MAY, 2021, Issue No. 1 |
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4 Ways to Finding Joy in the Present
Do you find yourself concerned too often about the past or future? How often are you able to let go and absorb yourself in the present moment? While distant issues weigh us down from time to time, wouldn't it be overly satisfying to learn how to simply live in, and hopefully enjoy, the present moment? If you're having trouble, here are four ways to learn how to enjoy the present moment:
Adopt a Carefree Attitude - While all social engagements don't allow us to let loose entirely, wouldn't it be nice if we gave ourselves permission to kick back with a less controlling attitude? Adopting a carefree attitude on a night out with a loved one or on a date with closer friends, for example, could allow you to enjoy the present moment, freeing uneasiness, and capitalizing on enjoyment. Try it out, and perhaps it could save you from some unneeded fret.
Reverse Your Roles - What would I want him/her to say to me? If you'd want to be asked the question, then why not ask it yourself? Returning to the present conversation by displaying such respect and empathy for the other person, in turn displaying your communication and understanding skills, is a great way to be in the present moment. At the same time, you can feel somewhat confident you're making a quality connection.
Engage in Deliciously Positive Self-Talk - Consciously being grateful often is one of the ways you can enjoy positivity and happiness more often. Further, learning the art of positive self-talk can help you create and reach new goals by the motivation it generates. Why not try it? And eventually, with positive self-talk, often what will happen is the pathways in your brain feel primed towards experiencing positive emotions more often.
Acknowledge all the Different Emotions in Yourself and in Others - When we acknowledge emotions in ourselves and verbally or non-verbally in others, we demonstrate that we see value in and understand ourselves and others. Try to acknowledge feelings, listen, and be there for yourself, first, and then for others. Expressing understanding in this way can be very liberating, releasing baggage from your shoulders and allowing meaningful connections to take place with so many others. And again, it will help you to experience the rich benefits of being present. Just try it out.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Carry our Inner Peace Vital Force Crystal to create much more ease into the present moment.
The Vital and Useful Heart-Brain Connection
 Take a moment and breathe. Place your hand over your chest area, near your heart. Breathe slowly into the area for about a minute, focusing on a sense of ease entering your mind and body. Click here to learn why we suggest this. The simple exercise is designed to help create a physiological heart brain connection that has been shown to improve memory, learning, problem-solving and discernment.
Decades of research shows that our hearts send more information to our brains than our brains send to our hearts. When our body's heart is beating in what is called an ‘incoherent rhythm', it sends a message to our brains and nervous system that produces suboptimal function that leads to a reduction in our ability to learn, make effective decisions, problem-solve, critically think, and self regulate our emotions.
When our heart is beating in a coherent rhythm, it sends coherent signals to the brain and nervous system that then brings each of these systems into synchronization physiologically. The result is opposite of that of incoherent signals. Research shows an improvement in our ability to think clearly, navigate information, make decisions, remember things, and communicate. All of this can come from as little as 60 – 90 seconds of practices like the one we place at the top of each of our articles. Over time, these practices also helps to build self-awareness which helps us see our own bias' more clearly.
Further research has shown that a connection between thoughtful breathing and the production of a compound in the cerebrum called noradrenaline. This compound goes about as a "mind compost" that is delivered when we are feeling tested, inquisitive, or centered.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Use our Meditation Elixirs to take full advantage of heart-brain coherence.
Quartz Crystals Amp Up the Powers of Healing
 Quartz crystals were used from everything to seeing into other worlds to assisting in the extraction from patients of harmful disease or "intrusions," as Harner called them. He gives an example of the Warao shaman of South America, who believed that, at death, their soul would merge with the quartz crystal inside of his rattle and ascends to the sky in the form of light. The Australian Kabi shaman with "many crystals in his body" could journey down into the deepest waterholes, where the rainbow spirit lived, and receive more quartz crystals. Such a shaman would arise "full of life, and be a medicine-man of the highest degree."
