Adults and Kids are Meditating More than Ever
In the last 5 years, the number of American adults and children who practice meditation has significantly increased. This is known through the results of a questionnaire administered by the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) every 5 years. Thousands of Americans respond to questions about their health, wellness, and illness-related experiences. Results indicate that about 14 percent of adults practiced yoga and meditation in 2017. That’s up from about 9.5 percent and 4 percent respectively compared to a similar survey fielded five years ago.
"The survey data suggest that more people are turning to mind and body approaches than ever before," NCCIH acting director David Shurtleff said in a press release.
Here are some further details from the report regarding adults:
- Yoga was the most commonly used complementary health approach among U.S. adults in 2012 (9.5 percent) and 2017 (14.3 percent).
- The use of meditation increased more than threefold from 4.1 percent in 2012 to 14.2 percent in 2017.
- The use of chiropractors increased from 9.1 percent in 2012 to 10.3 percent in 2017.
- In 2017, women were more likely to use yoga, meditation and chiropractors in the past 12 months than men.
- Non-Hispanic white adults were more likely to use yoga, meditation and chiropractors than Hispanic and non-Hispanic black adults.
And here are some for children:
- The percentage of children aged 4-17 years who used yoga in the past 12 months increased significantly from 3.1 percent in 2012 to 8.4 percent in 2017.
- Meditation increased significantly from 0.6 percent in 2012 to 5.4 percent in 2017.
- There was no statistically significant difference in the use of a chiropractor between 2012 and 2017 (3.5 percent and 3.4 percent, respectively).
- In 2017, girls were more likely to have used yoga during the past 12 months than boys.
- In 2017, older children (aged 12-17 years) were more likely to have used meditation and a chiropractor in the past 12 months than younger children (aged 4-11 years).
- Non-Hispanic white children were more likely to have used yoga and a chiropractor in the past 12 months than non-Hispanic black children or Hispanic children.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Our six Meditation Elixirs help address various aspects of meditating, creating better focus, more mindfulness and higher states of well-being. Check out these advanced and effective formulas.
Short Primer on Basic Brainwave States
Knowing how to identify your brainwave state is the first step in consciously shifting it. All of our thoughts, emotions and behaviors are rooted in the communication between neurons. Naturally occurring brain chemicals influence our moods but there is also an electrical component associated with brainwave frequency that is worth exploring.
Alpha is about relaxation, imagination, visualization. This slow cycle of brain wave is 7-12 HZ (beats per second) is also associated with peace, safety and is a great state of mind for relieving stress. It is also present when people watch movies or television. It is considered a gateway to deeper realms of consciousness and the Schuman Resonance which is the resonant frequency of the earth’s electromagnetic field. This state is essential to well-being.
Beta is mostly associated with concentration, cognition, alertness, and focus. This state of mind allows you to make connections quickly and come up with solutions and ideas. It is great for creative projects and also a great state of mind for sports or physical activity that requires focused attention. The Beta wave rate is between 13-40 HZ (beats per second).
Theta is the state associated meditation, intuition, memory and was first noticed when EEG was applied to meditating monks. This mystical realm is elusive and mysterious since brain activity slows almost to the point of sleep, but not quite. This state brings heightened receptivity, visions, flashes of dreamlike imagery, inspiration, and your buried memories.
Delta clocks in at about 0-4 HZ. and is pretty much where we go when we are in a deep sleep. This state is crucial for the restoration of the body and healing. Delta has to do with the subconscious, the place where intuition arises.
Gamma is hyperspeed, above 40 HZ. and it is the most recently discovered frequency. Little is known about this state of mind, but initial research shows Gamma waves are associated with high-level information processing and bursts of insight. Perhaps we are evolving to adapt with our fast paced, technology-driven world?
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Being aware of what brainwave state or in-between state you are in is an excellent mindfulness practice. We recommend the Vital Force Inner Peace Crystal that will create an energy field of calm around the wearer, making it easier and pleasurable to be mindful.
People Are Knowingly Taking Placebo Pills for Healing
Time magazine recently published an article about a woman (now a 71-year old medical assistant) and her struggle with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). She tried everything, from drugs to changing her diet. It was a horrible way to live, she told the Times, as she was often huddled in a corner and keeled over in pain. It’s something that can really debilitate your life. Approximately ten years ago today, she decided to enroll herself into a study, a first of its kind clinical trial, one where the patient would be receiving a placebo pill. The pill had no active ingredients, and she felt "deflated," that she got her hopes up for nothing. Three weeks later, after taking the pill twice daily, Buonanno (the 71-year old medical assistant) was symptom free. She had never gone so long without an attack. "I didn’t have a clue what was going on," she says. "I still don’t."
The placebo effect is a non-therapeutic treatment (like a sham pill), and it improves a patient’s physical condition. This has been documented for centuries. The interesting thing about the study the woman decided to participate in, is the fact that patients taking the placebo pill were well aware that they were taking a placebo. With traditional placebo studies, patients are made to believe that they are taking something that will benefit them and improve their condition. In 2009, Harvard Medical School launched the first open-label placebo, where patients knew what they were taking, and they started with people who had IBS, including the 71- year old woman. As Time points out,
The findings were surprising. Nearly twice as many people in the trial who knowingly received placebo pills reported experiencing adequate symptom relief, compared with the people who received no treatment. Not only that but the men and women taking the placebo also doubled their rates of improvement to a point that was about equal to the effects of two IBS medications that were commonly used at the time.
