Self-Help Smartphones...
For example, the Self-help for Anxiety Management (SAM) app offers anxiety-reducing strategies. If anger is the issue, What’s Up? might be a good choice. Headspace provides guided meditation; 7 Cups gives access to free, confidential chats with trained volunteer listeners; Moodtrack helps the user chart mood swings.
The U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs developed PTSD Coach to help veterans and others cope with trauma. MY3 is a suicide prevention app, … and the list could go on and on. Most of the aforementioned apps are free. Some mental-health apps have fees after a trial period or if the user wants more in-depth services. Many apps are available that connect users to licensed therapists in real time, with the user paying a fee that is often lower than seeing a therapist.
Convenience is key. Some studies show people are more willing to admit and seek help for a mental-health issue if they can do so without a face-to-face encounter with a therapist or without scheduling and waiting for or traveling some distance to see a therapist. Help is usually 24/7.
Not everyone or every condition can benefit, but some evidence for the validity of effectiveness exists. Fawver cited a meta-analysis comparing internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) with face-to-face CBT. Published in the Journal of World Psychiatry in 2014, researchers concluded both delivery models produced equivalent treatment results for specific conditions. Guided internet CBT involves oversight and periodic involvement of a therapist.
“As psychiatrists, we’re always asking about sleep, energy and appetite,” Fawver said, noting apps enable tracking of those things, with the information digitally sent to the psychiatrist or therapist, providing what is called digital phenotyping. That enables faster intervention, he explained, which can be particularly crucial if medication needs adjusting.
“A lot of apps don’t include very detailed information about confidentiality and data platforms. I strongly suggest people look into the privacy policy and procedures. Look at who the developers and distributors are,” Adams advised, pointing out among the most-trusted ones are those developed or evaluated by the VA or a university. Adams, who is part of a federally funded project on developing a mobile app for teens with co-occurring mental health and substance-abuse problems, said, “As a researcher, my goal is not to prove that your app works, but to test its effectiveness.”
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Always have handy our Clean Sweep clearing spray prior to using self-help apps on your phone. It will neutralize the negative energies the apps may stimulate, and neutralizes the harmful EMF generated by the phone itself.
Everything Really Does Happen at Once
TIME is not real – it is a human construct to help us differentiate between now and our perception of the past, an equally astonishing and baffling theory states. The concept of time is simply an illusion made up of human memories, everything that has ever been and ever will be is happening RIGHT NOW. That is the theory according to a group of esteemed physicists who aim to solve one of the universe’s mysteries.
Most people do not even consider the concept of time but there is nothing in the laws of physics to state that it should move in the forward direction that we know. The laws of physics are symmetric ultimately meaning that time could have easily moved in a backward direction as it does forward.
The conundrum as to why we interpret time in a forward motion has led scientists to question why. Inevitably, some have concluded that time is simply human construct. They argue that there is a ‘block-universe’ where time and space are connected, otherwise known as spacetime. The theory, which is backed up Einstein’s theory of relativity, states that space and time are part of a four dimensional structure where everything thing that has happened has its own co-ordinates in spacetime. This would allow everything to be ‘real’ in the sense that the past, and even the future, are still there in spacetime – making everything equally important as the present.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology physicist Max Tegmark, told "We can portray our reality as either a three-dimensional place where stuff happens over time, or as a four-dimensional place where nothing happens--and if it really is the second picture, then change really is an illusion, because there's nothing that's changing; it's all just there--past, present, future. We have the illusion, at any given moment, that the past already happened and the future doesn't yet exist, and that things are changing. But all I'm ever aware of is my brain state right now. The only reason I feel like I have a past is that my brain contains memories."
Julian Barbour, a British physicist who has authored several books on the subject of time, describes everything as a series of "nows". Dr Barbour told physicist and author Adam Frank in the book About Time: Cosmology and Culture at the Twilight of the Big Bang: "As we live, we seem to move through a succession of Nows, and the question is, what are they?" He explains, adding to the spacetime theory where everything has its own place: "You can think of it as a landscape or country. Each point in this country is a Now and I call the country Platonia, because it is timeless and created by perfect mathematical rules."
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: We all have the capability of viewing the future and potentials of now--it's just that we have all been acculturated to rely on consecutive "nows" as memories that happened other than now. This is the illusion. Use our Cosmic Eye gem elixir to energize the latent ability to "collapse" time and observe--and choose--other realities.
Science Confirms Why It's Hard to Get Out of a Rut
Physicists from Cornell University have proved that atoms will not move when someone is observing them. This is also known as Zeno Effect. This particular effect was reflected as one of the oddest predictions of quantum theory, but the experiments performed by physicists in the Utracold Lab of Muknud Vengalattore, have now successfully confirmed it.