A lot of power is associated with the quartz crystal according to shamanism, as Michael Harner points out in his book, The Way of The Shaman:
"In modern physics, the quartz crystal is also involved in the manipulation of power. Its remarkable electronic properties early made it a basic component in radio transmitters and receivers. Thin wafers sliced from quartz crystals later became basic components for modern electronic hardware such as computers and timepieces. Western science has obviously advanced to the point that it recognized the quartz crystal as a power object, something that shamans have known for thousands of years."
Not only did shamans used their quartz crystals to heal, they used it to peer into the future, for seeing as well as divination. An interesting point in the book Harner brings up is the crystal ball, "with which people in our culture are familiar, at least by name, is simply a polished descendant of the old shamanic crystal." He explains how some indigenous cultures used crystal gazing to see visions of the past, what's happening in the present as well as to see in the future.
The quartz crystal is also used by the shaman for distant healing. Distant healing is using one person's intention and directing it towards another for the purposes of healing.
"The shaman sent out the crystal at night to bring back the image of the sick person. When the image arrived, the shaman danced around the crystal, shaking his rattle, and then ordered the crystal, as his spirit helper, to extract a harmful power intrustion from the image. The distant person, whose image it was, was therby healed."
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Use the Trinity Rutilated Quartz Elixir while interacting with your quartz crystalfor a quantum leap in power and interactivity.
Health & Healing Hack of the Week
Heart Coherence
Doc Childre, founder of the Hearth Math Institute, has done extensive research on the power of the heart to regulate the brain and the body. The heart emits an electromagnetic field many times more powerful than the brain's. Research has also shown that the brain responds to commands from the heart as its top priority, basically meaning that the heart runs things when it comes to the body. The Heart Math Institute came up with the concept of "Heart Coherence", meaning the heart is "coherent" or in step with the highest aspirations of the mind, and is creating a coherent, or single, vibration that can then be transmitted throughout the brain and body. You can easily create a state of coherence in about 60 seconds by releasing stress and stopping draining emotions such as frustration, irritation, anxiety and anger. When you are in a coherent state, your thoughts and emotions are balanced and you experience ease and inner harmony. (See "Quick Coherence Technique") The first part of this exercise is moving the attention down from the head to the heart. This alone creates a certain degree of coherence because you are centering yourself where the main commands to the brain are coming from, thus you are more able to use the body's intelligence. I like to use this when employing mindfulness (see "Mindfulness" above).
-- From 25 No Cost Health & Healing Hacks by Boyd Martin)
Quantum Healer of the Week
Merissa Indigo Merissa has been consumed with her passion for the human potential, esoteric quantum physics and alternative healing since a small child. Her insatiable thirst to explore all subjects related to health, healing, our inherent human potential, the essence of consciousness, Earth-based indigenous traditions, archaeology/biology/chemistry and longevity began with her early introduction to alternative medicine as a little girl. She experienced several serious auto-immune disorders, the treatment of which opened her awareness to many forms of alternative medicine including acupuncture, TCM, naturopathic/allopathic remedies, herbalism, reiki, Ayurveda, Yoga, Kundalini yoga, mantra/prayer, sound healing, shamanism, and gem therapy to name a few. Merissa enthusiastically shares her wisdom of Ayurvedic philosophy, energetic alignment, mindfulness, love consciousness, and diet/lifestyle practices to help people take their health into their own hands. She combines her Ayurvedic education with traditional Hawaiian Huna, Shipibo cosmology, Western/Vedic/Mayan astrology, esoteric quantum physics, Kundalini and shamanic/Earth practices from all over the world, enabling her clients to de-program from old/artificial identities to experience an expansion of perception and self-awareness through their own conscious allowance/creation to actively engage in heart-centered living. WEBSITE
Company & Product News
Buy 5 and get 6, or buy 10 and get 12.
Vital Force Crystals 30% Off through May 14th!
