NOVEMBER, 2020, Issue No. 2 |
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New Evidence for Thought-Controlled DNA
For the first time, researchers have been able to construct a gene network that can be controlled by thoughts. Martin Fussenegger, a professor at ETH Zurich led the research project that shows the powerful potential of thought. While we can’t answer the question for certain quite yet that we could control our genes and DNA with thought, discovery seems to be moving in that direction.
This may turn the heads of some scientific minds as it was always believed that we are a victim of our genes in a sense, and that we have no conscious control over how our body functions. But epigenetics is starting to paint a different picture over time. The field of epigenetics refers to the science that studies how the development, functioning and evolution of biological systems are influenced by forces operating outside the DNA sequence, including intracellular, environmental and energetic influences.
Marc Folcher and other researchers from the group led by Martin Fussenegger, Professor of Biotechnology and Bioengineering at the Department of Biosystems (D-BSSE) in Basel, were able to tap into brainwaves and convert genes into proteins (gene expression) using a new gene regulation method.
The system was presented in the journal Nature Communications. The system records brainwaves and wirelessly transmits them to an implant which uses an LED lamp that produces near infrared light. The culture chamber containing genetically modified cells is illuminated which in turn tells them to start producing the desired proteins.
This research points directly at the well-documented cases of the Placebo Effect, where beliefs directly influenced gene expression regarding inflammation:
A Baylor School of Medicine study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, looked at surgery for patients with severe and debilitating knee pain. Many surgeons know there is no placebo effect in surgery, or so most of them believe. The patients were divided into three groups. The surgeons shaved the damaged cartilage in the knee of one group. For the second group, they flushed out the knee joint, removing all of the material believed to be causing inflammation. Both of these processes are the standard surgeries people go through who have severe arthritic knees. The third group received a “fake” surgery, the patients were only sedated and tricked that they actually had the knee surgery. For the patients not really receiving the surgery, the doctors made the incisions and splashed salt water on the knee as they would in normal surgery. They then sewed up the incisions like the real thing and the process was complete. All three groups went through the same rehab process, and the results were astonishing. The placebo group improved just as much as the other two groups who had surgery.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: The subtle energy emanations of our Chakra Protection and Cleansing Crystal (among other effects) enhances optimism and confidence, which directly affects the immune system and repair functions of the body.
Muscular Bonding in Groups is a Thing
 Over the past two decades, psychologists have conducted various experiments on muscular bonding, also called interpersonal entrainment. These studies generally involved groups of people doing physical activities (or simply imagining them) synchronously or asynchronously, and then playing economic games with each other, or rating how much they like or trust the people with whom they've entrained.
A 2019 review of research on interpersonal entrainment (IPE) found that people generally report higher levels of deindividualization after engaging in IPE. In other words, they view themselves more as a group member than an individual. What's more, some studies suggest that engaging in IPE can also increase performance in domains related to memory, attention and physical movement.
Together, the research suggests that muscular bonding helps individuals form cohesive and effective groups. It's easy to see how this would be an advantageous group-level adaptation in human evolution: The tribe who's better able to move together toward shared goals is likely to outcompete less coherent tribes. Then, individuals in the successful group passed down genetic traits, making future generations more likely to engage in the same kinds of cohesive behaviors. (That's one idea, at least.)
But muscular bonding can have a dark side, too. The authors of the 2019 review noted: "Losing oneself in the crowd can lead to behaviors that are not part of an individual's ethical codes and moral values (e.g., aggressive acts toward members of other groups). This stems from the fact that acting for the benefit of one's group typically means acting against the interests of competitive groups."
Group-level risks aside, it's worth considering how modern, urbanized society might be missing out on the ancient benefits of muscular bonding, especially in a time when surveys show that depression, anxiety, and loneliness are rising. "It is and always has been a powerful force at work among humankind whether for good or ill," McNeill wrote. "Our future, like our past, depends on how we utilize these modes of coordinating common effort for agreed purposes."
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Consciousness is self-organizing, and no more apparent than in coordinated group activities. This ordering of chaos is ultimately the purpose of life itself. Use our Clean Sweep Clearing Spray to harmonize the energies of a space to enhance self-organization and thus, overall wellness.
Creativity Lives with Risk Taking
 A new study from an international team of researchers published in Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts shows that risk-taking is an important part of creativity. The research points to a specific kind of risk-taking – the intellectual kind – that helps predict who will engage in more creative activities and who will have more significant and recognized creative achievement. For those who are not willing to take intellectual risks, even being confident that they are able to be creative may not help. In other words, some level of intellectual risk-taking is necessary for creativity.