For the experiment Muknud Vengalattore, assistant professor of physics, and graduate students Yogesh Patil and Srivatsan K. Chakram generated and cooled a gas of about a billion Rubidium atoms inside a vacuum chamber and suspended the mass between laser beams. This is when the team detected something exclusive: The atoms wouldn’t show any movement as long as they were under any kind of observation. The more often the team used a laser to measure the manners, the less movement they saw. The only way the atoms would move was when the researchers turned down the strength of the laser, or turned it off completely. Then the atoms organized themselves easily into a lattice pattern, just as they would if they were crystallizing.
It must feel pretty awesome to stop atoms just by looking at them, but there are much greater consequences for this discovery. For instance, it demonstrates that quantum cryptography should work— meaning an intruder can’t spy on your communications without destroying the data. “This gives us an unprecedented tool to control a quantum system, perhaps even atom by atom,” said Patil, lead author of the paper. Moreover, this work opens the door to a fundamentally new method to manipulate the quantum states of atoms and could lead to new kinds of sensors, explains the Cornell Chronicle.
On a human level, this effect is an excellent metaphor for the stuck conditions in our lives. The more we look at how stuck or unchanging they are, the more unchanging the conditions become.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: This effect is also how we maintain our "comfort zones". Should we desire to change conditions, it's a matter of noticing what is different within each moment. This is where our Meditation Elixir, Alchemy of Transformation, comes in. This specially blended and infused gem elixir, allows one to more freely move into new possibilities and panoramas of change.
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This Quantum Life
by Boyd Martin, Caretaker, Pure Energy Rx
There Are No Setbacks

In a previous issue, I wrote about the observation that evolution is hard-wired into human DNA. Additionally, as spiritual, non-corporeal entities, we have waded into this swampy matrix in order to learn about our powers, test ourselves, and experience this planetary density in all its technicolor ultra-high-definition glory.
After birthing ourselves into a body we then go about the initmate process of acculturation and are instructed in the rules for the "pursuit of happiness", only to discover at some point, for most of us, the undoing of that socialization seems to be the only way to pursue that elusive happiness.
At some point, we look back on our journey and inevitably wonder what it has all really been about. We question the value and validity of our experiences, and long for a place--or at least a headset--where there is ease, joy and the glory of being. It's almost as if that "place" is just not possible within this seemingly diametrically opposed world.
These concepts of "the pursuit of happiness" and that "joyful place" are precisely what are hard-wired into the DNA, and the resistances built in to the cultural matrix are the barriers we have agreed to make our own, in order to overcome them to get to our personal utopia.
What we come to realize is that every "problem", every difficulty, all the suffering and pain, is priming us for the pilgrimage to that glorius kingdom. Traps are everywhere and mercilessly convincing, adding more difficulty to the process. Religions capitalize on this DNA-born urge to "make it" to that higher life, imposing fake "laws" and "trangresions" so that we can only expect to arrive in the kingdom after dropping the body--pretty effective population control trap.
Everything we experience that "gets in the way" of our pursuit of happiness, is interpreted as a setback--a discouragement--that seems to move the horizon of our desires fulfilled further and further away.
The truth of the matter is that ALL of our experiences are teaching us how to find our personal road to utopian fulfillment. Of course, most of us give up at some point, settling for a faint version of the glorious vision that has been driving us forward. So, we "check out", waiting to die, maybe getting the chance to "try it again" in another life.
Instead, there is the "non-duality", quantum path. This is where we hold our vision of utopian fulfillment no matter what, and observe that all our experience is a reflection of what we have bought into that has prevented the having of it. By assuming the position of non-attachment towards these seeming barriers, we learn not only about our own points of view and attachments to negative feelings and situations, but we find that by allowing these negative experiences to float by and through us, we effectively neutralize the negativity and reveal the new, positive energies the negativity was obscuring.
Adversity then becomes advantage. Setbacks become opportunities to explore our own resistances--reclaim our power in the area, and fill the new-found space with joy, ease and vision.
This is a completely personal journey. Others' adversity has nothing to do with where we're going. Others' suffering and wailing is really none of our business--unless we discover a karmic or energetic bond. But the discovery of it begins to neutralize it, and beyond that bondage lies more energy from a vision lost.
So, to quote a vernacular truism: "It's all good, man." This is literally true, because the foundation of the very structure of the universe is love. Love is the Magic Carpet allowing us to ride the currents and waves of our own resistances to that glorious vision of fulfillment and joy that is ultimately inevitable.
To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin

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