AUGUST 2022, Issue No. 3 |
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Helping Others is the Best Self Care

What do you think of when you hear the term self-care? Maybe it's a long journaling session, a steamy bubble bath, or some overall "me" time. However, critical care surgeon and physician scientist Stephen Trzeciak, M.D., MPH, author of Wonder Drug, says we should flip the script: What if the best way to practice self-care is to actually serve others?
Trzeciak has done extensive research on the health benefits of being a compassionate person, and on this episode of the mindbodygreen podcast, he dives into all of the ways serving others can help you live a more fulfilled (and longer!) life. Below, you can find a few highlights:
1. Reduced burnout. - "What I was taught in medical school a long time ago was to have an emotional shield," says Trzeciak. "Don't care too much. Too much compassion will burn you out." However, research shows the exact opposite: "Caring and the relationships that flow from that can be an antidote to burnout," he explains. (In fact, that's the very subject of his previous book, Compassionomics.) Take this 2021 study, for example, which shows that nurses with high scores for compassion for others experience less burnout. Trzeciak even tested the compassion hypothesis for himself, deciding to lean into his own relationships—with patients, with their families, with the ICU staff, and with his loved ones at home. "I decided to care more, not less. Lean in, rather than pull back, detach, and escape," he recounts. "And that was when the fog of burnout began to lift."
2. Better cardiovascular health. - Apparently, volunteering can enhance your cardiovascular health, too. Trzeciak references a study in the journal JAMA Pediatrics, which assigned a group of adolescents to volunteer with elementary-school-aged children for two months. The result? The participants in the volunteer group had lower biomarkers of cardiovascular disease in their blood. "Kids, of course, are not going to suffer the outcomes of cardiovascular disease at such a young age," Trzeciak shares. "But it's just another study contributing to the body of evidence that serving others could be the best medicine for yourself."
3. Enhanced longevity. - We've discussed the link between purpose and longevity quite a bit here at mbg, but let's hear it one more time for the people in the back: "There is strong evidence in scientific literature that having purpose in life is protective for early mortality," notes Trzeciak. This study in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, for example, shows that people with a sense of meaning in life have better overall physical health. Another study of 6,985 adults found that life purpose was significantly associated with all-cause mortality.
How does purpose relate to serving others, you ask? Well, according to Trzeciak, you can cultivate a sense of purpose every day by fostering a connection with others. "One of the ways to develop purpose in everyday life is to ask the right questions," he explains. For example, instead of asking, "How are you?" you might wonder, "How can I make your day a little bit better?"
"Asking questions in ways that can't be answered with a yes or no question often invites opportunities for more meaningful connection," Trzeciak explains. "You typically get something actionable, and then it's meaningful and purposeful not only for you but for the other person, too."
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Use our Trinity Gem Elixirs to encourage and amplify compassion and empathy. Use the search tool to find the best elixir for you!
Re-Wiring Your Brain for Healing

To speed up your body's recovery, an emerging area of rehabilitative medicine involves teaching a person how to produce more robust brain pathways to signal healing. You can play a role in your healing simply by learning how to change the way you think. Scientific evidence proves your brain actually has pathways related to any medical condition that you have. And, before you see healing from that medical condition, those brain pathways must change. The good news? Your brain can change and you have the power to help kickstart that process. This means there is hope that even chronic medical conditions you've been dealing with can improve or even resolve.
Researchers have found that the brain of a person with diabetes is different from someone who does not have the condition. This principle holds true for a number of medical conditions, including heart failure, asthma, hepatitis and even viral infections. What we see can be described as a "signature" in the brain for each particular health condition. So, it's possible to look at a person's fMRI study and see a pattern that tells us what health condition they may have.
Your brain is the most amazing supercomputer ever created. It's the only computer where the software (aka thoughts) has the capability to cause a change in the hardware (aka brain pathways). Your thoughts carry power. In fact, each time you have a thought, your brain produces an electrical signal that doctors can measure with a device called an EEG. As we continue to have the same thoughts over and over, the electrical impulses generated will cause brain pathways to rewire.
Researchers and doctors capitalize on this amazing power of the brain to help accelerate and augment recovery in persons who have had a stroke, spinal cord injury and a number of other medical conditions. By teaching a patient to focus on the intention or thought to move a paralyzed arm or leg, a person will produce electrical signals that will eventually rewire their brain so that they can begin to move the paralyzed limb.
