JUNE 2022, Issue No. 1 |
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Human Consciousness Is Probably Creating the Universe

Is there physical reality that is independent of us? Does objective reality exist at all? Or is the structure of everything, including time and space, created by the perceptions of those observing it? Such is the groundbreaking assertion of a new paper published in the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics.
The paper’s authors include Robert Lanza, a stem cell and regenerative medicine expert, famous for the theory of biocentrism, which argues that consciousness is the driving force for the existence of the universe. He believes that the physical world that we perceive is not something that’s separate from us but rather created by our minds as we observe it. According to his biocentric view, space and time are a byproduct of the “whirl of information” in our head that is weaved together by our mind into a coherent experience.
His new paper, co-authored by Dmitriy Podolskiy and Andrei Barvinsky, theorists in quantum gravity and quantum cosmology, shows how observers influence the structure of our reality. According to Lanza and his colleagues, observers can dramatically affect “the behavior of observable quantities” both at microscopic and massive spatiotemporal scales. In fact, a “profound shift in our ordinary everyday worldview” is necessary, wrote Lanza in an interview with Big Think. The world is not something that is formed outside of us, simply existing on its own. “Observers ultimately define the structure of physical reality itself,” he stated.
How does this work? Lanza contends that a network of observers is necessary and is “inherent to the structure of reality.” As he explains, observers — you, me, and anyone else — live in a quantum gravitational universe and come up with “a globally agreed-upon cognitive model” of reality by exchanging information about the properties of spacetime. “For, once you measure something,” Lanza writes, “the wave of probability to measure the same value of the already probed physical quantity becomes ‘localized’ or simply ‘collapses.'” That’s how reality comes to be consistently real to us all. Once you keep measuring a quantity over and over, knowing the result of the first measurement, you will see the outcome to be the same.
“Similarly, if you learn from somebody about the outcomes of their measurements of a physical quantity, your measurements and those of other observers influence each other ? freezing the reality according to that consensus,” added Lanza, explaining further that “a consensus of different opinions regarding the structure of reality defines its very form, shaping the underlying quantum foam,” explained Lanza.
In quantum terms, an observer influences reality through decoherence, which provides the framework for collapsing waves of probability, “largely localized in the vicinity of the cognitive model which the observer builds in their mind throughout their lifespan,” he added.
Lanza says, “The observer is the first cause, the vital force that collapses not only the present, but the cascade of spatiotemporal events we call the past. Stephen Hawking was right when he said: ‘The past, like the future, is indefinite and exists only as a spectrum of possibilities.'”
As Robert Lanza also wrote to Big Think, another key aspect of their work is that it resolves “the exasperating incompatibility between quantum mechanics and general relativity,” which was a sticking point even for Albert Einstein.
The seeming incongruity of these two explanations of our physical world — with quantum mechanics looking at the molecular and subatomic levels and general relativity at the interactions between massive cosmic structures like galaxies and black holes — disappears once the properties of observers are taken into account.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Explore the issue of Objective vs. Subjective while taking the Deep Insight Meditation Elixir for new insights.
The Amazing Solfeggio Frequencies
 The Solfeggio Frequencies are a series of electromagnetic musical tones that the Gregorian Monks were said to use when they chanted in holy meditation. Rediscovered in 1974 by Dr. Joseph Puleo, the Solfeggio Frequencies are said to deeply penetrate the conscious and subconscious mind, stimulating inner healing.
In 1988, Rein exposed similar DNA vials to four kinds of music with different frequencies – Gregorian chants, Sanskrit chants, classical, and rock. By measuring the rate of UV light absorption, an essential function of healthy DNA, Rein was able to assess the effects of each type of music. The Gregorian and Sanskrit chants had the most positive, healing. Rein’s research supported the theory that sound frequencies do produce effects, on health and well-being. The Solfeggio frequencies have such positive effects because they resonate in harmony with the Schumann resonance. Physicist, inventor, and electrical engineer Nikola Tesla once said, “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would hold a key to the universe.” Interestingly, these three numbers form the root vibration of the Solfeggio Frequencies.
396 hz - Removes and dissolves fear and other negative feelings like guilt and remorse. For those struggling with any kind of loss, 396 Hz is the most beneficial. This frequency can help eliminate destructive feelings about self and dissolve negative DNA patterns.
