Childhood Experiences Change DNA
DNA is the genetic material that makes us who we are, determining our physical characteristics and even helping to shape our personality. There are many ailments that have a strong hereditary component—Alzheimer's, Huntington's Disease, cancers and diabetes among others—and the risk of suffering them is passed down from our parents through our DNA.
But we're finding out that our DNA isn't always set in stone. Now, a team of researchers from Northwestern University led by anthropology professor Thom McDade have shown that DNA can also be modified by your environment during childhood. What's more, the authors conclude in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, those modifications can affect how or when you develop certain illnesses during adulthood.
Their investigation followed more than 500 children in the Philippines and found that certain childhood situations can create modifications in genes associated with inflammation, which affects how prone we are to suffer from certain illnesses.
The authors determined that the childhood environment of these youths affected the level of inflammation-related proteins in their blood during adulthood, likely as a result of methylation (activation) of some of their inflammation-related genes. The dysregulation of these proteins can affect health and risk of disease.
The nutritional, microbial, psychological and social environments that children are exposed to growing up are critical for their physiology and health later in life, says McDade. As to the effects of specific childhood environments, he pointed to prolonged breastfeeding, exposure to microbes, and an abundance of family assets that led to better regulation of the inflammatory proteins.
In turn, the prolonged absence of a parent, the lack of exposure to microbes, and the lack of family assets were predictive of a higher dysregulation of the inflammatory proteins. This is one of the first and most complete investigations that show that epigenetic modifications created by the environment have lasting effects on human health.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: More research, notably, by Dr. Bruce Lipton, has demonstrated a direct link between stress and DNA menthylation, or the "turning on" of genetic abnormalities. Fortunately, for most genetic distortions there are off-setting gene expressions that can reverse the effects. However, the reversal requires a stress-free environment. In the achievement of a stress-less experience, us our E-1 Stress Relief formula.
Bare Feet on Earth Is Good For You!
The picture to the right represents Improved facial circulation (right image) after 20 minutes of grounding, as documented by a Speckle Contrast Laser Imager (dark blue=lowest circulation; dark red=highest circulation).
Grounding, or "earthing", as some people call it, involves placing your feet directly on the ground without shoes or socks as a barrier. The logic behind this practice relates to the intense negative charge carried by the Earth. This charge is electron-rich, theoretically serving as a good supply of antioxidants and free-radical destroying electrons.
Dr. James Oschman, a PhD in biology from the University of Pittsburgh and an expert in the field of energy medicine, notes:
Subjective reports that walking barefoot on the Earth enhances health and provides feelings of well-being can be found in the literature and practices of diverse cultures from around the world. For a variety of reasons, many individuals are reluctant to walk outside barefoot, unless they are on holiday at the beach.
It makes sense if you think about it; in our most natural state, we wouldn't really be wearing any sort of cover on our feet. Putting your feet on the ground enables you to absorb large amounts of negative electrons through the soles of your feet which, in turn, can help to maintain your body at the same negatively charged electrical potential as the Earth.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: The negatively-charged body also has an emotional component that can literally change electrical potential. In order to prevent this, use our Clean Sweep clearing spray, especially when you go out "barefootin'". You'll experience a whole new level of peace, well-being and energy.
Feeling Offended? It's Not You, It's A Program
There is a mass shift in consciousness taking place, and as part of that process, we are starting to wake up to many things, including who we are, how our world really works, and what is possible for humanity.
In a very practical sense, this might come up in ways where you begin to question what you do in your day — you may question your career, the way you eat, how you feel, what's beyond your mind's thoughts, and so forth. It spreads into having a number of different things come up in humanity's collective consciousness, like racism, hate, anger, judgment, political arguments, environmental issues, and old patterns. We, individually and collectively, are being faced with the task of having to face these things so we can understand and then evolve beyond them — shifting ourselves and shifting our world, in essence.
But! There is also a role being played by the owners and controlling elite in the media, who want to maintain control over the population as we become more self aware. To prevent us from raising these deeper internal questions, the focus is being brought back to the external. It's being brought to things like race, gender, our appearance, the words we use, who's right, who's wrong, and who we can judge and for what reason. We're being systematically taught how NOT to change. And it's being done through innocent memes, articles, videos, and even loving intention at times, all lacking deeper thought.