A team of international researchers set out to examine how intellectual risk-taking contributes to creativity. They posed three groups of questions to more than 800 adults, ages 18 to 79. First, they asked how likely they are to engage in a set of actions characteristic of intellectual risk-taking (e.g., "I like doing new things, even if I am not good at them," or "I like to learn new things even if I might make mistakes"). Next, people indicated how confident they are in their ability to be creative (e.g., "I trust my creative abilities"). Finally, people completed questions about creativity. They were asked whether in the previous year they had engaged in a list of creative activities related to writing, music, cooking, arts and crafts, sports, visual arts, performing arts, and science and engineering, as well as what they had achieved in different areas of creative work (again, from cooking to invention to the arts and sciences and from being praised by friends and family to receiving national recognition)
The results showed that intellectual risk-taking was related to both creative confidence and creative behavior. In other words, those who were willing to take intellectual risks were more likely to believe that they had the ability to be creative, were more likely to engage in creative activities on an ongoing basis, and had more creative achievements than those who were not willing to take intellectual risks. But the story becomes more interesting: Researchers explored how intellectual risk-taking and creative confidence might work together to enable creativity to happen.
Another group of researchers examined different kinds of risk-taking. They conducted two studies with close to 500 people--both university students and other adults --and asked how likely people are to engage in five kinds of risk-taking: ethical (e.g., Taking some questionable deductions on your income tax return), financial (e.g., Investing 5% of your annual income in a very speculative stock), health and safety-related, (e.g., Driving a car without wearing a seat belt), recreational (e.g., Going down a ski run that is beyond your ability), and social (e.g., Speaking your mind about an unpopular issue in a meeting at work).
Results showed that not all kinds of risk are created equal when it comes to creativity. The only kind of risk-taking that consistently predicted creative achievement was social risk. This kind of risk overlaps with intellectual risk: Both intellectual and social risks expose a person to the possibility of failing in one’s own eyes and the eyes of others and willingness to engage with and share new ideas.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: The Success & Achievement Elixir enhances confidence, amplifies creativity, and increases perceptions of opportunity.
Health & Healing Hack of the Week
Jumper Cabling
A standard practice in Jin Shin Jiyutsu, involves simply holding one finger with the other hand. Each finger is an energetic equivalent to the major organ systems. The key is to hold each finger until a pulse is felt both in the finger and the hand holding it. Sometimes, this may be immediate, and at other times it may take upwards of 20 minutes to detect a pulse. The pulse response verifies that the energy meridians are connected and energy is flowing. You can also hold the fingernail of each finger under the pad of the thumb. A pulse will be detected in that way as well. This hack is an easy and effective way to stabilize energy flows throughout the body. -- From 25 No Cost Health & Healing Hacks by Boyd Martin)
Quantum Healer of the Week
Carell Mehl Certified Usui Reiki Master Teacher in 2000 and a member of the Canadian Reiki Association where Carell Mehl sat on the board of directors from 2005 to 2013. Founder of the Calgary Community of Reiki Healers (CORH) practitioner. Carell also studied with The Institute of Shamanic Medicine and graduated as a Shamanic Practitioner in 2011. "Helping folks heal is my passion and we have over the years created some amazing healing circles. Group Reiki, Integrated Shamanic Reiki healing and 5D healings both in person and as well as virtual. It has been amazing to observe the transformation that happens in these circles. The joy of teaching these methods is also a blessing. I have been working with energy healing for over 2 decades! I mainly focus on sickness, illness, and disease and personal development. What causes sickness or illnesses? How did the energy become so trapped that it manifested in such a way and how do we treat that? This is what questions I have been asking and with the tools and knowledge I have gathered over the years I believe that self-healing is VERY possible! Clients have come to me with a wide range of afflictions ranging from small aches and pains to anxiety, depression, chronic illness, and mental illness. If your willing to put in the work I believe positive change is possible! Personal development, this topic is very close to me. I too went through a life change and have seen and felt the struggles that many people have suffered. Good news! That light at the end of the tunnel, it is reachable and I would love to help you find your way there!"
Company & Product News
If you've been meaning to try out some of out unique products, but the shipping cost was stopping you, then use this special code for free shipping storewide: FREESHIP. Now there really IS no excuse!
 Clean Sweep Spray cleans any kind of negative energy. Tangible energetic emanations linger in the environment from all kinds of sources, including distress and suffering, illness, depression, anxiety, trauma, difficult relationships, and negative thinking--as well as from electrical devices, such televisions, computers, cell phones, microwave ovens and wi-fi. Few people are aware of the fact that negative energetic emanations can affect healing time, state of mind, family dynamics, and mental focus. The good news is that Clean Sweep has an almost immediate effect on the human nervous system. It relieves emotional tension, and creates a sense of well-being and security. It can help to calm and relax aggressive people by soothing negative thoughts and tendencies. Overall, the body's entire system is more relaxed and has more energy for dealing with the rest of life's challenges--energy it had been using to counteract the impact of negative energies in the environment. Check it out! Use discount code CS10 for 10% off individual 2 oz., 8 oz. sizes and the concentrate through November.
 Using a proprietary process developed by Subtle Energy Sciences founder Eric W. Thompson, Digital CBD broadcasts the amplified energetic signature of CBD through your electronic devices.