417 hz - Removes negative energy from the energy field--entities. Removes past traumas, clears negativity in self and environment also dissolves emotional blockages. Marks the start of new beginnings.
528 hz - Called the "love frequency" and is associated with blessings. This frequency is Called the miracle note. Heals cells remove tension and good for neuro system. The 528 Hz frequency is one of the most powerful frequencies with profound effects. This frequency can activate imagination, intention and intuition. The frequency of 528 Hz significantly reduces stress in the endocrine, immune and nervous systems—even after a mere five minutes of listening. It also reduces the toxic effects of ethanol, (the principle ingredient found in alcohol) on cells and increased cell life by about 20 percent.
639 hz - Attunement to opening heart chakra, positive energy, harmony in relationships; balances emotions, elevates moods and activates Lucid dreaming. The 639 Hz frequency can repair turbulent relationships with friends, family and world. 639 Hz is perfect when you need a significant boost of love and are dealing with conflicts in relationships.
741 hz - A healing frequency, cleanses infection, dissolve toxins, 741 Hz can help provide mental clarity and help those struggling with chronic pain. This frequency also activates intuition and problem solving,
852 hz - Redirects the mind away from overthinking and negative thought patterns, rebalances your spirituality. It’ll help you connect to the universe and your own consciousness on a deeper level. The 852 Hz frequency helps to replace negative thoughts with positive ones, making it ideal when nervous or anxious. It also aids in awakening intuition and inner strength. if you’re seeking to communicate with and live in harmony with your highest self 852 hz is perfect.
963 hz - Pineal gland activation higher spiritual development Crown Chakra causal chakra activation Frequency of the gods awakening intuition and activating Pineal Gland and also called Pure Miracle Tones Opens crown chakra and raises the positive energy and vibrations and helps us to connect to our very source. 963 Hz is known as the ‘frequency of the Gods’. It can create room for oneness and unity with the spiritual world.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Use Clean Sweep Spray to clear the room of negative energy prior to listening to the Solfeggio Tones.
The Weirdness of "Time Crystals"
 Time crystals were long believed to be impossible because they are made from atoms in never-ending motion. The discovery, published in Nature Communications, shows that not only can time crystals be created, but they have potential to be turned into useful devices. Time crystals are different from a standard crystal--like metals or rocks--which is composed of atoms arranged in a regularly repeating pattern in space.
First theorised in 2012 by Nobel Laureate Frank Wilczek and identified in 2016, time crystals exhibit the bizarre property of being in constant, repeating motion in time despite no external input. Their atoms are constantly oscillating, spinning, or moving first in one direction, and then the other.
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Fellow Dr. Samuli Autti, lead author from Lancaster University’s Department of Physics, explained: “Everybody knows that perpetual motion machines are impossible. However, in quantum physics perpetual motion is okay as long as we keep our eyes closed. By sneaking through this crack we can make time crystals. It turns out putting two of them together works beautifully, even if time crystals should not exist in the first place. And we already know they also exist at room temperature.”
A ”two-level system” is a basic building block of a quantum computer. Time crystals could be used to build quantum devices that work at room temperature.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Use our Schumann Resonance Crystals to synch up with the vibrations of the earth for greatly increased wellness.
Health & Healing Hack of the Week
Inner Smile
This is an ancient Taoist practice, where you put your attention on an area of the body and have it smile back at you. For example, there is a pain in the right knee. Observe the pain, and then have the knee smile back to you. You may find it frowns first, but continue until there is a smile. You'll notice a marked decrease or subsiding of the pain, and perhaps some gentle throbbing in the area. This is a sign the energy flow has been restored. This is an excellent practice to do upon morning waking. -- From 25 No Cost Health & Healing Hacks by Boyd Martin)
Quantum Healer of the Week
Christel Hughes Christel Hughes is an inspiring Holistic Life coach, known as the “Spiritual Trainer to the Stars”, specializing in self-development and transformation for individuals throughout the world. Christel facilitates seminars on the Power of the Mind to Manifest, Developing Intuition, Overcoming Limiting Beliefs and Fears, and Relationship Strategies. She is passionate and soulful as she motivates people every day to discover their purpose work, so that they can live a life of joy, health and abundance. Charismatic and creative, with compassion and humor, Christel guides each person to actualize his or her potential. Most people know Christel for her lightning-fast and laser-focused Intuitive readings. Christel’s work has broadened to include multiple programs and pathways to Higher Consciousness and Energetic Transformation. Christel’s purpose is to bring and shine light into the world, and to operate as a conduit of Divine Truth. Just as a personal fitness trainer helps you raise your standards for accelerated results in your body, Christel will guide and support you in attaining the results you desire and deserve for your Life. She offers you the newest Spiritual and Energetic technology & tools that will help you create conscious growth for Mastery in any area of your life.
