Banning Small Talk Makes for Happier Relationships
Seventy-nine participants wore a recording device over four days and were periodically recorded as they went about their lives. Out of more than 20,000 recordings, researchers identified the conversations as trivial small talk or substantive discussions.
As published in Psychological Science, the happiest participants had twice as many genuine conversations and one third as much small talk as the unhappiest participants.
These findings suggest that the happy life is social and conversationally deep rather than isolated and superficial. The research has also confirmed what most people know but don't practice: surface level small talk does not build relationships
If you've bought on to this idea of banning small talk from your conversations, here are thirteen no-fail conversation starters cherry-picked from a few credible sources:
- What's your story?
- What's the most expensive thing you've ever stolen?
- What is your present state of mind?
- What absolutely excites you right now?
- What book has influenced you the most?
- If you could do anything you wanted tonight (anywhere, for any amount of money), what would you do and why?
- If you had the opportunity to meet one person you haven't met who would it be, why and what would you talk about?
- What's the most important thing I should know about you?
- What do you value more, intelligence or common sense?
- What movie is your favorite guilty pleasure, and why?
- You are stuck on a deserted island, and you can only take three things. What would they be?
- When and where were you happiest in your life?
- What do you think is the driving force in your life?
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Most small talk is deflection from being who we are. This deflection arises from a lack of peace--a sort of stress response. Use our
Inner Peace Crystal to create a field of quiet beingness when you attend your next social event, and watch the small talk dissolve.
Your Brain, Your Body on Light
The eye itself, which is continually exposed to ambient powerful photons that pass through various ocular tissues, emit spontaneous and visible light-induced ultraweak photon emissions. It has even been hypothesized that visible light induces delayed bioluminescence within the exposed eye tissue, providing an explanation for the origin of the negative afterimage. These light emissions have also been correlated with cerebral energy metabolism and oxidative stress within the mammalian brain.
Bokkon's hypothesis suggests that photons released from chemical processes within the brain produce biophysical pictures during visual imagery, and a recent study found that when subjects actively imagined light in a very dark environment their intention produced significant increases in ultraweak photo emissions. This is consistent with an emerging view that biophotons are not solely cellular metabolic by-products, but rather, because biophoton intensity can be considerably higher inside cells than outside, it is possible for the mind to access this energy gradient to create intrinsic biophysical pictures during visual perception and imagery.
Apparently biophotons are used by the cells of many living organisms to communicate, which facilitates energy/information transfer that is several orders of magnitude faster than chemical diffusion. According to a 2010 study, "Cell to cell communication by biophotons have been demonstrated in plants, bacteria, animal neutriophil granulocytes and kidney cells." Researchers were able to demonstrate that "...different spectral light stimulation (infrared, red, yellow, blue, green and white) at one end of the spinal sensory or motor nerve roots resulted in a significant increase in the biophotonic activity at the other end." Researchers interpreted their finding to suggest that "...light stimulation can generate biophotons that conduct along the neural fibers, probably as neural communication signals."
Gerald Pollack, PhD, who wrote The 4th Phase of Water has identified water molecules, which constitute 99% of the molecules in our body by number, as capable of storing the energy of sunlight like batteries and driving the majority of processes within our body as a primary, non-ATP-based source of energy.
There are several ancient Taoist practices that involve amplifying the "inner light" that has been shown to directly influence the speed and completeness of healing. Yogic practices such as sun gazing and intentionally "flowing chi" are well documented and powerful self-healing methods.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: In the research that brought about some of the Vital Force formulas that we sell here at Pure Energy Rx, it was found that chaotic or incoherent biophotonic activity was a major factor in creating human stress, and that by "harmonizing" or "ordering" the chaotic photonic activity, a breakthrough was made in healing. The first formula to use this theory was the E-1 Stress Relief Formula, that for over 20 years has proven again and again to be extremely effective in neutralizing stress.
Back to Nature--It's Actually Really Good For You
"The longer the trip, the more healing occurs," says the geologist Peter Winn, who has been leading expeditions down the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon since the 1960s. "Healing happens for people almost without exception."
The most dramatic transformations that he's observed have been in disabled military veterans on 16-day kayaking trips organised by a group called Team River Runner. "One army communications expert came home from Iraq so full of shrapnel, he'd lost his ability to do even simple math, and would only say 'Fuck you.' By the end of the trip, he spoke eloquently and at length, in appreciation of both the Canyon and his fellow boaters. Later his wife wrote to thank the crew and the river for getting her husband back."
In recent years, a host of other mechanisms have come to light--in fact, there are up to 21 possible pathways to improved health, according to a review paper in Frontiers in Psychology from scientists at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Among the elements that have been identified, of particular note are bright lights and negative air ions (oxygen atoms charged with an extra electron), known to ease depression; simple views of nature, which enhance autonomic control of heart rate and blood pressure; and even the sounds of nature, which help us to recover from heightened stress.
