NOVEMBER, 2021, Issue No. 2 |
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The Health Benefits of Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving is always here before we know it. It's a season of thankfulness and a reminder to be grateful for the things you have in your life. For those who may feel overwhelmed and stressed this season, or for anyone else who goes along with the excitement, practicing gratitude could help lift all spirits during the holiday season and beyond.
Studies have shown that practicing gratitude actually comes with benefits. Check out these seven health benefits of practicing gratitude every day.
1. Boosts your mood - The more you choose gratitude, the fewer toxic emotions enter your life. If you live a life ungrateful of anything, that can often bring down your mood. There are more things around you to be grateful for than you may realize.
2. Allows for better sleep - People who practice gratitude often take a few moments before they go to sleep to write in a gratitude journal. You go to bed with happier thoughts and gratefulness, prompting you to sleep better and longer.
3. Leads to greater physical health - Grateful people are more likely to take care of their health. Furthermore, feeling gratitude has been shown to improve blood pressure, lessen headaches, and reduce congestion.
4. Builds the immune system - Negative emotions can lower the immune system's response to fight off illnesses and other bodily threats. Gratitude can reduce the risk of heart failure and keep your heart healthier for longer.
5. Improves mental health - When you thank someone for something they did or find gratefulness in each sunrise, you're fostering positive feelings, which have a long-term positive effect on your life experience when done regularly.
6. Strengthens relationships - Gratitude plays a significant role in forming relationships and building on existing ones. You feel more satisfied when you and the other person express appreciation for one another.
7. Helps you cope with stress - In one study, a group of participants recorded their stress levels for two weeks. Half of the participants wrote what they were grateful for each day, and the other half didn't. Those who expressed gratitude had a more positive outlook on life and felt less stress every day.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Use Clean Sweep to immediately dissipate negativity in your environment, including human emotions, making it much easier to get to thankfulness about your life.
We All Live In Our Own Magnetic Field
 The heart actually sends more signals to the brain than the brain does to the heart. The emotional information that's modulated and coded into these fields changes their nature, and these fields can impact those around us. All of this has been well documented by the scientists and researchers at the HeartMath Institute.
Rollin McCraty, Ph.D, and director of research at The HeartMath Institute tells us, "We are fundamentally and deeply connected with each other and the planet itself."
Research findings have shown that as we radiate love and compassion, our heart generates a coherent electromagnetic wave into the local field environment that facilitates social coherence, whether in the home, workplace, classroom or sitting around a table. As more individuals radiate heart coherence, it builds an energetic field that makes it easier for others to connect with their heart. So, theoretically it is possible that enough people building individual and social coherence could actually contribute to an unfolding global coherence.
This harmonious order signifies a coherent system whose optimal functioning is directly related to the ease and flow in its processes. In other words, feelings of love, gratitude, appreciation and other "positive" emotions not only have an effect on our nervous system, but they change the information encoded into our magnetic field, or "aura" which directly impacts the people and environment around us. It's similar to the studies that have been conducted regarding mass meditation and prayer. As far as their effects on physical systems and global human consciousness, numerous publications have yielded statistically significant results.
One study (as outlined in Heart Intelligence: Connecting with the Intuitive Guidance of the Heart) conducted during the Israel-Lebanon war in the 1980s, featured organized groups of experienced meditators in Jerusalem, Yugoslavia, and the United states with the specific purpose of focusing attention on the area of conflict at various intervals over a 27-month period. During the course of the study, the levels of violence in Lebanon decreased between 40 and 80 percent each time a meditating group was in place. The average number of people killed during the war each day dropped from 12 to 3, and war-related injuries fell by 70 percent.
Another great example is a study that was conducted in 1993 in Washington, D.C., which showed a 25 percent drop in crime rates when more than 4,000 meditators meditated during specific periods of time with that intention. The authors of the study collaborated with the local police department, the FBI, and 24 leading, independent criminologists and social scientists from major institutions, including the University of Maryland, the University of Texas, and Temple University. The results were quite astonishing. They predicted a 20 percent drop in crime, and achieved a 25 percent drop.
