Self-Efficacy and Manifestation
Social psychology states that there is a link between high self-efficacy and positive outcomes--and that the belief that you can achieve a difficult task defines your level of self-efficacy. According to research on the connection between self-efficacy and quality of life perceptions of health, this belief in your ability to succeed may even affect how you perceive your body's abilities. The study was led by Anna Banik, who worked with fellow researchers from the SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities.
Self-efficacy refers to the belief that you have in your own abilities, specifically the ability to meet challenges and accomplish certain tasks successfully. While general self-efficacy refers to the overall belief in your ability to succeed, there are various specific forms of self-efficacy, such as those relating to academics or sports.
For the study, the research team relied on a meta-analysis to examine all the available evidence in the literature about the role of both general and exercise-specific self-efficacy in predicting health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in people who had cardiovascular disease (CVD). HRQOL is defined as "your perspective on your health in the broadest sense of physical, mental, and social functioning." The research team explained that "improving HRQOL among people with CVD is one of the critical goals for any treatment, rehabilitation, and intervention efforts."
When facing a physical challenge, having heart disease may significantly affect your quality of life. But Banik commented that one way to resolve this is by modifying your sense of self-efficacy, which is a crucial yet modifiable personal resource that allows you to manage your own functioning. Believing that you can control health-related outcomes should help improve your perspective about your overall health and your sense of self. (Related: Mind-body connection: Simple attitude proven to lower risk of heart failure by 73%.)
Various studies have shown that using self-efficacy, people with CVD can manage their disease to some degree. It can even help them reduce the depression that is usually linked to chronic illness.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: The link between how we feel physically and what we feel our abilities are is an important factor in visualising successful outcomes. Use our Success & Achievement Meditation Elixir to strengthen those connections to help you make a quantum leap in manifestation.
Doctors Prescribing Nature
It's October right now, so your doctor has prescribed that you step outside and appreciate a cloud. Or maybe you could write a worry onto a stone and throw it into the sea.
The above are suggestions from a new ‘Nature Prescriptions' program being rolled out to medical doctors in Scotland's Shetland Islands this week. After a successful pilot at a surgery in Scalloway, all of Shetland's doctors can now literally prescribe ‘nature' to their patients as part of their overall treatment strategy. The project, jointly run by NHS Shetland and RSPB Scotland, is thought to be the first of its kind in the UK, and those behind it expect the scheme to improve patients' blood pressure, reduce their risk of heart disease and strokes, plus give their happiness and mental health a boost.
"There is overwhelming evidence that nature has health benefits for body and mind," says RSPB community engagement officer Karen MacKelvie. "So, we saw an opportunity to design a leaflet that helps doctors describe the health benefits of nature and provides plenty of local ideas to help doctors fire-up their patients' imaginations and get them outdoors."
When doctors sees a patient whose health could benefit from a nature prescription, they can give them the leaflet--which explains ways in which spending time in nature is good for the human body--along with a calendar that gives ideas about what to see and do in Shetland's great outdoors. "The benefits to patients are that it is free, easily accessible, allows increased connection with surroundings which hopefully leads to improved physical and mental health for individuals."
While some of the suggestions on the Nature Prescriptions calendar are region-specific, lots of them could be done by people living anywhere. So why not tend to some plants? Turn over a rock and see what's underneath. Go camping in the wild. Listen to some birdsong. Feel the wind in your face. And then look back on your year and see how far you've come.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Being in proximity to the mega-rhythms of Nature brings us into closer resonance with the entire planet and her cycles. Wear our Schumann Resonance Crystals to bring the Earth's frequency close to your body for excellent health benefits as you commune with Nature.
An Unacknowledged Human Ability
When it comes to precognition, the new study recently published by scientists at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) examines multiple, scientifically controlled experiments that have yielded significant results. They examined multiple areas of research, multiple studies and meta-analysis showing how the scientific evidence for pre-cognition is measurable and continues to grow.
