December No. 2, 2018

Quantum Living

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Quantum Health News

Make Light a Part of Your Nutritional Regime

light In humans, it is our pineal gland, part of our endocrine system, that helps us translate external light (or darkness) into biological processes internally. It does this through the production of melatonin which is a derivative of serotonin. The relationship between sleep, melatonin, and serotonin has a profound influence on mood, depression, creativity, mental clarity, and other important aspects of health.

"Evidence shows that on sunny days people are more optimistic about the stock market, report higher wellbeing and are more helpful, while extended exposure to dark, gloomy days can result in seasonal affective disorder," concludes Alison Jing Xu, an assistant professor of management at the University of Toronto Scarborough

Making the unconscious become conscious (shedding light) is the journey of spiritual growth. Notice the ways that light and shadows influence your mood. If you are feeling sad, open a window and let more sunlight in, or go out for a walk. If it is raining, take some time to sit under a bright full-spectrum light and see how your mood shifts. Put a blue-light blocker on your computer, mobile device, or television in the evening and see how your sleep cycle improves. Being conscious of the role that light plays in our lives helps us to lighten-up. This mindfulness will allow you to utilise the nourishing power of light to improve your physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being!

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: When we are indoors, much of our exposure to harmful radiations outside the frequencies of our perceptions are in the wi-fi routers, cellular phones, televisions, and other electronics. Our EMF Transformers demonstrate the unique ability to change the frequencies and modulations of harmful radiations into beneficial and harmless ones. Extensively tested in the laboratory, the EMF Transformers can turn a disadvantage of harmful radiations, into an advantage of life-affirming and bio-friendly frequencies.

Creating a Positivity Habit

positivity Here is a simple way to feed your brain a new stream of inputs. Three times a day, stop and think of something good. Spend one minute each time scanning for the positive aspects of situations that are currently on your mind. Do this for six weeks and your brain will be trained to look for the good in the world. Define ‘good’ however you want. For best results, do not focus on puppies, rainbows, and butterflies. Look for good things relevant to your present reality. Here are some examples from my own positivity minutes. You can see that I’m actively constructing positives instead of passively waiting for good things to come my way.

  • When someone is on my nerves, I think about the personal power I have that is not controlled by that person.
  • When a tragic event gets my attention, I think about the improved responses to tragic events that were not available for tragedies throughout history.
  • When I feel underappreciated, I think of how this frees me to develop my own instincts instead of being tempted to do the popular thing to sustain attention.
  • When I feel conflicted about food, I think about the yummy foods I will choose when I am actually hungry, and how lucky I am to be able to choose these foods.
  • When I feel separate from the herd, I remind myself that my inner mammal has many different, often-conflicting impulses, and I am lucky to be able to choose my response to each impulse in a way that enhances my long-term wellbeing.
Actively and consistantly try to make time to think of something good. This exercise may feel awkward and false at first. You may think the good things you come up with are trivial. Your old circuits might tell you that these trivialities do not make up for the horrible state of the world. But in six weeks, your positive tidbits will feel as real as the negativity so widely expressed around you.

It’s important to realize that this positivity habit is not a gratitude exercise: Gratitude puts you in the role of a passive receiver. You can find good in what you create as well as what you receive. You can be pleased with yourself as well as others. If being pleased seems weak or foolish, remember that you have the rest of the day to critique things.

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Such self-help drills and procedures, such as above, often get de-railed, simply because the stress level in the environment undermines discipline and intent. Use our NEW Clear Focus Formula, that overrides external stressors to create a field where it is easy to concentrate and focus intent. This formula is excellent for enhancing personal discipline and achievement.

7 Signs Your Guardian Angel is Contacting You

angels 1. Feeling Warmth and Peace In Your Heart and I Am Core. It is a sign that you're opening more to perceive and receive the guidance, insight and support of your guardian angel that's available to you.

2. Experiencing Warmth and Golden Light Around You. This may unfold through your simply getting the sense that you're protected and you're supported. You might feel a warm light surrounding you like a blanket, or maybe a soft sense of light pressing on your shoulder in times when you need comfort. Or, this feeling could come in the form of a tingling sensation that washes over you when you invite your guardian angel in.

