SEPTEMBER 2022, Issue No. 1 |
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How to Stop Reacting and Start Responding

You can develop a good habit system for responding rather than reacting so that it becomes automatic for you. Here are some of the elements of that habit system.
- Be aware and alert to your triggers. Recognize the events and people who can behave in ways that trigger you to be reactive.
- Focus on your breathing. By focusing on breathing evenly you can bring it under control. When we are triggered and in an immediate reactive state, our breathing often changes to become shallow, or we may even hold our breath. This can reduce the amount of oxygen going to our brains which in turn can negatively impact our rational abilities.
- Be aware of your body. With each breath, we can become more aware of our body. We can increase our attention by noticing if any part of your body has tension or pain, and focus on that.
- Release tension. If there is tension in your body, you can breathe into releasing it, so you don't carry it or develop muscle or nerve issues.
- Increase focus and attentiveness. As you develop and maintain your calmness and non-reactivity, you can increase your capacity to notice and observe, which subsequently enables you to respond more thoughtfully.
- Label your feelings. Being able to identify and describe in words your feelings increases your ability to regulate your emotions and strengthens the value of the pause.
- Suspend judgment. This comes in two forms. First, suspend any self-judgment about the feelings or emotions that arise reactively. Rather, just notice them without criticizing yourself for having them. They are what they are.
- Practice allowance. When feelings and emotions arise within you, allow them to be what they are. Trying to block them or repress them will only make them stronger.
- Be more curious. Reflect on how and why you react to triggers.
- Try not to personalize things. Events and others' behaviors are not always about you. Many times they have nothing to do with you but the causes lay elsewhere.
- Be an active and empathetic listener. If you are triggered to react, try to listen more and feel what the other person may be feeling.
- Practice compassion for others and yourself. Refrain from being self-critical and self-judgmental about your impulse to be reactive. No one or nothing can be perfect.
- Be the change you want to see in others. Ask yourself if you are modeling and demonstrating the behaviors you expect of other people.
- Intentionally respond. Choose what is the best response to a situation or person, once having taken the steps and actions described above.
Learning how to intentionally respond to people and events rather than instinctively react to them will give you a greater feeling of self-control and increase your self-mastery.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Wear our Inner Peace Crystal to encourage mindfulness and compassion in reactive situations.
The Power of Mantras to Change Lives

A mantra is a combination of sounds that carries a mystical energy. The vibrations of a mantra contain a precise power that is released when the mantra is chanted or concentrated upon. Mantras are derived from the language of Sanskrit, also known as Devanagari, or the language of the gods. In his book, Meditation and Mantras, Swami Vishnu Devananda explains, "The ancient sages who were attuned to higher levels of consciousness, were well aware of the inherent power contained in sound, and they utilized combinations of sounds to set up specific vibrations. These vibrations applied systematically could literally move mountains."
There is a powerful healing mantra that I chant every day to transform lower energies to high, positive and loving energies. Its effects are miraculous. Here are a few ways I use this mantra:
- To bless food: I chant this mantra to bless the food that I cook and eat.
- To heal minor burns and cuts: When I get a cut or burn, I have found that chanting the mantra reduces or even eliminates the need for any other first-aid treatment. I experience results right there as I'm chanting!
- To negate any harmful effects of beauty, skincare, and household products: Nearly all the products I buy are natural or organic. But there are a handful of non-organic products that I use whenever the need arises. When I chant the mantra before using hair color, steel wool, some surface cleaners, and polishers, for example, my skin doesn't react with itchiness, burning or dryness.
- To send healing to others: I hold an image of a person needing healing and chant the mantra with the intention that the energy will help him or her feel better. This always helps!
- To heal relationships: This area is where I have experienced mind-boggling transformation. I have used it to heal a relationship that had been strained for over twenty years. I brought up an image of the person in my mind. With a sincere desire to change things, I chanted this mantra 108 times. I did it on three separate days. Then, out of the blue, I got a friendly text from her. She had never texted me before! Our relationship is just super now. I didn't do anything different except chant the mantra with genuine feeling and faith.
The healing mantra I am talking about is attributed to the deity known as Lord Shiva. It is called the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra or the great conqueror of death. Maha means "great", mrityu means "Death," and jaya means "victory." Swami Vishnu Devananda describes the benefits of this mantra: "The Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra prevents accidents, incurable diseases, and calamities, and bestows longevity and immortality. Those who do japa [chanting] of it daily will enjoy health, long life, and ultimate enlightenment."
