NOVEMBER, 2020, Issue No. 1 |
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Hugging For Health
A study run out of Carnegie Mellon University followed over 400 participants to examine the relationship between social support (hugs) in relation to stress and immune resilience. After tracking their hugging contact statistics and their argument statistics, the participants were intentionally exposed to a cold virus and quarantined for two weeks to assess infection and signs of illness. The results demonstrated that a greater perceived social support and more frequent hugs resulted in less severe illness symptoms across the board, whether or not individuals had been in arguments. The more significant perceived support and more frequent hugs, each predicted less severe illness signs. These data suggest that hugging may indeed act as an effective means of supporting mental and physical health.
The study chose hugs to illustrate more intimate bonds since hugging suggests a closer connection than typical, less physically personal connections like shaking hands or waving. Perhaps even more intimate relationships may provide equal or more immune boost. Other ways to tap into these benefits could include holding hands, kissing, and cuddling.
More hugging benefits:
1. Boost in Feel-Good Hormones - Hugging, as well as other intimate contacts, causes the body to release bonding hormones, including oxytocin, happy hormones like dopamine and serotonin while reducing stress hormones, including cortisol and norepinephrine.
2. Reduces Stress - When the body is in fight or flight, the sympathetic nervous system is activated. This activation is the body’s involuntary response to dangerous or stressful situations. Physical intimacy, like hugs, cuddling, holding hands, and kissing, can help bring the body out of a sympathetic dominant state and into the parasympathetic (the “rest and digest”). The link between hugs and stress reduction is the vagus nerve, which is activated by pressure receptors on our bodies. The vagus nerve is stimulated, which carries a cascade of relaxation hormones in your body, thus reducing blood pressure, heart rate, and increases sensations of calm and security.
3. Improves Microbiome - Your microbiome is a major player in immune health since the latest science believes that most of your immune systems located in your gut. We often associate human contact with the possibility of contracting germs and viruses, when the flip side of that closeness is that we can also pick up their good bacteria! Staying in close contact with people, like hugging them, can bolster our immune system, not only by challenging it occasionally with bugs but also by exchanging the good bacteria that improve our resilience.
4. Improves Mental Health - Isolating and chaotic times can prove difficult for mental health, which is why human contact (hugs!) is more important than ever. Hugging can reduce feelings of loneliness, thanks to the bonding hormone oxytocin that is released. Another hormone called dopamine is also released, known as the happy hormone, and helps improve mood, levels of happiness, and pleasure.
5. Reduced Inflammation and Cortisol - A study compared the influence of just 10 minutes of partner contact (cuddling) and its impact on various markers, including plasma oxytocin, norepinephrine, cortisol, and blood pressure. The results, which were compared with 10 minutes of baseline resting alone, and a 10-minute post-contact rest alone, showed a significant positive impact on the parasympathetic nervous system, increased plasma oxytocin, and overall reduction in inflammatory cortisol.
So—Get Hugging!
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Stress is the parasympathetic nervous system responding to chaotic energies. While you're hugging, spray the room with Clean Sweep for a wonderful effect. Use discount code CS10 for 10% off this month!
Colors of Emotions Across Cultures
 People associate colors with emotions (green for envy, blue for sadness, etc). We see this portrayed in the media, in marketing, even in the clothes we choose to wear. A detailed survey of over 4,500 participants from 30 nations (spanning over 6 continents) explains that people from all over the world often associate the same feelings with the same colors.
"No similar study of this scope has ever been carried out," said Dr. Daniel Oberfeld-Twistel, member of the participating team at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU). "It allowed us to obtain a comprehensive overview and establish that color-emotion associations are surprisingly similar around the world."
Red, for example, is considered a bold color and is associated with feelings such as excitement, passion, anger, danger, energy, and love. The personality traits of this color might be someone who is bold, a little impulsive, and who loves adventure.
Orange, on the other hand, is considered representative of creativity, happiness, and freedom. The personality traits of this color can be fun, playful, cheerful, nurturing, and productive. Read more about color psychology and personalities here.