Company & Product News
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 The Carbon 60 molecule, also known as a fullerene, was discovered in 1985 after originally being postulated as a possibility in 1970. The numerical part of its name derives from the fact that it is comprised of 60 carbon atoms arranged in a soccer ball pattern. Due to its structural properties and its ability to soak up free radicals like a sponge, the Carbon 60 atom was eventually recognized as a powerful antioxidant capable of supporting the protection and regeneration of the nervous system. Its powerful antioxidant properties seem to be due to its unique ability, unlike other antioxidants (such as Vitamins C and E), to prevent itself from being neutralized by the free radicals with which it comes into contact. Digital C60, the first vibrational, energetic version of this powerful antioxidant, produces quantum healing energy with exceptional antioxidative properties. We digitally captured the precise energetic signature of the Carbon 60 molecule, amplified it thousands of times, and encoded it into digital media (i.e., energetically encoded digital picture files, audio files, video file and a printable pdf document). So, instead of having to take small doses of, and pay for, a very expensive C60 supplement every month for the rest of your life, you can purchase Digital C60 just once and enjoy carbon fullerene benefits for an entire lifetime.
AMAZING PRODUCT ALERT: VibesUp Vibrational Chakra Bracelet

Each chakra stone is infused with VibesUP's liquid crystal formula containing the essential oils vibrationally tuned to be balancing and harmonizing to each specific chakra. This unique bracelet will also raise the Healthy Vibration of food & beverages as well as raise your Vibration while you wear it. Muscle test to see it working.
SUCCESSES: "As a Reiki practitioner, every time I touch this bracelet I can feel how strong the positive energy is!! I gave it to my partner and she says it's really helped with her self-awareness, and emotional processing, and setting boundaries :)" -- Kayla F. "I bought this for my fiance. Immediately the change in his energy was felt and calm swept over him like a wave. He hasn't taken it off since. Thank you so much for helping us find balance! I will continue to buy items from this site! Again, THANK YOU!" -- Amy R. MORE INFO
Trinity Gem Elixir for the Month
"Stone of Spiritual Enlightenment"
Spiritually: Helps with angelic connection, and opening the crown and higher crown chakras.
Emotionally: Promotes living from the heart, opening to love.
Mentally: Calms the mind, removing extraneous thoughts.
Physically: Works best at a subtle level. Useful for easing muscle tension in the neck. Enhance circulation of both chi and the blood.
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This Quantum Life by Boyd Martin, Caretaker, Pure Energy Rx
The Truth of You

 I love it when Mother Nature chimes in when I'm thinking about something significant--or, in this case, dreaming something. It was a recurring dream I've had my whole life of being the main character in the cast of a theatrical play. I had a few days to learn my lines before opening night, but kept procrastinating until a few minutes before the start of the production. I suddenly realized that I didn't know my lines at all, didn't know what the play was about, and had no idea who my character was. The curtain rises with me in the middle of the stage among the cast, and apparently I had the first line, since they were all staring at me to start. All I could do is say, "Welcome", which was apparently the correct line, since another cast member replied.
At that moment in the dream sequence, Mother Nature intervened to wake me up with a start--a bolt of lightening amid one of those Kansas midnight thundershowers brightly flashed through my bedroom window, with a simultaneous loud crack of thunder, followed immediately by an explosion like you would hear at a fireworks finale. I recognized it as a power transformer exploding. Immediately, the power went out in the neighborhood. All this commotion thoroughly woke me up, along with the memory of the dream I was having, which was now becoming significant due to Mother Nature's exclamation point!