Think about it: When have you ever seen in the media, when something potentially offensive arises, the suggestion that instead of getting angry, we use that experience to understand why someone may say or do the things they do or question why that bothers us? Instead of looking at the deeper question and choosing to understand, we're being taught simply to react and tell people they are right or wrong. Which in essence… changes nothing.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Becoming offended is a polarized reaction that is always manufactured from opposing point of views. Remove the polarity, and the offended-ness goes away. This is accomplished by being mindful. Use our Zen Trinity Meditation Elixir to help amplify mindfulness within the mind and body.
The Pure Energy Rx production company, Mystic Broadcast Network, is going mobile! We're currently doing a crowdfunding campaign to raise money for a Class RV that will serve as a mobile broadcasting unit for MBN. We will be traveling the country interviewing spiritual teachers, mystics, shamans and healers and then broadcasting this content on several platforms, including Mystic Broadcast Radio. We are contacting like-minded people who want to do something about the State of the World we're in right now, and create a better one. Support the Mystic Broadcast Network and this latest endeavor by becoming a patron--pledge any amount to help the cause. We'll see you out there around the country very soon! "Tune in to the Mystic Broadcast of Oneness emanating from every point in te universe!"
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This Quantum Life
by Boyd Martin, Caretaker, Pure Energy Rx
Revealing Oz

As a person who is committed to self-transformation, I continually "choose the red pill" when it comes to pulling the curtain aside on my own unconscious, to reveal the false power of the "Oz" that pushes the buttons and pulls the strings and levers of the monkey mind of reactions and negative feelings.
Recently, I uncovered yet another subconscious "entity" in the form of a "demand for retribution". This is a strong one because there are ao many justifications for this in the world--so many victimizers and so many victims, who in many cases seem completely innocent, unfairly attacked or debilitated, sometimes outrageously so, and in some cases killed.
For me, this has the effect of exacerbating or "keying in" this Demand for Retribution. It feels like a Quentin Tarantino revenge movie with as much blood and gore as possible. What is that saying? "Revenge is best served cold"?
The tragic problem with this fantasy, in my own case, is that the "wrongness" I feel that was perpetrated upon me, requires that the injury it caused continues to victimize me. So, the injury becomes this huge justification for achieving retribution against the oppressors and perpetrator in a future that never comes.
This is a classic case of "continual present time re-stimulation". Every time I feel the pain of that injury, it adds charge and power to the retribution program. Every time there's an injustice out in the world that I personally witness, or hear about on the "news" (victimization events are guaranteed to make the news), the need for revenge and accountability grows ever stronger, and pains and discomforts of my life further solidify as a constant reminder of that deep need for revenge against my victimizers, or at the very least some "street justice".
The great thing about "The Oz" is that its power is granted by the curtain behind which it hides as it creates and broadcasts its fearful images. Pull aside the curtain, and there is no more power. This becomes a metaphor for all injustice in the world: reveal the "operators" and "owners" behind their curtains of power, and that power is effectively stripped from them. Then we all can see they are just like us, living in their own worlds of fearful disempowerment and victimization.
To mop up residual charge from this revelation, every time I see or hear of some perpetrator victimizing someone or something, when those retribution feelings surface, I say, "Interesting point of view I have that point of view." This process neutralizes the negativity around the issue. Then, "Who does this belong to?" and "return to sender" because all negative thoughts are not mine--they had been adopted by me as if they were my own.
As always, the non-duality of compassion is the key here; compassion for both sides of a perpetrator-victim complex. Compassion removes the polarity of the drama, and reduces it to an observation of choices: Each "side" made their choices and it resulted in this drama. Both are deserving of love--even if they don't love each other or themselves.
The quantum matrix program we live in is driven by choice. Choose a different outcome, and the matrix program adjusts to accommodate that choice. Choose to retain a negativity or grudge or point of view, and the matrix program adjusts to accommodate that.
The quantum sea of energy has no agenda on its own, but it can be programmed to appear that it does. All of us who have had the perception of the "world being against us" will attest to that. The truth is we created that program of the world being against us. We can just as easily create a world that is in favor of us.
To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin

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