Breathing: The Underrated Healer
The breath is one of the most underrated and under-utilized methods of healing. However, something as simple as breathing can help those who suffer from severe mental conditions, garden variety anxiety and stress, to severe traumas. There are many forms of breathwork, so we call this one, "resonant breathing". This specific style of breathwork came from years of studying the ancient breathing practices of indigenous people all over the world including those from African, Hawaiian, and Native American traditions.
A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary medicine in 2017 led by researchers from Boston University asked 30 people with major depression to practice the breathing technique regularly as well as Iyengar yoga. After 3 months, results from a standard depression inventory test showed how the depressive symptoms had significantly declined.
Even though the study size was very small, it is comforting to know that something as simple as breath alone could help to alleviate symptoms of severe depression. No pills needed. This technique is especially powerful because it can be practiced anytime, anywhere. The process involved taking regular breaths in and out of the nose, at a pace of 5 breaths per minute, each breath in and out taking around 6 seconds. The breath should be calm and gentle because the goal is to balance the sympathetic--fight or flight with the parasympathetic--rest and digest areas of the nervous system.
Gerbarg and Brown believe that the reason this technique works is thanks to the vagal nerves, those connecting the brain to the body and what tell the organs when to beat, digest, breathe and all other functions, have been found in recent years to send even more messages in the opposite direction from the body to the brain. "These ascending messages strongly influence stress response, emotion and neurohormonal regulatory networks," stated in a book written by the couple, Yoga Therapy: Theory and Practice.
According to Gerbarg, "Respiration is the only autonomic function we can voluntarily control," it’s easy to see how changing the breathing pattern can shift the messages received by the brain.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Use our E-1 Formula along with this breathwork. E-1 normalizes the sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous systems, acting as a tonic for sluggish nerves, and a calmitive for the hyperactive.
You Are Hallucinating Your Reality
The theory of our experiences being hallucinations was put forth at a couple of science symposiums over the last two months. The theory attempts to de-construct how human perception is understood.
One of the keys is "predictive processing" that challenges our intuitive feeling that our brains passively receive information (via our senses) and create perceptions of what is actually out there--the so-called bottom-up approach.
Instead, predictive processing argues that perception, action and cognition are the outcome of computations in the brain involving both bottom-up and top-down processing, in which prior knowledge about the world and our own cognitive and emotional state influence perception.
As researchers Metzinger and Wiese point out, the idea of top-down processing is not new, but "dominant theories of perception have for a long time marginalized" its role. The novel contribution of predictive processing, they report, is that it emphasises the importance of top-down processing and prior knowledge as a feature of perception, one which is present all the time--not only when sensory input is noisy or ambiguous.
In a nutshell, the brain builds models of the environment and the body, which it uses to make hypotheses about the source of sensations. The hypothesis that is deemed most likely becomes a perception of external reality. Of course, the prediction could be accurate or awry, and it is the brain's job to correct for any errors--after making a mistake, it can modify its models to account better for similar situations in the future.
But some models cannot be changed willy-nilly, for example, those of our internal organs. Our body needs to remain in a narrow temperature range around 98°F, so predictive processing achieves such control by predicting that, say, the sensations on our skin should be in line with normal body temperature. When the sensations deviate, the brain doesn’t change its internal model, but rather forces us to move towards warmth or cold, so that the predictions fall in line with the required physiological state.
If you do get through enough of the papers to understand the computational principles behind predictive processing then, as Metzinger and Wiese put it, you get closer to understanding why "it is only a small step towards describing processing in the brain as a controlled online hallucination". Everything we perceive, including ourselves, are simulacrums of reality. The takeaway here is this wild thought: we are always hallucinating.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: The take away from this new theory is that ultimately, we are creating what we perceive and experience--not a new concept. However, when it comes to brain research, this is pretty groundbreaking. It paints the brain as a sort of "go-between" or "buffer" between our pure consciousness and the infinite information of universal creation. Use our Meditation Elixir, Higher Guidance, to help process the artificial limitations our brains impose upon our perceptions.