Here is the mantra:
Om Tryambakam Yajaamahe
Sugandhim Pushti Vardhanam
Oorvaarukamiva Bandhanaan
Mrityur Mooksheeya Maamritaat
"We worship the three-eye Lord who is full of sweet fragrance and is our nourisher. May he release us from the bondage of death and lead us to immortality as effortlessly as a ripe cucumber is separated from the vine." -- YouTube Version
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Mist your meditation area with Clean Sweep to sweep away any negative energies that may interrupt your mantra chant.
How to Get From Darkness to Light
Thanks to Carrie Bancroft

So how do we begin to bring our shadow into the light? The first step is to know when our shadow self is in control. This happens when we are:
- Emotionally triggered (eg, when our emotional reaction to an external circumstance takes over and we go into fight/flight/freeze mode)
- In a power struggle (trying to control a situation, being attached to outcomes, judging ourself or others)
- Giving away our power (dissociation, spacing out, spiritually bypassing, not speaking our truth, attaching to outcomes, comparing ourselves to others)
- Self-sabotaging (consciously working towards a goal but having self-made difficulties/setbacks in achieving it).
Once we have identified situations in which our shadow is in control, we begin the work of getting to know this estranged part of ourselves. We do this by observing ourselves in any of the above situations, listening to what recurring thoughts and beliefs are present. It is much easier to do this work when we are objective in our observations, as the judgment will scare this part of us back into hiding, and the unconscious behavior will continue.
But when we are able to patiently observe ourselves, we begin to understand how this wounded part became this way. Through this understanding, we start to forgive – and ultimately accept – all parts of us. When I started unpacking my shadow's motivations, I realized that a very ancient part of me believed that being human is unsafe. This part felt very strongly I should protect myself by any means necessary…even if that meant hurting others. When I first uncovered this part of myself, I was shocked, and very judgmental ("As a healer, I shouldn't feel this way!"), which caused me to continue my unconscious self-protecting behavior. Over time, however, I started to understand the trauma this part of me had experienced, and I was able to have compassion. It was through this compassion that I was able to accept that experience as part of my soul's journey, and I am ultimately grateful for it.
Having done this work, I can tell you that it is no cakewalk. It requires a level of presence and self-awareness that the egoic mind categorically objects to (given its preference for running on auto-pilot). This work also requires the patience of a saint and the perseverance of an ultra-marathoner. There are times that I've wanted to revert to a state of unconsciousness, rather than learn about yet another difficult aspect of myself. But I'm here to attest that it's well worth the discomfort of doing the work, for in accepting who we truly are, we gain deep inner peace. No longer affected by external judgment or validation, we step gracefully into purpose, living the life our whole selves want to live.
So now I can truthfully answer when asked which side I'm on: while I used to work in the dark, I am recovering from that darkness. With great patience and love, I am moving into my light, one conscious step at a time.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Use the Deep Insight Meditation Elixir while doing this practice for surprising and rewarding results.
Health & Healing Hack of the Week
Hand Massage
Hand massage employs elements of acupressure and reflexology. Each area of the hand (and foot) correlates with all the organ systems of the body, so massaging these areas increases the energy and blood flow to all the body systems--and it's all right there in the palm of your hand. Another style of this practice is to begin a massaging motion with the index finger and thumb of the holding hand, sliding it along each finger. This is a great way to relieve stress and creates comforting feelings. In reflexology, one presses firmly with the opposing thumb into different areas of the palm. When a particularly tender area is found, focus in on that, applying steady pressure until the area releases. Often, you'll feel a knot under the tender spot. This is where the energy has gotten stuck and is not circulating. Keep massaging it until the knot releases. This can take anywhere from 30 seconds to several hours. In the case of a stubborn knot begin to notice any change in the knot, leave it and return later. You'll often find it has released on its own. (For even deeper therapeutic value, rub in a dab of the Relief Energy Cream.) -- From 25 No Cost Health & Healing Hacks by Boyd Martin)
Quantum Healer of the Week
Ana-La-Rai I AM Ana-La-Rai and I am a Divine Planetary Liaison, Mumara (Teacher), Healer, Emissary of Love, and Universal Channel for many Ascended Masters, Collective Consciousnesses, and Enlightened Beings. I am of the Angelic Realms, but have spent many lifetimes on Venus learning about Love. Many different Light Beings, Enlightened Ones, Angelics, Collectives, and my Guides trust and empower me to bring through clear, accurate messages and energies. To see a list of some of the Light Beings who have recordings with me click here. In private sessions information and visuals flow forth from past incarnations and present day, allowing me to share and assist individuals in the moment. During group workshops new processes, upgrades, and energetic tools are brought forward to assist us in our personal soul growth and evolution. I am most grateful the Guides trust me to bring through these wonderful new energies to you.