The color white is closely associated with sadness in China, while purple is what is closely associated with sadness in Greece. This can be traced back to the roots of each culture, with white being worn at funerals in China and dark purs ofple being the Greek Orthodox Church's color of mourning.
Yellow is more associated with joy, specifically in countries that see less sunshine. Meanwhile, its association with joy is weaker in areas that have greater exposure to sunshine.
According to Dr. Oberfeld-Twistel, it is difficult to say exactly what the causes for global similarities and differences are. "There is a range of possible influencing factors: language, culture, religion, climate, the history of human development, the human perceptual system."
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Our mundane experiences are felt through a very narrow bandwidth of perceptions. As we develop, our aperture widens to include wider and wider frequency spectrums. Use our Cosmic Eye Elixir to become more sensitive to higher frequencies and new subtleties of color.
Mathematicians Considering A Conscious Universe
 Scientists are doubling down on a peculiar model that attempts to quantify and measure consciousness. The model, known as Integrated Information Theory (IIT), has long been controversial because it comes with an unusual quirk. When applied to non-living things like machines, subatomic particles, and even the universe, it claims that they too experience consciousness, New Scientist reports.
“This could be the beginning of a scientific revolution,” Munich Centre for Mathematical Philosophy mathematician Johannes Kleiner told the magazine.
IIT relies on a value called phi that represents the interconnectivity of a node, whether it’s a region of the brain, circuitry, or an atom. That value represents the node’s level of consciousness. The cerebral cortex, for instance, has a high value because it contains a dense cluster of widely-interconnected neurons.
But when IIT was first presented, calculating phi was impossibly convoluted. New Scientist reports that calculating the phi of a human brain would have previously taken longer than the universe has existed, but a February paper by IIT’s creators, currently awaiting peer review, attempts to simplify the process significantly.
Many academics remain unconvinced by IIT, in part because of its complexity but mainly because of its far-reaching implications for a conscious universe.
“I think mathematics can help us understand the neural basis of consciousness in the brain, and perhaps even machine consciousness, but it will inevitably leave something out: the felt inner quality of experience,” University of Connecticut philosopher and cognitive scientist Susan Schneider told New Scientist.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Increase brain power to wrap your mind around these new and heady concepts with our Succes & Achievement Crystal. This crystal sets up a field around your body that enhances several areas of the brain having to do with cognition, problem-solving and strategies.
Health & Healing Hack of the Week
The Inner Smile
This is an ancient Taoist practice, where you put your attention on an area of the body and have it smile back at you. For example, there is a pain in the right knee. Observe the pain, and then have the knee smile back to you. You may find it frowns first, but continue until there is a smile. You'll notice a marked decrease or subsiding of the pain, and perhaps some gentle throbbing in the area. This is a sign the energy flow has been restored. This is an excellent practice to do upon morning waking to start the day right. -- From 25 No Cost Health & Healing Hacks by Boyd Martin)
Quantum Healer of the Week
Kim Regnitz Kim Regnitz is a Multi-Dimensional Master, Vibrational Intuitive and a Conscious Channel of the “I AM” Frequencies, assisting others through the deepest levels of Awakening and Transformation. In her Multi-Dimensional, Holographic Transformational Sessions, Group Intensives and Nature Retreats, as Divinely Guided, she is able to eclectically blend many Gifts and Skill Sets including, Sacred Sound, Astrology, Crystalline Transmissions/Language of Light, LaHoChi Healing, Dowsing, Sacred Geometry, Matrix Energetics, Nature Communication/Animal Totems, Crystals, Holographic Coaching/Personal and Business, and more…! Kim, in alignment with her “I AM” Alchemy Team and in partnership through each Client’s “I AM” Presence, in a playful Magical format, shifts and balance these in-congruent to Soul patterns that are within one’s Multidimensional Bio Field! These may be Ancestral, Soul contracts/Retrieval, Multidimensional Implants/Entities, Timeline (past lives) patterns and can also access the new Codes/Skill Sets/ Future timelines that are ready to upgrade/download. Her work may also re-connect those to their JOY, a Natural Multidimensional state of being! WEBSITE
Company & Product News
 Clean Sweep Spray cleans any kind of negative energy. Tangible energetic emanations linger in the environment from all kinds of sources, including distress and suffering, illness, depression, anxiety, trauma, difficult relationships, and negative thinking--as well as from electrical devices, such televisions, computers, cell phones, microwave ovens and wi-fi. Few people are aware of the fact that negative energetic emanations can affect healing time, state of mind, family dynamics, and mental focus. The good news is that Clean Sweep has an almost immediate effect on the human nervous system. It relieves emotional tension, and creates a sense of well-being and security. It can help to calm and relax aggressive people by soothing negative thoughts and tendencies. Overall, the body's entire system is more relaxed and has more energy for dealing with the rest of life's challenges--energy it had been using to counteract the impact of negative energies in the environment. Check it out! Use discount code CS10 for 10% off individual 2 oz., 8 oz. sizes and the concentrate through November.