The authors are careful in their writing, pointing out the observed effects:
If positive empirical evidence continues to accumulate, especially if the methodological recommendations suggested by ourselves and others are followed, then a time may come when we are forced to think the unthinkable. Indeed, the implications of retrocausation are so remote from engrained ways of thinking that the first reaction to this line of research is that it must be flawed. The second reaction may be horror that it represents a previously unaccepted fact about reality.
Another interesting concept discussed in the study is time, as you cannot really have a discussion about pre-cognition without the concept of time. When you think about pre-cognition, as with most parapsychological areas of study, you also have to consider quantum physics, because these two disciplines are deeply related to each other. Studies conducted over the years in quantum physics alone has shown how human intention, and other factors associated with consciousness, can and do interact with our physical material reality.
When we talk about future events, and time, if we look at matter on a quantum scale, future events are represented as a wave of possibilities, and don't really manifest as physical matter until we, the observer, click it into existence with our own consciousness. In 2007 (Science 315, 966, 2007), scientists in France shot photons into an apparatus and showed that their actions could retroactively change something which had already happened.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Finding the path within oneself to extra-normal abilities becomes a matter of deep mindfulness, patience and courage. Use our Meditation Elixir, Cosmic Eye, to help reveal the way to this type of knowledge.
Drumming synchronizes body processes from the rhythmic movement, and the effect of a steady drumbeat is soothing to both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Many people think they can't drum because they "have no rhythm". Yes, I know some people who don't believe they can tap out a rhythm, and so they can't, but this is more a matter of belief than anything else. You have a heartbeat, therefore you can drum. If you're in the category of "non-rhythmic" people, I would point out that if it weren't for the rhythmic motion of the circulatory system, you would not be alive. Start by tapping your finger to some of your favorite music, then get a wooden spoon and tap on some pans. Get a bongo drum at a garage sale, or music store, and just start pounding on it. The rhythmic muscular motion helps the circulatory system with all of its venous and arterial gates, synch up with the heart, and it is a great way to stimulate endorphin production, reducing pain, and creating a better mood. (From 25 No Cost Health & Healing Hacks by Boyd Martin)
Sandra Walter
Sandra Walter is a Wayshower, Ascension Guide and Gatekeeper in service to the Shift in Consciousness on Gaia. As an Interdimensional Liaison since 1999, Sandra assists awakened HUmans through writings, videos and creations focused on Ascension. She inspires the exploration and evolution of HUman consciousness, bridging the multidimensional worlds to create peace, self-realization and a deep understanding of the Ascension process. As a Master Gatekeeper, Sandra receives regular updates from a diverse, benevolent collective of Higher Dimensional Beings in service to the Ascension. This includes Gateway passages for energetic shifts, strong influxes of Light, Solar activity, timeline divisions and related cosmic events. She is not associated with any group or organization. Sandra shares information as a contactee and pure conduit to empower, inspire and accelerate the Ascension of HUmanity. She is a published author, certified Life Coach, artist and Energy Healer. Sandra lives in Mount Shasta, California. WEBSITE
Protect Yourself from the Most Ubiquitous Environmental Pollution
EMF, or electro-magnetic fields, are pretty much everywhere within reach of a cell tower broadcast. This "electro-smog" has deleterious effects on the human bio-energetic system, directly interfering with the mitochondria and their electrical communications throughout the body. EMF's have been researched intensely over the past 30 years, and their adverse affects on the human immune system, reproductive system, and nervous systems, is well-documented. This situation is soon to ramp up considerably with the roll-out of widespread delivery of the 5-G broadcast for smartphones and other devices. Due to the higher frequency and power of the 5G signal, it reaches into the realm of frequencies that directly affect human cognition and other brain functions. Our Vital Force Transformers create a field around devices where they are placed that neutralizes the harmful component of an EMF broadcast, transforming the energy into beneficial frequencies for living things. This breakthrough technology has been extensively tested in laboratories by scientists. The transformers have been able to neutralize Gamma Rays--some of the most lethal of radiations--under laboratory conditions. The EMF "strips" are thin enough to mount under any smartphone case, and come in two sizes--one specifically to fit smartphones, and a larger one for such devices as routers, TVs, microwaves, etc. Use discount code FACEBK20 for 20% off any Vital Force Transformer. ORDER NOW