My journey has been many years and lifetimes in the making and still continues. I believe it is vital to continue to work on myself, to clear my triggers and be as energetically clean as possible to allow these new frequencies into my body, my energetic fields, and my life. You can read more about my personal journey through my Blog posts. As I grow and expand so do my gifts and my abilities. My clients, friends, and Mother Gaia all benefit from my energetic up-grades and shifts, and you can too! My formal training began in 2002 with my first human teacher, Amarial, and was overlighted by The Council of 12 Overlighting the Healing of the Lovebody and Waters of Earth, The Galactic Federation of Healers, The Angelic Hosts, Dr. Lorphan Head of the Galactic Healers, and Lenduce the Dolphin. It was through this training that I graduated as the first Water Healer. I have assisted thousands of individuals, and lead many group workshops across Canada, the USA, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Mexico, Costa Rica, and online. -- WEBSITE
Company & Product News
The Versatile LIfe Energy Pack!
 The Life Energy Pack is the ultimate in first aid, and a strong therapeutic for any chronic or acute condition. Developed by Russian radiophysicist, Dr. Yury Kronn, these formulas have stood the test of time with hundreds of testimonials and devoted fans over 25 years. Each formula broadly assists different body systems: E-1 - Nervous Systems; E-2 - Digestive System (including all major organs); Relief Energy Cream (formerlyi E-3) - A topical highly versatile pain-relieving and skin enhancing cream; E-4 - Immune Systems / Upper and Lower Energy Centers. These are remarkable formulas with a stunning track record with hundreds of health professionals, as well as anyone wanting sophisticated, natural relief and healing. The Life Energy Pack is discounted from individual formulas making it a great value, and there is free shipping. CHECK OUT THE LIFE ENERGY PACK. MORE INFO / ORDER
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Anti-5G EMF Amber Jewelry
Recent studies have shown that energetic pollution from electromagnetic frequencies may have a cumulative, negative effect both in general terms and in particular situations such as with the use of cell phones and other personal electronic devices. These amber stones, infused with Vital Force Technology's 5G EMF Compensation energy pattern, protecting you by helping the body to compensate and regulate the effects to the brain and body by EMF signals from cell phones, computers, microwaves and other electrical appliances. These jewelry pieces not only improve your body's ability to overcome the negative effects of environmental energetic pollution, but help with mental concentration, and heighten your feelings of security and confidence as well. Not only are these ambers beautiful; but anyone can have their own source of 5G EMF protection and restore their strength, harmony and energetic balance. MORE INFO
Circulatory Formula - This formula was created with the energetic intent to awaken human innate powers in assisting the body's circulatory system by:
- Unblocking energetic impasses of the human spiritual, mental and emotional manifestations, thus promoting an uninterrupted energy flow through the body via special energetic channeling formulas, as well as Life Energy, anti-GABA, and Substance Harmony.
- Helping to suppress destructive forces that provoke vasoconstriction, vascular hypertrophy, fibrosis, and inflammation via Blood vessel support, magnesium formulas, as well as the energetic imprint of herbs such as hawthorn, turmeric, horse chestnut, bilberry, linden, ginger and lobelia.
- Supporting the body's homeostatic relationship between the cardiovascular system and other body systems via ETI's formulas Oxygen, Heart support, Longevity, and Kidney.
This formula can be helpful as a quick and effective recovery tool after intensive exercises or physical trauma. It helps your tense muscles to relax by releasing the energy that is keeping them tight. MORE INFO
VibesUp 5G Shungite Soles
 The most important thing we can do it get out feet grounded to the earth. When you can not be outside barefoot directly on the earth these flip flops have the earths perfect balance and concentrated elements we would normally be walking on in a infrared delivery that gives up even more energy under the pressure we provide with each step we take. These have the new 5G formula. This year we have very special new version of our vibesup earth energy soles... Shungite is the bomb!!! The most common description people give me on how it feels is euphoria. "My first experience with standing on VibesUp shungite earth material felt like a big glass of red wine but more of a healthy euphoria." – Kaitlyn K., NJ MORE INFO
Trinity Gem Elixir for the Month
"Stone of Truth"
Spiritually: Excellent for attunement and meditation. It brings tranquility and at the same time it is a powerful transmitter and amplifier of high frequency energies. Stimulates psychic abilities and intuition. Connects to the spirit guides. Strengthens the throat chakra.
