Our DNA Contains Information From 14 Generations
Scientists have made some incredible new discoveries on how our minds can literally affect our biology, especially through the study of epigenetics, the branch of science that looks at how inherited changes of phenotype (appearance) or gene expression are caused by mechanisms other than changes in the underlying DNA sequence. Instead of looking at DNA as the only factor controlling our biology, scientists are also looking at what’s actually controlling the DNA, which includes our thoughts.
To figure out how long the environment can leave a mark on genetic expression, the scientists used genetically engineered nematode worms that carry a transgene fluorescent protein, allowing the worms to glow under ultraviolet light. They then put the worms in different temperature-controlled containers to observe how the heat and the cold affected their ability to glow.
When the worms were in the colder containers (20° Celsius), the transgene showed low activity and therefore the worms could barely glow. However, when they put the worms in a warmer container (25° Celsius), the transgene became much more active, evinced by the worms’ bright glow. To test the worms even further, the scientists took the warm, glowing worms and put them back in the cold containers.
To their surprise, the worms continued to glow, which to the scientists meant that they retained an “environmental memory” of the warmer temperature, allowing the transgene to remain active. When the worms had offspring, that memory was actually passed on to their children for seven generations, allowing them to glow brightly despite never having experienced a warmer climate.
To further test their epigenetic capabilities, the scientists kept five generations in a warmer climate of 25° Celsius and then separated their offspring from them, putting them in colder temperatures. However, the worms still continued to have the highly active transgene for 14 generations. This study marks the longest scientists have ever witnessed the passing-down of an environmentally induced genetic change.
“Worms are very short-lived, so perhaps they are transmitting memories of past conditions to help their descendants predict what their environment might be like in the future,” explained co-researcher Tanya Vavouri from the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute in Spain.
This study was performed fairly quickly, as the 14 generations studied only took about 50 days to develop; however, this still brings us one step closer to understanding how environmental genetic change is passed down in other species, including humans.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Research has also shown that stress can stimulate past traumas throughout a particular genetic line--meaning that genetic information on past traumas passed along generation to generation can be activated by stress. This can trigger diseases, chronic conditions and other symptoms. Use our E-1 Stress Relief Formula that has a proven effect on genetic switches in the DNA.
5 Easily Correctible Things We Do To Limit Ourselves
1. We’re Afraid to Ask - How many times have you found yourself racking your brain to solve an issue for days, weeks, and months on end only to eventually find the solution in someone else’s advice? It’s amazing how many times a willingness to simply ask for help can expedite our journey. Focus on being an active learner who not only uses but stores the advice received for further use down the road.
2. We Spend Outside Our Means - Rather than mindlessly punching in that credit card number on another online purchase, take a moment to assess the bigger picture reason why you feel inclined to buy. Is what you’re about to buy actually necessary? If not, don’t further extend that ridiculous timeframe your credit card statement outlines as the point at which you’ll be debt free through minimum monthly payments.
3. We’re Driven by Instant Gratification - The major downside to living a life led by immediate gratification is that it tends to complicate things long-term by creating situations and circumstances that would have been completely avoidable had we applied a mindful, bigger picture approach. Ask yourself at the moment of the impulse, "How will this contribute to me long-term?"
4. We Complain for Sympathy - Nobody likes a complainer, yet we all seem to love complaining. The main incentive to complaining is that it offers sympathy. While that may be nice in the moment (if it’s genuine, which it often isn’t), it’s certainly not worth the complications and repetitions of experience that invariably come from holding onto and reliving something that happened in the past.
5. You’re Reactive Rather Than Proactive - The more proactive you are, the less likely you are to have to deal with challenging situations that complicate your life. The more reactive you are, the more likely you are to have complications, since you are openly inviting them. Whether it be in regards to your health, finances, relationships, or any other major facet of your life, choose to be proactive in taking care of it rather than waiting for shit to hit the fan.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Procrastination and low-esteem can be at the root of these comon foibles. Use our Deep Insight Meditation Elixir to enable more self-awareness and more willingness to correct those behaviors we already know are non-productive or downright destructive.
Stress and the Medieval Brain
"We have a medieval brain trying to live in the modern world," says Dr. Amit Sood, M.D., M.Sc. and author of "The Mayo Clinic Guide to Stress-Free Living."
A few thousand years ago, the human brain developed its tendency to wander -- constantly checking for external threats to safety while rummaging around inside the head, looking for unresolved drama. These days there is just too much going on.
"An average person has 150 undone tasks at any time," says Sood. "We get stuck with this wandering mind inside the head, so the external attention has gone inside."
Our mind wanders so much that we spend at least half of every day in a distracted, barely aware state. We can't remember what we just read or what the boss told us a minute ago because our mind was somewhere else.