 The Vital Force Intelligent Crystals are interactive tools created to help you access inner dimensions for focusing and clarifying your intentions, for protection, for self-healing and exploration and now for EMF protection! Vital Force Intelligent Crystal Pendants are designed to work for you. These elegant Swarovski crystal pendants have been powerfully infused by Vital Force Technology with a combination of energetic imprints from rare gemstones and crystals and healing energies produced by master healers. The Vital Force Intelligent Crystals use the "intent" of the focused mind to open the gateway between mind, body and higher levels of consciousness. USE DISCOUNT CODE VF30 for 30% off through Friday, May 14th. ORDER HERE
 Hook your body up to a life energy battery! Give your body the energy it needs to heal itself. The entire "medicine platform" of the Life Energ Pack acts differently on body systems than anything you've ever experienced. The formulas carry information AND energy with specific frequencies that match major body systems:
- E-1 - The Nervous Systems
- E-2 - The Digestive and Circulatory System (including ALL major organs)
- E-4 - The Immune System
- E-3 - A cream form of E-1, along with MSM and other pain relieving energies.
The Life Energy Pack is currently $15 off with free shipping. (No discount code necessary).
 The Biophotons mandala works on the energetic level to intensify and fortify the body's natural biophotonic field. In 1974, Fritz-Albert Popp discovered that the DNA of all living systems naturally absorb and emit photons (i.e., light). He also discovered that the intensity of this biophotonic field correlated with the health of the subject. In other words, healthy subjects had strong biophotonic fields, while subjects dealing with illness tended to have weak biophotonic fields. He found a similar correlation with agriculture. Food grown naturally in the wild had the strongest biophotonic field. Organically grown food was next in line for the strongest biophotonic field. And last, in terms of biophotonic strength, was commercially grown food. Biophotons have also been shown to be emitted from stimulated acupuncture points. This biophoton therapy signature is sourced directly from the quantum field and enhances the biophotonic field by reinforcing and intensifying it so that it does not dissipate and "leak" as much as it normally would. MORE INFO / ORDER
AMAZING PRODUCT ALERT: VibesUp Vibrational Chakra Bracelet

Each chakra stone is infused with VibesUP's liquid crystal formula containing the essential oils vibrationally tuned to be balancing and harmonizing to each specific chakra. This unique bracelet will also raise the Healthy Vibration of food & beverages as well as raise your Vibration while you wear it. Muscle test to see it working.
SUCCESSES: "As a Reiki practitioner, every time I touch this bracelet I can feel how strong the positive energy is!! I gave it to my partner and she says it's really helped with her self-awareness, and emotional processing, and setting boundaries :)" -- Kayla F. "I bought this for my fiance. Immediately the change in his energy was felt and calm swept over him like a wave. He hasn't taken it off since. Thank you so much for helping us find balance! I will continue to buy items from this site! Again, THANK YOU!" -- Amy R. MORE INFO
Trinity Gem Elixir for the Month
Rutilated Quartz
"Stone of Integration"
Spiritually: Integrates energy at every level, illuminating soul lessons and promoting spiritual growth. Cleanses and energizes the aura. Breaks down barriers to spiritual progress.
Emotionally: Reaches the root of problems and facilitates a change of direction. Acts as an anti-depressant relieves fears, phobias, and anxiety. Promotes forgiveness.
Mentally: Stabilizes the mind. Draws out negativity.
Physically: Helps stimulate tissue regeneration in the entire body. May assist radiation and mercury related problems. Is helpful for chronic conditions, immune problems, impotence and infertility. ORDER HERE
(Website usage note: You can search for keywords at Pure Energy Rx, and it will return relevant results, e.g. "courage", "confidence", "fear", "intelligence", etc.)
