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In the constant quest for a great weight loss product, I discovered SlymMagic. I tested it out on myself and was impressed with its appetite suppression ability, and some thermogenic effects. Then, the manufacturer of the product suddenly suspended its distribution pending an FDA labeling issue. Now, I am happy to announce that
Slym Magic is back in production and available again. Check out more information at the link above, and if you'd like to try it out, we're offering a free sample pack of 6 caps. That's enough to notice a difference. Be sure to let me know what you think of Slym Magic.
I'm now back at the Optimum Health Institute in San Diego doing a juice fast, raw food diet, colonics and plenty of needed rest. I came down here with my sister. It's her first time here, and so far seems to be enjoying it. This time of year in Oregon is pretty dismal, so some San Diego sun and surf is really nice. We drove from Portland, taking the scenic route down Highway 1 on the Northern California Coast. It was marvelous!
This past week we've received some wonderful testimonials for the gem elixirs and the ionic mineral formulas. See our testimonials page for the latest successes.
Until next time...
In vibrant health,
Shay Arave, President
No One Dies from Disease

In this cause-and-effect culture we say that death occurs because of disease, or an accident, or even suicide. What if there was a more fundamental reason for death? As my blues touring buddy says every time somebody he knew dies, "Well, it was time to go." To me, this contains a profoundly spiritual truth. It is that only the
soul determines when a person dies. This is a decision made at the time of incarnation, and everything that happens in that life leads to the inevitable moment of death at the prescribed time. This is not a "new idea." Buddhists and Hinduists have maintained that incarnation of the soul into a physical body is ONLY determined by the soul and its karma. This is a big statement. It is the soul that is outside of space and time. There is no "beginning" or "end" from the viewpoint of a soul--only NOW. Any "decision" a soul makes to become incarnate inherently contains a beginning and an end, since that is the nature of physical existence.
>>>> MORE
Fabulous Flax

My hydro-colonic therapist recommended I get
flaxseed meal, and use it copiously in my diet. Although I've known about the value of flax seeds, and have used them in the past, I hadn't considered using the meal on my food. It gives any food a nice, nutty flavor, and because the seeds are milled down to make the meal, it makes them all the more easy to digest and do their wonderful work. Flax seeds are full of fiber, Omega 3 fatty acids, and protein, and have been proven to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels. The seeds and oil can be used as an anti-inflammatory and laxative. It has been proven to lessen tumors in breasts and prostate. The flax seed meal, because of its combination of fiber and the gelatinous covering around each tiny piece of the seed when mixed with liquid, it proves to be an extremely dependable and effective colon cleanser, able to find its way into recesses and root out old accumulations in the bowel, and is a great adjunct to any weight loss program. Most stores carry flax meal. We, of course, prefer Bob's Red Mill Organic Golden Flax Meal. Great stuff!

For our Vibrant Living Subscribers only, $10 off the
Life Energy Pack--all four of the original Subtle Energy Formulas for
only $80. Use the discount code
LEP20 in the designated box when you checkout through the website shopping cart.
This offer is good till Apr. 30, 2011)
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