JULY, 2021, Issue No. 1 |
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The Future Seeing Ability We All Have
A few years ago, the chief scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Dr. Dean Radin, visited the scientists over at HearthMath Institute and shared the results of one of his studies. Radin is also one of multiple scientists who authored the paper above. These studies, as mentioned above, tracked the autonomic nervous system, physiological changes, and more.
Scientists at HeartMath Institute (HMI) added more protocols, which included measuring participants' brain waves (EEG), their hearts' electrical activity (ECG), and their heart rate variability (HRV). As HMI explains:
Twenty-six adults experienced in using HeartMath techniques and who could sustain a heart-coherent state completed two rounds of study protocols approximately two weeks apart. Half of the participants completed the protocols after they intentionally achieved a heart-coherent state for 10 minutes. The other half completed the same procedures without first achieving heart coherence. Then they reversed the process for the second round of monitoring, with the first group not becoming heart-coherent before completing the protocols and the second group becoming heart-coherent before. The point was to test whether heart coherence affected the results of the experiment.
Participants were told the study's purpose was to test stress reactions and were unaware of its actual purpose. (This practice meets institutional-review-board standards.) Each participant sat at a computer and was instructed to click a mouse when ready to begin.
The screen stayed blank for six seconds. The participant's physiological data was recorded by a special software program, and then, one by one, a series of 45 pictures was displayed on the screen. Each picture, displayed for 3 seconds, evoked either a strong emotional reaction or a calm state. After each picture, the screen went blank for 10 seconds. Participants repeated this process for all 45 pictures, 30 of which were known to evoke a calm response and 15 a strong emotional response.
The results of the experiment were fascinating to say the least. The participants' brains and hearts responded to information about the emotional quality of the pictures before the computer flashed them (random selection). This means that the heart and brain were both responding to future events. The results indicated that the responses happened, on average, 4.8 seconds before the computer selected the pictures.
Even more profound, perhaps, was data showing the heart received information before the brain. "It is first registered from the heart," Rollin McCraty Ph.D. explained, "then up to the brain (emotional and pre-frontal cortex), where we can logically relate what we are intuiting, then finally down to the gut (or where something stirs)."
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Ancient knowledge about what it is to be human frequently refer to our "3rd Eye" having the ability to see future events. Energize and expande your 3rd Eye with our Cosmic Eye Meditation Elixir.
Grounding, Protecting and Cleansing for Well-Being
GROUNDING: Visually see the light energy of you coming down from your root chakra or tailbone and wrapping around the center of the earth. Set the intention to anchor your energy.
Optional add on: Set the intention to see and feel Earth Energy coming up through your light energy and providing grounding support. Then see/feel Source Energy coming into your light energy through the top of your head and intermingling with the Earth Energy. Allow yourself to feel aligned within your body, connected to all.
PROTECTING: See and feel never-ending Source Energy coming in through the top of your head and out your energy centers as needed so that no one is pulling YOUR energy, but they are benefiting from the "Light that is YOU." This can be fun. Your energy will be missed when you are not around.
Optional add on: See yourself as millions of beautiful golden sparkles and if your energy feels pulled, visually see/feel these sparkles effortlessly connect and mirror back to the person/event pulling your energy.
CLEANSING: See and feel the power of YOUR LIGHT (this can come from your root, your heart, or wherever it resonates with you) getting bigger and bigger. As it gets bigger, know that the lower frequencies dissipate in YOUR LIGHT. When in bed, see and feel Source Energy flowing throughout your entire body as you allow the energy that does not serve you being released out of your extremities. Allow this process to continue while you sleep.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Use our Chakra Protection and Clearing Crystal to amplify and expand your grounding meditations.
3 Minutes to Emotional Calm
 A simple scientifically proven technique to help neutralize negative emotional reactions that often drain our energy and reduce our ability to think clearly and make effective decisions.
1. Become aware of the fact you're having the emotional experience. What we're doing here is by reading this we're setting up a bit of an increased self awareness in our minds that can help us remember to check in when we next have an emotional reaction to something. Perhaps the car cuts us off while driving, and we react, but then shortly after we remember that we want to have a closer look at that emotional reaction and perhaps choose a different response instead of going down an energy draining rabbit hole. So the first thing we want to do is become aware that the experience is happening.
2. Accept the experience that's happening. What this means is, if the person in front of us cuts us off while driving and we get angry and realize we're angry, bring to your awareness that this is OK. We're not looking to create a judgement about what happened or what we're experiencing, instead we simply want to see it for what it is, an experience that happened and we're now aware of and sitting as an observer of it. What this does is it empowers us to be able to look a little more closely at what we're feeling and why. After we become aware, take note of the emotion you're experiencing and name it. Is it anger? Is it worry? Is it fear?
