Enzymes from plant sources, extremely pure and effective.
Potentized by Dr. Kronn's powerful subtle energy process, these elixirs really get the job done!
The Perfect I LOVE YOU Gift... Chi Bracelets
With subtle energy-charged gemstones. Many times more potent than plain gemstones. Each of the seven chakras represented. Large photos available.
New! Chews 4 Health
100% natural chewable supplement with Noni, Mangosteen, Acai and Goji berries, mineral-rich seaweeds and more. Distributors needed!