4 Ways to Re-program Your Subconscious
Knowing that we create our life is a far cry from actually being able to create the life we want. This is due to the programming of our subconscious mind. Without the subconscious mind onboard with helping to create that life we want, you're in for a load of frustration. Here are four ways to change that.
Hypnosis – We can recreate our Theta state of receptivity and use it to re-program our mind in a more conscious way. And the cool thing is that each of us have access to this state of being two times every day where we can effectively ‘hypnotise' ourselves – just before falling asleep and just as we are waking up. As we are drifting off, the mind moves from its active Beta state into Alpha and then Theta before eventually dropping into Delta as we sleep. The Theta window is our most receptive state and responds well to the visions and suggestions we hold in this space. Listening to subliminal tapes at this time is one way to begin overwriting limiting programs with the new beliefs and behaviours we want to experience.
Repetition – Here's an interesting fact: the subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between what's vividly imagined and what's real. The second method for reprogramming our subconscious towards positive change is to practice new thoughts and actions, with feeling, and to repeat this throughout the day as though you are learning a new skill or building a new muscle. Even if it looks very different than your current life, repetition works if we can harness the ability to bring ourselves into a feeling space connected to the end result of what we really want.
Energy Psychology – is a form of belief change that provokes "super learning" – the ability to synchronize the hemispheres of our brain and download something into the subconscious rapidly. There are many forms of energy psychology, such as Psych-K, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Theta Healing, Holosync to name a few.
High Impact Events – every once in a while something happens that completely pierces the bubble of our subconscious mind and creates a powerful window for holistic change. These events can come in the form of apparent crisis (a critical illness, loss of a loved one, major emergency) or even a blessing (the birth a new child, meeting a soul mate), and the impact of these moments are so profound that they call forth a completely radical departure from our normal programs and ways of being.
"We are not victims of anything other than the programs we are operating from. Change the programs you are operating from. If your subconscious programs match the wishes and desires of the conscious mind, your life will be one continuous honeymoon experience for as long as you live on this planet." – Bruce Lipton
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: By maintaining a state of mindfulness, it becomes much easier to be detached from negative subconscious programming. By attaining this state, subconscious patterns are not constantly being stimulated and thus creating unwanted conditions. Use the Zen Meditation Elixir to enhance mindfulness. Take this while you are doing the practices above for a quantum leap.
Feeling Depleted? Could Be Others Feeding Off You
Dr. Olaf Kruse, of Bielefeld University in Germany, recently completed a study proving that the algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii can actually not only produce oxygen through photosynthesis, it can also use another source for getting an energy supply: other plants that are in the vicinity of the green algae species. Dr. Kruse planted a sample of the species where the plant couldn't receive any of its regular energy sources. The plant started trying to pull energy from plants that are single-cell around them by producing enzymes that can absorb cellulose from other plants.
Dr. Kruse also hyposthesized that this phenomenon explains why people feel and respond differently to different types of human energy close to them physically. He also stated that basically, humans are capable of feeding off of each other, emotionally. If you are a nuturing type of person, there can be the tendency to allow others to "feed" off your energy. This can be depleting. Here are ways to re-charge:
Walk Barefoot - Also called "Earthing", take your shoes off and go outside. Find the nearest hill, park, or mountain and have a nice walk, or simply stand or sit on the earth so that your bare skin touches the grass, trees, or bare ground.
Eliminate Negativity - Negativity has the ability to ruin just about everything in our life, from our mood to our health. It's important to stay away from it and face it realistically when you have to deal with it. If you bottle it up you're going to leave no space for positivity in your life.
Cleansing and Detox Bath - When these hard times come, it's time to take a nice bath. But not any regular bath, even though that would work just fine too – takes some sea salt and put it in your bath. This is an ancient way of clean yourself from any bad energy and makes yourself feel better.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Research has shone that 99% of unwanted conditions are actually not yours--they are someone else's that you have absorbed into your energy field. Use our Clean Sweep Clearing Spray to instantly neutralize these negative energies, not only from other people, but from the environment, such as electronic smog.
Are You a Lightworker?
There's a good chance that you have heard the term lightworker or lightwarrior before, and there is also a good chance that when you've heard it, you've rolled your eyes. Perhaps you identify yourself with this term, or maybe other people you know do, but what does it actually mean?
Essentially, it is said that lightworkers have incarnated on Earth specifically at this time to help shift our planet from the mind to our heart. As fluffy as that sounds, there is credence to it.
Do you have an overwhelming urge to help others? Do you have a level of compassion, empathy and understanding for what others may be going through? Do you tend to see the "bigger picture?" Are you an advocate for the truth, the real truth? Are you inspired to do what you can to be the change you wish to see in the world? Well, if you answered yes to any of the above questions, you may be a lightworker.
The term lightworker, although can be given to any gender, and has nothing to do with one gender or another, is of a more feminine energy, and tends to be very intuitive, patient, and empathetic. There are also the do-ers, embodying a more masculine energy of taking charge and leading the way. Lightworkers are often advocates, leaders, speakers, protesters, and people with the fire in their hearts and a passion to spread the message of truth to the masses.
Lightworkers use the tools of love, peace, empathy, awareness, forgiveness, knowing and understanding. They have not and will not give up on humanity and on the world as a whole, because the truth is embedded into their being, and while maybe not always consciously, they know that the truth and the light will prevail in this shift from mind to heart.
It is important to note that those of us who are incarnated now to play this role are no better than anyone else, we all have our role to play in this "battle" of dark and light. Be careful with your ego – maybe you are extra sensitive, intuitive, feel that you can see things that others can't yet, but that doesn't mean they won't. Stay humble and have compassion for those who have not yet awakened to their inner truth. There is a good chance that you weren't always in tune with these gifts either. Remember that as lightworkers, we have our own work to do too. Much of the time these sensitivities and so forth are still triggers within us that need observation and we simply can't use "I'm sensitive" as a means to face not what our souls are bringing forth.
Many believe that we are all born as lightworkers, but forget as we get older. This means that the potential for anyone to remember who they are and step into their light and into their potential is there. This is true. We are all on a journey of shifting our consciousness and each change we make within affects the planet as a whole.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Use our Vital Force Inner Peace Crystal to establish a subtle energy field of peace around you. Wear this crystal when out in public for a transforming effects on others and the world.
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EMF Transformers counteract radiation overstimulation from all electronics, including the latest smart phones. Modern cell phones barrage the brain with electromagnetic radiation—shown in laboratory tests to cause overstimulation in parts of the brain. Research shows that Energy Tools International EMF Transformers actually counteract the effects of radiation-caused hyper-stimulation in the brain. They give you this ability for your own benefit and for all your family members. Optimized with scientifically-tested Vital Force Technology, EMF Transformers counteract the over-stimulating effects on the brain of all smart phones--even the newest and most powerful ones. What's more, they're effective on all electronic devices that emit an electromagnetic field! You'll definitely want to order some today for every device you own! Use discount code FACEBK20 for 20% off! MORE INFO / ORDER
The Transforming Power of Gem Elixirs