There is something you can do--starting today--to accelerate your healing process: Close your eyes and imagine what you look like, feel like and what you will be able to do once you are healed. This will create electrical signals in the mirror neuron network of your brain that will automatically begin the process of rewiring your brain from pathways of sickness and disease to pathways of health and wholeness. The more often you do this, the faster your brain pathways will change, and the more you will accelerate your healing.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Use the Master Brain Formula to add energy to brain pathways leading to greater plasticity and the faster re-wiring.
The 43:57 Rule--Talking to Listening

If you want someone to come away thinking well of you, you're going to need to listen more. It's true, especially, if you hope to get something out of the conversation. Several years ago, Gong Research Labs decided to analyze 25,537 sales calls and with the goal of answering the question, "What talking-listening ration makes for a great sales call?"
What they found is that "highest converting talk-to-listen ratio on sales calls is approximately 43:57." Inversely, the least successful sales pitches were ones where the salesman talked for more than 60 percent of the time. This means that you're most likely to persuade someone or get them to come around to your point of view if you listen more than you speak.
Obviously, this isn't an absolute rule--every conversation is different, and you ought to adapt to the demands of every interaction. But it does reveal how much more powerful listening is when it comes to getting something you want. But listening does not always come easily to people. Here are three starter tips to rebalance your own talking-listening ratio:
1. Let silence fall. Silence is the space where conversation grows. In the same way the words on this page are defined by the space around it, silence incubates our ideas and catalyses discussion. Let people say more. Just because someone has stopped talking, it doesn't mean they're done communicating.
2. Ask questions. Don't prescript and line them up but respond organically to the meandering bends of the conversation. Ask for more information about something which interests you; peel back to a previous word or phrase they used or explore the details behind a half-told story. It's a hard skill to get right, but it gets easier with practice.
3. Empathize. It's easy to focus on yourself in a conversation. We often think, "what do they want me to say?" or "how will I look if I ask that?" But when we get bogged down in self-obsession, we miss the conversation. Imagine yourself as the person you're talking to and engage with their motivation behind speaking.
It's commonly said that everyone has something to teach you, and there's a lot of truth in this. When we listen to what other people say, when we read and learn from the world, we become better. Listening to what others have learned or what wisdom they have is greater (and far, far cheaper) than any university or school. It's the way humans are meant to learn. As Epictetus once said, "Nature hath given men one tongue but two ears, that we may hear from others twice as much as we speak."
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Spray your living areas with Clean Sweep to dissapate negative energies that can throw off the talking to listening ratio.
Health & Healing Hack of the Week
Chanting "OM"
Probably one of the most ancient of healing modalities is chanting the sound of "OM". OM is considered to be the sound of the creation of the universe, and vocalizing this sound unifies and harmonizes the energy centers of the body, as well as stimulates the thyroid glands, pineal gland and vagus nerve. Chanting OM is a great way to start your day, and provides a connection not only to Source, but to all the millions of chanters globally who may be making this sacred sound at the exact moment you are. This synchronistic connection amplifies the healing benefits and the overall effect "OM" has on the planet itself. For best effect, sit upright with back straight, and other muscles relaxed. Begin the sound slowly, drawing out the "O" part as "AUM", then ending with the humming sound of "M". Then enjoy the silence between sounds. More times through equates to more engagement of a meditative state. -- From 25 No Cost Health & Healing Hacks by Boyd Martin)
Quantum Healer of the Week
Tamra Oviatt As the founder of Sacred Activations, Tamra Oviatt is a keynote speaker, visionary leader, bestselling author of nine books, winner of the International Bestseller Publishing Award, and sought-after teacher. Since receiving her first activation from Lord Metatron, over a hundred thousand people around the globe have experienced Sacred Activations. Tamra has also trained over 400 practitioners worldwide who use this powerful modality in their own practices. This unique and powerful healing modality was given to Tamra by God, beginning in Scotland's Rosslyn Chapel in 2012, and is one of the most powerful and transformational modalities available today. Tamra has always had the gift of healing. From an early age, when she laid hands on her dying cat, only to find it completely healed the following morning, she has always felt the call to be a healer. In the years prior to receiving this modality, Tamra kept following