Dear Readers,
I met a gentleman the other day, who told me he acquired a parasite to his liver after munching some street vendor food during a vacation in Mexico. He said up to that point he never knew whether he had one liver or two. I found that the most astounding confession--haven't really stopped thinking about it.
A decision was made to remove the portion of the liver housing this voracious critter, and this gentleman was happy to report the doctor said the portion of his liver had grown back and he was currently feeling just dandy.
This gentleman happened to be in the real estate business, acquiring numerous rental properties during the course of the past 18 years; priding himself in the handsome portfolio of passive income generated by these numerous rentals and the nest egg prepared for a retirement plan off in the future.
I guess it is just a different way of looking at life, for me, and maybe you as well. The most valuable piece of real estate I own is my body. Happily functioning after all these years, fully intact, minus none of its pieces. In my own life, if I honor my home--meaning my body--everything else seems to fall into order. One of my biggest investments of time daily is caring for my body maintenance. Shopping for and preparing healthy food, exercising and oxygenating bones and tissue, staying on the straight and narrow with all communications, and resting my mind with daily meditation and reflection. In my world, this is preparing for retirement; it is daily, without effort, as it is my priority and consciousness.
What good is a retirement plan if your body doesn't make it to the party? I know for an absolute certainty that if you break a bone, it is not the same bone you were born with. And if you remove part of your liver, cells will recreate themselves, but for certain, it is not the same liver you were born with.
In recognition of National Breast Cancer Awareness month, we are offering Dr. DicQue Fuller's book, Women's Health, free with every purchase of enzymes. Given the importance of this topic we will be extending this offer to November 15th. Further down in this newsletter there is a message about myself and sugar, having been a white sugar devotee at one time, and some helpful pointer on how to survive the sugar-crazed Halloween Holiday with minimal damage.
We are adding another feature writer to our staff this fall, Charly Emery, an author and actress from Beverly Hills, California. Ms. Emery will bring a sensitivity and grace to our monthly publication, vast life experience and relevant and meaningful writing for all of us to enjoy and grow from.
May each of your days be rich like the colors of autumn, abundant with the flow of this time of year, and peace filled to support this need in our world.
In vibrant health,

Shay Arave President
Pure Energy Rx
P.S. Take a minute to check out the new look of the website. It's more personalized, there's much more customer feedback, and the look is easier to read!
Dear Shay,
I need another bottle of the Digestzyme, I don't even know what this little pill does, only that when I run out, and I miss them. What does Digestzyme do? Thanks Shay.
Your friend, Jerry Schafer, Las Vegas, Nevada
Hi Jerry,
Jerry, you are funny. Thank you for 3 years worth of monthly orders and... I guess it's about time you asked what Digestzyme is for, why is it you miss those little pills when the bottle is empty! Digestzyme is a digestive plant enzyme and when you take a capsule or better yet 2 prior to a meal, it provides your body a couple of things. One, it helps to digest your meal and secondly allows your body to gain more nutrition from the food you eat. Gathering more nutrition helps you to feel full sooner and over time can support weight loss. Also, Jerry, digestive plant enzymes can help you poop, which as you know, really helps you have a much better day, everyday.
Thanks again for the question Jerry, and for being such a good friend. --Shay
FREE Women's Health booklet with any enzyme formula purchase (a $3.95 value - offer expires 1.30.06). This booklet is a definitive look at the relationship between digestive enzymes and hormones, and how hormonal imbalances in women can be traced back to enzyme deficiencies. A logical, no-nonsense evaluation of the current medical approaches that overlook enzymes as an ultimate solution. Dr. Fuller-Looney makes her case by showing that the symptoms of protein malabsorption are the same as the symptoms of menopause. Softbound booklet, 32 pages. EXCERPT: "Every woman should play an active role in her own balance. Hormone balance is an art. It is to be controlled or regulated by both her and her doctor."
New site look...
With all the makeover mania sweeping the country, we decided to join in. We made over our website! It's streamlined with greater visual contrast, and we are focussing on getting the information to you about all the wonderful experiences our customers are having with our products. Our blog is much more active, and the shopping cart is much easier to use. We're in the last "beta" stages, so check it out and let us know if you receive any browser errors, or make suggestions as to how we could improve further. We look forward to hearing from you!
F.Y.I. - Interesting Health News Tidbits
Kale in the kitchen...