Blood tests revealed a host of protective physiological factors released at a higher level after forest, but not urban, walks. Among those hormones and molecules, a research team at Japan's Nippon Medical School ticks off dehydroepiandrosterone which helps to protect against heart disease, obesity and diabetes, as well as adiponectin, which helps to guard against atherosclerosis. In other research, the team found elevated levels of the immune system's natural killer cells, known to have anti-cancer and anti-viral effects. Meanwhile, research from China found that those walking in nature had reduced blood levels of inflammatory cytokines, a risk factor for immune illness, and research from Japan's Hokkaido University School of Medicine found that shinrin-yoku lowered blood glucose levels associated with obesity and diabetes.
Studies showed that just three days and two nights in a wooded place increase the immune system functions that boost feelings of wellbeing for up to seven days. The same amount of time in a built environment has no such effect. Human response includes increased awe, greater relaxation, restored attention, and boosted vitality. Health outcomes on the receiving end of the pathway are astounding: enhanced immunity, including reduced cardiovascular disease, fewer migraines, and lowered anxiety, to name but a few. According to Frances Ming Kuo, the lead author of the University of Illinois review: "The cumulative effect could be quite large even if many of the individual pathways contribute only a small effect."
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Intensively built urban areas have the effect of blocking or minimizing the Schumann Resonance, which the body uses to "track" its circadian rhythms and harmonize with its environment. This explains part of why being out in Nature is so therapeutic. Take the healing power of Nature with you by wearing or carrying the Vital Force Schumann Resonance Crystals.
Health & Healing Hack of the Week
Light Infusions
In the ancient arts of Taoism, there are many "light meditations" to use in any number of ways. I recommend reading the works of Mantak Chia, a Taoist and QiGong master. One of the most basic uses of light, is to simply send it via the imagination to whatever needs healing in the body, whether it be a slight discomfort or an unwanted chronic condition. The body responds to light with its own healing powers, which are considerable. Imagine the light infusing and becoming the part of the body needing it. You'll find that by consistently using this method, healing will speed up, and the condition addressed will not "get worse" or have "complications". The light can be various colors, shapes, motions and intensities. The key is to KNOW this light is performing a valuable service to the body. Recent research on biophotons in the body backs up this ancient practice (see article above). From 25 No Cost Health & Healing Hacks by Boyd Martin)
Quantum Healer of the Week
Maggie Anderson
Maggie Anderson is a Yoga & Spiritual Teacher, Reiki and IET Master Healer, Priestess, Psychic Channeler, Munay-Ki Rites Mentor, Sage Goddess Advisor #140, Soul Coach®, Past Life Coach, Magnified Healing® Master Teacher, Angelights Messenger & Author. "It's my desire that you find meaning here in this sacred magical haven. A desire to dive deep into your soul and feel comforted along the way. I desire to find real connections and offer something real and authentic here. This is a sacred container for your soul. I hope you can laugh as well as cry and still show your weaknesses and know you are held here just like the Universe is doing for all of us now. It's my desire when you are all filled up that you share your wisdom. We are all students and sometimes the teacher. I intend that you and I can be gentle and fierce and joyful and loving as well as down in our vulnerability and still know we can carry on. It is my intention to be as authentic and real as possible for myself and all of you here. And I invite you to do the same." --Maggie Anderson - WEBSITE
New Affiliates Offer Amazing Products
We are now featuring in the web store four new affiliate partners with incredibly helpful and healing products and formulas. Subtle Energy Sciences offers digital subtle energy downloads for your computer and smartphone. These digitized creations contain the wave form energy of such items as CBD, Carbon 60, marine plankton, Oxygen, Monoatomic Gold, and many others. The advantage is, once you own the software, it's permanent, so you don't have to keep buying when you run out! Use discount code PUREENERGYRX20 for 20% off! VibesUp offers several versions of their "Nature's Energy" technology, using crystalline structures embedded in such items as shoe inserts, plate mats (eating), water bottles, and much more. They also offer essential oils and gemstones. Great store! IAwake, offers a powerful meditation technology that applies subtle energy principles to their audio recordings giving them a quantum leap in potency and effectiveness. Choose from several programs, such as "Workout Ecstasy", "Profoundly Releasing", "Deep Theta", and many more. The Academy of Fragrance Alchemy by psychic and seer, Almine, offers essential oils and magical elixirs based in ancient alchemical principles, to assist in personal transformation and manifestation. Fascinating collections! So check them out at the these links, or stop by the store and click on "Affiliate Partners".
Subtle Energy Infused Hemp Oil

Vital Force Technology (VFT) lab has created Vital360 CBD formula that combines several energy patterns based on different extracts of the Cannabis plant and infused them into the full spectrum cannabinoid extract (Elixinol Hemp Oil). This differs from other hemp oils on the market in that more healing constituents of the cannabis plant are represented energetically within the oil, using a proprietary process developed by Russian physicist, Dr. Yury Kronn. This process increases the healing potential of the oil up to several orders of magnitude. Numerous studies confirm the importance of the endocannabinoid signaling system in decreasing acute and chronic pain, especially from inflammation. VitalForce360 Hemp Oil improves the body's homeostasis mechanism by supporting the human endocannabinoids system; improves overall wellness; is calming and soothing to the senses; helps replenish and sustain the body during stress; and improves poor concentration and overall weakness. Available in two levels of CBD concentrations.