sacred direction to take specific trainings in a wide range of modalities from Master NLP and Master hypnotherapy to Master teacher Theta healing. Each time she completed a training she would hear that this was only for her own training and was not what she was meant to do. There are now over three hundred activations that have been gifted to her from God, the Ascended Masters, and Angels. With Sacred Activation, Tamra now works to bring healing to the planet. As she says, "When we heal ourselves, we heal the planet." In the years that this modality has been present, it has become internationally renown with (as of late 2019) practitioners and teachers in over 20 countries around the world. New clients and students are being led to, or introduced to, this powerful, life-changing modality on a daily basis. -- WEBSITE
Company & Product News
Digital Ashwagandha
 The Amplified Energetic Signature of the Powerful Adaptogen Known as "Indian Ginseng". Ashwagandha is an ancient ayurvedic herb that has been classified as an adaptogen, which means it can help you to manage and adapt to stress. The Ashwagandha quantum resonance app from Subtle Energy Sciences uses your electronic devices to transmit the amplified energetic essence of this powerful adaptogenic herb directly into your biofield. Helpful for stress management, lowering cortisol, anti-cancer, depression, inflammation, improving adrenal function, reducing blood sugar levels, anxiety and boosting testosterone. This energetic Signature is sourced directly from the quantum field and produces all of the benefits of the ashwagandha herb. Ashwagandha has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for more than 3,000 years. MORE INFO / ORDER
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Anti-5G EMF Amber Jewelry
Recent studies have shown that energetic pollution from electromagnetic frequencies may have a cumulative, negative effect both in general terms and in particular situations such as with the use of cell phones and other personal electronic devices. These amber stones, infused with Vital Force Technology's 5G EMF Compensation energy pattern, protecting you by helping the body to compensate and regulate the effects to the brain and body by EMF signals from cell phones, computers, microwaves and other electrical appliances. These jewelry pieces not only improve your body's ability to overcome the negative effects of environmental energetic pollution, but help with mental concentration, and heighten your feelings of security and confidence as well. Not only are these ambers beautiful; but anyone can have their own source of 5G EMF protection and restore their strength, harmony and energetic balance. MORE INFO
Circulatory Formula - This formula was created with the energetic intent to awaken human innate powers in assisting the body's circulatory system by:
- Unblocking energetic impasses of the human spiritual, mental and emotional manifestations, thus promoting an uninterrupted energy flow through the body via special energetic channeling formulas, as well as Life Energy, anti-GABA, and Substance Harmony.
- Helping to suppress destructive forces that provoke vasoconstriction, vascular hypertrophy, fibrosis, and inflammation via Blood vessel support, magnesium formulas, as well as the energetic imprint of herbs such as hawthorn, turmeric, horse chestnut, bilberry, linden, ginger and lobelia.
- Supporting the body's homeostatic relationship between the cardiovascular system and other body systems via ETI's formulas Oxygen, Heart support, Longevity, and Kidney.
This formula can be helpful as a quick and effective recovery tool after intensive exercises or physical trauma. It helps your tense muscles to relax by releasing the energy that is keeping them tight. MORE INFO
VibesUp 5G Shungite Soles
 The most important thing we can do it get out feet grounded to the earth. When you can not be outside barefoot directly on the earth these flip flops have the earths perfect balance and concentrated elements we would normally be walking on in a infrared delivery that gives up even more energy under the pressure we provide with each step we take. These have the new 5G formula. This year we have very special new version of our vibesup earth energy soles... Shungite is the bomb!!! The most common description people give me on how it feels is euphoria. "My first experience with standing on VibesUp shungite earth material felt like a big glass of red wine but more of a healthy euphoria." – Kaitlyn K., NJ MORE INFO
Trinity Gem Elixir for the Month
"Stone of Regeneration"
Spiritually: Stimulates expanded awareness and past life recall. Cleanses and re-energizes the chakras. Balances and stimulates the development and movement of the Kundalini. Strengthens the root chakra.
Emotionally: Inspires love and devotion. Dissolves ingrained behavior patterns. Fortifies, activates and strengthens the survival instinct, inspires love and devotion, alleviates emotional disharmony.
Mentally: Helps to release useless, old, or obsolete ideas.
Physically: Helps to regenerate the body and stimulate the metabolism. Assists spinal and cellular disorders. Purifies and re-energizes blood, heart, and lungs. Helps regenerate DNA. MORE INFO / ORDER
(Website usage note: You can search for keywords at Pure Energy Rx, and it will return relevant results, e.g. "courage", "confidence", "fear", "intelligence", etc.)