Did I mention my love for creating in the kitchen? Well it's true--cooking is a favorite pass time, second only to eating. So start watching for our recipe archive being posted on both the blog and recipe archives section. There is always something happening over here!
Sauteed Kale with Mushrooms and Garlic
Think of Kale as spinach on steroids: robust flavor, real texture and packed with nutrients. Kale is low calories, just 36 per cup cooked, but rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and manganese. It is also a good source of B vitamins as well as calcium, copper, iron, lutein and zeaxanthin.
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 to 1 1/2 pounds kale, ribs removed, coarsely chopped
1/2 cup water or veggie broth
2-3 teaspoons sherry vinegar or red-wine vinegar
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 to 1 cup shiitake, cremini or portabella mushrooms, sliced
1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in Dutch oven over medium heat. Add kale and cook, tossing with two large spoons, until bright green, about 1 minute. Add liquid, reduce heat to medium low, cover and cook, stirring occasionally, until kale is tender, 12 to 15 minutes. Push kale to one side and cook garlic, mushrooms and crushed pepper until fragrant and tender. Remove from heat. Stir in vinegar to taste and salt. Makes about 4 servings, about 1/2 cup each.
Per serving: 80 calories; 5 grams fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 7 grams carbohydrate, 2 grams protein, 1 gram fiber, 176 mg sodium.
10 Reasons to avoid sugar...
If I have not already mentioned to you, at one time I was completely addicted to sugar, weapon of choice, chocolate M&M's. It was not until I began using our product Digestzyme, two caps before each meal that my sugar cravings began to diminish. And by the way, it did not happen over night, this was 8 years ago and today, I have no interest in refined sugar. With the Holidays coming up I am reminded how very difficult that time of year was for me, sound familiar? Here is a reminder on the dangers of sugar, from one person who has vast experience with the sticky sweet stuff...
- Sugar causes blood glucose to spike and plummet.
- Sugar interferes with immune function.
- Sugar increases the risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease.
- A high-sugar diet often results in chromium deficiency.
- Sugar accelerates aging.
- Sugar causes tooth decay.
- Sugar can cause gum disease, which can lead to heart disease.
- Sugar affects behavior and cognition in children.
- Sugar increases stress.
- Sugar takes the place of important nutrients.
For me, sugar gave me energy, somedays it was all I would eat, that and coffee, sound familiar.Believe me I am in the wellness business because I needed to be. Once I read Dr. Fuller's book "The Healing Power of Enzymes," and identified my body type (Type 1) many answers came to the foreground. We offer the book on our site, so take the body evaluation and discover your body type and foods that will best support your nutritional system: BODY TYPE SURVEY
Sugary Halloween...
by Susan Burke, MS, RD, LD/N, CDE
eDiets.com, Chief Nutritionist
Among the goblins and ghouls at Halloween awaits a scary sight the mountain of candy. It can yank youngsters, as well as grown-ups, from their good eating habits, creating a weeklong sugar fest. The mountain can also send you on a steep descent into holiday bingeing if you aren't careful. So should you avoid all candy? Nah--it's Halloween, for goodness sake. Here are some tricks to help avoid a total sugar-nutrition breakdown that can lead to tummy troubles...
- Buy the candy for Halloween. The holiday is at the end of October, not September. Funny, how you have to replenish many times when you stock up early.
- Buy candy you don't like. I knew a woman who gave out hard butterscotch candy (poor trick-or-treaters.) Now I know what she was up to.
- Consider the candyless route. While Halloween does not have to be the time to push proper health and nutrition, providing a diversion to excess is not such a bad idea. Snack-sized bags of popcorn, pretzels, cheese crackers, gummy things, animal cookies or raisins are good alternatives. Little toys, pencils, stickers or baseball cards are also a hit.
- Donate the leftovers. I put my bowl out on the porch toward the end of the evening and somehow it evaporates. If you do end up with auxiliary candy, carry it to work, the nursing home or a homeless shelter.
- Prepare the trick-or-treaters real food. This isn't easy on the big night with so much excitement in the air. Organize a pre trick-or-treat party with friends or just your own family. Serve hot dogs or hamburgers before they head out so they aren't hungry and tempted to devour all the candy. Shape or arrange the meal for the holiday. For example, use purple and green ketchup to draw faces on the hamburgers. Arrange string beans around for creepy hair and carrot sticks for the body. Assorted sandwiches cut into shapes with Halloween cookie cutters and raisin eyes are also fun. Serve apple slices with caramel for dipping or sprinkled with unprepared strawberry gelatin powder. Fill scooped-out orange Jack-o-lanterns with chocolate ice cream. Make it fun.