Meditation as a Form of Social Protest
The culture surrounding protest brings to light various aspects of the human spectrum of expressions of discontent. Rallies, marches, sit-ins and other public displays of political and social unrest open a public forum for people to throw bricks through windows or participate in flash mob dances for peace. Often times it takes both the peaceful protestors and the violent window breakers, to bring to life the full story of those affected by an issue in which they are protesting. For instance the dichotomy between the civil rights activists like the Black Panthers vs. those who followed the peaceful protests of Martin Luther J. King. It was between the two that the message was heard and changes were made.
Whether in peace or in violence the word "protest" indicates a negative response to an issue. Through the act of protesting, a negative response is created, while trying to perpetuate a positive outcome. In the past few years science has begun to reveal, through the lens of quantum physics, the relationship between our thoughts and the reality that we live.
A handful of experiments have used the act of meditation to explore the ability collective thoughts have to change the local environment. Studies conducted in Wales and Lebanon in the 1980s saw crime rates drop after large group meditations were conducted, as well as the well-known demonstrations by the Maharishi University in Fairfield, Iowa, that declared statistically convincing proof that meditation affected crime rates. These studies open new venues for positive activism, shifting the belief that protest is the only way to create positive change.
David Nicol, the author of Subtle Activism: The Inner Dimension of Social and Planetary Transformation, has been activating the role of mindful techniques to instigate social, environmental, and political change. In an interview with Uplift Nicol describes this kind of activism as the "use of spiritual or consciousness based practices for collective transformation." Meditation, often times, is thought of as a practice for personal, inner growth. Nicol believes that through subtle activism large groups of meditators sitting together with a specific intention can go beyond their inner journey to impact the world outside of themselves.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Use our Meditation Elixirs as a subtle energy assist for your meditation practices. Users report that by using these unique elixirs, they had a more focussed, generative, and transformative experience from their meditation practices. Choose from several "flavors" for the one most resonate with you.
Gratitude is almost as basic as mindfulness, and can be included alongside a mindfulness practice. For example, when a negative thought or feeling comes up, feel gratitude that progress is being made, and that those negative thoughts and feelings will never again affect the body and your experience of life. Many scientific studies have been made on gratitude, demonstrating remarkable changes in body chemistry, endorphin release, speed of healing, increase in immune function, and many other beneficial effects. Gratitude as a practice by itself creates a very healing field of consciousness, and is a pre-requisite to gaining mastery over the mind and body.
Dream Shaman, Corinn
Corinn has the gift of dreaming for people to see what needs to be healed so that they can they can give and receive extraordinary love in their lives. Whether she dreams for one person or for a group, each dream healing session is profound for all involved. With her natural ability to insert herself gently into a dream, she has a conversation with her spirit guides on behalf of your higher self, or will be shown a movie with symbolism for providing the Shamanic healing that is needed. "I dream for you, asking to be shown your blocks or what needs healing. I also scan your energy field clearing anything that is weighing you down energetically, such as, other people, entities, cords. Then Shamanically clear what needs to be healed and deliver messages for you from spirit on your path. The session can be done on the phone or via email. You can receive messages, healings, vibrational upgrades to dissolve dense energies in your field." -- Corinn Guintoli, Dream Healer
The Transforming Power of Gem Elixirs
Dr. Yury Kronn, creator of Vital Force Technology (VFT), is able to generate, transmit and amplify an unlimited variety of patterns of Subtle Energy, called Chi by Traditional Chinese Medicine and philosophy, or called Prana by Ayurveda, and recognized by all Eastern Traditions as the life sustaining force of the universe. Using VFT, Dr. Kronn developed methods of copying the energy patterns of gems, crystals, herbs and other substances and infusing them into concentrated trace minerals and other carriers of Subtle Energy. The ability of gemstones to invigorate the spirit, balance the emotions and heal the body has been known since ancient times. What kind of energy do they possess that gives them these healing properties? How does this energy relate to human structure? Can modern medical science use the healing properties of gems and crystals? Is it possible to bring the energies of the world's best gems, crystals and minerals to millions of people? Try them and see! Use the handy "search" function to find gem elixirs to help with your conditions and concerns. Use discount code FACEBK20 for 20% off any gem elixir. ORDER NOW
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This Quantum Life
by Boyd Martin, Caretaker, Pure Energy Rx
Not Having It

For those of you dabbling in the Art of Manifesting, or those of you who are deeply committed to a life of light and energy as the primary drivers of your experience, I'd like to address the illusion of what I call "time drag". Time drag is the apparent passage of time from the moment we imagine the fulfillment of a desire and the "realization" of it. It is, probably, the most vexing, and most misunderstood of physical phenomenon for the would-be creator.