3. Take a moment to place a hand or a couple fingers over the areas of our chest, around where your heart is, and use the placement of your hand as something to focus on. With your eyes open, take some comfortable yet slightly deeper breaths. Feel your breath moving in and out of the area of your heart (where you hand is). To do this, don't worry too much about how perfect the breathing is or whether it's exactly going in and our of your heart area, just sit with a gentle focus that your breath is moving in and out of the area of your heart. Our goal here is to bring awareness to the physical heart and begin to influence its rhythms ever so slightly. Breath into your heart for about 30 seconds.
4. Continue our heart focused breathing while also imagining the feeling of calm or ease enter into our bodies. Spend the next 2 minutes or so breathing in the feeling of calm or ease into your heart with comfortable breaths. Notice the calm and ease come over your mind and body. What this stage does is it shows us that we have the ability to produce our own emotional regulation by creating a physiological state that is more synchronized and favorable for introspection and clarity.
As a final step, you can take a moment to just assess, what is the story you have been telling yourself about the situation? What might be a more effective way to approach or think about the situation? In the case of getting cut off in the car, was it really personal? If so, how do you know? If it was a mistake, is anger helping you or just providing an undesirable experience? If you had the freedom, would you choose anger at the other driver or to just let it go and maintain better health?
Take A Moment
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Use our Formula E-1 Stress Relief to calm and center the nervous systems out of fight-or-flight.
Health & Healing Hack of the Week
Jumper Cabling
A standard practice in Jin Shin Jiyutsu, involves simply holding one finger with the other hand. Each finger is an energetic equivalent to the major organ systems. The key is to hold each finger until a pulse is felt both in the finger and the hand holding it. Sometimes, this may be immediate, and at other times it may take upwards of 20 minutes to detect a pulse. The pulse response verifies that the energy meridians are connected and energy is flowing. You can also hold the fingernail of each finger under the pad of the thumb. A pulse will be detected in that way as well. This hack is an easy and effective way to stabilize energy flows throughout the body. -- From 25 No Cost Health & Healing Hacks by Boyd Martin)
Quantum Healer of the Week
Cathrine Cormin Cathrine Cormin is an intuitive channel and guide. She is an activator for those who are awakening to the conscious awareness that there is more to life than the 3rd dimensional reality in which most of us have been living. Whether you are just beginning to awaken, or you are further along in your ascension process, Cathrine can offer divinely guided assistance. As a pure conduit for Christ Consciousness, Yeshua works through Cathrine to generate and transmit crystalline codes. These codes can help you to re-align with your divine purpose and your soul's highest calling. During this process, Cathrine calls in the help of your Higher Self, guides, ascended masters, and galactic family to bring forth the highest and best information for you at this point in your incarnation. As she channels this light encoded information, the messages often help increase clarity and understanding of who you really are, and what you came here to do. In addition, an energetic transmission is offered to facilitate the clearing of patterns that are no longer beneficial, and activate timelines that align with your true purpose. Cathrine has spent over 20 years fulfilling her passion for helping people, by working as an Occupational therapist and then as a manager of a Physical Therapy practice in a traditional healthcare setting. Although occupational therapy is a very beneficial service, she recognized that she had more to offer than what traditional healthcare would allow.
Company & Product News
E-3 Pain Relief Cream $5 Off
 The E3 Repair and Revitalization Cream provides more benefits than simple pain relief. Prolonged use speeds healing, balances and harmonizes the various systems of the body. Apply to the palms and/or bottoms of the feet to send healing energies to all the organs of the body. Apply E3 to the sternum to strengthen and revitalize the immune and circulatory systems. Apply E3 over the diaphragm for indigestion relief or nausea. Prolonged use of E3 can also remove scarring and discoloration of the skin, as well as reduce the effects of a wide range of skin conditions. Of course, E3 is famous as a fast and effective tool for first aid, immediately going to work to heal wounds, insect bites, cuts and scrapes. Open wounds can heal in half the time and leave no scar. We have collected a lot of testimonials from users over the years, so check those out as well. Through July, we're offering $5 off individual bottles of E3, so now is a great time to stock up! USE DISCOUNT CODE E35 FOR $5 OFF INDIVIDUAL 4 OZ. BOTTLES.
 The Biophotons mandala works on the energetic level to intensify and fortify the body's natural biophotonic field. In 1974, Fritz-Albert Popp discovered that the DNA of all living systems naturally absorb and emit photons (i.e., light). He also discovered that the intensity of this biophotonic field correlated with the health of the subject. In other words, healthy subjects had strong biophotonic fields, while subjects dealing with illness tended to have weak biophotonic fields. He found a similar correlation with agriculture. Food grown naturally in the wild had the strongest biophotonic field. Organically grown food was next in line for the strongest biophotonic field. And last, in terms of biophotonic strength, was commercially grown food. Biophotons have also been shown to be emitted from stimulated acupuncture points. This biophoton therapy signature is sourced directly from the quantum field and enhances the biophotonic field by reinforcing and intensifying it so that it does not dissipate and "leak" as much as it normally would. MORE INFO / ORDER
AMAZING PRODUCT ALERT: VibesUp Vibrational Chakra Bracelet

Each chakra stone is infused with VibesUP's liquid crystal formula containing the essential oils vibrationally tuned to be balancing and harmonizing to each specific chakra. This unique bracelet will also raise the Healthy Vibration of food & beverages as well as raise your Vibration while you wear it. Muscle test to see it working.
