Amazing Quantum Effects in Humans
Neuroscientist Dr. Jacobo Grinberg-Zylberbaum worked extensively with shamans and other individuals in Mexico, collecting vast amounts of data using electroencephalograph (EEG) readings and various inventories relevant to learning, memory, perception and biopsychology.
One of these studies began by having two people meditate for twenty minutes together. They were then separated into two different rooms, both of which were shielded from all electromagnetic energies. One person was presented with random flashes of light, designed to elicit shock responses. The other person, sitting in a different room, was hooked up to an EEG machine. This subject's EEG readings showed a similar shock response, perfectly timed with the other individual's light flashes, twenty-five percent of the time. A control group, on the other hand, showed no such correlation. Many interesting variations of this study were conducted, all with equally interesting results.
In this promising but controversial paper, Grinberg attributed nothing less than consciousness to this matrix, stating that the "neuronal field [emanating from the brain] distorts this lattice, and activates a partial interpretation of it that is perceived as an image. Only when the brain-mind system is free from interpretations, do the neuronal field and the pre-space structure become identical." He concluded that all individual minds were linked to one another via this non-local matrix.
Subsequent studies conducted by other researchers seemed to validate Grinberg's original findings. Physicist Fred H. Thaheld, for instance, used Faraday cages to shield two separate compartments from electromagnetic energies. One person was hooked up to an EEG in one chamber, and another person was likewise attached to an EEG in the other chamber. The compartments were isolated from one another, making impossible any means of communication. Yet when one subject was presented with stimulating visual patterns, there was a statistically significant response rate in which the other subject's EEG showed a corresponding and simultaneous response.
Charles Tart of UC Davis conducted a similar experiment, but instead of using an EEG and visual stimulation, he monitored galvanic skin resistance (GSR), blood volume and heart rate in response to small electric shocks. Two people were asked to meet one another and agree to remaining "connected" after going their separate ways. When isolated in different rooms, Tart administered small electric shocks to the "sender." Even though the receiver was totally unaware of any response at all, Tart's data revealed that this receiver's GSR, blood volume and heart rate all indeed reacted to each of the "sender's" shocks.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Distinguishing between ones' own thoughts and feelings and those of another's is key to mental and emotional health. It takes mindfulness and impeccability. Use our Vital Force Crystals to increase both.
Night-time Routines for Greater Well-Being
While your morning routine helps to set your day, your evening routine is what determines how easily you can wake up in the morning. Here are some tips to ensure you get a great night's sleep and ensure you have a spectacular morning:
- Limit your screen time before bed and turn off screens at least 2 hours before you plan to sleep. The blue light emitted from your phone can keep you from falling asleep by preventing your brain from producing melatonin.
- Avoid caffeine 4-6 hours before bed as well as anything high in sugar.
- Have a spoonful of raw honey before bed; honey will raise blood glucose while you sleep, allowing for a deeper sleep.
- Do some writing to ease a chattering mind. Try writing down three things you are grateful for each night before bed, so that you can go to sleep with a smile on your face.
- A nice warm epsom salt bath will help alleviate any stress and get your body into a perfectly relaxed state.
Finally, be patient and kind to yourself. If we can get at least one of these techniques in, eventually it becomes easier to incorporate more.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Along with the above, use our E-1 Formula. It normalizes the parasympathetic nervous system--calms you down, or raises your energy if you are over-tired and can't sleep. If you need something stronger, add in Transformation's CalmZyme formula (on sale 40% off two or more--discount code: TEC40).
Experiencing AWE is Good For You, Part 2
Most positive emotions are arousing, engaging the "fight-flight" sympathetic nervous system to help us actively pursue our goals. Awe has the opposite effect, reducing sympathetic influence on the heart and keeping us still--which suggests that awe's function does not center on moving toward the material objects or people we desire.
Awe's function may lie in how it makes us think. Awe involves a sense of uncertainty that we are compelled to try to resolve. Studies, conducted in collaboration with Vladas Griskevicius and Samantha Neufeld, suggest that we deal with that uncertainty through careful, detail-oriented processing of information from the environment.
In one study, we encouraged participants to vividly remember a time when they felt awe, or one of several other positive emotions. We then asked them to read a "campus news article" presenting arguments in favor of a proposal to institute mandatory, comprehensive exams that seniors must pass in order to graduate. Of course, most college students are strongly opposed to this idea, so we can assume that any agreement with the proposal at the end of the study reflects successful persuasion.
For half of the participants in each emotion condition, the article included several strong arguments for the proposal, such as a quote from a corporate leader saying his company offered larger salaries to graduates of universities requiring senior exams. The other participants read several weak arguments, such as a statement from a current student that comprehensive exams were a tradition of the ancient Greeks. All participants then rated how strongly they agreed with the comprehensive exam proposal. If participants in any given emotion state are carefully evaluating the content of their news articles, then they should be persuaded by the articles with the strong arguments, but not by the articles with the weak arguments.
Participants in most positive emotion conditions, including enthusiasm, amusement, and contentment, were easily persuaded by both the strong and the weak arguments. It was as though they were thinking, "Nine arguments-sounds pretty good to me!" Previous studies had also found that positive emotions tend to promote reliance on superficial shortcuts such as this in evaluating persuasive messages.
Participants in the awe condition, however, were only persuaded by the strong arguments; those reading the weak arguments were even more skeptical than those in a neutral control condition (in which participants had vividly imagined doing their laundry). In other words, people who had just relived a personal experience of awe read the supposed news article even more carefully, and analyzed it more critically, than those in a neutral mood.
Here are some more specific ideas for where to take an awe-inspiring walk...
- A mountain with panoramic views
- A trail lined with tall trees
- The shore of an ocean, lake, river, or waterfall
- A clear night when you can see the stars
- A place where you can watch a sunset or sunrise
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: We experience awe as something so much greater than ourselves or out normal experience that it is amazing. Amazement and awe go together, so making a point of seeing amazing things can put you in that state of awe that has so many positive psychological and physical benefits. Order our Success & Achievement Vital Force Crystal. It amplifies awesomeness in yourself and what you perceive. Try it!
Company & Product News
We're overstocked on ENZYMES!
We have too much inventory of some of the Transformation Enzyme formulas and are offering a HUGE 40% discount if you buy TWO OR MORE on the following formulas: MasterZyme, ExcellZyme, GastroZyme, CalmZyme, Plantadophilus (probiotic), and PureZyme. Use discount code: TEC40 when you checkout through the website shopping cart. This sale is good until October 15, so order now (auto-ship prices do not apply)!
E-3 Is Now Available on 30-Day Auto-Ship!

Both sizes are available: 2 oz. travel size and the 4 oz. regular. You also receive a discount for ordering on our autoship program: $10.00 for 2 oz. travel size (reg. $13.00), and $19.00 for 4 oz. (reg. $25.00). Never run out just because you forgot to order. Discontinue at anytime (just send us an email or call). Also, remember we offer free shipping on orders of $75 or more, which applies to our autoship program. We look forward to making sure you always have E3 on hand!
Gem Elixir for the Month
"Stone of Clarity"
Spiritually: Cleanses the aura allowing the soul's light to shine out. Removes blockages in and activates the crown chakra linking it to divine light. It reminds you of your soul's aspirations and aids spiritual evolution.
Emotionally: Imparts fearlessness, invincibility and fortitude. Clears emotional and mental pain, reduces fear and brings about new beginnings. Stimulates the imagination and inventiveness.
Mentally: Provides a link between the intellect and the higher mind. Brings clarity of mind and aids enlightenment.
Physically: May be useful for a broad range of brain conditions, brain tumors, problems with the pituitary and pineal glands, conditions of the mid-brain, other brain imbalances and left-right brain disorders including autism, dyslexia, epilepsy, physical coordination and visual problems. Traditionally used to possibly counteract poisons. May help glaucoma, clears sight.
Trinity Diamond Elixir is on sale for a month for 30% off with discount code DIA30 (enter the code in the indicated box as you checkout through the website shopping cart--offer good until 11/15/16).
This Quantum Life
by Boyd Martin, Caretaker
The Quantum Impossibiity of Aloneness

We're at a pivotal time in human history. Science is in the process of proving that there is a single matrix within which all things are affected by all other things. There are hypotheses that what is called "quantum entanglement" is not just for the smallest of of the small, but that it is a central feature of ALL the physical world.
Let's sit with that for a second... The butterfly flaps its wings and volcanoes erupt on the opposite side of the planet; a fly is caught in a spider's web, and half a world away, a quarter mile of glacier calves into the sea; a wolf howls in Alaska, and a geyser erupts in Borneo. These images convey the oneness of a whole system--a system with an infinite number of moving parts, yet each part holographically existing as part of each other part.
Science experiments have been underway to verify that what we used to think of as mechanistic, unconnected, random events are, in fact, very much connected. And we, as points of conscious awareness, have the ability--as do all living things--to tune in and experience any and all of it.
After working for a while with these concepts, it's certainly not a stretch to see the world as a sentient being, reacting to and reflecting back to us our own intentions, feelings, and desires. It is ONLY our choices, decisions, judgments and conclusions that make life seem so distant, so disconnected from us, and so completely reliant on the application of our personal energies for anything to change.
Of course, the universe is nothing BUT change, each quantum bit, subatomic particle wave, atom and molecule has a purpose, an intelligence that is moving to our beckon call, should we desire it.
As psychologically complicated as we like to think we are, we are experts at making life a problem--a hell hole of pain and suffering--where nothing goes the way we want it to, and misery is the over-arching theme of this gawd-awful cesspool of life. With each new tragedy and drama, further proof is set forth about the "TRUTH" of this.
We are, simply, excellent victims. It's so much easier that way. You can avoid responsibility for creating anything, and then get to wallow in sumptuous self-pity until the cows come home--and they, tragically, never do.
The point I want to get to is that we are not islands. We are not separate "points of light" scattered across the void. The "void" is very much an ocean of connectivity, communion and consciousness. Our very atomic structure is intermingled with that of exploding stars, whirling galaxies and all the sentience that created it.
It becomes nearly impossible to feel alone if you embrace these concepts. In fact, do this thought experiment: Close your eyes. Now, in your imagination, imagine another being is sitting next to you. It can be somebody you know, or not, and they don't have to be human. Now, ask this being some questions, such as, What's your name? Where do you live? Do you know who I am? What is you main talent? What do you see that I'm really good at?
Shortly, you'll realize you've been having a conversation with this "imaginary friend", and notice that you didn't know the answers to the questions you were asking them--they did. This being exists .
You've probably heard about people having "guides" or "angels" that show up at crucial moments in a person's life to help make a pivotal decision or bring about a revelation. Well, this is how you can find your own guides. Just "imagine" them beside you, and begin to have a relationship with them.
There have been theories tossed around that the imagination is really a sort of clearing house, where our desires meet the sentience of the physical world. That sentience is constantly engaged in partnering with you to construct your life based on your desires, conclusions and judgments. I tend to agree (and this has been posited by some scientists) that the sentience of the physical world is amoral--that is, it has no judgment as to what is "right" and "wrong". It's humans that are excellent at doing that, and we do it almost automatically. Why? To make a story. To show ourselves how good or bad we are, and thus, create the matrix for games and adventures, either sorrowful or exciting.
So, choose to embrace this Oneness of Life. Reach out for it, interact with it, experience its deep sentience and observe it responding and reacting to your intentions and desires. Soon you will discover the perfect partner you never thought you had--the most intimate confidant; the most empowering coach, and deeply loving lover. And all it has ever taken--all it ever takes--is making that choice.
To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin,