August Issue 1, 2019 |
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Fractals: A Key to Health
In a set of studies by Richard Taylor, a physicist at the University of Oregon, he used skin conductance and EEG measurements to measure test subjects' reactions to viewing the mid-dimension fractals most often in nature. He and his colleagues found the images reduced the mind and body's physiological stress by as much as 60 percent, "an enormous amount for a non-pharmacological approach."
That may be why, for instance, we tend to gaze out the window to refresh ourselves when we're tired or having trouble focusing at work. Or why patients recover more quickly when their hospital room has a natural view, and why art that takes nature as its subject helps lower anxiety and stress levels.
A widely read study published in 1984 by Roger Ulrich, an architecture professor who focuses on healthcare design, he and his team examined the medical records of patients recovering from a type of gallbladder surgery in a hospital located in a Pennsylvania suburb. They found, after controlling for other influences, that patients in rooms with a window overlooking leafy trees recovered on average one day faster, suffered from fewer postsurgical complications, and took less pain medication than patients whose window opened up on a brick wall.
"The parts of the brain that recognize a beautiful view are very rich in endorphins, a feel-good, anti-pain molecule," says Esther Sternberg, an immunologist and the founding director of the University of Arizona Institute on Place and Wellbeing. More specifically, the nerve cells in the pathway between the visual cortex and parahippocampal place area, where there is a high density of endorphin receptors, exhibit greater levels of activity when people view natural or beautiful scenes. "This helps reduce the stress response. So even if there's no direct evidence yet that looking at fractals helps you heal, you can make the link by adding up all these different kinds of studies."
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Our Schumann Resonance Crystals resonate with the fractal frequencies of Earth--the harmonics (fractals) of vibrations that are life-expanding and life-affirming.
We Are All Extraterrestials
 Some researchers believe data revealing the truth about our origins and about our connection to alien life can in fact be found by searching within. They posit that human beings were created as biological mirror images of our progenitors, a superior extraterrestrial civilization that paved the way for our existence millions of years ago.
This is a provocative thesis, to be sure. If true, it would give a whole new meaning to the Biblical phrase "for you were made in my image." Under this scenario, the voice of God might actually have been the voice of a scientific genius from another planet. We might expect the discussion of such a concept to be confined to the fringes of the alternative science milieu, or to be incorporated into the plotline of a science fiction show or movie. But surprisingly, the idea is being taken seriously in at least one bastion of mainstream astronomical science.
In 2013, two scientists affiliated with the Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute in Kazakhstan published an article in the journal Icarus suggesting that the search for extraterrestrial life should be expanded to include a survey of human DNA.
In support of their imaginative theory, Makukov and Scherbak have spotted a specific repeating numerical pattern in the human genetic code. By looking closely at the various mathematical ratios, fractions and constants that show up in calculations and measurements of human DNA, they've uncovered multiple instances where the number "37" seems to play a prominent role. In their Icarus research paper, the scientists listed nine instances where the number "37" could be derived by performing calculations somehow related to DNA's chemical structure, and they calculated the odds of that happening by random at 10 trillion to one against.
"It was clear right away that the code has a non-random structure," Makukov told an interviewer. "The patterns that we describe are not simply non-random. They have some features that, at least from our point of view, were very hard to ascribe to natural processes."
Expressed in the metric system, the normal body temperature of a human being is 37 degrees Celsius. And according to the latest estimates, there are approximately 37 trillion cells in the human body. So even outside its inclusion in our DNA, the number "37" does help define who we are in some fundamental ways. This is just as we might expect, if that number were included in DNA as a sign.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Use our Moldavite Gem Elixir to access the galactic origins of the mind and DNA. This elixir enhances mental and emotional perceptions of the "Big Picture", and supports a greater perspective on life.
New Validation for Parallel Worlds
 A theory called "Many Interacting Worlds" is a spinoff of the many-worlds interpretation in quantum mechanics--an idea that posits that all possible alternative histories and futures are real, each representing an actual, though parallel, world. One problem with the many-worlds interpretation, however, has been that it is fundamentally untestable, since observations can only be made in our world. Happenings in these proposed "parallel" worlds can thus only be imagined.
The Many Interacting Worlds Theory, however, says otherwise. It suggests that parallel worlds can interact on the quantum level, and in fact that they do. "The idea of parallel universes in quantum mechanics has been around since 1957," explained Howard Wiseman, a physicist at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia, and one of the physicists to come up with MIW. "In the well-known ‘Many-Worlds Interpretation', each universe branches into a bunch of new universes every time a quantum measurement is made. All possibilities are therefore realised--in some universes the dinosaur-killing asteroid missed Earth. In others, Australia was colonised by the Portuguese."
"But critics question the reality of these other universes, since they do not influence our universe at all," he added. "On this score, our ‘Many Interacting Worlds' approach is completely different, as its name implies."
Wiseman and colleagues have proposed that there exists "a universal force of repulsion between ‘nearby' (i.e. similar) worlds, which tends to make them more dissimilar." Quantum effects can be explained by factoring in this force, they propose. Whether or not the math holds true will be the ultimate test for this theory. Does it or does it not properly predict quantum effects mathematically? But the theory is certain to provide plenty of fodder for the imagination.
For instance, when asked about whether their theory might entail the possibility that humans could someday interact with other worlds, Wiseman said: "It's not part of our theory. But the idea of [human] interactions with other universes is no longer pure fantasy."
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: We have a Quantum T-Shirt to this effect: "Parallel Universes, Parallel Lives". While you're wearing the shirt, dose yourself with our Cosmic Eye Elixir, and explore these many worlds!
Health & Healing Hack of the Week
Two Pointing
Originally, two-pointing was delineated by Dr. Richard Bartlett as part of his body of work called "Matrix Energetics", and covered at length in his book by the same name. Two Pointing is a way to collapse an energy blockage by using two index fingers touching two points around an injured or painful area of the body. Do this using several different points. By putting the attention on two points simultaneously, it collapses the "standing wave" that is blocking or inhibiting energy flows across the painful area. Great first aid! Entertaining note: I also tried it on my wallet--and it worked! From 25 No Cost Health & Healing Hacks by Boyd Martin)
Quantum Healer of the Week
Lee Harris
Lee is a globally acclaimed Energy Intuitive and Transformation Guide, who offers grounded, practical teachings focused on helping conscious, intuitive, and sensitive people heal, thrive and live a better life! His book ENERGY SPEAKS became an instant bestseller in March 2019, and his intuitive messages reach hundreds of thousands of people every month via his free and highly popular monthly Energy Update videos. With over a hundred audio recordings and online courses for navigating a soul-led life with clarity, empowerment, and optimism, Lee also mentors creatives, healers and entrepreneurs on how to bring their gifts and talents into the world via his IMPACT THE WORLD program. His annual SOUL MAGIC retreats, and workshops held around the globe, are adventures into the deepest aspects of living, loving, and awakening. As a musician and artist himself, Lee deeply believes in the power of our creativity for healing, and incorporates sound-healing and creativity into many of his works. WEBSITE
Company & Product News
AMAZING PRODUCT ALERT: Adrenal Boost from Subtle Energy Sciences
 The Quantum Resonance Technology provided by Subtle Energy Sciences is a unique and exciting new form of energy technology that uses digital images, audio, and video to broadcast (via energetic transmission) life-enhancing vibration and information through your electronic devices. Every substance has an innate energetic signature, an informational component that quite literally informs it and enables it to be what it is. The founder of Subtle Energy Sciences, Eric W Thompson, has developed methods and processes for digitally capturing such energetic signatures and encoding them into digital media in such a way that allows such digital media to broadcast these energetic signatures and thereby promote their benefits without actually having to ingest the substances themselves. With Adrenal Boost, you can safely address adrenal fatigue and get an extra boost. Adrenal Boost does exactly what its title suggests. It is sourced directly from the quantum field and is designed to safely and organically address adrenal fatigue. It's also helpful for any time that you need some extra energy. You can think of it as a kind of energetic adaptogen. MORE INFO
NEW 25% OFF Combo Energy Packs
 We created these potent and effective combo packs, that include synergistic combinations of elixirs, crystals and other formulas to take you to a whole new level of perception, awareness and well-being. Save 25% on individual formulas. Here they are:
Gem Elixir for the Month
"Stone for Spiritual Growth"
Spiritually: Fusion of extraterrestrial energies with earth energies. Clears blockages, aligns the chakras. Resonates with the crown chakra, opening it to receive the highest spiritual guidance.
