The Quantum Human is Immortal Say Physicists
The University of Arizona’s Stuart Hameroff and physicist Sir Roger Penrose conclude that the human consciousness is information. Penrose and his team are finding signs that "protein-based microtubules–also a structural component of human cells–transmit sensory information– information stored on a subatomic level."
Penrose asserts that in the case where a person dies, this sensory information is discharged out of the microtubules and into the world. If they're resuscitated, the quantum information is steered back to the microtubules and then that is what arouses a near-death encounter. "When they truly are not restored, and also the patient dies, it is likely that this quantum advice might exist beyond your human body, perhaps forever, as a soul."
Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Physics in Munich are in accordance with Penrose that the world that we live in is only our understanding of it, and once our bodies perish, there is a force beyond infinite. Some think that consciousness travels into parallel universes after death. "The beyond is now the unlimited reality that's far bigger… which this particular world is rooted in. This manner, our own lives within this particular plane of existence are surrounded by the after-world already…Your human body dies, but the spiritual quantum field persists. In this manner, we're immortal.
In Beyond Biocentrism: Rethinking Time, Space, Consciousness, and the Illusion of Death, Robert Lanza says that we exist out of time and we're immortal. Biocentrism postulates that distance and time are not the barriers we presume. Death doesn't exist in a timeless universe. His scientific theory shows that dying is not the terminal event we all presume. "There are an infinite amount of universes, and exactly what may potentially occur does occur in some universe."
All universes exist irrespective of what goes on in just about any one of them. Although bodies have been destined to self-destruct, the living sense--the sense of I Am--is a reservoir of energy operating from mental performance. However, this energy will not disappear completely at death. Certainly one of the maxims of science is that energy never dies, and may exist outside this universe or travel to another.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Meditation and mindfulness is the most direct way to experience ourselves as energy outside of space and time. The essence of the eternal I AM is unchanging, existing in and as the world it perceives and creates. Use our Trinity Meditation Elixirs to enhance your meditation practice and to assist in maintaining mindfulness in daily living.
The Fundamental-ness of Consciousness
Consciousness researcher, David Chalmers, postulates a new paradigm in science in which consciousness is established as a fundamental and possibly universal building block of nature. "Consciousness is a fundamental aspect of our existence," says Chalmers: "There's nothing we know about more directly, yet at the same time, it's the most mysterious phenomenon in the universe."
The nineteenth century physicist Maxwell came to the conclusion that we can't explain electro-magnetic phenomena in terms of the existing fundamentals such as space, time, mass and Newtonian laws, so he postulated fundamental laws of electromagnetism. Chalmers suggests that we might be at a similar point in science today when it comes to consciousness, if we cannot explain consciousness in terms of the existing fundamentals space, time, mass and charge then it is a matter of expanding the list of fundamental laws and postulating that consciousness itself is also a fundamental building block of nature. This theory will open up the way for science to study the fundamental laws governing consciousness, and to investigate the connection to the existing laws.
The second idea Chalmers advocates, is that consciousness might be universal and that every system down to the elementary particles has degrees of consciousness. This view is also called pan-psychism in philosophy, or non-duality in the mystical traditions. Chalmers believes that the universality of consciousness is what can help us bridge the gap between consciousness and the physical world in science, leaving the equations in physics as they are while using them to describe the flux of consciousness. Chalmers concludes that we might not "figure out a theory of consciousness over night" but the process of studying consciousness holds the key of understanding the universe and ourselves.
Chalmers has placed the "hard problem" of consciousness firmly on the philosophical map. He famously challenges materialist conceptions of mind, arguing for an "explanatory gap" between our brains' physical properties and our mind's perceptions and abilities. He has also championed the notion of the "extended mind," which argues that the mind is not confined to skin or skull, but plausibly extends beyond them.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Subtle energy fields are behind all manifestations of "matter". These fields act as templates upon which we, as creators, actualize our thoughts. These fields also interact with Earth, which has her own field as well. These interacting fields create resonances and energy flows we, as creators, access in order to manifest the world around us. Use our new Schumann Resonance Vital Force Crystals to stablite and strengthen these earth fields, bringing greater harmony to our body and life.