The team of researchers, alongside a team at the Program in Placebo Studies and Therapeutic Encounter at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, have secured a $2.5 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to replicate the study mentioned above. So far, researchers have treated 270 patients and intend to treat approximately 100 more with IBV via their ongoing clinical trial.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Such supposed anomolies of consciousness, such as the Placebo Effect, so-called psychic phenomena, and other "glitches" such as deja-vu or synchronicities, are poorly understood because the current science does not fully account for the potential properties of consciousness. Use our Cosmic Eye Gem Elixir to help explore these latent abilities and states of consciousness in yourself.
Writing or Drawing
Regardless of your writing ability, the process of writing down one's thoughts is an age-old, tried and true way of self inquiry. Often, you'll find yourself revealing a deep truth about life, a sub-conscious pattern or other conundrum by simply writing about it. Many proponents of this method insist that the best way to write is by hand with a pen or pencil--believing that the physical motions in some way amplify the psychological powers engaged in attempting to language our thoughts. I do not hold this belief myself, and prefer to type, and sometimes read what I typed out loud, even recording it a la podcast, and listening to it back. The mechanism at work here is "mirroring". By mirroring our thoughts "out in the physical world", it allows us to perceive our awarenesses and conclusions from a different angle, or perspective, thus giving us insights we would not necessarily have otherwise. The process of self-mirroring is really another way of Two Pointing, with one point being what is happening in the imagination, and the other point being the written version of it. Journaling is especially effective when there is a confusion of energies, or there is something about what you are experiencing that is a problem, conundrum or conflict. Write all about the different aspects of your feelings about the subject, and you are sure to come to some new awarenesses about the situation. You can then apply more tools as needed to clear any stuck energies. I would also add drawing to this hack, and even if you have absolutely no "talent" for drawing, there is a way to do it that is highly therapeutic. Falling into the category of "automatic writing", by "randomly" drawing lines and shapes, you are essentially two-pointing subconscious patterns. Of course, you don't need to limit this to random lines and shapes--drawing objects or imaginings is also therapeutic. Focus in on a particular feeling or experience, and then just allow the pen or pencil to move across the paper. Observe the designs made, and let them bring you new awarenesses.
(From 25 No Cost Health & Healing Hacks by Boyd Martin)
Danielle Egnew
Danielle Egnew is an internationally renowned Psychic, Medium and Angelic Channel. She has appeared on ABC, NBC, USA, TNT, and has been featured in the Washington Post and Huffington Post. Danielle has consulted on a number of television projects including Lifetime's "America's Psychic Challenge", the CW's hit series "Supernatural", and the blockbuster film "Man of Steel". Danielle was named Psychic of the Year by "UFO and Supernatural Magazine", and has been a presenter and keynote speaker at a number of spiritual and paranormal events. As an author, Danielle's paranormal book "True Tales of the Truly Weird" debuted in the Amazon Top 20. As a director, Danielle's paranormal documentary film "Montgomery House: The Perfect Haunting" was lauded as "The Real Paranormal Activity" by Hollywood Today. Danielle is also an accomplished musician, with her album "You've Got To Go Back the Way that You Came" winning "Best Country Recording" at the 2017 Native American Music Awards in New York. Danielle Egnew currently anchors her own private practice in the Big Sky country of Montana, where she resides with her wife and their daughter. She volunteers when needed with Law Enforcement and provides Spiritual Advisory services for private clients including Hollywood Studio Heads, Fortune 500 Executives, and international and celebrity clientele. Danielle can also be found as a guest columnist for spiritual periodicals. WEBSITE
Protect Yourself from the Most Ubiquitous Environmental Pollution
EMF, or electro-magnetic fields, are pretty much everywhere within reach of a cell tower broadcast. This "electro-smog" has deleterious effects on the human bio-energetic system, directly interfering with the mitochondria and their electrical communications throughout the body. EMF's have been researched intensely over the past 30 years, and their adverse affects on the human immune system, reproductive system, and nervous systems, is well-documented. This situation is soon to ramp up considerably with the roll-out of widespread delivery of the 5-G broadcast for smartphones and other devices. Due to the higher frequency and power of the 5G signal, it reaches into the realm of frequencies that directly affect human cognition and other brain functions. Our Vital Force Transformers create a field around devices where they are placed that neutralizes the harmful component of an EMF broadcast, transforming the energy into beneficial frequencies for living things. This breakthrough technology has been extensively tested in laboratories by scientists. The transformers have been able to neutralize Gamma Rays--some of the most lethal of radiations--under laboratory conditions. The EMF "strips" are thin enough to mount under any smartphone case, and come in two sizes--one specifically to fit smartphones, and a larger one for such devices as routers, TVs, microwaves, etc. Use discount code FACEBK20 for 20% off any Vital Force Transformer. ORDER NOW
Clean Sweep: Instant Relief from Negative Energies

Clean Sweep was developed in the laboratory by a team of quantum physicists. They were researching a way to clear unwanted energies or frequencies from the lab in order to make testing more accurate. In the process of this research, they discovered a way to infuse ionized water so that when sprayed into the environment, it neutralized all forms of electromagnetic fields (EMF) and even deadly Gamma radiation. Later, in human trials, Clean Sweep showed the remarkable property of also neutralizing negative emotions and feelings in humans, and was able to reduce stress response not only in humans, but also in animals and even plants. The effect of Clean Sweep is immediate, as it swiftly calms the sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous systems. Great for contentious business meetings, family get togethers, upset infants, stressed out pets, and even house or garden plants that have been shocked. Clean Sweep is also extremely effective in clearing energies from doctors' offices, yoga studios, healer treatment rooms, car rentals, hotel rooms and aircraft. Clean Sweep is also an excellent self-treatment aid that creates a "bubble" of zero-negative space, making it much easier to meditate or concentrate on a task. The effect lasts approximately 3-6 hours, and with a few spritzes into the corners of a room, the space is cleared. Check out the Clean Sweep testimonials, and give Clean Sweep a try! Clean Sweep is available in three sizes and a concentrate, with case prices available.
