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Gem Elixirs Super-Amplified with Subtle Energy Technology
Dr. Yury Kronn, creator of Vital Force Technology (VFT), is able to generate, transmit and amplify an unlimited variety of patterns of Subtle Energy, called Chi by Traditional Chinese Medicine and philosophy, or called Prana by Ayurveda, and recognized by all Eastern Traditions as the life sustaining force of the universe. Using VFT, Dr. Kronn developed methods of copying the energy patterns of gems, crystals, herbs and other substances and infusing them into concentrated trace minerals and other carriers of Subtle Energy.
The ability of gemstones to invigorate the spirit, balance the emotions and heal the body has been known since ancient times. What kind of energy do they possess that gives them these healing properties? How does this energy relate to human structure? Can modern medical science use the healing properties of gems and crystals? Is it possible to bring the energies of the world's best gems, crystals and minerals to millions of people?
With the permission of the Roxy Ann Gem and Mineral Society, Dr. Kronn has created Gem Elixirs from many of the beautiful crystals and minerals from the Crater Rock Museum, known to be among the world's best samples of their kind. Try the Trinity Elixirs and feel the energies of the beautiful gems and crystals of the Crater Rock Museum.
Don't miss this first ever opportunity to have World Class Gem, Crystal, as Elixirs! (Photos of the gemstones used in the process)
I received the ordered elixirs a few days ago and yesterday I tried the COSMIC EYE elixir going into meditation with a specific question in mind. Shortly after dosing with the drops, a shiver went through my whole body, I felt shaky, then I broke into tears, not from sadness, but from being overwhelmed by the feelings. Then quiet and peace settled in and I experienced deep insight into the topic in question. This is amazing and I thank you and Dr. Yury for bringing these elixirs into the lives of Human Beings. With love, Lydia [12.16.06]

1 oz. $25.00
Emerald Elixir (1 fl. oz)
This elixir strengthens the heart, kidneys, liver and pancreas; parts of the vertebrae associated with the heart, kidneys and pancreas are enhanced. The heart is strengthened to deal with the extra toxins that flow into the system during a cleansing, particularly from a discharge of toxicity in the muscles. The kidneys remove toxicity from the system and process hidden fears. Healing within the skin is stimulated and there is some impact on the lymphatic system. Use emerald for all forms of radiation toxicity. There is also an impact on the time required for cellular mitosis.

1 oz. $25.00
Aquamarine Elixir (1 fl. oz)
Aquamarine is a stone of courage. Its calming energies reduce stress and quiet the mind. It harmonizes its surroundings and protects against pollutants. Aquamarine calms the mind, removing extraneous thoughts. It filters information reaching the brain and clarifies perception, sharpens the intellect and clears up confusion. It clears blocked communication and promotes self-expression. It soothes fears and increases sensitivity.

1 oz. $25.00
Green Fluorite (1 fl. oz)
This gemstone grounds and integrates spiritual energies. It promotes unbiased impartiality and heightens intuitive powers; makes you more aware of higher spiritual realities, and can quicken spiritual awakening. It focuses the mind and links it into the universal mind. Fluorite brings stability to groups, linking them into a common purpose.

1 oz. $25.00
Rhodochrosite (1 fl. oz)
This gemstone is an excellent stone for the heart and relationships. It is the stone par excellence for healing sexual abuse. Rhodochrosite teaches the heart to assimilate painful feelings without shutting down and removes denial.

1 oz. $25.00
Amethyst Flowers with Zeolite (1 fl. oz)
The Amethyst Flower is a "stone of love," a "stone of healing," and "a stone of blessings." It provides for a connection between the crown chakra and the heart chakra, stimulating a resonant love which can be felt by others and which is totally "in tune" with the vibratory energies of the perfect state of the universe (crown chakra correlation).

1 oz. $25.00
Cavansite (1 fl. oz)
This mineral has been used to stimulate the intuition, to instill second sight, and to activate channeling abilities. It is an excellent stone for psychic healing and to provide protection during same, such that disease will not have the ability to return.