I call this time drag effect an illusion because time itself is a construct of the mind. We agree to this linear cause-and-effect passage of events as a tool to observe our creations, and to make cultural sense of our place in the world. Both of these constructs must be completely arbitrary, because each of us come from different cultural/social beginnings, and the scientific fact that time itself is a construct of the mind. Yet, we are habituated to a certain "rate", or "the way that things get done", or a narrow band of possible ways things come into being. These extremely limiting beliefs create the time between our desires and the actualization of them.
It's been shown in those pesky quantum physics experiments that quantum particles can "jump" into the future, or the past, and can co-exist in both, as well as exist in multiple points in space simultaneously. This all leads physicists to conclude that "linear time" does not exist, and that in reality, on a cosmic scale, everything is happening at once.
I bring this up in the way of de-constructing our expectations of how our desires must come into being. In the ancient shamanic tradition, it is taboo to assign any causative events to a desire. In other words, once you've chosen an outcome or imagined a desire fulfilled, you must not try to figure out how to make it happen. It is the rawest of conundrums in the manifestation game. The point is, once you've chosen a desired outcome, it is the universe's job to bring about its fruition. Now, 99% of what we are experiencing in the manifested world is a subconscious creation. We are making the sun shine, we are rotating the planet, we are circling the galactic center--all subconsciously--so we are not "figuring out" how to do these things. We are doing them automatically as an integral part of living in this dimension. This subconscious creating we're doing is "The Other"--our partner in conscious creating.
If we get all tangled up in the "how" and "where" and "when", we short-circuit the subconscious creator by creating a microscopically narrow set of possibilities from which it can create. This is what I call "time pollution". We feel like after sitting with our desires unfilled, the world seems to remain stationary, as we twiddle our thumbs, continually looking at the clock.
What has happened is that our attention jumped out of the imagination--the source of conscious creation--and got stuck on the outward manifested effects that are not our desired outcome. In other words, we hang up on the "not having it", when we ought to be focussed intently on the direct having of it within the imagination. The subconscious Other is already clothing our imaginal desires in physical reality, as long as we let it do its job.
So what to do when we catch ourselves "figuring out" how to "make happen" these desires of ours? Stop, engage the imagination, and re-enter the Land of Desires Fulfilled with all our senses. This keeps the short-circuiting of The Other from happening so much, and gives us a nice, energetic retreat from which to observe the unfoldment of what we are imagining. We perceive and live in the fulfillment of our desires. That's our job. Just that. Yes, go about your daily activities in the manifested world, but stay in the Land of Creation that is the imagination. You may find there are tasks that come up in the manifestd world that do relate directly to the appearance of our desires fulfilled. Rejoice! Things are getting there. (PODCAST: Neville on Imagination as Creator)
The great dynamo of our dualistic universe is the nothing-to-something engine. This engine has infinite power, and can create anything we can imagine and beyond. It is ONLY our limiting beliefs about the "outside world", and narrow opinions of what is possible in that world that prevents the immediate manifestation of our choices. We directly engage this dynamo in the imagination as we see, hear, smell, and feel our desires fulfilled.
To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin

Janet Barrett is a subtle energies empath and consciousness educator utilizing the field of potential. With warmth, humor and support she will offer you new ways to understand your issues. By reframing what your stories are, you can transform and clear them. It is possible to change what is bothering you. You can enjoy new outcomes. And, they can happen in the blink of an eye.

"With my natural ability to insert myself into a dream to have a conversation with your higher self or see a movie of what's blocking you, I dream for you to help you be free from what is in the way of you living the joyful life you were meant to have." -- Corinn |

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