I turned over on my back, staring at the ceiling in the complete darkness of the power outage re-living the dream, and was struck by the metaphor of human incarnation. Before we come into this life, there is a script we can choose to learn or not. Should we choose to learn it, our incarnated human life becomes a rote, predictable procedure with little creative substance. Should we opt out of learning the script, the incarnated life pivots around the choices we make, focusing on how and what we are being. Now at any moment, you can choose to go "off script", revealing to the world who and what you truly are with no predetermined discourse that defines your character in the screenplay--no predictable line that telegraphs your actions to the audience. It's just you being you.
The expectation coming into this life is to "get into your part" as described by the script. This is the expectation of Controllers who need you to follow the script in order to maintain control over your soul. We choose whether or not to throw away the script and freely "wing it", but then this is a threat to the Controllers who now must make you pay for that freedom; invoking the backup script of the "Master-Slave Drama". This can hook us in to the dualism of fighting tyranny, rebelling against authorities, and being "trouble" to the State or Nation. All we've accomplished is reciting the lines from another play, and at the end, the audience applauds our bravery and heartfelt patriotism as we are dragged off to the gallows.
There is no "fight" in freedom. The Controllers have all the money, all the soldiers, all the bombs, and care a whole lot more than you do about winning. Fight them, and you'll lose. It's just the way the script runs.
True Freedom for the world, on the other hand, is found in the Truth of You--the pure creative power of You off script--the you that you are when there are no definitions of you to fall back on, no opposition to define you as the opposite. You are being and doing you regardless of agendas, dramas, tyrannical mandates, or the screaming demands to "behave" and follow the script.
This is Divine Will gushing through your heart to express what only you can express in the world. It is this pure uniqueness that dissolves all tyranny, inspires others to go "off script", and rips away all the contrivances of control. The sheer, unadulterated Truth of You towers above and beyond all earthly conflicts, goes way beyond any petty scripting, and lands squarely in the wondrous and beautiful Field of Creation that is you.
God's creation is ever-expanding--without end--and depends on you being you. That "You-niqueness" is driving all Creation. It is the spear of Divine Will and Intent, and when we decide to bury our heads in the script and "be good", and learn our lines, we've effectively blocked Universal expansion, and created a frozen Comfort Zone of compliance, complicity and complacency.
Those trapped in the script fear those who are not, who threaten the comfort zone, and who reveal the potentials of creation without end possible in every being everywhere. This fear obscures the truth that we are all immortal, conscious points of love, radiating only harmony, coherence and joy. But the script has written love out of the story, relegating it to mere moments of infatuation or some brief passion that quickly subsides. This is acceptable to the Controllers as it keeps the cast of the play believing they are acting out a full life of human emotions: the sad reward of compliance.
It is the compliant who attack the free. But those who are truly free, won't see it as an attack. They see their attackers as infinite beings squashed and blocked into a comforting box called "Should Be". The "Should Be" box has been gleefully installed by the Controllers specifically to create suffering, from which they can feed on the depravity of anger, pain, frustration, and failure. This unholy communion of the Bread of Death nourishes and encourages the Controllers in their quest for ultimate power. Of course, from The Creator's viewpoint, it is a fool's errand, guaranteed to dissolve in the love bath of Divine Will.
And this is precisely why we need not concern ourselves with "whether or not we win" over the darkness of slavery. All that is needed by God is the truth of you that burns away all the scripts in a bonfire of pure being. There is no greater power in all Creation.

Boyd Martin
EXCERPT: Ultimately, the body reflects its consciousness field. If it is living in a consciousness field that is sad, depressed and anxious, it will reflect these states and the conditions and diseases associated with those feelings and attitudes. The body CAN turn around any health condition overnight, providing it is in that consciousness field. Examples include spontaneous remission of cancers, bones mending overnight, and other "miraculous" healings, usually attributed to outside healers, mysterious energies, voodoo, and other unexplained, mysterious experiences or conditions. The one cause of healing--the human body itself--is usually overlooked in these cases, as having the innate ability to regenerate and repair itself to a high degree. >>>> DOWNLOAD <<<<