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This Quantum Life
by Boyd Martin, Caretaker, Pure Energy Rx
Relaxing While Falling

One of the major things I learned during my eight-year daily yoga practice was to relax while falling. What I mean by this is one of the properties of doing yoga asanas (poses) is to arrange your body in ways it either never has been placed, or is blocked somehow from being put in a particular position. This can lead to losing your balance, discomforts, straight out pain, or some sort of emotional release. The key to making progress with yoga asanas is to relax while the body gets accustomed to out-of-range placements, pain or falling. In this way, the "fight-or-flight" response is lessened, and it's then easier to approach the pose the next time and gain greater range of motion.
This strategy of relaxing while falling became automatic with me, so that anytime there was an experience of pain or discomfort or imbalance, I would simply let go, relax and regain equilibrium--allowing the energies to re-adjust and re-discover new pathways for healing.
On the other hand, one of the hardest things for me to get is that EVERYTHING is for healing. That sounds good, and reads nicely for a Facebook meme, but in practice the temptation to lose patience and take pain, setbacks, and emotional upsets personally can get profound. Uncertainties, worries, and general monkey mind shenanigans can really take the wind out of one's sails and leave him shaking his fist at the universe while questioning his very existence. Yet, this nearly bizarre axiom stands as one of the most intimate truths of human existence: It's all for healing.
But, Obi Wan, what are we healing from? What property of life is it that would allow pain and suffering and also the healing of that same pain and suffering? It seems like an exercise in masochism, and I certainly have accused the universe of sadism before, but, really. What's the attraction?
Some would say we are here for learning, but that can't be entirely correct, because we are, at our core, all-knowing, consciousness, so it is more accurate to say we are here to remember, if anything. Put the two concepts of healing and remembering together and we have the restoration of infinite consciousness.
From what I've gathered by being down here on our beautiful blue marble for the past 66 years (of this life), is that our poor Earth has been subjected to eons of wars of control--battles between forces that would keep things unconscious for the thrill of control and power, and those forces of consciousness bringing freedom of choice and wondrous creations of light and love. This grand duality of intention, borne out of the very dynamo of universal creation itself, serves a purpose. And I believe that purpose is the embodiment of our full consciousness into this dimensional world.
So, on an individual level, what we are healing is the rift between the automaticities of unconsciousness, and the full, infinite awareness of total consciousness. We are literally transforming that which is unconscious into that which is conscious.
At the core of asana yoga, for example, the practice requires one to awaken and make conscious all the energy meridians of the body, so that through the thousands of energy channels flows unimpeded life force, love, prana, and awareness. When any of these energy channels are blocked or constricted, it is experienced as discomfort, pain, confusion, emotional turbulance, or imbalance. By consciously manipulating our energies, we achieve a healing of that rift between what was once unconscious and is now conscious.
The prime manipulation is letting go--passing the pain and suffering from the clutches of the monkey mind, to the open, powerful, loving embrace of our Creator self--the Creator of all, within which we move and have our being. It's a falling away from control that decisively wrests control of our lives from would-be slave masters, and our own programmed, habitual thought--the Matrix, if you will, of our limitations, held and manipulated by the dark forces that would see us all doing their bidding as slaves and automatons.
As we fall away from dualistic control and allow the entire power of a loving universe course through our energy systems, we become free. We become uncontrollable, wild and dangerous to dark agendas. We relax and let flow the cosmic energies of love and light, in the service of the Creator of which we are all One.
To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin

Janet Barrett is a subtle energies empath and consciousness educator utilizing the field of potential. With warmth, humor and support she will offer you new ways to understand your issues. By reframing what your stories are, you can transform and clear them. It is possible to change what is bothering you. You can enjoy new outcomes. And, they can happen in the blink of an eye. WEBSITE

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