Every individual's energy affects the collective field environment. Th means each person's emotions and intentions generate an energy that affects the field. A first step in diffusing societal stress in the global field is for each of us to take personal responsibility for our own energies. We can do this by increasing our personal coherence and raising our vibratory rate, which helps us become more conscious of the thoughts, feelings, and attitudes that we are feeding the field each day. We have a choice in every moment to take to heart the significance of intentionally managing our energies. This is the free will or local freedom that can create global cohesion. -- Dr. Rozman. Heart Intelligence: Connecting with the Intuitive Guidance of the Heart
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Use the Chakra Cleansing and Protection Crystal during any type of meditation to assist with heart coherence feelings, and to help amplify the effect in society.
New Research Suggest the Universe is an Endless Loop
When analyzing the expansion of the universe, astrophysicists imagined that the expansion could be rewound, just like a film, and that this backward movement would show the collapse into a singularity. Together with the astronomical observations of the CMB radiation, they concluded that the universe had to be flat. But recent observations with better precision are showing a different picture. An anomaly in data from the best-ever measurement of the CMB is offering solid (although not yet conclusive) evidence that the universe is closed, and in order to be closed, it would curve gently on itself.
In order to understand the difference between both kind of flatness--that of a flat sheet kept strait, or a flat sheet bended--in both cases the surface seems flat at short distances, but at very long distances, the curvature of the second case will affect and manifest different effe33cts. For instance, two photons could cross at some point when travelling along parallel trajectories. The topology or curvature of a surface plays a crucial role in all that exists within.
As most of the calculations are done considering a flat universe, huge amounts of recalculations would have to be done in order to fine tune the physics concerned. And it seems to be necessary, as according to the latest data, there's significantly more gravitational lensing of the CMB than expected, and this could be explained by inserting a positive curvature for the universe instead of a flat one.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Use the Cosmic Eye Elixir, to help wrap your mind around these concepts. Cosmic Eye has been shown to increase focus, memory and widen perspective.
Health & Healing Hack of the Week
Heart Coherence
Doc Childre, founder of the Hearth Math Institute, has done extensive research on the power of the heart to regulate the brain and the body. The heart emits an electromagnetic field many times more powerful than the brain's. Research has also shown that the brain responds to commands from the heart as its top priority, basically meaning that the heart runs things when it comes to the body. The Heart Math Institute came up with the concept of "Heart Coherence", meaning the heart is "coherent" or in step with the highest aspirations of the mind, and is creating a coherent, or single, vibration that can then be transmitted throughout the brain and body. You can easily create a state of coherence in about 60 seconds by releasing stress and stopping draining emotions such as frustration, irritation, anxiety and anger. When you are in a coherent state, your thoughts and emotions are balanced and you experience ease and inner harmony. The "Quick Coherence Technique" can be found here -- From 25 No Cost Health & Healing Hacks by Boyd Martin)
Quantum Healer of the Week
Jeff Crawford Having traveled among and studying with the Shipibo-Conibo tribe in Peru, Jeff made history in 2012 by becoming the first foreigner ever to be legally adopted by any indigenous tribal family in Peru. The Shipibo-Conibo are an indigenous people found along the Ucayali River in the Amazon rainforest. With Jeff's adoption, he was officially recognized as a member of the Shipibo-Conibo tribe. While integrating with his new family, Jeff was gifted with learning tribal mysticism, rituals, and inter-dimensional healing energy from his father (a Toę Shaman) and brother-in-law (an Ayahuasca Shaman) who are both highly respected shaman. In 2015 they officially recognized Jeff as a shaman after observing Jeff's demonstration of his energy healing work on several tribal members with difficult and complicated cases. Jeff applied the principles and insights he learned in his shamanic journey to develop Quantum Light HealingŪ. This process utilizes ancient spiritual energy practices and sacred connectedness to effect profound psychic, physical, and inter-dimensional healing. The goal is the restoration of our primal pristine state of internal energy flow and connectedness to the divine mind of the cosmos itself. WEBSITE
Company & Product News
Our Very Useful FREE E-Books!
 If you're into browsing while visiting the Pure Energy Rx website, we have some great free ebooks chock full of useful info about health and wellness.
- 25 No Cost Health Hacks - Quick and easy hacks to improve vitality, ease pain, accelerate healing, and create greater overall wellness.
