The Myth of "Inherited" Diseases
Only in America is every single disease and disorder diagnosed by medical doctors as genetic, meaning inherited from your parents' and grandparents' genes, even though nearly all of the most popular chronic illnesses, like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, strokes, arthritis, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's barely existed just one century ago. So how did human genes change so quickly in just a few generations? They didn't.
This disinfo campaign was all started by the American Medical Association in order to con Americans into believing that the answer to their health problems couldn't possibly be fixed by changing what they eat, drink or put on their skin, but rather that all of their health ills are now permanently embedded in their DNA, and all that can be done is some chronic, never-ending management of symptoms using chemical pharmaceuticals and invasive surgeries to remove malfunctioning, non-vital organs.
What's one of the first questions on every medical entry form at the doctor's office, hospital, or HMO/PPO benefits questionnaire? "Is there a family history of any of the following diseases or disorders?" Then they go on to list all of the preventable diseases from the first paragraph of this article, plus a laundry list of others that are also preventable and curable with an organic, plant-based food regimen, but who's asking?
If you believe every disease and disorder is genetic, you'll never change what you eat, and that's "just what the doctor ordered".
Two large studies from Northwestern Medicine confirm a healthy lifestyle has the biggest impact on cardiovascular health. One study shows the majority of people who adopted healthy lifestyle behaviors in young adulthood maintained a low cardiovascular risk profile in middle age. The five most important healthy behaviors are not smoking, low or no alcohol intake, weight control, physical activity and a healthy diet. The other study shows cardiovascular health is due primarily to lifestyle factors and healthy behavior, not heredity.
"Health behaviors can trump a lot of your genetics," said Donald Lloyd-Jones, M.D., chair and professor of preventive medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and a staff cardiologist at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. "This research shows people have control over their heart health. The earlier they start making healthy choices, the more likely they are to maintain a low-risk profile for heart disease."
The science of epigenetics is finding that close to 95% of diseases are triggered by cultural, emotional, beliefs and value systems, and by changing these--regardless of your ancestry--can reverse disease.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: The primary environmental factor affecting health is stress. Use our E-1 Stress Relief Formula to normalize the nervous systems, as well as endocrine systems.
The Healing Ocean
It is not a big stretch to say that we know "intuitively" that being near the ocean can lead to improvements in our health and well-being, because so many of us have had the actual experience when we have gone to the beach. Feelings of serenity, calm, happiness and balance seem to arise in us as naturally as the waves that crawl rhythmically onto the shore and immerse our toes with refreshment.
There is some science to support this. An English study analyzed data from 48 million people, "--which indicate that good health is more prevalent the closer one lives to the coast."
This is why people have always flocked to the beach. Yes, many like to lie on the sand and take in the sun, but far fewer people would take the trouble to go to the desert to do that. There is a feeling that sun-worshipping usually goes hand in hand with a refreshing plunge in the water, if only a brief one.
And even if one is laying down with eyes closed, there is the rhythmic sound of the waves advancing and receding, that attunes us to the in-and-out cadence of our breathing, our source of life. This immense presence is there, and we can feel it even when we don't look at it. There is a gravity, a pull from the center of this big body, and the feeling that we are resting with this gentle pull upon us is both relaxing and energizing.
Then of course there is the deep blueness of the ocean, which of all the colors in the spectrum is known to most evoke happiness and creativity. Ernest Hemmingway loved to look out at and be near the ocean to help foster his creativity and imagination. Marine Biologist Wallace J. Nichols observes:
"The visual input is simplified. When you stand at the edge of water and look out on the horizon, it's visually simplified relative to the room you're sitting in right now, or a city you're walking through, where you're taking in millions of pieces of information every second."
Of course, not everyone has the luxury of living Oceanside, or even has the means to visit the ocean on a regular basis. Still, we can take many clues from what the ocean provides us and how it makes us feel to understand what we need in our lives to live in a balanced and happy way. Lakes, rivers, even ponds have something to offer us, and we may want to take more opportunities in our busy lives to sit quietly near them and gaze upon them, in a state of openness and curiosity about what the experience has to offer us.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Being in proximity to the mega-rhythms of the sea brings us into closer resonance with the entire planet and her cycles. Wear our Schumann Resonance Crystals to bring the Earth's frequency close to your body for excellent health benefits.
The Mystery of the Placebo
The placebo effect has mostly been attributed to the power of belief; Because people who receive placebos believe they're taking actual medicine, their brains and bodies respond accordingly. But Ted Kaptchuk, a placebo researcher, conducted a study on people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and found that even when patients were explicitly told they were receiving a placebo, their symptoms were relieved.
