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Small Changes in Your Breathing Bring Great Benefits
 A recent article in Science Daily describes fascinating research to understand the mechanism by which deep breathing helps wellbeing. Breathing directly affects the levels of a natural chemical messenger in the brain called noradrenaline. When produced at the right levels, it acts like a brain fertilizer to help the brain grow new connections. The way we breathe, in other words, directly affects the chemistry of our brains in a way that can enhance our attention and improve our brain health. When stressed, we produce too much of this chemical and when tired, too little. "By focusing on and regulating your breathing you can optimize your attention level and likewise, by focusing on your attention level, your breathing becomes more synchronized," says the lead researcher. Another article on the science of breathing describes the anatomy of a breath cycle. Recent peer-reviewed research also shows that Pranayama (conscious breathing) improves quality of life for cancer patients and is an effective intervention in reducing stress and pain among advance stage patients of breast cancer.
You can benefit by making very small changes in your daily habits. If you pause for just two minutes four times a day to focus on your breath and do simple deep breathing, that's a full hour of deep breathing every week. Integrating 20 minutes of Pranayama in your daily routine will result in perceptible improvement in your physical, mental and emotional well-being.
"Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts," says Thích Nh?t H?nh, the Vietnamese Buddhist monk and peace activist, "feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor."
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Use the Clean Sweep Clearing Spray when you do conscious breathing. Clean Sweep sets up a stress-releving energy field that allows for much deeper breathing and relaxation. Just a couple of spritzes around your space, and breath in the calm.
Information Overload is Changing How Humans Think
 Mathematicians have confirmed that humanity's collective attention span is getting shorter. And it's not just social media that's to blame. They analysed historical book and movie ticket sales as well as Twitter data to show that people move on faster than ever before because increasing production and consumption of content leads to more rapid exhaustion of limited attention resources.
"It seems that the allocated attention in our collective minds has a certain size, but that the cultural items competing for that attention have become more densely packed," says Sune Lehmann, from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). This would support the claim that it has indeed become more difficult to keep up to date on the news cycle, for example."
Researchers studied Twitter data from 2013 to 2016, books sales going back 100 years, movie ticket sales over 40 years, citations of scientific publications from the last 25 years, and data from Google Trends (2010-2018), Reddit (2010-2015) and Wikipedia (2012-2017). They found that from 2013 to 2016 "cultural items" had steeper attention curves, both ascending and descending. In other words, things became popular more quickly than before, but lost their popularity more quickly as well.
"Picturing topics as species that feed on human attention, we designed a mathematical model with three basic ingredients: 'hotness', ageing and the thirst for something new," says Philipp Hövel, from UCC. This model offers an interpretation of their observations. When more content is produced in less time, it exhausts the collective attention earlier. The shortened peak of public interest for one topic is directly followed by the next topic, because of the fierce competition for novelty.
"The one parameter in the model that was key in replicating the empirical findings was the input rate – the abundance of information," says Philipp Lorenz-Spreen, from the Max Planck Institute. "The world has become increasingly well connected in the past decades. This means that content is increasing in volume, which exhausts our attention and our urge for 'newness' causes us to collectively switch between topics more rapidly."
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: There is a tendency to attempt to speed up, or force our attention when it comes to trying to "keep up with" information coming in. This causes stress, and ultimately is unproductive, because we hear what we need to hear no matter where we are or what we're doing. To more easily adopt this frame of mind, use our Zen Meditation Elixir while on the computer. It helps allow more selective focus, and more ease in following meaningful thought threads. Very useful!
Three Ways to Stop Self-Sabotage
 While we all have our fair share of obstacles to overcome in life, in many cases, we are the biggest obstacles standing in our way. Thankfully, there are things we can all do to cut back on self-sabotaging behaviour.
1. Overthinking - One second we are excited about a new idea, and within hours, or sometimes minutes, we've concretely established three worst case scenarios, two of which have a 0.001% likelihood of ever occurring, and we've sold ourselves on the conclusion that we shouldn't even bother. Sound familiar?
Take any time out of your day to allow your mind to metaphorically dump by writing down the thoughts can be life-changing. Let yourself write literally anything and everything that comes to mind. It may feel counterproductive at first, but you'd be surprised at how often writing things out can make your thoughts feel heard, allowing you to more easily assess the healthy from the unhealthy and move past those that would have previously sabotaged your creativity.
2. Comparing Your Life to Others' Lives - With a couple of swipes and scrolls we can easily compare ourselves to hundreds of other people, most of which are portraying themselves and their lives inaccurately. If comparison is your "Achilles heel", there are two things you can do: 1) cut back on how much time you spend on social media, and 2) actively challenge yourself to celebrate rather than compare yourself to the accomplishments of others.
3. Following Any Distraction - Common ways that we do this include picking up our phones and checking social media, or using our fatigue to justify sitting on the couch and watching some TV, both of which always provide more than enough content for us to avoid or deny what it is we know would be hetter for us.