- Women's Health - This popular 14-page book, written by Dr. DicQie Fuller-Looney is a definitive solutions guide to the relationship between digestive enzymes and hormones, and how hormonal imbalances in women can be traced back to enzyme deficiencies.
- The Ultimate Guide to Healthy Sleep - Everything you need to know about getting the most out of sleep time. Plenty of tips and tricks and science about getting that vital slumber.
- 25 Tips to Boost Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Health - An excellent resource of "out of the box" thinking about health and energy. Highly recommended!
To access these free ebooks, go to the Pure Energy Rx website and click on the EBOOKS link on the main menu.
Clean Sweep New Price
 With the holidays coming up, the pent-up emotions of being through a so-called pandemic, combined with family interactions, is a recipe for upset. Before sitting down to the table to give thanks, spray the room with Clean Sweep. It will harmonize the space, bringing everything into equilibrium. We have many reports of Clean Sweep completely changing the mood of normally contentious meetings, such as monthy financial committees, strategic planning, marketing design meetings, etc. etc. "I work as a supervisor in a local county, and everybody dreads our monthly budget meeting that invaribly ends up with a lot of sarcasm and ill will coming from staff members. This time I sprayed the room with Clean Sweep, and the meeting was completely peaceful, even funny. Afterwards, everyone was smiling and in a good mood. Amazing!" -- Carol H., Chicago, IL. We've lowered the price of Clean Sweep to help everyone take advantage of this wonderful invention (no code necessary). Clean Sweep is available in 8 oz. and 2 oz. spray bottles, as well as in a concentrate, which makes 32 oz. MORE INFO AND TO ORDER
AMAZING PRODUCT ALERT: Virtual Oxygen Therapy
 Using a proprietary process developed by Subtle Energy Sciences founder Eric W Thompson, Virtual Oxygen Therapy broadcasts the amplified energetic signature of pure oxygen through your electronic devices to support increased oxygen flow in the brain and body. This energetically encoded digital media program emits the amplified energetic signature of pure oxygen through your electronic devices to support increased oxygen flow in the brain and body. No expensive oxygen tank needed with Virtual Oxygen Therapy! Some of the benefits of such dramatic increases in oxygen to the brain include: Reduced effects of acute and chronic neuro-related illnesses, including decompression sickness and carbon monoxide poisoning. Sped up rates of wound healing, including bruises and cuts and particularly those received by athletes during training or while competing in their respective sports. Reduction of the symptoms of anxiety and depression in patients, including those suffering from PTSD. MORE INFO / ORDER
AMAZING PRODUCT ALERT: VibesUp Vibrational Chakra Bracelet

Each chakra stone is infused with VibesUP's liquid crystal formula containing the essential oils vibrationally tuned to be balancing and harmonizing to each specific chakra. This unique bracelet will also raise the Healthy Vibration of food & beverages as well as raise your Vibration while you wear it. Muscle test to see it working.
SUCCESSES: "As a Reiki practitioner, every time I touch this bracelet I can feel how strong the positive energy is!! I gave it to my partner and she says it's really helped with her self-awareness, and emotional processing, and setting boundaries :)" -- Kayla F. "I bought this for my fiance. Immediately the change in his energy was felt and calm swept over him like a wave. He hasn't taken it off since. Thank you so much for helping us find balance! I will continue to buy items from this site! Again, THANK YOU!" -- Amy R. MORE INFO
Trinity Gem Elixir for the Month
"Stone of Successful Love"
Spiritually: Stimulates gathering of wisdom. Opens the heart chakra. Aligns the subtle bodies. Enhances psychic abilities and increases clairvoyance and empathy.
Emotionally: Soothes fears and increases sensitivity. Stabilizes the personality. Imparts strength of character to overcome misfortunes. Brings domestic bliss and loyalty; enhances unconditional love and partnership.
Mentally: Increases mental clarity, strengthens memory, inspires deep inner knowing.
Physically: Helps aid in recovery after infectious illness; improves muscles, spine, heart and lungs, liver, and pancreas. Strengthens the heart to deal with the detoxification process. Strengthens kidney and liver to remove toxins from the body. Assists with the formation of hemoglobin and plasma. ORDER HERE
(Website usage note: You can search for keywords at Pure Energy Rx, and it will return relevant results, e.g. "courage", "confidence", "fear", "intelligence", etc.)