 Using a proprietary process developed by Subtle Energy Sciences founder Eric W. Thompson, Digital CBD broadcasts the amplified energetic signature of CBD through your electronic devices.
You might think of it as a kind of "amplified digital homeopathy," but it's far more powerful than traditional homeopathy. Simply open the Digital CBD digital file (in audio, video or picture file format, whichever format best suits your needs), and these energetically encoded digital files will automatically transmit the vibrational frequency of CBD oil (along with all the accompanying health benefits of real CBD oil) through your phone, tablet, computer or laptop. Sound impossible? Too good to be true? It isn't. It's here. Plus, unlike physical CBD, you only need to purchase Digital CBD once in order to benefit from it for the rest of your life! And when you take into consideration the fact that the CBD oil, from which we extracted the energetic signatures for Digital CBD, cost more than $100 for less than a month's supply, we're talking about an incredible value here. MORE INFO / ORDER
AMAZING PRODUCT ALERT: VibesUp Crystal Refrigerator Mats
This 8" X 11" mat is a natural preservative and EMF clearing food preservation technology. We brave a trip to the store to get food and wouldn't it be great if we could keep our product fresh almost TWICE as long. Plus keep our food at a HEALTHY VIBE? Our refrigerators are toxic energy boxes that hold our precious food. Emf meters show fridges to be one of the highest producers of electronic toxins PLUS subject our food to the chemicals used to keep our food cold. FREON, which is another non-beneficial toxin in our lives. The mats employ a "quartz energy source" which has been amplified to create rays of piezo energy by putting it under pressure. These energies are further enhanced with different essential oils used by Ancient Egyptians to preserve their foods. MORE INFO
Gem Elixir for the Month
"Stone of Purification"
Spiritually: Protective stone for the aura. Aligns and purifies the subtle bodies releasing toxins at all levels. Clears the way to receive information from the higher self. Attuned to the attainment of spiritual truth.
Emotionally: Increases clarity and patience, helping with the release of negative emotions. Promotes a positive outlook on life.
Mentally: Sharpens the mind and opens it to new levels of awareness. Helps you to take responsibility for your own life.
Physically: Stimulates tissue regeneration and removes toxicity from the physical body. Strengthens the metabolism; aids the heart, thymus, lungs, gallbladder, spleen, intestinal tract, ulcers, and strengthens eyes. MORE INFO
(Website usage note: You can search for keywords at Pure Energy Rx, and it will return relevant results, e.g. "courage", "confidence", "fear", "intelligence", etc.)
This Quantum Life by Boyd Martin, Caretaker, Pure Energy Rx
The Great Awakening

Many of us have been sitting in the bleachers munching our popcorn as the control drama of the US elections unfolds. To some it is the ultimate "fight to the finish" between the forces of Dark and Light that has justified extreme emotional responses, stressing out and lashing out, without any chilling out.