3. Seeing Sparkles or Flashes of Light. This could happen with your eyes open where you start seeing sparkles of light or flashes of light, often through your peripheral vision, which is where the veil between dimensions breaks. Also, when you close your eyes during meditation, and you're focusing within and looking up, you may see a golden light. Golden light is especially connected to the realm of angels and to your guardian angel.

4. You Start Receiving Strong Intuitive Nudges. These nudges inspire you to create positive changes in your experience, to comfort you in times of challenge, and to encourage you to step up and go for it in terms of manifesting your dreams and goals by taking action to improve your life situation. You can literally take this as a sign that your guardian angel is supporting you.

5. Enhanced Senses of Perception. At the moment when your guardian angel is reaching out to you with guidance, you may suddenly be much more aware of your surroundings. Let yourself become fully aware in that moment, and know that with present moment awareness, when you're observing your surroundings without judgment and without engaging with the spiral of the ego monkey mind you're able to simply be aware, to observe.

6. Seeing Meaningful Signs and Symbols. You're seeing and receiving signs and symbols that are meaningful to you. This could be finding feathers, which is an incredibly common sign of the angels, seeing angel numbers, finding pennies or really finding anything that's meaningful to you in that moment. Trust that that is very much a sign of the love, guidance, protection support of your guardian angel.

7. Receiving Meaningful Reminders. These are things in your life that you know would be good, empowering and supportive for you, but are easy to put on the back burner. Know that your guardian angel has a way of bringing these things up again. Those reminders have angelic energy all over them. (Thank you, Melanie Beckler)

QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Intuitives we have consulted tell us that our Vital Force Healing Love Crystal is the closest vibration to a guardian angel. Subtle Energetically Charged, this crystal emanates a field that is very attractive and useful for angelic forces and beingnesses in your life. While wearing this crystal, you will be engulfed in a loving, healing energy that will amplify any contact being made by your angels.


salt-rocks I'm including this as a "hack" because salt is so under-appreciated as a health regimen. Now, I'm not talking about the processed, pure sodium chloride known as "table salt" (a terrible marketing ploy). Pure sodium chloride can adversely affect the sodium-potassium balance in the cells, leading to all sorts of physical ailments, such as hypertension, kidney stress, and metabolic disorders. On the other hand, natural salt, such as unprocessed sea salts, pink mountain or lake salts contain dozens of minerals, and the sodium content is bonded to the mineral molecules. So instead of being a threat to the sodium-potassium balance, it is actually greatly beneficial, for both the mineral content and overall electrical potential of the body's cells. I also found out that pink Himalayan salt is the choice for a dentrifice by Tibetan monks. Salt "blows up" harmful bacteria in the mouth, and the mineral content helps rebuild dental enamel. Another form of salt intake is to prepare "sole" (so-lay). Simply put the salt in a jar of water and allow it to dissolve into a solution, eventually saturating the water so that all the water molecules are bonded with salt molecules. The easiest way to be sure the water is saturated with salt is to get rocks of salt--such as the rock form of Himalayan Pink Salt. Fill the jar with the rocks, and then fill with water. In about 24 hours, the sole solution is ready. Use 1-2 teaspoons in a glass of water or juice for a great energy pick-me-up. Google "salt sole" for more info on the benefits, and where to find the salt rocks. (From 25 No Cost Health & Healing Hacks by Boyd Martin)

Selena Rodriguez

Selena Rodriguez Selena Rodriguez serves as a catalyst in the lives of numerous people around the world. She has worked full time in the metaphysical and healing arts since 1990. For 11 of those years she was traveling almost full time, teaching seminars and working with clients internationally, on ancient lineage teachings. Selena has studied with numerous teachers. Most noteworthy was her 12-year apprenticeship with Master Curandera Starr Fuentes. During that time, Selena worked very closely with Starr, developing such classes as Light Language III, Light Language Teacher’s Training, the Master Cube, the Eternal Moebius, and more. For seven of those years, when she was not traveling, Selena lived with Starr in her retreat center. Also during that time, Starr passed on to Selena a multitude of little known teachings that stem from the ancient lineage traditions around the world. Selena went on to bring many of these teachings to Europe, and trained teachers there and in other locations worldwide, to carry on these teachings. WEBSITE