If distraction is your self-sabotage speciality, consider setting aside set periods each day where you do not allow yourself to engage with any form of technology. Whether you opt to read a book, meditate or spend some time out in nature, give your mind the daily opportunity to reacclimatize to what that experience feels like, and you may be pleasantly surprised by what it leads to.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: We always recommend the Vital Force Crystal, Inner Peace, for issues with self-sabotage. Inner Peace creates an energy field of allowance and self-love that goes deep into the core of what self-sabotage is all about.
Health & Healing Hack of the Week
Journaling / Blogging / Drawing
Regardless of your writing ability, the process of writing down one's thoughts is an age-old, tried and true way of self inquiry. Often, you'll find yourself revealing a deep truth about life, a sub-conscious pattern or other conundrum by simply writing about it. Many proponents of this method insist that the best way to write is by hand with a pen or pencil--believing that the physical motions in some way amplify the psychological powers engaged in attempting to language our thoughts. I do not hold this belief myself, and prefer to type, and sometimes read what I typed out loud, even recording it a la podcast, and listening to it back. The mechanism at work here is "mirroring". By mirroring our thoughts "out in the physical world", it allows us to perceive our awarenesses and conclusions from a different angle, or perspective, thus giving us insights we would not necessarily have otherwise. Journaling is especially effective when there is a confusion of energies, or there is something about what you are experiencing that is a problem, conundrum or conflict. Write all about the different aspects of your feelings about the subject, and you are sure to come to some new awarenesses about the situation. You can then apply more tools as needed to clear any stuck energies. From 25 No Cost Health & Healing Hacks by Boyd Martin)
Quantum Healer of the Week
Janet Doerr
Janet is a Medical Intuitive and Energy Healer with powerful multi-sensory abilities. Janet has activated her intuitive abilities to see, hear, know and feel information about what is going on in her client's physical, emotional and energetic bodies. Janet uses her multi-dimensional abilities to receive messages from spirit about her client's health. Janet scans body systems and organs and can detect things like mineral and nutrient deficiencies, impaired brain function and neuro-transmission, low blood-oxygen levels, congested lungs which are heavy with grief, sluggish lymph systems, and gut microbiomes which have been impaired with antibiotic use. Janet accesses the frequency of the Akasha and is shown past life and ancestral events and traumas that are the root cause of current stuck energies. Janet has detected breast lumps, enlarged prostates, and specific medical conditions that needed immediate medical attention. Janet is also shown the foods, nutrients, herbs, gemstones and health practices which would support or remedy health conditions and restore her client's health and vitality. WEBSITE
AMAZING PRODUCT ALERT: Crystalline-Energized Flip Flops
 VibesUp is ofering Shoes with real earth ingredients of essential oils, gemstones, quartz crystals, Black Tourmaline, flower essences, minerals and amplifying liquid crystal in a pulsing piezo-electric delivery system! They have also added the highest quality real Rose essential oil to these flip flops. Rose is the highest vibration in nature, 320mhz! Wearing these sandals is helpful with earth grounding, energizing, happiness levels, pain support, balance, health, emotional well-being, confidence, and harmonizes non-beneficial energies including electronic toxins and grumpy people, and so much more... In all our experimenting, we have noticed the thicker the better on the EARTH ENERGY MATERIAL. Probably because the denseness creates more pressure on the crystals which creates more PIEZO ENERGY. The new design of TRIPLE THICK EARTH TOPS are not only extra squishy soft, but also have a much more POWERFUL EFFECT! Our patented formula applies pressure to the thousands of tiny inner quartz crystals, in a perfect phi ratio, helping create over 1 million rays of natural piezo-energy per second. PLUS, every step you take creates additional pressure and can help generate even more of this natural energy for your body! These flip flops are ALIVE with waves of REAL EARTH energy--BENEFICIAL TO YOUR BODY, MIND and SOUL/SOLE! Availabe in several adult and kids sizes for a limited time 3 for 1 sale!
Subtle Energy Infused Hemp Oil
 Vital Force Technology (VFT) lab has created Vital360 CBD formula that combines several energy patterns based on different extracts of the Cannabis plant and infused them into the full spectrum cannabinoid extract (Elixinol Hemp Oil). This differs from other hemp oils on the market in that more healing constituents of the cannabis plant are represented energetically within the oil, using a proprietary process developed by Russian physicist, Dr. Yury Kronn. This process increases the healing potential of the oil up to several orders of magnitude. Numerous studies confirm the importance of the endocannabinoid signaling system in decreasing acute and chronic pain, especially from inflammation. VitalForce360 Hemp Oil improves the body's homeostasis mechanism by supporting the human endocannabinoids system; improves overall wellness; is calming and soothing to the senses; helps replenish and sustain the body during stress; and improves poor concentration and overall weakness. Available in two levels of CBD concentrations. MORE INFO
Big EMF Sale!