Personally, I prefer to see the upheaval in terms of what has been referred to as The Great Awakening. What does that mean? It means that the ills of the world have always been perpetrated by a small cadre of economic and political forces deeply behind the scenes that profit from these ills. Their strategy for accomplishing this is to keep everyone asleep in a comfortable box that Morpheus (from the movie "The Matrix") referred to as a "prison for your mind".
The prison is replete with a daily barrage of economic worries, and social concerns arising from a programmed childhood of "not good enough" scripts, to adult near successes and near failures that bring us to the conclusion that being comfortable in the box is all we can really ever expect.
Every once in a while, one of us wakes up to the shenanigans behind the curtain, starts saying something, and is then silenced by the majority who don't want to wake up from their comfortable survival dream. The "woke" are then minimized, belittled and accused of spouting "conspiracy theories" by this slumbering majority who refuse to listen, as they spew accusations of "no factual evidence", when they themselves have never done any real fact-finding, wanting the "facts" to reflect the comfort of their box.
Meanwhile, wars are waged, economies fail, crimes are committed against humanity, all without a modicum of justice, because it's all just "out of our hands".
The elephant in the room is that the mere act of awakening to these dark agendas reduces their power and makes it more difficult for these Dark Forces to gleefully continue their exploits.
As humanity's Great Awakening unfolds, the Dark Forces begin to lash out in a frenzied attempt to distract and confuse--blatantly propagandizing, cheating and stealing to do "whatever it takes" to regain their safety behind the curtain.
The problem for the Dark is that once people "wake up" they are not so easily put back to sleep, and soon, the awareness dawns that the collective has been being exploited and abused for the benefit of those with the Dark agendas. This shortly leads to righteous demands for truth and justice.
The ancient axiom, "As without, so it is within" is the clarion call of awakening. As the awakening process proceeds, it exposes how we are complicit in the Dark agenda, and how we minimized our own light to "fit in", and "be nice" despite circumstances that should have inspired us to break out and shatter the social norms. We instead defended our comfortable positions, looked away from the Dark manipulations, and ignored our societal and personal accountability.
I got into a minor kerfuffle today with a Facebook friend who kept misconstruing my words. I was making the point that by allowing the fact of Dark collusion within the political system, it also allows us to see the Dark's agendas and strategies. She was aghast that I would condone the allowance of evil, and no matter what I said, I was hopelessly embedded in conspiracy theories which threatened her comfortable box of "normal". I responded that I respected her process, and that it was her choice whether or not to "go down the rabbit hole". Apparently, just the thought that there was a rabbit hole to go down was offensive to her.
Denial is one of the first steps of awakening. You get a glimpse of the sheer magnitude of the Darkness and what that might mean to your existence, and it's natural to knee jerk into denial. Yet, the door has been cracked open, and even the smallest opening cannot be closed.
When courage returns, the door opens more, and soon, the Light that is your essence fills those Dark spaces, and transforms the world. There is nothing to be "aghast" about, nothing to be outraged about. It is simply the Truth standing there for all to see.
When Truth becomes self-evident, our light is unfettered, and the building blocks of a new creation start to organize. Whatever was in the Darkness can now join the light of creation, and the illusions created by the darkness fall away to reveal the unconditional love that was always there.
The Great Awakening is indeed upon us, with many in various stages of acceptance. The priority is to respect where others are in the process, and to hold fast to our steady gaze at Truth, despite the "gnashing of teeth" that may come at us from out of the Darkness as it dissolves in the Light. There is great potential for love within the Darkness that is released in the light of Truth. Hold steady, know we are witnessing a transformation of the world, and a transformation of ourselves--The Greater Life we have always known is our destiny.
To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin

Janet Barrett is a subtle energies empath and consciousness educator utilizing the field of potential. With warmth, humor and support she will offer you new ways to understand your issues. By reframing what your stories are, you can transform and clear them. It is possible to change what is bothering you. You can enjoy new outcomes. And, they can happen in the blink of an eye. WEBSITE
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