This Quantum Life by Boyd Martin, Caretaker, Pure Energy Rx
Plug In To Source

As reported by Dr. Steven Greer, one of the most revelatory phenomena to come out of the military disclosure of extraterrestrial technologies is using "quantum non-locality" as a mode of space travel. This involves a type of inter-dimensional shift, where the traveler pops out of the space-time continuum into a sort of sub-space and then simply re-appears at another physical location moments later anywhere in the universe. It was discovered that these types of technologies operate under the premise that all points in the universe are conscious and connected, and that this connection among points is instantaneous--completely outside the space-time continuum.
Notwithstanding the mind-blowing potential this mode of travel would provide, there is another aspect I find even more fascinating. And that is, since all consciousness derives from the Source Creator, within every point exists a gateway, if you will, to that Source.
Moreover, when applying this function to human health, we immediately see that
the presence of Source could be thought of as existing within every atom of the body. By allowing this possibility to exist, the simple act of choosing to connect would set up a direct plug-in to Source. The connection could be one point, or trillions, depending on how willing and open a person is to this possibility.
Therefore, our body and our life could be seen as existing within and permeated by a great sea of conscious points existing as direct portals to the Creator. It is merely the belief that we are separated from Source that prevents us from allowing for the numberless Source portals in our body and immediate environment.
In the new science of epigenetics developed by Dr. Bruce Lipton, it is posited that our beliefs and our DNA are intimately connected. What we believe is true about ourselves is reflected in the DNA of our body. Change your beliefs, change the body. It is the belief matrix of society and our acculturation into that society that creates layer upon layer of laws, rules, requirements, and other limited ideas that further separate us from the Creator living quite literally picometers next to and within us.
Beliefs can act like viruses among us, taking hold in our personal matrix of traumas and self-preservation choices. They can distort our innate sense of "right and wrong" and drive powerful emotional responses. Beliefs tend to do our thinking for us--a sort of mental efficiency we use to determine what we do and do not like.
Our innate sense of morality comes directly to us through our Source portals, and is built-in to the DNA of the body. But this innate sense can be corrupted by viral beliefs, which is how so many of us feel alienated and victimized by those creating the corruption. What we are being alienated from and victimized by is that separation from Source. As the old saw goes, "United we stand, divided we fall", where we are united by Source, and divided by disconnection from it.
My granddad used to say, "Love always wins over fear. Love is God's way of reminding you of how close He is to your heart". Fear is separation from Source, love is connection to it.
My college philosophy teacher taught that light, love and consciousness are really the same things, and that diminishment of those things is caused by fear. I believe that light, love and consciousness also describes the Creator--instantly active and interactive through our portals of light, love and consciousness.
It has been said that all we ever really do is make choices, and that the universe--our experience--coalesces around those choices. When we experience fear, a choice to experience it has been made at some point. There is an existential belief somewhere in the matrix that tells us we're being separated from Source--from light, love and consciousness in some way. The fear tends to shut down access to the Source portals within us, but only because we allowed that. A quick moment in mindfulness of love re-establishes the reality that Source is literally everywhere, and that fear we have is the most tenuous of illusions.
So plug in to those infinite numbers of portals of Source within and around you to heal, rejuvenate and expand your life. Let go of the matrix of limiting beliefs and false moralities in favor of the innate wisdom of Creation itself. It's always right here, right now, and forever a single choice away.
To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin
EXCERPT: Ultimately, the body reflects its consciousness field. If it is living in a consciousness field that is sad, depressed and anxious, it will reflect these states and the conditions and diseases associated with those feelings and attitudes. The body CAN turn around any health condition overnight, providing it is in that consciousness field. Examples include spontaneous remission of cancers, bones mending overnight, and other "miraculous" healings, usually attributed to outside healers, mysterious energies, voodoo, and other unexplained, mysterious experiences or conditions. The one cause of healing--the human body itself--is usually overlooked in these cases, as having the innate ability to regenerate and repair itself to a high degree. >>>> DOWNLOAD <<<<