Big EMF Sale!
For the entire month of May, all EMF Mitigation Devices and formulas are on sale for
30% OFF! Our popular
EMF Transformers, that can be applied to smartphones, routers, TVs, microwaves--any source of harmful EMF--will effectively neutralize the harmful chaotic energies created by modulating an electro-magnetic field. Researched, tested extensively, and now widely used, this technology has been not only integrated into the EMF Transformers, but also into the Vital Force
EMF Shield Crystals (4 styles), and the Clean Sweep Clearing Spray. Wear, apply, or spray effective EMF protection for the entire family. Use all three for an amplified effect! Each of these inventions create a neutralizing field around the user (such as with the Transformers and Crystals), and creates a neutralizing space wherever the
Clean Sweep is sprayed--just mist the corners of any room or vehicle for protection lasting several hours.
Use discount code EMF30 when checking out through the shopping cart to get the discount. (Does not apply to case prices).
Gem Elixir for the Month
Green Fluorite
"Stone of Integration"
Spiritually: Grounds and integrates spiritual energies, heightens intuitive powers, increases awareness of higher spiritual realities, quickens spiritual awakening.
Emotionally: Increases self-confidence, dissipates emotional trauma, brings suppressed feeling to the surface for resolution.
Mentally: Mental cleanser. Focuses the mind and links it into universal mind.
Physically: Strengthens bone tissue, stimulates lung tissue, and eases viral inflammation, helps clear infections.
The Green Fluorite Elixir is on sale till 5/31/19 for 30% off with discount code GREEN30
(Website usage note: You can search for keywords at Pure Energy Rx, and it will return revelant results, e.g. "courage", "confidence", "fear", "intelligence", etc.)
This Quantum Life
by Boyd Martin, Caretaker, Pure Energy Rx
What Healing Really Means

I woke up suddenly the other night--it might have been the thunder of a Kansas spring, or a nearby train whistle in this railroad town--with a distinct voice in my head. Actually, a loud voice in my head: "There is no 'out there'!", it seemed to rant, then a short pause, and, "External, internal--it's all eternal."
I turned over in bed onto my back, staring at the ceiling slowly being illuminated by the early morning light, with a faint patter of raindrops, and comforting far-off thunder. I found myself reflecting back on a conversation I had with my younger brother, where we had both concluded that we had "not signed up for this"--meaning human physical life. He was bemoaning making certain choices that he felt powerless to change, and I was offering up what seemed like lame platitudes about the perfection of the moment and the "master class" of three-dimensional living. We both realized we were referring to opposite ends of the same spectrum.
The loud voice continued: "You are the eternal. You are life." At this point, I really wanted to fully wake up and track where this commentary was coming from. So as I looked around, I realized I had said these things to someone, and now they were echoing back to me.
I've been going through some uncomfortable shifting physically. I wouldn't go so far to say it was a healing "crisis", but it is a healing, and it has been painful. I was on a "Zoom" conference call last night with three shamans, and had related this bit to them, and one of them said, "You are releasing your unconscious into the eternal, and your body is resisting it." They all nodded, and I remembered that loud voice. What if what we call "healing" is more a matter of bringing what is internal and external into the Eternal?
The most basic of bottom lines is that we are all eternal consciousness that has simply agreed to muck about in this thick earthbound density for a period of time, and after we're done "mucking around", we release whatever grasp we have on physicality, and retreat once again into the Universal Field of Consciousness.
I think that because I have been characterizing my stint here on Planet Rock as "mucking about", that is probably what I'm here to heal. All the resistances I have about it, and the resistances I have to what happens as a result of it, is really what I have been called upon (by myself) to re-contextualize.
When you're a rebellious renegade like me, after 60-some years of pain, suffering, and observing the transitory nature of it all, it ends up seeming like a joke. But I'm coming around to the Truth of it: I'm here to make the internal and external eternal. I'm here to live my life to reflect back to me the eternal, infinite nature of what and who I am. And if I can do it HERE--of all places--then I've really DONE something for the Universe at large. I've contributed to a morphogenetic field that bridges the duality of life and death. A field that says I am love, and that I am always here, and I have never been anything other than that, and never will be anything other than that.
So what "healing" really means is to heal the lie of death that would have us believe we are not eternal, victimized by the false construct of "in here" vs. "out there"--the death we create by not believing that love is all there is, and not understanding that creation and destruction are the same thing.
Hence, by claiming that "I didn't sign up for this," it is a direct denial of the eternal love that could potentially transform the Universe. Rather jaded of me, don't you think?
Let's transform all the little, petty complaints--deaths, really--into grand commitments to and expressions of the infinite and eternal love we all truly, and most basically, are.
To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin

Janet Barrett is a subtle energies empath and consciousness educator utilizing the field of potential. With warmth, humor and support she will offer you new ways to understand your issues. By reframing what your stories are, you can transform and clear them. It is possible to change what is bothering you. You can enjoy new outcomes. And, they can happen in the blink of an eye. WEBSITE