This Quantum Life by Boyd Martin, Caretaker, Pure Energy Rx
Defection to the Light

 On the popular TV show, "America's Got Talent", you'd hear Simon's critique of a contestant, "You were pitchy on the chorus." Sometimes the audience would boo his comment because they liked the contestant's performance, other times there was silence, confirming Simon's verdict, and the rest of the judging panel would usually agree. It was all high stakes performance art for the performer and the viewing audience, and whichever contestant could whip up the biggest draaaaamaaa usually won the contest.
To me, the show was a microcosm of the issues inherent in a universe of dualism. There is "on pitch" and there is "off pitch", or "pitchy". The former describing a harmonious whole, the latter describing chaotic distraction. It is a metaphor for the priorities of Source Creator. The command, "Let there be light" is the genesis of harmony created out of the non-coherent void. Loving intent created the light, and that light created harmonics of experience, and as the Creator proclaimed, "It is good."
All of us know when something is "off" in our experience. It is an innate perception we all have to perceive harmony as desirable, and disharmony as undesirable. If you've ever been in a church choir, or barbershop quartet, any "pitchiness" is immediately noticed and corrected. There is a natural groove within which harmony resides, and we all have the ability to hear it.
Expand this idea to overall experience and we see the existence of "Natural Law", where certain creations produce pleasing harmonies, and others produce unpleasant effects, and over time, those unpleasant effects are harmonized, just as singers monitor and correct their sounds to harmonize with the other instruments and singers in the performance.
As Source created the world, it also created points of consciousness to experience the creation. Those points of consciousness were allowed to have the power of choice as to what creations they experienced. It fairly quickly became obvious that to choose the Light and Love Path of Harmony had definite restrictions as to what creations could be experienced. It then became possible to choose what was not harmonious. This un-harmonized "lawless" void seemed to allow more creative freedom without the restraints of Natural Harmonic Law, sending the message of, "Do what thou wilt"--creation without apparent consequence, creation for the sake of creating, bringing the illusion of personal power and control.
Thus, to certain creative consciousnesses, the world of loving harmony under Natural Law was a direct threat to their personal power and a constriction of freedom. Individual points of power emerged creating more and more disharmony and chaos--replete with the fear and suffering this kind of disconnected creating brings into being. These disconnected points of creation produced the chaos of an orchestra of instruments all simultaneously playing a different song. And the fights began to see who could be the loudest and heard the most.
The game became power and dominion over the participants in this Dark Drama. Who could inflict the greater effects on the most beings? Who could rise to power and dominion over the whole game?
Meanwhile, within the world of Light, Love and Harmony, the Dark Lords continually attacked the light in efforts to gain dominion through chaos, with the propaganda of "Hey, see what power I have? You can also have your own power! Give up this light and love nonsense with all those rules and laws, and create whatever you want!"
For millions of years there was this stand-off between the forces of Light and the forces of darkness, until recently something inevitable began to happen: Harmony and light began to expand into the darkness because all the millennia of power mongering, fighting and controlling got some agents of darkness questioning their path. The constant struggle to maintain power, the constant fear of losing control, and continual breaking of alliances, led some to conclude that maybe joining the Harmony of Oneness wasn't such a bad idea.
They soon discovered that, sure, living the Law of Self could result in the limited, fleeting thrill of control and dominion, but it could also be quickly destroyed by any greater force of self, and the price for that was the never-ending agony of subjugation and loss.
It could be seen that by embracing the Light, one also embraced the oneness of connection with all other beings in the realm, instead of the conflict and chaos inherent in defending self against the onslaught of greed and lust for power on the Dark side. Besides, choosing creations of light and love came with the automatic appreciation of all others within the Oneness. Much better.
We are seeing the entire matrix of darkness begin to disassemble with the defection of some choosing the light over the darkness, and some giving up the fight to be reabsorbed into Source. And just as a singer correcting their pitch to harmonize with the choir, these agents of the Dark are choosing to join the harmony of the light, eternal love, peace without end. Soon, as the Light triumphs, the Darkness will be no more.
To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin
EXCERPT: Ultimately, the body reflects its consciousness field. If it is living in a consciousness field that is sad, depressed and anxious, it will reflect these states and the conditions and diseases associated with those feelings and attitudes. The body CAN turn around any health condition overnight, providing it is in that consciousness field. Examples include spontaneous remission of cancers, bones mending overnight, and other "miraculous" healings, usually attributed to outside healers, mysterious energies, voodoo, and other unexplained, mysterious experiences or conditions. The one cause of healing--the human body itself--is usually overlooked in these cases, as having the innate ability to regenerate and repair itself to a high degree. >>>> DOWNLOAD <<<<