Clean Sweep: Instant Relief from Negative Energies
clean sweep Clean Sweep was developed in the laboratory by a team of quantum physicists. They were researching a way to clear unwanted energies or frequencies from the lab in order to make testing more accurate. In the process of this research, they discovered a way to infuse ionized water so that when sprayed into the environment, it neutralized all forms of electromagnetic fields (EMF) and even deadly Gamma radiation. Later, in human trials, Clean Sweep showed the remarkable property of also neutralizing negative emotions and feelings in humans, and was able to reduce stress response not only in humans, but also in animals and even plants. The effect of Clean Sweep is immediate, as it swiftly calms the sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous systems. Great for contentious business meetings, family get togethers, upset infants, stressed out pets, and even house or garden plants that have been shocked. Clean Sweep is also extremely effective in clearing energies from doctors' offices, yoga studios, healer treatment rooms, car rentals, hotel rooms and aircraft. Clean Sweep is also an excellent self-treatment aid that creates a "bubble" of zero-negative space, making it much easier to meditate or concentrate on a task. The effect lasts approximately 3-6 hours, and with a few spritzes into the corners of a room, the space is cleared. Check out the Clean Sweep testimonials, and give Clean Sweep a try! Clean Sweep is available in three sizes and a concentrate, with case prices available. MORE INFO / ORDER

Protect Yourself from the Most Ubiquitous Environmental Pollution
gem elixir EMF, or electro-magnetic fields, are pretty much everywhere within reach of a cell tower broadcast. This "electro-smog" has deleterious effects on the human bio-energetic system, directly interfering with the mitochondria and their electrical communications throughout the body. EMF's have been researched intensely over the past 30 years, and their adverse affects on the human immune system, reproductive system, and nervous systems, is well-documented. This situation is soon to ramp up considerably with the roll-out of widespread delivery of the 5-G broadcast for smartphones and other devices. Due to the higher frequency and power of the 5G signal, it reaches into the realm of frequencies that directly affect human cognition and other brain functions. Our Vital Force Transformers create a field around devices where they are placed that neutralizes the harmful component of an EMF broadcast, transforming the energy into beneficial frequencies for living things. This breakthrough technology has been extensively tested in laboratories by scientists. The transformers have been able to neutralize Gamma Rays--some of the most lethal of radiations--under laboratory conditions. The EMF "strips" are thin enough to mount under any smartphone case, and come in two sizes--one specifically to fit smartphones, and a larger one for such devices as routers, TVs, microwaves, etc. Use discount code FACEBK20 for 20% off any Vital Force Transformer. ORDER NOW

"Stone of Deep Healing and Protection"


Spiritually: Vitalizes soul purpose through deep soul healing, promoting spiritual integrity. Stimulates growth on all levels. Encourages exploration of the unknown in inner journeys.

Emotionally: Helps you to know who you truly are. Provides insight into emotional blockages and ancient traumas. Promotes compassion and strength.

Mentally: Brings clarity to the mind and clears confusion and constricting beliefs.

Physically: Helps provide insight into the cause of disease. May help to detoxify, dissolving blockages in the physical and subtle bodies; may aid in digestion. May reduce pain of arthritis, joints, and injuries.

Trinity Obsidian Elixir is on sale till 12/31/18 for 30% off with discount code OBSIDIAN30

This Quantum Life
by Boyd Martin, Caretaker, Pure Energy Rx

A Kansas State of Mind

resistance I was on a video conference call this afternoon with a powerful group of shamans, and we were investigating the source of anxiety we all had been feeling this past few weeks. I had been pointing out the irony of my "Going Home to Kansas" project and how I still felt estranged from my home, despite physically being a few hundred yards from where I came into this incarnation. Suddenly, a huge gust of wind battered at my front door, loud enough to be heard by the others on the call, and immediately one of the group declared, "The wind recognizes you!" The wind suddenly died down as if to say, "Yes! I do recognize you."