In a later study, Kaptchuk tried to replicate this effect in people suffering from lower back pain. The participants were randomly assigned to either take a real, anti-inflammatory pain medication or to take a placebo. The participants were given a questionnaire asking them to rate their usual level of pain, the maximum pain they had felt, and their level of disability.
Even though they were told that what they were taking was placebo and contained nothing of therapeutic value, those patients who received the placebo reported a 30% reduction in usual pain and maximum pain and a 29% drop in their disability. Incredibly, the placebo worked better than the real pain medication. Participants who took the pain pills reported feeling 9% less usual pain, and 16% less maximum pain. Furthermore, patients taking the real medication reported no change in their level of disability.
What's more, some evidence exists that the brain is able to control aspects of our physiology. One study paired an artificial sweetener with an immunosuppressive drug, which is often used to prevent the body's immune system from rejecting a transplanted organ or for treating an auto-immune disease. When the drug itself was removed, the taste of the sweetener alone caused an immunosuppressive response, indicating that the brain can modify aspects of the immune system without any mediating drug. Similar studies have shown that this kind of "learned" response can affect levels of iron in the blood, insulin secretion, and other physiological functions.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: One explanation of the "placebo effect" is that when the simple desire for relief of a condition is physicalized by the metaphor of a pill, or other ingested material, it creates a subtle energy field that the body then responds to. As Dr. Yury Kronn has found in his extensive research, subtle energy fields can be transmitted through many objects and fluids, and when ingested affect bodily systems. Research this yourself by getting the Life Energy Pack--very effective subtle energy infusions for the major systems of the body: Nervous, Digestive, and Immune, along with our popular E3 pain-relieving lotion.
This is another traditional QiGong method of getting the "chi" flowing in the body, and greatly assists the lymphatic system and blood to improve cellular function and get circulation going where it has stagnated. Simply stand, or sit, and begin shaking the arms, the legs, and torso--at whatever comfortable rate for you. Get some motion going in the pelvis and hips, as well as the mid- and upper spine and neck. Rotate the shoulders and knees and ankles, too, getting as much motion as is comfortable. This is fun to do to rhythmic music, and has a multitude of benefits, especially applied to oxygenation and overall cell metabolism. Dancing is in this category as well, so get creative and get moving! (From 25 No Cost Health & Healing Hacks)
Melanie Beckler
"I am honored to serve as a clear channel of the Divine, Light and Infinite. I channel the messages and wisdom of the Archangels and the Council of Light, anchoring their love and guidance and frequency. Why tune into the love, light and messages of these incredible beings of light?
Quite simply, to help you reconnect with the light of your inner Divine being! The messages I channel are unique in their quality, and the incredible high vibrational frequency you'll experience when you listen. The best way to understand my work is to experience a channeled angel message! And now, I'm so passionate about helping people to have real experiences with the angels. To help you reconnect with the fullness of your inner light, to rekindle your authentic truth, and reignite the light within you, the passion within you because you are a unique authentic spiritual being. Your work here in the world, your light, your unique purpose is so needed." -- Melanie Beckler WEBSITE
Protect Yourself from the Most Ubiquitous Environmental Pollution
EMF, or electro-magnetic fields, are pretty much everywhere within reach of a cell tower broadcast. This "electro-smog" has deleterious effects on the human bio-energetic system, directly interfering with the mitochondria and their electrical communications throughout the body. EMF's have been researched intensely over the past 30 years, and their adverse affects on the human immune system, reproductive system, and nervous systems, is well-documented. This situation is soon to ramp up considerably with the roll-out of widespread delivery of the 5-G broadcast for smartphones and other devices. Due to the higher frequency and power of the 5G signal, it reaches into the realm of frequencies that directly affect human cognition and other brain functions. Our Vital Force Transformers create a field around devices where they are placed that neutralizes the harmful component of an EMF broadcast, transforming the energy into beneficial frequencies for living things. This breakthrough technology has been extensively tested in laboratories by scientists. The transformers have been able to neutralize Gamma Rays--some of the most lethal of radiations--under laboratory conditions. The EMF "strips" are thin enough to mount under any smartphone case, and come in two sizes--one specifically to fit smartphones, and a larger one for such devices as routers, TVs, microwaves, etc. Use discount code FACEBK20 for 20% off any Vital Force Transformer. ORDER NOW
E-3: True Healing Pain Relief

The E-3 Revitalizing and Repair Lotion has been a mainstay for pain relief and first aid for over 20 years, helping thousands get to the root of their pain and resolving it. E-3 is based on quantum physics research, and works like "liquid acupuncture", re-establishing energy flows across the injured or painful area, which is the primary case of pain. E-3 immediately goes to work, speeding healing and bringing relief. E-3 is also excellent for wounds, insect bites--even acne, shown to cut healing time in half. E-3 works wonderfully on swellings, localized inflammation, and acute aches and pains. Although E-3 shines as first aid (and any household should have it), chronic pains and injuries benefit from long-term use. Apply E-3 on the palms and soles of the feet for whole-body benefits of increased energy connection. Use E-3 on the breastbone, over the thymus, to normalize the immune system. The subtle energy signature in E-3 is carried by a hypoallergenic non-greasy organic cream, that in itself is excellent for the skin. Use discount code
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This Quantum Life
by Boyd Martin, Caretaker, Pure Energy Rx
Healers and the Inner Light

I got into a friendly debate this past week about what healers actually do when they are healing someone. My friend insisted that healers have the ability to "send energy" to others, and that energy from the healer is what causes healing in another. Although I'm sure this happens in some cases, my contention was that, if the energy sent by the healer was not recognized by the "healee", then the effect would be temporary, or non-existant. My friend said, "Well, how do you explain Reiki, or Qigong?"
