It's not every day we have the opportunity to discuss particle physics with a research physicist. Even if we did, we probably wouldn't know what the heck he was talking about. In this case, though, Russian physicist Dr. Yury Kronn, has gallantly made the effort to bring into layman's terms some very heady concepts in subatomic nuclear physics. If you were paying attention in high school science class, this interesting information will broaden your understanding of this world we call "reality."
Dr. Kronn is one of a handful of advanced scientists to create practical applications of cutting edge physics research. The result will have far-reaching consequences, not just in the field of physics, but in diverse fields including human health, medical triage, agriculture and veterinary medicine, affecting how we think about the drug industry, medical care, and health education.
In this series of three articles culled from Dr. Kronn's lectures over the past two years, you will be transported to the subatomic world of atoms, protons and quarks, and the mysterious region beyond. This "region," also referred to as "dark matter" makes up 95% of what we call physical reality, and yet we cannot measure it, only deduce its existence.
Dr. Kronn:
The subject of this presentation is Subtle Energy, called "Chi" or "Prana" in
Traditional Oriental Medicine, and its relationship to the human body
and human health.
First I will speak
about the nature and properties of subtle energy and the mechanism of
its influence on substances of the physical world and on our (human) physical
The second part is
about a technology that is able to generate subtle energy and provide
us with new energy medicine tools: namely, a wide variety of subtle energy
formulas, infused into substances like concentrated trace minerals and
targeted for very specific physiological and psychological applications.
Everybody knows we
have gold in our bodies. Too little gold in the body makes us unable to
assimilate the entire spectrum of minerals and vitamins; it causes neurological
imbalance, arthritis, rheumatism and other problems. Why do we need gold?
It is a chemically neutral metal. How can gold influence our biochemistry?
When something is
happening without the direct participation of matter, science says it
is because of the presence of some kind "energy field". What
kind of energy field are we dealing with in this case?
The main known energy
of our physical universe is the electromagnetic field (EM field). But
there is no measurable EM field around the metal gold and other so called
catalysts, such as Platinum and Palladium, that stimulate chemical reactions without
directly participating in them. In search of that immeasurable agent that
is the cause of the catalytic effect, let us consider something which has
been known to Eastern cultures for more than five thousand years: Energy
Medicine. The most well known representative of Energy Medicine is acupuncture.
Acupuncturists say
that the essence of their method of treatment is in regulating the flow
of the so-called "Chi" (Qi) energy, which regulates all life
processes in the body. Speaking in the language of modern science this
statement means two things:
- There is an energy in the Universe (and in the human body) that is not identical with electromagnetic
energy, and...
- That energy plays the role of "software" for human processes on all levels,
physiological, psychological and mental. Traditional Chinese Medicine
says that Chi (the software) can be altered not only with the help of needles,
but with herbs, essential oils, food and special exercises, called
Tai Chi and Qi-gong.
The existence of this energy remains outside the paradigm of Western science in spite of
five thousand years of experience of Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners.
The question arises: if energy that is so important for life really exists,
how come modern science doesn't know about it? The answer is simple: it
doesn't know because it doesn't want to know.
Science has some excuse for denying the existence of Chi, as it is not possible to measure
this type of energy with regular scientific equipment. Scientific equipment
can only measure electromagnetic fields and waves. What if Chi is not
electromagnetic in nature? Let us remember that the neutron, one of just
three stable particles that make our entire physical world, also cannot
be directly detected (because it doesn't have an electrical charge) or
observed (because it is too small). Nevertheless, science is sure about
the existence of the neutron from observing the properties of atoms and
nuclear reactions. In other words, science is satisfied with this indirect
evidence of the neutron's existence.
Is there analogous "indirect" but scientific evidence of the existence of Chi and
its effect? For the last 50 years a lot of serious frontier scientists
in many countries, including Russia, China, US, Germany, France, Czechoslovakia,
Bulgaria and elsewhere, have conducted and published hundreds of rigorous
experiments that have unequivocally proven the existence and powerful
influence of Chi on inanimate matter, on molecular and even on nuclear
levels, in chemical reactions and on living organisms, including cells,
bacteria, plants, animals and humans. Articles and books have been published,
often against severe resistance from the ordinary scientific community.
Subtle energy, called Chi by traditional Chinese medicine, is the energy
type belonging to the world of subatomic particles or the subatomic world.
And it is logical: just as our matter has an electromagnetic energy field
that defines all physical and chemical interactions of substances, the
subatomic world should have a specific energy field that defines the laws
of interactions in that world.
Now, several words
about the subatomic world: how many of these subatomic particles exist
in our Universe besides those that are already bonded in protons and neutrons?
Go on the Internet and search for the words "Dark Matter." You
will find an overwhelming number of articles about the phenomenon. You will find these kinds of statements
"The observations provide a new basis for calculating the contents of the universe,
confirming mounting evidence that ordinary matter - all the shining stars
and galaxies, plus people, computers, cats and so on - accounts for less
than 5% of it all. The rest takes the form of mysterious "dark matter"
(30%) and an even more enigmatic "dark energy" in space (65%)
that is causing galaxies to rush apart from one another at an accelerating
rate with unknown consequences for the cosmic future."
Some scientists suggest
that this "Dark Matter" consists of known and unknown subatomic
particles and "beyond-atomic," meaning those not participating
directly in the creation of our physical matter [12].
If Chi interacts
with at least some of these particles, it could be an "energetic
range" from that "enigmatic dark energy," like light is
a range inside the spectrum of electromagnetic energy!
One more question
for science: does it know where these subatomic particles come from and
how they are made? The only hint science has on this topic is a theoretical
one: it is the so called "Superstring Theory" which suggests
that everything in the universe is made of infinitesimally small string-like
"primal particles" existing in at least a 10-dimensional space.
This theory is still far from answering the question of how all the known
and unknown subatomic particles are made from these strings.
Thus after a hundred
years of research and many billions of dollars spent, the only thing we
know for sure is that our scientific equipment is capable of measuring
processes happening in only 5% of the universe. But the good news is that
science now recognizes the idea that the universe can be more than 3-dimensional.
From this position, it is very arrogant for modern science to refuse to recognize the wealth
of knowledge about the structure and energies of the universe that has
been collected by ancient and more modern but "unofficial" sciences.
Ancient scientists knew very well about the subtle structure of the universe and its subtle
energies and about the crucial role of these energies in human life. The
giant of ancient Chinese philosophy and science, Lao Tzu, said in his
book "Hua Hu Ching" written 500 years before Christ:
are numberless energy rays in the Universe... All rays come from
the subtle nature of the Universe... The interwoven energy net influences
the lives of individual human beings, whole societies and entire races... A
virtuous individual who responds to the high, pure, harmonious subtle
energy rays and integrates them with the positive elements of his own
inner being may strengthen his life, enhance his health and power, and
lengthen his years [14]. "
Now, we have come to the point where we can ask: "Is it possible to harness this subtle
energy, the energy of the subatomic world, using the achievements and
knowledge of modern physics?" Obviously it would be a benefit, since
we could use Chi generating technology for the enhancement of many healing