- Avoid Candy Dispenser Syndrome. This is the very serious malady that befalls the person doling out candy -- "One for you and two for me." Eat a good meal, sip on some low-calorie hot chocolate or spiced tea, and watch a scary movie between doorbell rings.
- Ration or bargain the loot. Okay, so the little goblins come back to base with the lion's share. This can ruin a week's worth of meals if they load up everyday after school with candy. A couple of approaches: First, you can ration the candy and allow a few pieces on a daily basis. They may even forget they had so much. Or perhaps you can buy back the candy with money or some desired prize. Try not to snatch it all away. After all, they feel that they have earned it. Oh, and try not to steal too much. "That Snickers bar looks tampered with, I'll dispose of it."
- Let it be done with. After Halloween, the stores will continue to push their overstocked candy. You will feel it is the fall-Thanksgiving thing to do, having bowls of orange-and-brown Kisses sitting around. Overcome this compulsion, and buy apples and pears instead -- it's truly the fall thing to do. Speaking of apples, here is a wonderful mix of lean pork and apples that is very easy and tasty.

Plastic containers contain more than food...
Women may want to think twice before using plastic food containers and cans, for a study found a chemical widely used in such packaging--known as bisphenol-A, or BPA--may be linked to the incidence of breast cancer. Researchers reported persistent alterations to mammary gland development after giving doses of the compound to pregnant mice that were designed to mirror human exposure levels. Experiments suggested mammary glands of female mice grew in a way that made them more susceptible to breast cancer development and also to respond unusually to estrogen--which fuels most breast cancer in humans. The mice involved in the study were treated late in pregnancy and about four days after birth; the offspring were examined when they reached puberty about a month later. Due to BPA exposure, researchers found:
- Large increases in the number and density of terminal end buds, part of the mammary gland structure where breast tumors originate in both animals and humans.
- A decrease in the ability to get rid of damaged cells that could be cancerous.
- Mice exposed to higher doses of the compound developed mammary glands more sensitive to estrogen.
What's more, while the results of the study are indeed disturbing, they are not the first to highlight the negative health consequences of widely used chemicals: Research has also found that phthalates (also found in plastics) affect the genital development of baby boys. (Sources: Endocrinology May 26, 2005; The Guardian May 30, 2005)
Dr. Mercola's Comment:
Studies have shown that BPA can mimic the actions of estradiol (a type of estrogen) in the body, contributing to, among other symptoms, the following changes in mice and rat studies:
- Early puberty
- Increased fat formation
- Abnormal sexual behavior
- Disrupted reproductive cycles
As exposure to estrogen from external sources has been linked to breast cancer in the past, the above results are consistent with previous findings on this topic. The disruption of your hormone system, and all of the consequences resulting from it, is a typical way that environmental toxins negatively impact your body. Cancer has many contributing factors, so it is important to appreciate that prevention is not necessarily dependent on a single item. While there are many steps you can take to strongly influence your chances of avoiding this extremely common killer, reducing your exposure to toxins is an important step in the right direction. And, while for most of us it may be next to impossible to completely avoid all toxins, the following tips can certainly be helpful:
Tips to Avoid Toxins
- First and foremost store your food in glass containers whenever possible, as it is the most inert container you can use.
- Buy and eat, as much as possible, organic foods. If you can only purchase one organic product it probably should be free-range organic eggs. Fortunately, most grocery stores now have these available. If they don't, contact the store manager and encourage him or her to carry them. Additionally, I believe raw milk products are a key to staying healthy. They are best obtained locally but many people have a great challenge finding them.
- Rather than eating fish, which is largely contaminated with PCBs and mercury, consume a high-quality, purified fish or cod liver oil. Contact your favorite health food store to find it or another high-quality brand, or use our store for your convenience. Another option is to have your wild-caught fish lab tested to find out if it is a pure source (we've found a delicious, wild Alaskan salmon that is free from harmful levels of mercury and PCBs).
- Avoid processed foods--remember that they're frequently processed with a variety of chemicals!
- Only use natural cleaning products in your home. Most health food stores will have these available or you can search online for them.
