Deepening Your Feng Shui
by Gwynne Warner
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Is your energy a little down, exhausted or stale? Maybe you're feeling anxious? This month's invitation is to move out that "sometimes-too-much-yin-chi-funk" and get your Feng Shui groove on with some powerful yang energy!
- Host a happy, noisy and celebratory party! There's so much to celebrate-being alive, the budding and blossoming of spring, the litany of appreciation for the simplest things! Don't have a big booze-up, however, it leaves you 'hung-over' with low chi. Have lots of light (sparklers, lanterns, candles, scattered crystals, twinkling lights and so on); an abundance of great food; fresh scented flowers; uplifting music and your loved ones. The advantage of being the host/ess is that your home is left with the happy chi even after everyone leaves.
- Dance! Move your body and fill up the meridians with fresh and vibrant chi. You can dance at home with uplifting music or with two of my friends and clients--at their beautiful Feng Shui-savvy spaces!-- Paula Byrne at Soma Space and John Johnson at Oasis Healing Arts.
- Increase your good mood by wearing elevating scents such as neroli or bergamot essential oils (both in the Feng Shui-loving orange family); wearing red, orange or gold clothing; and wearing sparkling, glittery or brilliant jewelry that catches the light.
- Keep the chi uplifted even when you're not at home. Play happy music and keep some lights on while you're gone. Your beloved animal companions will appreciate this too.
- Pay attention to your "Inner Feng Shui" by tending to your mind-set. Check out my free audio on this at my blog.
- Increase the life force inside and around your home. Offer the birds food and baths; install an aquarium; have songbirds; purify your air and open the windows for fresh air; hang wind chimes all the way round your home; fill your house with healthy green plants and fresh flowers; have a water fountain at your front door as well as one inside (make sure to put it in the correct area of the Bagua--check with me if you don't know.) Visit my friends and clients at Jeffrey Allen Home and Garden for the most beautiful plants and orchids: Jeffrey Allen Home and Garden.
- Make your meals special. Break out the good china, light candles, create a beautiful tableaux, try new flavors and foods-shake up the chi!
- Do something different. Drive home a different route from work; do everything upside down and backwards (literally) one day; explore a neighborhood in your city; go to a new café; see a new genre of film or read a new book-just change it up and have lots of fun doing so.
- Increase the light. Hang twinkling lights which now come in such beautiful styles these days. Keep the lights on!
- Create a happy environment. Throw out the clutter, paint your walls, install a water feature, hang Swarovski crystal spheres in your windows, bring in armfuls of fresh flowers (I love those lilies over at Trader Joe's).
- One of the best things you can gift yourself with is a blessing ceremony. There's nothing like it to reinvigorate your chi and move and groove your blessings: 10,000 Blessings Feng Shui Ceremonies.
Gwynne Warner
10,000 Blessings Feng Shui
info @