Did Another Intelligence Invent DNA?
Up until now, a human's only direct experience of mind was through the human mind itself--entirely based on personal experience, and indirectly through communication with others. There has been no way to entertain the idea of directly knowing a mind other than one's own--the "one" with all of the stories tied to one's "identity."
But now that we have been able to discern the logic of DNA, we can truly see it for what it must be: the product of another intelligence--another mind. There is only one programming language whose origin we do not know, and that is DNA. By looking at how DNA is an "organic" programming language; geneticist Juan Enriquez's informs us that DNA behaves in exactly the same way as our "floppy disks" and computer software. The A, C, T and G symbols represented in in sequencing stand for chemicals, so the "calculations" or "instructions" are biochemical, and although not in a silicon chip as with our computers, the principle is identical. And in the case of DNA now with CRISPR--edited and reprogrammed.
To have a meaning that can be discerned it must be of mind. By definition a random pattern is meaningless. Any meaning is the obvious product of some mental intention. By discovering the program of A, C, T and G behind DNA we have exposed it as "mind created" stuff--all other software with which we are familiar is intentional and based on a logical system--and could not have arisen by accident. It follows that DNA is an organic programming language. This means that it must be intentional--the product of an intelligence with a purpose, and by inference, an intelligence not of this world.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Subtle energy fields have been detected around DNA, leading some researchers to treat strands of DNA as active broadcasting units, sending information to the greater body for repair and response. These subtle energy fields are affected by other electromagnetic fields DNA is exposed to, causing damage over the long term. Use our EMF Transformer strips on the major sources of EMF in your home, such as smartphones, wi-fi routers, TVs, microwaves, etc. The transformers alter the harmful EMF energies, creating life-enhancing energies instead.
The Inner Smile
This is an ancient Taoist practice, where you put your attention on an area of the body and have it smile back at you. For example, there is a pain in the right knee. Observe the pain, and then have the knee smile back to you. You may find it frowns first, but continue until there is a smile. You'll notice a marked decrease or subsiding of the pain, and perhaps some gentle throbbing in the area. This is a sign the energy flow has been restored. This is an excellent practice to do upon morning waking.
Janet Barret
"I am all about breaking down the illusions--whether it is feeling or thought--and separating out the emotional, physical, mental energies so that the pearls of wisdom buried can be free of the pain that created it. This allows for new realities, clearing out the perceived negatives that encode the information and hold patterns stuck. My starting point is that life is sacred and a joy. I have come to that vantage point after dealing personally with diagnosed and undiagnosed catastrophic illnesses for most of my life. At some point you have to find a way not to let that be the only thing that defines you. Everyday it is a choice to be alive and live life with deep appreciation and in joyous wonderment. I don't intend to make life only about surviving and dying anymore. Realizing how not to be a victim to our illusions of who we are and what we feel physically and emotionally is a life´s journey. Learning how to take the hurts that we each all hold and distilling them into the gifts of wisdom that they truly are takes time, energy and experience. It is only consciousness directing experiences." Janet Barrett, Energy Empath
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This Quantum Life
by Boyd Martin, Caretaker, Pure Energy Rx
The Shortcut of the Imagination

Within the tenets of epigenetics there is the theory that the cells of our body have structures on them that act like broadcast receivers, existing to "pick up" a specific quantum broadcast of consciousness--YOU. This broadcast of YOU exists everywhere in the universe, so that when the cells and DNA of your body tuned into it, you took on that body as an expression of your broadcast.
Biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton has been a vocal proponent of the epigenetics theory, and has offered it up as proof that the essence of us--our soul--is immortal, and that at the moment of death, it is a matter of simply not being received by the body anymore, yet the broadcast continues as us.