- Switch to natural brands of toiletries, including shampoo, toothpaste, antiperspirants and cosmetics. Same sources as above for these, either your local health food store or you can search online.
- Remove any metal fillings, as they're a major source of mercury. Be sure to have this done by a qualified biological dentist. Although nearly any dentist is technically qualified to replace your amalgam fillings, far less than 95 percent have any clue on how to do it properly so your risk of mercury exposure is minimized. Please avoid the mistake I have seen THOUSANDS of patients make of having your fillings replaced by a non-qualified dentist. I made this mistake myself nearly 20 years ago. Do it right the first time and save yourself the expense and grief. If you don't personally know a qualified biological dentist, many people find one by contacting several of the health food stores in their area and asking the employees who they know. This is typically an excellent resource as they are usually networked quite well in the local health community.
- Avoid using artificial air fresheners, dryer sheets, fabric softeners or other synthetic fragrances as they can pollute the air you are breathing.
- Avoid artificial food additives of all kind, including artificial sweeteners and MSG.
- Get plenty of safe sun exposure to boost your vitamin D levels and your immune system (you'll be better able to fight disease).
- Seek to build your health up through the nutrition insights detailed in my Total Health Program, and then limit your use of drugs (prescription and over-the-counter) as much as possible. Drugs are chemicals too, and they will leave residues and accumulate in your body over time. [SOURCE]
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Getting peaceful sleep ...
Placement of the bed is very important in Feng Shui. We spend a third of our lives in bed, at least we would if we got a full night's sleep each night. Bed placement can help a person feel comfortable and ready for sleep. There are many, many rules about bed placement, below are five for placing an adult's bed (I will cover kid's beds in a future newsletter). You may find it impossible with the shape and size of your room to follow even half of these rules. If this is the case, then there are cures you can place to offset the negative energy that results from incorrect bed placement.
1. Ideally, beds should not be placed where the sleeper's head is within two feet of a door. When it's time to sleep we want to feel that it is safe to sleep. And if someone can reach in from the hall and pat you on the head the bed is too close to the door. If you can't move the bed away from the door then place a plant between your pillow and the door on a small end table.
2. Beds should not be placed so the sleeper's feet point out the door. Chinese lore says that when a person dies they carry him out feet first and so sleeping with your feet pointing out the door is considered very bad for your health. If the bed cannot be moved then hang a prismatic crystal over the door inside the bedroom. The crystal should be hung high enough so that the door can be closed without hitting the crystal.
3. The sleeper should not sleep in view of a toilet. It is considered unhealthy to have your head in line with the toilet. And who really wants to look over and see a toilet bowl. If however the toilet is in your life of sight try to keep the bathroom door closed. Ideally, you would re-orient the bed but if this is not possible then place a small mirror in the bathroom above the door (facing into the bathroom).
4. Beds should not sit opposite a mirror. This is another rule based on Chinese lore. It is said that your soul leaves the body and travels at night and that if the soul sees itself in the mirror it may become frightened and leave the body for good. This idea can be found in one form or another in many cultures. In the past in some European countries when a person became ill they would turn the mirrors around so that the soul would not find an early exit. Now "sleeping across from a mirror" does not mean a mirror to one side of the bed or the other but one that is across from the foot of the bed. And if your bedroom has large mirrored closet doors or a dresser with a mirror it may be difficult to place your bed to avoid the mirror. But, there is a cure--the prismatic crystal. Hang the crystal in front of the mirror so it is reflected in the mirror. This will break up the negative energy and allow you to sleep more comfortably.
5. Beds should not be near tall pieces of furniture. How close is too close? If the furniture were to fall over and hit the bed it would be considered too close. We all have natural survival instincts and tall pieces of furniture could subconsciously be seen as a threat thus disturbing sleep. If you must have tall pieces next to a bed consider attaching them to the wall with "L" brackets. You may not live in an earthquake prone area but the genetic memory of the cells in your body may have been around when Mount Vesuvius erupted and you will feel better knowing that the armoire is not going to teeter over in the middle of the night.
After all this you may be thinking that your only choice is to sleep in a sleeping bag in the hall. Sorry that has some drawbacks too. But if you can orient your bed by at least some of these rules and place a few cures for the rest, you may find sleep, health and general peace of mind much improved. Then you can wake refreshed, energized and ready for the day. --Donna Stellhorn, 1-800-918-2689