Emotionally: Supports qualities such as empathy and compassion.
Mentally: Helps access spiritual information through the intellect.
Physically: Makes one aware of the cause and source of disease. Supports the releasing and healing process.
The Moldavite Elixir is on sale till 8/31/19 for 20% off with discount code MOL20 (Price: $15.20 with discount).
(NOTE: Prices for all gem elixirs have been reduced from $25 each to $19 each).
(Website usage note: You can search for keywords at Pure Energy Rx, and it will return revelant results, e.g. "courage", "confidence", "fear", "intelligence", etc.)
This Quantum Life by Boyd Martin, Caretaker, Pure Energy Rx
Finding Your "Shool"

Those of us who deal with pain on a daily basis, I believe are greatly hampered by language when it comes to incorporating well-being into our lives. I have noticed over the years that there is actually no word that describes a non-pain state, without using the word pain: PAIN-less, no pain, pain free, pain relief, etc., etc.
When we are in the throes of pain, the immediate cessation of it becomes all-absorbing, with our attention focussed--stuck, really--on the experience of the pain. There is no "go to" concept we can focus on that is "not pain", other than focussing on what doesn't hurt, which, again, includes pain in the desire of it. It's no wonder it is so easy to get caught up in the "pain cycle'--the more it hurts, the more it traps your attention, which then leads to more of it.
Last week, I got into a fascinating discussion with a local Native American "medicine man", Jake, who asked me, "How is your 'shool'?"
After observing the blank look on my face, he continued. "Have you ever heard of the idea of 'loosh'?" Yes, I had, actually. Loosh is the energy of suffering--the low frequency energy of pain and agony, and it is said that it's an energy that vampiristic beings feed off of to increase their own energy.
"Yes," Jake continued. "We just turn that concept around, and what you have is a word for your sense of well-being. We like to use it to describe a spectrum, where low shool is where it is difficult to spot anywhere on your body or your life where something feels good; and then high shool, is where you feel fantastically alive and high vibe."
I nodded, suddenly realizing he was answering this question I'd had for years.
"When there is pervasive pain, usually the first thing we do is try to get rid of it, when the healing thing to do is to acknowledge with gratitude where in your body there is no pain. We call it 'finding your shool," he gazed at me and I realized that although my shoulders were aching and my knees hurt, my lower back felt really good.
"Yes, concentrate on that. Give that your energy and attention, and it will expand," he added right after my thoughts.
As Jake left the room, I was elated to have a wonderful tool with this shool thing. In Manifestation 101, we learn that what we put our attention on expands. This is the problem with pain, so we turn to external chemical means--analgesics, NSAIDs, and such nostrums, to just get our attention off of it. This is why the shool concept is so valuable. We can now rest our attention on those areas of the body that feel good, or at the very least, don't hurt, and by turning our attention thus, those good feelings can expand.
Jake also advised that we can increase our shool where there is pain, by noticing that there is some part of that painful area that feels okay, or even feels good. He said that in order for pain to exist, there has to be its opposite present--and that's shool.
Our sense of proprioception is greatly affected by pain. Limping is a good example. We change how we feel movement in our body by avoiding the movements that trigger pain. In the Feldenkrais Method, the practitioner slowly and gently moves the body into those areas where there has been a proprioceptive avoidance of pain, demonstrating that either there is greater range of motion than was thought, or that the proprioceptive reaction is no longer necessary--basically allowing shool to expand in the area.
This goes much deeper into what it means to hurt, to suffer, and to eventually start defining ourselves by our state of pain--changing our social behaviors, altering our physical movements, and justifying the pain by accepting it as a part of who we are in the world. This is all a result of pain fixation, and not realizing that there is shool within the pain that is the gateway to healing.
Again, back to Manifestation 101, Joe Dispenza said it well: "You have to feel whole before your healing; you would have to feel abundance before your wealth; you would have to feel awe before the mystical moment; you would have to feel love before your new relationship; and you would have to feel empowered before your success." So, I would add you would need to feel shool before your healing.
To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin

Janet Barrett is a subtle energies empath and consciousness educator utilizing the field of potential. With warmth, humor and support she will offer you new ways to understand your issues. By reframing what your stories are, you can transform and clear them. It is possible to change what is bothering you. You can enjoy new outcomes. And, they can happen in the blink of an eye. WEBSITE
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