When you combine this theory with the theory of Universal Biocentrism--where it is postulated that the universe exists because of life, then you have the scientific equivalent of metaphysical spirituality. And I say, well, about time! These theories allow for a scientific basis for perennial spiritual teachings, such as reincarnation and the immutability of the soul, and offers great hope for humanity.
Lipton has also said that simply knowing these theories doesn't necessarily mean your life gets any better. He notes that although the cells of the body do pick up the broadcast of YOU, there's a whole lot more to the story that just that momentary union.
The conundrum of physical existence is that as a soul, we've been around literally forever, and the body game is just that: a game--one in which we find ourselves not only surrounded by the space-time reality of our perceptions as interpreted by a human body's brain and energy fields, but also existing outside that local space-time continuum as an infinite, non-local presence.
This awkward combination can cause a sort of schizoid situation where we are directly perceiving being swept along in a vortex of experiences while at the same time we are watching it from the outside. It seems at times like what we intend for our lives is the exact opposite of what we end up experiencing. Well, this predictament is now addressable in light of these new theories of consciousness.
It is possible to perceive that what we intend to experience as a soul--or outside observer--in some ways imprints a reverse image on the movie screen of our temporal life, thus creating the "game" of creating the desired experience from the undesired situation. We experience poverty because the game is achieving wealth. We experience disease, sickness and pain in order to achieve the opposite.
It's a dualistic world in this way, and by acknowledging and allowing for this, there is a gigantic reason for hope, and and an even greater reason to play the game--because the ultimate objective is the Utopian visions we all have of what our lives could be--the positive print of the negative image we may be experiencing. In other words, what we truly, deeply desire for our lives is inevitable.
I'm humorously reminded of the Seinfeld TV Series episode where the characters all experienced the "Opposite World", where success is achieved by "doing the opposite" of what seems logical or reasonable. And in a very real sense, this is a workable strategy in realizing our greatest desires and highest intentions: Reach beyond the automatic, habitual way of seeing the world--do what's NOT expected, what's irrational, or impractical--as doing that is closer to the way of achieving the freedom we strive for.
Our ego has a powerful weapon: the mind--conscious and sub-conscious, and the combination of ego and mind sets up a powerful adversary in the playing of the incarnation game. The automatic tendency is to react and take personally our experiences of what is not wanted. We often end up just putting our heads down with our noses on the grindstone of what has "worked" in the past, when that is just the old long way around, and most of us take up an entire lifetime never getting to what it was we originally intended for our experience.
The "hack" or shortcut is right there as part of the original equipment we all came in with: the imagination. The imagination IS the creative force that determines all of our experience. By directing the imagination to create the feelings of what we desire in the body, then with repetition, the body's cells begin resonating with those feelings and create an attractive force that organizes the quantum field around our experience, bringing us precisely what we desired. This is a mechanical property of physical existence--not wishful thinking or woo-woo speculation.
Where we get tripped up is when we interpret subsequent experiences that don't fit our desires as "evidence" that our desires are not being fulfilled, or are being blocked or neutralized in some way. This is FAR from the truth, as just the opposite is actually true. After expressing a desire, the quantum field begins to respond, and everything that happens is what is required to happen to bring about the ultimate actualization of our intention. The key is to interpret every "setback", or every apparently non-related event, or outside phenomena as evidence of the unfoldment of our intention, regardless of its initial interpretation and appearance.
So jump onboard with yourself. Feel and live life "as if" it is as you want it to be--enjoy the unfoldment of it--and soon, inevitably, it will come to pass.
To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin

Janet Barrett is a subtle energies empath and consciousness educator utilizing the field of potential. With warmth, humor and support she will offer you new ways to understand your issues. By reframing what your stories are, you can transform and clear them. It is possible to change what is bothering you. You can enjoy new outcomes. And, they can happen in the blink of an eye.

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