For the entire month of May, all EMF Mitigation Devices and formulas are on sale for 30% OFF! Our popular EMF Transformers, that can be applied to smartphones, routers, TVs, microwaves--any source of harmful EMF--will effectively neutralize the harmful chaotic energies created by modulating an electro-magnetic field. Researched, tested extensively, and now widely used, this technology has been not only integrated into the EMF Transformers, but also into the Vital Force EMF Shield Crystals (4 styles), and the Clean Sweep Clearing Spray. Wear, apply, or spray effective EMF protection for the entire family. Use all three for an amplified effect! Each of these inventions create a neutralizing field around the user (such as with the Transformers and Crystals), and creates a neutralizing space wherever the Clean Sweep is sprayed--just mist the corners of any room or vehicle for protection lasting several hours. Use discount code EMF30 when checking out through the shopping cart to get the discount. (Does not apply to case prices).
Gem Elixir for the Month
Green Fluorite
"Stone of Integration"
Spiritually: Grounds and integrates spiritual energies, heightens intuitive powers, increases awareness of higher spiritual realities, quickens spiritual awakening.
Emotionally: Increases self-confidence, dissipates emotional trauma, brings suppressed feeling to the surface for resolution.
Mentally: Mental cleanser. Focuses the mind and links it into universal mind.
Physically: Strengthens bone tissue, stimulates lung tissue, and eases viral inflammation, helps clear infections.
The Green Fluorite Elixir is on sale till 5/31/19 for 30% off with discount code GREEN30
(Website usage note: You can search for keywords at Pure Energy Rx, and it will return revelant results, e.g. "courage", "confidence", "fear", "intelligence", etc.)
This Quantum Life by Boyd Martin, Caretaker, Pure Energy Rx
Andy of Mayberry and the Rise of Polarity

"All policemen in training should be required to watch the entire series of 'Andy of Mayberry'," declared my younger brother out of the blue today during one of our marathon talking sessions. I've come to appreciate these talks because he's, first of all, a kook like me, and second of all we both increasingly have come to see human life as a spectator sport.
"Andy always handled things. He was the last word, and people loved him for it. His good nature and down-home philosophy fit in with a type socio-emotional small town Utopia," he said.
I joined in, "Yeah, he always was kind of pre-crime--always right there when potential trouble could have started, so nothing ever got out of hand that couldn't be fixed with good ol' common sense and a handshake."
"Uh huh... I love that style of TV way back in the day, when the Beaver had to apologize to his dad, and Fred McMurry was the wisest dad in the world," my brother waxed nostalgic.
I then pointed out that those TV shows were more about feeling snug and cozy in a predictably small world with predictably smaller world views. And as the 60s "family show" began to go out of fashion, it seemed like it was more because script writers wanted to be more dramatic and show how things "really are"--maybe a product of pressure from TV execs to increase ratings: we all know what suckers we are for drrraaammmaaa. Or, there were darker agendas at work.
The rise of the police procedural drama really illustrates this point. Shows like "The FBI", "Hawaii 5-0", "The Untouchables", "Police Story", and "Kojak" all snagged the lion's share of ratings back then--and shows like these continue to do so today. But at a deeper level, the police procedural is all about separating the good from the bad, and bringing "justice" to crime victims by discovering the "truth" behind a particular crime. Audiences love that stuff, because it's a no-brainer. There are the bad guys doing bad things over there, and here come our good guys to make them pay--the dramatization of polarity.
It proves to us that the world is basically black and white, good vs. evil, a place where crime doesn't pay, and if it does, it's only for a little while--and the longer it does pay, the harder the fall. This is comforting psychology to take refuge in, as life became more and more complex and the grey areas continued to expand into the 21st Century.
Mass entertainment media like this has, in my view, too much power and influence over casual consumers. TV is already one of the greatest of hypnotic medias, with its rhythmic scanning of electrons across a framed screen with the viewers' attention focussed on a small area. It's actually outright hypnotism. And now these days, with tiny digital dots in dense arrays, it's the very essence of high definition mind control.
And if you were wanting power over a society, well, TV is THE way to go. Throw in subliminal messages and images, and you've got a recipe for creating a hoard of unthinking, unreflecting zombies with emotional "on" switches and little self-control. You've created a polarized society, which is exactly what any power monger wants to see, because a divided, polarized world is easy to control, and easy to profit from.
The point I'm laboring to make is that the more we become aware of the darkness, the more important it is to embrace the light. Embracing the light is not the arduous task the perpetrators of the dark side would have you believe, because we ARE ALREADY LIGHT. Consciousness IS light. So it's just a matter of being what you ARE, as you face what you are not. Yes, we all have that popular "dark side", and we've stored a lot of power in there in the form of unconscious energies we've purposely created or agreed to. But that doesn't mean we have to automatically be victimized by our own dark choices.
Just observe it all--get into spectator mode about your own mind and attention and where you control it, and where you allow it to be controlled. Get into the non-duality of mindful awareness. There is no "good" or "bad"--just different states of energy. For all his simplicity and good intentions, I believe Andy of Mayberry really knew this to be true. And, yes, all police training should definitely require a nice, long visit to Mayberry.
To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin

Janet Barrett is a subtle energies empath and consciousness educator utilizing the field of potential. With warmth, humor and support she will offer you new ways to understand your issues. By reframing what your stories are, you can transform and clear them. It is possible to change what is bothering you. You can enjoy new outcomes. And, they can happen in the blink of an eye. WEBSITE
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