Dr. Yury Kronn, creator of Vital Force Technology (VFT), is able to generate, transmit and amplify an unlimited variety of patterns of Subtle Energy, called Chi by Traditional Chinese Medicine and philosophy, or called Prana by Ayurveda, and recognized by all Eastern Traditions as the life sustaining force of the universe. Using VFT, Dr. Kronn developed methods of copying the energy patterns of gems, crystals, herbs and other substances and infusing them into concentrated trace minerals and other carriers of Subtle Energy. The ability of gemstones to invigorate the spirit, balance the emotions and heal the body has been known since ancient times. What kind of energy do they possess that gives them these healing properties? How does this energy relate to human structure? Can modern medical science use the healing properties of gems and crystals? Is it possible to bring the energies of the world's best gems, crystals and minerals to millions of people? Try them and see! Use the handy "search" function to find gem elixirs to help with your conditions and concerns. Use discount code FACEBK20 for 20% off any gem elixir.
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This Quantum Life
by Boyd Martin, Caretaker, Pure Energy Rx
Installing Grace

I awoke the other night, and a small voice kept saying, "Gently now. Very gently now. You are safe. Be gentle to yourself." Immediately, my body relaxed and went into a profound state of peace and gratitude. As I rose to go to the bathroom, I felt subtle energies of peace and compassion helping me to stand, all the while saying, "Be gentle. Be peace. You are safe."
I've had many of these "energy visitations" in the past, but this one has persisted and has seemed to be filtering through all the layers of my being and physicality. My chronic pains of this 65 year old have seemed to fade some, replaced by this steady mantra of a Gentle Campaign.
This has taken me into a new area of self-inquiry. We are all so acculturated with concepts of waging war on what we do not want or like, that to fully embody such an idea as gentle peace, seems like giving up. Yet, just the opposite is true. Once we give up the war, peace and grace can at last come to rest upon us, and we wonder why we were so all-fired forcible about things.
Especially, as a man, we are socialized to "aggressively pursue our objectives". We are taught that the "manly" way is to "attack" a problem and "make a solution happen". The irony is that just as much can be "accomplished" through non-forcible means, with less expenditure of energy and less risk of self-diminishment should we fail.
All this fighting for "success" ends up taking a toll on the body, which is remarkably resilient, yet still subject to the wear and tear of war. All this pushing and forcing puts the body in a constant state of "flight or flight", and results in inflammatory responses, and eventual wasting.
For the last several months, when I ask the body, What do you need? It has consistently responded with, "REST". I did what I could to shift my lifestyle to allow for more sleep, but that wasn't it. The body was actually trying to tell me to be peaceful and gentle with it. Under stressful conditions, such as financial threats (in my case), there is a constant sort of forcing of attention on solution objectives, spending stressful times juggling accounts and forcibly pondering solutions. This sort of operating basis actually hurts the body, keeping it from repair and rejuvenation.
I have come to see that gentle, certain intent trumps high-energy, forcible intent. Both acheive the objective, yet the former does it much more lovingly within the context of a healing space. Gratitude is the over-arching theme, as opposed to the unforgiving battleground of overcoming survival threats.
In David Hawkins' book, Power vs. Force, he points out that there is true power only in grace. And that Grace is a sort of loving, nurturing background energy within which all things come into being. It is only the illusion of individuality and disconnectedness that creates the conditions of fear and separation. By giving up this illusion and embracing this field of Grace, we reconnect not only to our own expression, but with our humanness and our fellow humans.
The I Ching has a hexagram, "The Gentle (Penetrating Wind)". This hexagram refers to the power of wind to reduce mountains to hills, and rocks to dust. "The dark principle, in itself rigid and immovable, is dissolved by the penetrating light principle, to which it subordinates itself in gentleness. In nature, it is the wind that disperses the gathered clouds, leaving the sky clear and serene. In human life it is penetrating clarity of [perception] that thwarts all dark hidden motives. In the life of the community it is the powerful influence of a great personality that uncovers and breaks up those intrigues which shun the light of day." (Richard Wilhelm)
So I've laid down my battle gear in favor of garbs of light. It's much more comfortable, and the body gives thanks.
To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin

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