I am one and a half weeks into my three-month visit at The Optimum Health Institute and all goes pretty well. Making the decision to come for an extending work/study program was no small decision, but sometimes you get to a place in your life where life seems to be passing you by. One day fades into another and before you know the year has passed by without you in it. In a nutshell, this was 2007, maybe even 2006, not quite sure. However, I know I was there, so yes, 2006 as well.
The Optimum Health Institute prepares what is called a de-tox diet, different from raw food in that by design it encourages the bowel and colon to cleanse. Lots of dark leafy greens, yummy sprouts, soaked lentils, fresh raw veggies of all kinds and the most delicious fermented sauerkraut. The menu is diverse, colorful, all variety of texture and beautifully presented three times a day. At the end of the second week I had lost 10 pounds. I cannot see the loss on me, however that is what the scales says, so I'll take it.
The campus is really quite lovely, well cared for, a tropical canvas suited for the Quemado area. Being from the Pacific Northwest, where evergreens, ferns and hostas are indigenous of the region, it is magical to walk down the street seeing orange and lemon trees growing in a front yard, or a large palm tree shading a front porch. I am in a much needed change of scenery, a lot more blue sky, and an opportunity to take on more healing and responsibility in my life. Hurray! Lets' get on with it.
Six Climate-Friendly Diet Ideas...
If you actually account for all the emissions from seed to plate to landfill, the food industry accounts for as much as 31 percent of the planet's greenhouse gas emissions. The livestock industry alone is responsible for nearly one-fifth of the total?-more than the entire transportation sector. So, unlike industrial emitters with their faraway factories, the food industry touches us every day, in every bite we eat. We can make immediate, personal decisions today?-as in the next time you think about lunch?-that will help us move the planet along a path toward an eco-friendlier future. The good news is this doesn?t mean turning your dietary fate over to hemp seeds and wheatgrass. With today?s thriving alternative food options, your choices are enticingly varied and delectable.
1. Choose Real Food - Walk into any supermarket and you?ll see shelves lined with products bursting with trans fats, high-fructose corn syrup, and additives whose multi-syllabic names can make you go cross-eyed. Each of these ingredients takes tremendous amounts of energy to create. 2. Don?t Panic, Go Organic - New research is documenting that organic farms can emit as much as half the carbon dioxide as chemical farms. 3. Finish Your Peas...the Ice Caps are Melting - The typical American household wastes as much as $600 worth of food a year. Of the food that goes to waste, a good chunk goes to landfills, which are big emitters of greenhouse gases. 4. Meatless Mondays (or Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays) - And don?'t worry about missing out on protein--the average American consumes twice as much protein as the government recommends, and since our bodies can't store protein, it just gets wasted. 5. Live La Vida Loca(l) - You may have heard about locavores?-those foodies who try to eat food raised locally. Try shopping at your nearest farmers' market, and get aware of those "food miles." 6. Get Into the Kitchen - Spend time cooking your own food.
Check out more options and information at TakeABite...
Manifest with Motion: Taking the Grind out of Work
Our resident Life Coach and Synergy Specialist, Charly Emery looks at how we often see our goals in the harsh light of how much work there is to do. Maybe our lens is skewed because of wrong thinking about what "work" actually is. That wrong thinking can make your goals seem much harder to attain than they need to be. Charly says, "There is a work element within everything we do; adjusting your perspective to optimize your relationship to work can be invaluable in helping you manifest what you desire in all areas of your life. With phrases like, 'Climbing the ladder to success,' and, 'Anything worthwhile requires hard work,' it's no wonder we assume creating any kind of positive change and success in our lives could be difficult and cumbersome." >>>> MORE
Life Energy Pack
Hook your body up to a life energy battery! Give your body the energy it needs to heal itself. Most naturopathic physicians will tell you that the main problem with giving herbal formulas or homeopathics, is that very often their patients' bodies lack enough ENERGY to fully utilize the healing properties of the medicines. To help fix this, the doctors will then prescribe dietary fasts, massage or acupuncture in an attempt to get energy into the body system. Once this has been done, then the herbal formulas will have much more punch and less waste.
Modern-day quantum physics has begun to scientifically explain these ancient practices, and new technologies are now available as a result. Quantum physics refers to this life energy, or "chi," as SUBTLE ENERGY. Without having to get too technical, the laws of quantum physics allow that life energy can be transferred from one substance to another. This is where the Life Energy Super Pack comes in... >>>> MORE INFO
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By Dr. DicQie Fuller-Looney, Women's Health is a definitive look at the relationship between digestive enzymes and hormones, and how hormonal imbalances in women can be traced back to enzyme deficiencies. This book is a logical, no-nonsense evaluation of the current medical approaches that overlook digestive enzymes as an ultimate solution. Dr. Fuller-Looney makes her case by showing that the symptoms of protein malabsorption are the same as the symptoms of menopause. DOWNLOAD HERE
AUDIO: "The Missing Piece of the Health Puzzle"
VIDEO: Dr. DicQie Fuller tells her story about the Transformation Enzyme Company.
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