1 oz. $25.00
Moldavite (1 fl. oz)
This stone is a form of Tektite said to have extraterrestrial origins, formed when a giant meteorite struck the earth. Moldavite is a fusion of extraterrestrial energies with mother earth. It is a rare stone. It is now found along the banks of the river Moldau and is unlikely to be discovered anywhere else on earth. The crystal will become extinct. It can greatly enhance the effect of other crystals, taking them to their highest vibration. This stone takes you to the highest spiritual dimensions and facilitates the ascension process.

1 oz. $25.00
Lepidocrocite (LPK) (1 fl. oz)
Lepidocrocite was used (in Lemuria) to open the pineal gland and (in Atlantis) to alleviate anger and fear, especially hidden fear, in order to allow the soul to expand into higher dimensions.

1 oz. $25.00
Topaz (1 fl. oz)
Topaz is a mellow, empathetic stone that directs energy to where it is needed most. It soothes, heals, stimulates, recharges, re-motivates, and aligns the meridians of the body. Topaz promotes truth and forgiveness. It cuts through doubt and uncertainty. Topaz's vibrant energy brings joy, generosity, abundance, and good health. It has traditionally been known as a stone of love and good fortune, bringing successful attainment of goals. It is extremely supportive for affirmations and manifestation, and for visualization.

1 oz. $25.00
Seraphinite (1 fl. oz)
Seraphinite is a stone of spiritual enlightenment and is excellent for accessing self-healing. It is one of the crystals for making angelic connections and for opening the crown and higher crown chakras. This stone promotes living from the heart and has a gently cleansing effect on the heart chakra, opening to love. It is excellent for making journeys out of the body, and protecting the physical body while you are gone. It can assist with reviewing the progress of life and with identifying the changes needed to put you on the path to peace and fulfillment.

1 oz. $25.00
Kyanite (1 fl. oz)
Kyanite is excellent for attunement and meditation. It is tranquilizing, and a powerful transmitter and amplifier of high frequency energies, stimulating psychic abilities and the intuition. With its ability to tune into the causal level, this stone can help spiritual energy to manifest in thought. This crystal connects to spirit guides and instills compassion. Grounding spiritual vibrations, it brings spiritual integrity and maturation. It facilitates dream recall and promotes healing dreams. Kyanite is helpful for those making the transition through death.

1 oz. $25.00
Black Tourmaline (1 fl. oz)
Black Tourmaline cleanses, purifies, and transforms dense energy into a lighter vibration. It grounds spiritual energy, clears and balances all the chakras, and forms a protective shield around the body. Black tourmaline clears the aura, removes blockages, disperses negative energy, and points to solutions for specific problems.

1 oz. $25.00
Brazilian Agate with Amethyst (1 fl. oz)
Brazilian agate can be used to facilitate immense strength, to assist one in diversification in fields of endeavor, and to promote, during meditative states and astral projection, a wandering in unregimented directions.
Amethyst is a "stone of spirituality and contentment." It balances the energies of the intellectual, emotional, and physical bodies and provides a clear connection between the earth plane and other worlds.

1 oz. $25.00
Amber (1 fl. oz)
"Stone for Drawing Out Negative Energy"
Spiritually: Promotes altruism and brings wisdom.

1 oz. $25.00
Decide on the following NEW gemstone elixirs, and type in your choices in the INFO field when you check out. Thanks!
Each bottle of Trinity Elixirs is 1 ounce of ionic mineral solution, which is extremely salty tasting. We recommend 5-10 drops of the elixir in at least 4 oz. of water or tea. You can also put the solution on food, or even rub it into your skin. The effect is the same. If you become uncomfortable with the dose you took, simply cut it in half, and experiment with the dosage that is best for you. One ounce of the elixir is about a 30-day supply at 10 drops per day.
The solution's potency is unaffected by heat or cold, so may be boiled or frozen, nor is it affected by time. As many has nine years has passed without a subtle energy solution losing any potency. The effect appears to be permanent.
Please do not hesitate to call us with any dosing questions you may have, and we would love to hear of your successes! Call : Service Voice Mail: 620-399-7462 .
GUARANTEE: If you are not completely satisfied with our products, return them for a full refund of your original purchase amount.
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No claims or statements are made about the use of any product described on this web site to diagnose, prevent, mitigate, treat or cure any disease, and none should be inferred.