The following mindfulness techniques, "can help you peel off layers of stress and suffering from almost any challenge," says Sood. "They also enhance your attention by freeing you from the mind's wanderings."
Gratitude. Focus on what went right within what went wrong. There are so many things to be grateful for, and when we focus on them we feel full, and when we are full we are ready to give and are better able to withstand adversity.
Compassion for yourself is equally important than compassion for others. We don't recognize that we are humans and as capable of committing mistakes and being imperfect. So look at yourself with the eyes of the person who loves you the most.
Allowance is about flowing with adversity, creatively working with what is, being open to possibilities. For small things, focus on, Will it matter in five years; for bigger things, try to find meaning in it, some positive meaning. You touch a part of the world, however small, and leave it a little better than you found it.
Forgiveness respects each person's humanness, recognizing we all are fallible and vulnerable to ignorant thoughts and actions. Forgiveness is your gift to yourself and others -- a gift that provides peace and freedom to all.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: A big part of stress is allowing yourself to get sucked into the negativity seemingly running rampant in the world. This is actually an illusion, and only causes stress when you focus on it as personal experience. Use our Clean Sweep anti-negativity spray to instantly de-stress, relax and soothe the nervous system. Spray into a room or car for a calm and clear space.
The Pure Energy Rx production company, Mystic Broadcast Network, is going mobile! We're raising funds to purchase an RV to serve as a mobile broadcasting unit for MBN programming. We will be traveling the country interviewing spiritual teachers, mystics, shamans and healers and then broadcasting this content on several platforms, including Mystic Broadcast Radio. We are contacting like-minded people who want to do something about the State of the World we're in right now, and create a better one. "Tune in to the Mystic Broadcast of Oneness emanating from every point in the universe!"
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This Quantum Life
by Boyd Martin, Caretaker, Pure Energy Rx
Law of Attraction Quicksand

One of my favorite "observationalists" is the "controversial guru", Teal Swea. She consistencly manages to dig down to the basic fundamentals of most any cultural construct, assumption or judgment. Kudos to Teal. Look her up on YouTube if you haven't already.
Anyway, in one of her videos she de-contructs the Law of Attraction. Most "new ager" types, or novices in the field of energy manifestation, will know of this Law. And yet, few understand the sort of trapdoor that exists in the application of the law that can end one up deep in a quicksand quagmire of self-doubt, depression, victimhood and negativity.
The unseen problem with this Law, is that we are dealing with TWO (count 'em) TWO points where the Universe is responding according to the Law of Attraction: 1) Your higher self, or multi-dimensional self; and 2) your temporal self, experiencing itself in a physical body in this time-space three-dimensional linear timeline reality.
This creates two completely different experiences. The higher self sees the BIG picture of the life stream it is living temporally, and the temporal self, down in the streets, can see only the past and now, with no ability to see the future outside of guestimates, judgments and conclusions about what should be.
The higher self sees the entire lifespan, with its growth opportunities and infinite potentials. The temporal self sees the present moment, with all its needs, desires and logistics.
Enter that pesky Law of Attraction that acts as a gigantic mirror of BOTH selves highest intentions, lowest desires and temporal feelings. The universe reflects back to the embodied you what is your dominate temporal state of choices, responses and feelings. Simultaneously, it reflects back to the higher self all the infinite possibilities it has available to it for the temporal self outside of time-space.
This is a perfect set up for suffering for the temporal self. The temporal self usually has a whole raft of what it will deem "acceptable" and "what is supposed to be". The higher self has no such viewpoint. It only sees the potentials for growth.
So, when those inevitable lessons of life come along, our responses to those lessons are reflected back to us on top of any actions we take. So you can end up in an endless loop of negative responses because the universe, per the Law of Attraction, is showing you more and more circumstances to match your negative responses to whatever the lesson is.
Of course, to the higher self, nothing is wrong. All it sees is how you're progressing toward the highest expression of yourself. If we are not onboard with that, then down into the quicksand quagmire we go. To the degree we are resisting the negativity that is teaching us, or testing us, is the degree those lessons will continue to be taught.
The solution is to be in allowance of all perceived "setbacks", "letdowns", "fears", and "shouldn't be happenings". Be excited and inspired when these events or circumstances occur, because you know in your heart that by allowing them and not judging them, they are changing you into a higher version of yourself. This response then takes away any necessity to repeat the unwanted or negative experience. The universe then reflects back circumstances of excitement and inspiration.
As the comedian, Bill Hicks, famously observed, "Life is just a ride". The trick is be enjoy and appreciate BOTH the ups and the downs.
To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin

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