I've been impressed lately while reading Charly Emery's book,
Thank Goodness You Dumped His Ass. Despite the somewhat precocious title, the book has some great nuggets of wisdom. Charly has been a friend of mine for several years now, and has been an inspiration in how she has invented herself to be a relationship expert. When she released the book, she also got out there an did the "book tour" circuit, doing TV and radio interviews, and speaking very lucidly on a subject that can get pretty murky sometimes. Check out
this interview on Boston Fox News TV.
On the kitchen front, I've been having fun dehydrating almonds. Why? You ask. I find raw almonds (not pasturized, which takes some searching), put them in a large bowl of water and allow them to sprout. They will have short, white ends on the tips of each seed. Strain off the water and put them in the dehydrator for about 20 hours at 105°. You'll be pleasantly surprised at how crunchy and flavorful they are this way, and much more digestible, since the act of sprouting breaks down the heavier proteins in the seed.
We continue to integrate the wonderfully useful Tattvas Oils and Amulets into our daily lives. If you purchase the oils and/or amulets, we highly recommend also getting the book, Panchatattvas: The Five Great Elements. There is some very deep and alchemical information in the book that is not in the much smaller manual you normally receive. I've noticed much more access to my dreams, and they have become a great source of meaning to me.
We've also been continuing with our Bowel Cleansing Project with the expert hydro-colonicist, Joanie Falconer with Oasis Colinics here in Portland, Oregon. She is a great source of education about the value of a clean colon, and has really helped us get some great results. It's amazing how much toxic debris we carry around with us!
If you haven't visited the website lately, we've added a new toobar at the bottom of every page that offers some fun things to do on the site. Check it out!
Until next time...
In vibrant health,
Shay Arave, President
Working with the Heartspace

In the series of books by Carlos Castaneda, the Yaqui Indian shaman, Don Juan, would hit Castaneda sharply on his back between the shoulder blades in order to send his student into the "Second Attention." While in this Second Attention, Castaneda was able to experience a much richer, deeper world, where shamans could do amazing things, and what seemed impossible happened right before his eyes. I was fascinated by the idea of the Second Attention, but wondered why Don Juan would slap poor Carlos between the shoulder blades to get him there. As I continued in my shamanic studies, I found out that the Second Attention resides in the Heart. When observing and sensing the world through the heart, it allows those to see "who have eyes to see." It references the world away from the intellect. Using your head to see the world only allows you to see through the filter of social programming and personal judgment.
>>>> MORE
Disappear Insomnia

Sleepless in Seattle? Wide awake in Wilmington? Tossing and turning in Tallahasee? There is a solution to the problem of not being able to get to sleep. And it doesn't involve drugs or herbs. The key is understanding how the brain uses sleep to rejuvenate and refresh. In dreams, the brain is able to process its experiences of daily life, re-file and re-organize sensory information, and re-contextualize events, desires, problems and solutions. When there is insomnia, usually we are looping continuous thoughts about the future, or a present conundrum, and it's keeping the body on alert, which involves adrenaline, cortisol and other brain chemicals that keep us awake. In this case, the trick to getting to sleep is to do what I call the "re-cap." I start recalling the events of the day. I'll start with the morning, and follow events as they happened to me during the day. I usually can't get much further than the afternoon before falling asleep. The re-cap, I believe, puts the brain in a processing-experiences mode, and when it is in this mode, the body begins its chemical changes that lead to sleep. If I wake up during the night with circling thoughts and conundrums, I simply start over with the previous morning and re-live my experiences as though I was watching a TV show. You can also augment this process by using the
E-1 Formula in 4-5 oz. of water or non-caffeinated tea (such as chamomile or yogi tea); and/or, use the Tattvas Oil,
Massoia Bark, to deepen and enhance dreaming.

For our Vibrant Living Subscribers only, $10 off the
Life Energy Pack--all four of the original Subtle Energy Formulas for
only $80. Use the discount code
LEP20 in the designated box when you checkout through the website shopping cart.
This offer is good till Mar. 31, 2011)