A sort of inner bell sounded deep in my psyche, and I immediately recognized how the land, the weather, the air had been greeting me since I arrived in my new house. This was a breakthrough for me, because I have tended to live my life as if someone else was living it--separated from my true origins, a sort of fugitive on the run from a life I've never known. The wind reminded me of this, as though it had been tracking me the entire 66 years I'd been away from this land.

My intent for moving my body from the warm and sunny climes of Southern California to the pronounced seasonal climate of Southern Kansas was completely metaphorical. Something or someone was nudging me in a deep and poignant way to return to my roots--return to a place where I truly felt "homeness". What I mean by "homeness" is that deep, core feeling that everything is good, all needs are cared for, and where I am loved and cherished, and am in full touch with my universal power and infiniteness of being.

We began to discuss what a false dichotomy it is to separate the self as spirit, or consciousness, from physical experience and the body. The non-dualistic truth is that there is no separation between spiritual and physical. In fact, this false separation could be considered one of the oldest divide-and-conquer tricks perpetrated by the Controllers in the master-slave power games.

By observing Self as consciousness throughout matter, it puts us in a powerful creative position. There is no uncertainty about what is going to be reflected back to us--we are just BEING, and the swirling of physical matter we call the perception of life is merely responding to that being. When there is a false sense of separation, we develop anxieties about what "The Other" is going to "do" to us. We get all caught up in the victimization drama of being separated from our own creations. The Universe then begins to respond to our victimization, and down the rabbit hole we go, hands wringing, and sweat pouring.

By simply being fully assured of being, we find ourselves out ahead of life. We see our experience as truly and simply following our lead. There is no confusion about this as there was before. I've written about how Don Genaro taught Carlos Castaneda that the shaman (or Nagual in Toltec parlance) remains "in front of" life--able to see its approach clearly and completely. He can do this because he is completely at home in his being, undistracted by unpredictable uncertainties. He is undistracted because he perceives from a place of clear-eyed truth about who he is, and what he is being.

Appropriate to the Land of Oz here in Kansas, as the good witch Glenda advised Dorothy, "You've had the way to get home all along. Just click those heels of your ruby slippers together three times, and say, 'There's no place like home... There's no place like home... There's no place like home.'" We say that because Home is the ultimate and powerful state of being that has always been available to us, no matter what rabbit holes we wander down, or what victimized dramas we make so serious. Home is always within us. Hey, I can see Emerald City from here!

To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin


Janet Barrett
Janet Barrett is a subtle energies empath and consciousness educator utilizing the field of potential. With warmth, humor and support she will offer you new ways to understand your issues. By reframing what your stories are, you can transform and clear them. It is possible to change what is bothering you. You can enjoy new outcomes. And, they can happen in the blink of an eye. WEBSITE
Corinn Guintoli
"With my natural ability to insert myself into a dream to have a conversation with your higher self or see a movie of what's blocking you, I dream for you to help you be free from what is in the way of you living the joyful life you were meant to have." -- Corinn - WEBSITE
Melinda Pajak
Come take amazing online courses about everything from Tarot Cards to meditation to developing your intuition to chakras to the magic of dream healing. Our mission is to help more people become heart-centered so that our world moves towards love as its bottom line. Check out our course offerings at
Alison J. Kay
You're invited to JOIN a FREE CALL w/Dr. Alison J. Kay to RECEIVE SACRED and powerful ENERGETIC CLEARINGS & ACTIVATIONS that will UPgrade your VIBRATION for ease w/manifesting, money & your purpose. During this call, you will entrain to Dr. Alison's high vibrational energy through her words – and effortlessly tap into your own high vibrational state. All live listeners have the possibility to receive spotlight, laser clearings & activations and get personalized support plus get easy and instant access to the replay. WEBSITE


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