This Quantum Life by Boyd Martin, Caretaker, Pure Energy Rx
The Sanctity of Sovereignty

In every time-travel movie or TV episode there is always a subtext of the existential question: What if I never existed? In "It's A Wonderful Life", Jimmy Stewart's character, George Bailey, journeys to a world where he was never alive--finding out the good he did the world affected the entire town. And in "Back to the Future", Marty has to play matchmaker to his own parents to make sure he gets born.
These scenarios point out the choice we made to come into a life, and the subsequent anxiety about remaining. The general consensus is to be "born", live a sequence of events, and then "die"--with all the drama, joy, pain, and pleasure compressed into a few short years. This situation of living always leads to the question, Why am I here? Or, What is the purpose of my life? --as if by answering, it will somehow alleviate the anxiety we have about just being. Or, we may just ignore the questions altogether, choosing to just go with the herd, and live lives of faceless conformity within the existing mores of society. The thing is, we have to choose to conform, or choose not to ask the existential questions, hoping to skate by unnoticed.
If we do any questioning about existence, it becomes pretty obvious that as conscious beings we are immortal and indestructible. Any "dying" we do, or "damage" we sustain, is really a choice of a way to be. Nothing can happen to us without our consent, but like those tricky software license agreements, we may be agreeing to more than we bargained for by not reading the fine print.
We so often hand over our personal power to someone or something else, skipping the fine print and going "all in" with the flimsiest of justifications, and then get angry when we realize how cavalier we had been with our own sovereignty.
Fortunately, although it can get messy, we can always "opt out" of a stupid choice, and step back into our power. Only the control mongers will fault you for that, because they know the sanctity of sovereignty is the highest law of any land, realm, universe or dimension.
The Creator wants you to be a Creator, too. Every experience is marinated in this question of creative sovereignty. What are you willing to do? What are you willing to allow, and how are you willing to be? You decide. Yes, sometimes it's interesting--or even fun--to just let go the reins and see what random stuff can happen, but it's still a choice to do that. But when we start to feel like life is happening to us, it's time to step back, reassess and retrieve our basic sense of self, and renew our vow of sovereignty.
It is undeniable that certain dark forces of a psychotic demeanor with a lust for power incessantly plot and scheme to get us to violate our sovereignty. All manner of campaigns and strategies are deftly employed to get us questioning our validity. With no moral compass and an overarching imperative of the ends justifying the means, these forces care way more than you do about control and manipulation, so it's easy to be in denial that so much evil could exist. And that's what the Dark is counting on.
To me, the real most basic game board is sovereignty vs. control. Our opponent wants to talk you out of your cherished values and get you to give them control over your life--and a surprising number of players are doing just that, mostly out of being too nice to call them out, or simply by sticking their heads in the sand.
Our sovereignty is sacred. It is impossible to be a free creator without it. Otherwise we simply "go along to get along" usually with unintended consequences, overriding our situational awareness with complacency. This only leads to depravity by a reasonableness or flaccidity of moral fiber. By conforming to "that's just the way things are", we lower the priority of personal sovereignty and then excuse it away with all the usual clichés--I'm too busy, It's not so bad, Everyone is doing it, Who am I to say different, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
There is a joy in reclaiming power. There is an abiding peace and a flowering of love that accompanies a commitment to Self. The dark ones would have you believe you are selfish and self-serving, but that is only a projection of what they are, because they can't understand that you are love--and loving yourself is the greatest power of all. And when choices are made from a space of love, and followed through with loving action and a commitment to integrity, there is nothing for the dark ones to exploit.
So be vigilant--embrace and commit to the love you are in the world, and in this way be a beacon of peace, abundance and humanity, uplifting the world as the Creator intended.
To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin
Janet Barrett is a subtle energies empath and consciousness educator utilizing the field of potential. With warmth, humor and support she will offer you new ways to understand your issues. By reframing what your stories are, you can transform and clear them. It is possible to change what is bothering you. You can enjoy new outcomes. And, they can happen in the blink of an eye. WEBSITE
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