E-3: True Healing Pain Relief

The E-3 Revitalizing and Repair Lotion has been a mainstay for pain relief and first aid for over 20 years, helping thousands get to the root of their pain and resolving it. E-3 is based on quantum physics research, and works like "liquid acupuncture", re-establishing energy flows across the injured or painful area, which is the primary case of pain. E-3 immediately goes to work, speeding healing and bringing relief. E-3 is also excellent for wounds, insect bites--even acne, shown to cut healing time in half. E-3 works wonderfully on swellings, localized inflammation, and acute aches and pains. Although E-3 shines as first aid (and any household should have it), chronic pains and injuries benefit from long-term use. Apply E-3 on the palms and soles of the feet for whole-body benefits of increased energy connection. Use E-3 on the breastbone, over the thymus, to normalize the immune system. The subtle energy signature in E-3 is carried by a hypoallergenic non-greasy organic cream, that in itself is excellent for the skin. Use discount code
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This Quantum Life
by Boyd Martin, Caretaker, Pure Energy Rx
Riding the Waves of Feeling

I woke up this morning, and besides my normal waking fog, as I sat on the edge of my bed, there was some familiar terrain of feeling down deep. It was familiar in the sense of it seemed ancient and something I hadn't felt for a very long time. It was soft, powerful, all-encompassing and poignant--as if I had just arrived back home after a long absence.
This particular feeling persisted, and as I went on with my day, I noticed that almost everything I looked at, every smell, every sound, was triggering feelings I'd felt as a child, or at different times in my life--sometimes cascading with four or five episodes firing at once. These have been intense enough to bring me to a complete pause, motionless, simply being and experiencing these intense messages from beyond, or unburied from deep within.
Many of these feeling phantasms were melancholy and brought about reactions of futility and sadness. As these continued to wash through me, I realised there was a juicy counterpart at the other end of this feeling spectrum: futility could be felt as high hopefulness; sadness could be felt as poignant joy. It became a matter of simple choice as to which end of the spectrum of these feelings I could feel.
For want of a better analysis, it would seem I've stumbled upon a kundalini event, where suddenly new spaces, new vistas of possibility have been revealed, and the gateway to these possibilities seems to have been flung wide open.
Lately, there have been astronomical reports about the sun's heliosphere contracting along with the solar minimum. The contraction of the heliosphere allows high-powered and high-velocity cosmic rays from galactic center to more easily penetrate the boundary between the heliosphere and our solar system, bringing new types of radiations to our planet. These have been shown to directly affect human consciousness.
Whatever it is, something is going on, and it's being felt by humanity either consciously or unconsciously, bringing a multitude of opportunities for all of us to explore the multi-dimensional aspects of our being. There is so much about ourselves that has been obscured, cut off, and made invisible for the sake of incarnation, cultural control and constriction of our senses and abilities.
When we begin to access previously shutdown perceptions and pathways to high abilities, it feels like a coming home, or a re-centering of being, just on the verge of overwhelming, yet completely natural. It is the Second Coming of the Self, the beginning of an embodiment of everything that is.
Ask for it. Reach for it. It is there, and say hello to the infinite YOU.
To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin

Janet Barrett is a subtle energies empath and consciousness educator utilizing the field of potential. With warmth, humor and support she will offer you new ways to understand your issues. By reframing what your stories are, you can transform and clear them. It is possible to change what is bothering you. You can enjoy new outcomes. And, they can happen in the blink of an eye.

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