Emotionally: Encourages speaking one's truth, cutting through fears and blockages. Instills compassion.
Mentally: Stimulates the higher mind and links into the causal level.
Physically: Supports the thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal glands, throat and brain. Heals infections, and is a natural pain reliever. Helps treat muscular disorders. MORE INFO / ORDER
(Website usage note: You can search for keywords at Pure Energy Rx, and it will return relevant results, e.g. "courage", "confidence", "fear", "intelligence", etc.)
This Quantum Life by Boyd Martin, Caretaker, Pure Energy Rx
The Two Choices

After many months of stewing about it as a young man, I finally asked my college president grandfather, who had a divinity degree, and whom I considered a Irish Christian mystic of sorts, "Why is there evil in the world?" He sat at his desk in his study with a hand on his chin, pausing for a few moments, and then said, "There is good even in evil, if for no other reason than the stopping of it."
The answer wasn't a direct one to my question, so I persisted, "But, why have evil only to get rid of it?" I felt myself going into debate mode.
"There are two choices in this universe. You can choose the love and light that says, 'We are all one'; or, you can choose the one that says, 'I do whatever I want to do without regard to anyone else.'" I nodded and he smiled, and began talking about his garden. These answers got me thinking, and I began to wonder how oneness was love and light, and how individualism led to separation and darkness.
Many years later during a Navajo sweat lodge ceremony in New Mexico, I ended up back on this train of thought, and asked one of elders why someone would chose evil, darkness and separation, over light, love and oneness. He replied, "The Creator split the world into dark and light as a demonstration of love. Those choosing the dark inevitably change back to the light, and in the process show us what compassion is." The lodge was silent, as a loving presence filled the space.
Now, in these tumultuous times of the Great Awakening, it is becoming clear to humanity who has chosen darkness over light, and the compassionate act of justice has become an overarching theme in societies around the world. As the previously slumbering begin to blink open their eyes to the tyranny of darkness that has exhausted the world over millennia, they go through the various stages of loss: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance in the compassionate arms of their loved ones.
And as the full impact of what the Controllers have destroyed to maintain power is fully accepted, the Awakened begin to demand justice, connect with other Awakened ones, and gather their resources in the name of it. Those still clinging desperately to the lies and deceit that got them their power have begun to panic. The very real possibility that they could lose all their ill-gotten gains has them swirling in a whirlpool of their own stages of loss, angrily denying, bargaining in dark depression, unwilling to accept the inevitable transformation into light that towers over their futures.
The cosmic intelligence of Creation is being revealed in all its dramatic glory. What has been hidden from the light is obvious in the contrast of its darkness. Accusations of wrongdoing only point back to the accuser. Dark conspiracies are glaringly exposed, and further serve to awaken the sleeping slaves.
The Creator does not create dark souls. All souls are born into the light, but not all choose the light. Why? The Light of Oneness is a structure of an intent to love as everything is in its rightful place--the harmonious whole with everyone singing their part in the heavenly choir. Outside these grand creations, a soul may choose to go its own way to experience universes of power, dominion, and individual glorifications--rejecting the structures of light that is love, harmony and oneness.
Over eons of time, this supposed freedom from the structure of oneness, leads to a loveless tyranny of control, and the dark souls find themselves trapped in an inevitable matrix of lies, deceit, rage and destruction. What fun is that?
It can be clearly seen that the function of the darkness is to expand the light and love of Oneness. All those souls choosing to enter the abyss can always chose to leave it. And this becomes a call to action for the Awakened--to shine their light everywhere there is even a hint of darkness.
Start within yourself to reveal the embedded lies of self-destruction, self-limitations, and mortal fears. As a result, the love of self expands, and that light of oneness can exorcise the darkness from family, friends, community and ultimately nations, and the world.
Justice can then prevail. God wins.
To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin
EXCERPT: Ultimately, the body reflects its consciousness field. If it is living in a consciousness field that is sad, depressed and anxious, it will reflect these states and the conditions and diseases associated with those feelings and attitudes. The body CAN turn around any health condition overnight, providing it is in that consciousness field. Examples include spontaneous remission of cancers, bones mending overnight, and other "miraculous" healings, usually attributed to outside healers, mysterious energies, voodoo, and other unexplained, mysterious experiences or conditions. The one cause of healing--the human body itself--is usually overlooked in these cases, as having the innate ability to regenerate and repair itself to a high degree. >>>> DOWNLOAD <<<<