I said, "These energies are recognizable as being a part of the subject's own energy field, so they have an effect. There can be no healing from an external source unless the individual being healed is accessing their own Reiki or Qigong energies. The healer merely acts as a resonant reminder." He nodded blankly, so I figured he either hadn't thought about it in this way, or disagreed. We just left it at that.
We all have access to our own inner light, that if acknowledged and directed, is the true source of any healing. From a non-dualistic perspective, if there is something to be healed, that requires a pre-existing means to heal it from the same agency noticing the need for healing. It's simply the dualistic nature of disease--the disease and the cure exist together, just as within every problem is the solution.
In Alice Bailey's classic manual, Esoteric Healing, she makes the point that unless the patient desires healing at a soul level, no matter what the healer does, it will have little or no effect. This is because no outside agency can "force" energy on another unless they accept or desire it, either consciously or unconsciously.
The only truly active principal in a healer's work is the ability to simply BE, and by BEING, the healer activates or stimulates the beingness of their client. That beingness is the healing inner light.
Because basically everything we perceive (and beyond) is energy, or different frequencies and/or densities of light, then by observing our own inner light, right there we have the means to heal any aspect of our lives. There are any number of ways to "shut off" or deflect our own inner light. Things do get stuck, go unconscious, get ignored, or we go into denial about them.
The most effective way to turn away from the light is to assign external causation. It is simple to be victimized by an assumed attack against us. The ego cries out in accusations, as feelings of hurt, rebellion, and revenge wash over us, darkening our light.
By simply allowing these attacks, or distortions, or incoming darknesses--like clouds in the sky--they can then float by as we remain unaffected, shining in our own inner light.
In my case, what has tripped me up repeatedly is the sheer volume of unconscious, habitual, monkey-minded shenanigans incessantly poured out by my ego. There isn't a day (or hour) that goes by where I don't catch myself feeling deflated, attacked, frustrated or victimized by my own interpretations of what is going on around me. This is the sneaky ego busy at work, making sure it's the only thing in the universe that has a right to exist.
After years and years of buying into these ego shenanigans, the negative energies begin to be embodied and reflected in the physical body as ailments, discomforts, and dis-ease. From there it is easy to eventually become desperate to find something "out there" that will bring some modicum of relief. This leads to popping painkillers, herbs and elixirs in the futile hope of a pain-free body. Our attention gets fixated on "finding the cure" out there, and the instant gratification of relief, rather than simply sending in the light, brightly, persistently and consistently.
Not that I have anything against these nostrums--I sell them, fergawdsakes. What I do have against these things is using them to replace my own healing light. I have found over the years that these healers--plant, mineral, animal, extraterrestrial, spiritual, energetic, or human--can have no real or lasting effect on my pain and suffering without the parallel application of my own healing light. By using these nostrums with the light, you have two quantum points that will then collapse the wave of dis-ease over time.
A healer is only effective as their ability to stir or invoke the acknowledgement of inner light in their clients, and a remedy, elixir, herb or potion only works when the consumer of it can access the pre-existing light the remedies are designed to summon.
In the spirit of this article, try this short meditation:
- Take a deep breath and clear the mind of chatter.
- Move the attention to the heart area of the body.
- Notice light emanating from this energy center.
- Notice light shining out from all the organs and joints of the body.
- Notice light dancing and circulating throughout the body.
- Direct the light to any area of your life in need of repair.
Make the light your most intimate and dearest friend. After all, it is YOU, and just like you, is infinite and invincible.
To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin

Janet Barrett is a subtle energies empath and consciousness educator utilizing the field of potential. With warmth, humor and support she will offer you new ways to understand your issues. By reframing what your stories are, you can transform and clear them. It is possible to change what is bothering you. You can enjoy new outcomes. And, they can happen in the blink of an eye.

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