You might think of it as a kind of "amplified digital homeopathy," but it's far more powerful than traditional homeopathy. Simply open the Digital CBD digital file (in audio, video or picture file format, whichever format best suits your needs), and these energetically encoded digital files will automatically transmit the vibrational frequency of CBD oil (along with all the accompanying health benefits of real CBD oil) through your phone, tablet, computer or laptop. Sound impossible? Too good to be true? It isn't. It's here. Plus, unlike physical CBD, you only need to purchase Digital CBD once in order to benefit from it for the rest of your life! And when you take into consideration the fact that the CBD oil, from which we extracted the energetic signatures for Digital CBD, cost more than $100 for less than a month's supply, we're talking about an incredible value here. MORE INFO / ORDER
AMAZING PRODUCT ALERT: VibesUp Crystal Refrigerator Mats
This 8" X 11" mat is a natural preservative and EMF clearing food preservation technology. We brave a trip to the store to get food and wouldn't it be great if we could keep our product fresh almost TWICE as long. Plus keep our food at a HEALTHY VIBE? Our refrigerators are toxic energy boxes that hold our precious food. Emf meters show fridges to be one of the highest producers of electronic toxins PLUS subject our food to the chemicals used to keep our food cold. FREON, which is another non-beneficial toxin in our lives. The mats employ a "quartz energy source" which has been amplified to create rays of piezo energy by putting it under pressure. These energies are further enhanced with different essential oils used by Ancient Egyptians to preserve their foods. MORE INFO
Gem Elixir for the Month
"Stone of Purification"
Spiritually: Protective stone for the aura. Aligns and purifies the subtle bodies releasing toxins at all levels. Clears the way to receive information from the higher self. Attuned to the attainment of spiritual truth.
Emotionally: Increases clarity and patience, helping with the release of negative emotions. Promotes a positive outlook on life.
Mentally: Sharpens the mind and opens it to new levels of awareness. Helps you to take responsibility for your own life.
Physically: Stimulates tissue regeneration and removes toxicity from the physical body. Strengthens the metabolism; aids the heart, thymus, lungs, gallbladder, spleen, intestinal tract, ulcers, and strengthens eyes. MORE INFO
(Website usage note: You can search for keywords at Pure Energy Rx, and it will return relevant results, e.g. "courage", "confidence", "fear", "intelligence", etc.)
This Quantum Life by Boyd Martin, Caretaker, Pure Energy Rx
Allow The Opposition

I found myself exclaiming in righteous indignation at what I perceived as outrageous viewpoints pushed out through social and television media lately. As I spouted my reactions, my dear friend suddenly interjected, "Isn't this great?"
I was on the road to seeing things this way, but I hadn't gotten there quite yet. "Well, at least people are getting involved in the conversations," I quipped.
"No, I mean, this is all great for self-inquiry," she clarified. "It's really a mirror showing everyone their beliefs, their biases, and emotional triggers!"
And she's absolutely correct. These times are perfect for observing how we all fit into this matrix of duality. With all the opinions, value systems, and emotional responses, there couldn't be a better environment for practicing mindfulness.
In these times of "social distancing", I prefer to think about it as "mental distancing", where we step back from our reactions, and observe what those reactions are telling us about ourselves. This is the value of opposition. When you feel attacked, observe how you feel about that, and how it is wired to your experiences and definitions of who you believe yourself to be. If you are inspired by particular way of seeing things, observe that as well.
The simple act of stepping back, allows us the opportunity to stop taking things personally, forgive a perceived transgression, and return to a state of allowance and appreciation for the sheer expanse of human experience.
We are all in the process of becoming. How one person gets there is certainly not how you may be getting there, so remaining free of judgment is key. By maintaining a posture of equipoise, we automatically harmonize chaotic energies, allowing for unconscious patterns to emerge into the light of consciousness.
I was on a Zoom call with some associates, and one of them made the observation that what we call "The Cabal", or "Deep State" has been one of most successful operations for waking people up in all of human history. The darkness allows us to see where the light is, and although we may rail against what the darkness is "doing", it is vital to realize that the darkness is doing what darkness does. It is in its nature to serve itself, obscure its motives, and wage a campaign of control to avoid being revealed by the light. It's just doing its job.
By allowing the "opposition" of the dark, it brings our own unconscious darkness into stark relief, and from that revelation we are made free to consciously choose our path. We may feel stifled, oppressed and victimized by these "evil" forces, but by allowing the evil to be what it is, we are freed from its control, and have retrieved our power of choice.
Those of us who have chosen to revel in the darkness are only a single choice away from entering the world of light and love. Even the darkest of us still have the light of consciousness that is who they basically are. Life for all of us in this matrix of master or slave, fear or love, light or dark duality is ultimately a test of choice. We choose to embrace the darkness, or choose the light. Judging what is "right" or "wrong" prevents the allowance of the full spectrum of existence. Because we are all fundamentally light, by allowing the full spectrum, we embrace the chaos, bringing all things back into harmony.
This is what we are here for.
To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin
Janet Barrett is a subtle energies empath and consciousness educator utilizing the field of potential. With warmth, humor and support she will offer you new ways to understand your issues. By reframing what your stories are, you can transform and clear them. It is possible to change what is bothering you. You can enjoy new outcomes. And, they can happen in the blink of an eye. WEBSITE
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