SUCCESSES: "As a Reiki practitioner, every time I touch this bracelet I can feel how strong the positive energy is!! I gave it to my partner and she says it's really helped with her self-awareness, and emotional processing, and setting boundaries :)" -- Kayla F. "I bought this for my fiance. Immediately the change in his energy was felt and calm swept over him like a wave. He hasn't taken it off since. Thank you so much for helping us find balance! I will continue to buy items from this site! Again, THANK YOU!" -- Amy R. MORE INFO
Trinity Gem Elixir for the Month
"Stone of Cleansing"
Spiritually: Cleanses the subtle bodies and the chakras; activates the crown chakra and opens the intuition; protects the aura. It is warming, energizing and highly creative.
Emotionally: Raises self-esteem and confidence, and removes destructive tendencies. It activates creativity, improves motivation; improves emotional balance.
Mentally: Enhances concentration and revitalizes the mind. Awakens the higher mind.
Physically: Imparts energy and invigoration to the physical body, and energizes the immune system. Helps with sensitivities to environmental and outside influences.ORDER HERE
(Website usage note: You can search for keywords at Pure Energy Rx, and it will return relevant results, e.g. "courage", "confidence", "fear", "intelligence", etc.)
This Quantum Life by Boyd Martin, Caretaker, Pure Energy Rx
Maybe It's Just Not About You

I recently flashed on a childhood memory from when this body was maybe seven or eight years old. I remembered eating an apple, and as I ate it, I was imagining the tree the apple came from, the farmworker who picked it, the truck it went onto, the trip from the orchard to the apple distribution company, the workers who bagged and labeled the apples, and the delivery to the store where my mom ultimately picked this particular apple I was now eating. I found myself marveling at the string of what felt like coincidences that came together to get me this specific apple.
I still do that little meditation to this day, where I "source" where everything came from that I use. I believe it's a type of remote viewing instead of simple daydreaming, yet it's not important whether not what I see is a true representation, but rather it's the feeling of connectedness that comes with the exercise.
I also do this in the grocery store, where I'm standing in line behind a person who just happened to leave their house, park their car, do their shopping and end up right in front of me in this exact moment. I think about how everyone in the store is part of a kind of synchronistic club that has agreed to meet today at 5:30 p.m. at this Dillon's grocery store. We all are breathing each other's air, sharing molecules, skin cells, microbes and bacteria, and when we leave to return to our prospective domiciles, we arrive as changed people--with a different body, now with new atoms, molecules and a changed microbiome than when we first left the house.
The point I'm laboring to make is that each of us is contributing our specific and very particular physical "cloud" of essence to the world, that affects not only the person in front of us in line at the store, but the effect that fans out into the world at large, influencing atoms, molecules, and electrical frequencies that would not have been affected had we not been there.
It's a whole system, as described by the mathematician Lorenz in his "Butterfly Effect" observation. Even the tiniest of motions ripple through a system that is fully connected, changing the entire system into something else. And this is what we are doing by living in the physical world. Now, consider the physical world is also made up of several dimensions and densities, and expand that to include the entire cosmos, but also throw in the realm of thought and intention that encompasses all of that, and it becomes clear that every thought created, or observed and passed on, affects the entirety of Creation itself.
One of my Peruvian shaman teachers used to say to me, "You know, maybe it's just not about you." The fact that he had to repeat it several times to me over the course of many months was a testament to my denseness. I never really got it until many years later. Yes, it's not just about my little local life right here sitting in this chair, typing on this computer and breathing this air. It's the reality that just by my being here is me participating in the creation of the universe. It's the connected whole that we describe as "life" that is constantly and inexorably changed by my being here.
What we think of as our "personality"--who and want we believe we are--is most likely the result of the control drama of socialization, comprised of a compendium of "shoulds" and "should nots", wrapped up in layers upon layers of judgments of conclusions about what other "personalities" told us we were, which we then repeat back to ourselves in a never-ending mantra of "ME".
The very simple Reality is that we chose to participate in this specific physical life, mostly pre-programmed into the matrix we chose with very few required inputs on our part. But when inspiration comes to us, we contribute God's intentions to the whole system. It is this "Divine Stirring" through us that proves the value of our individual being. The whole system then becomes imbued with that creative decree, as it transforms the universe into a uniquely new form.
So, we may pretend that our experience is small and personal, but in moments of inspiration, it's not about us. It is all of God's Creation happening through us.
To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin