Plants May Be Conscious
Two studies published on bioRxiv, explored the reactivity of plants to their environment. The first study looked at how primrose flowers respond to the sounds of approaching bees. Researchers found that primrose flowers will produce sweeter nectar within three minutes of hearing the sound of an approaching pollinator. They found that the response was the same to both a recorded bee sound as well as a synthesized sound in the same frequency range. Sounds at higher frequencies had no effect, suggesting that it is a specific response.
According to the paper’s abstract: "We found that the flowers vibrated mechanically in response to these sounds, suggesting a plausible mechanism where the flower serves as the plant’s auditory sensory organ."
Sensitivity of plants to pollinator sound can affect plant-pollinator interactions in a wide range of ways: Plants could allocate their resources more adequately, focusing on the time of pollinator activity; pollinators would then be better rewarded per time unit; flower shape may be selected for its effect on hearing ability, and not only on signaling; and pollinators may evolve to make sounds that the flowers can hear.
Responding to sounds is all well and good, but the second paper suggests that plants may be able to communicate information via sound as well. According to the paper, researchers recorded ultrasonic waves emitted by tomato and tobacco plants that seem to change based on the physical condition of the plant, whether healthy, dry, or cut. The ultrasounds they recorded hovered around 55 kHz, which is above the range of human hearing but well within the hearing range of other animals. It’s not quiet either. According to the paper, the recorded ultrasounds were approximately 65 dB SPL— decibel sound pressure level at 10 cm. That’s louder than a normal conversation, and only slightly quieter than a vacuum cleaner.
Researchers also trained a machine learning program to listen to the ultrasounds produced by the tomato and tobacco plants to accurately determine if the plant was healthy or stressed, either through drying or cutting, suggesting that the differences in the ultrasounds produced were not a one time coincidence. They also found that the stressed plants produced louder sounds. "We successfully classified the plant’s condition--dry, cut, or intact--based on its emitted sounds. Our results suggest that animals, and possibly even other plants, could use sounds emitted by plants to gain information about the plant’s condition."
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Not only are we intimately connected with each other through the heart, we are also intimately connected with the animal and plant kingdoms (whom we consume), as well as the meta-system of the planet herself. The entire system has a vibration, and by tuning into this frequency (The Schumann Resonance), a greater level of well-being and overall health can be achieved. Wear our Schumann Resonance Crystals over your heart to uplift your life force in this way.
Seeing the Future in Dreams
Quantum physics offers one theory for precognitive dreams, suggesting that during the uninhibited state of REM, the brain may be capable of identifying some kind of a signal that we aren’t aware of in our conscious state. These signals could assist with awareness of the future. This idea links to theories of quantum entanglement and the idea that two separate particles or points in time can interact as if connected to one another despite being spatially separated.
Dr. Stanley Krippner has elaborated on how quantum physics could potentially explain precognitive dreaming. “Quantum events happen on a different time scale to what most people live and experience in the West,” he explained. “We have this understanding of time that is: ‘past, present, future.’ But quantum physics gives you a different concept of time.” He says that these same concepts are found throughout the many indigenous cultures he studied during his research into precognitive dreaming and shamanism:
Many indigenous people see time going in a circle; it goes around and around and it’s a spiral. “Then you also have the indigenous North American point of view that people lived in a ‘long body’; they do not end where their skin ends. A person’s long body projects and involves other people and other parts of nature, so everything is happening all at once. For them it’s no surprise that you can dream about the future.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Quantum states can include simultaneous existences at different points in time, so, again, it's not a stretch that once the waking mind is out of the way, we may be travelling or visiting different points on an infinite time line. Use Cosmic Eye Meditation Elixir to enhance access to "paranormal" channels and abilities.
A.I. Programming of Autonomous Vehicles Covers New Ground Over Decision Making
Self-driving cars are just around the corner, but working out the rules that should govern them is proving tricky. Should they mimic often self-interested human decision making, or be programmed to consider the greater good? It turns out that when you let people program autonomous vehicles themselves, the gap between self-interest and the greater good shrinks.
Much of the focus in this area has been on the most pressing moral dilemmas-how should autonomous vehicles behave in cases of life or death? A 2016 study found that people broadly supported utilitarian programming models that save the lives of the most people even if it puts the occupants at risk. But perhaps unsurprisingly, they also said they would be less willing to buy a vehicle that might sacrifice themselves to save others.
A recently published research paper, however, focused on more common social dilemmas that don’t involve mortal danger, but still pit individual interests against the collective. Drivers already navigate these kinds of situations every day; slowing down to let someone pull out might add a few seconds to your commute, but if everyone does it, traffic flows more smoothly.
The researchers devised a computerized experiment based on the classic prisoner’s dilemma, in which players have to choose to cooperate or defect. Four participants recruited from the Amazon Mechanical Turk crowd-sourcing platform were put in control of one car each, and had to decide whether or not to turn on the AC every time it stopped. Keeping the AC off was characterized as being for the collective good, because it reduces fuel burn and therefore damage to the environment. But there were also financial rewards that varied based on how many people decided to cooperate or defect in each round. These were aligned in such a way that players were incentivized to defect, but the outcome if everyone defects is worse than if everyone cooperates.
Each game saw the car stop 10 times, but while half the participants made their decisions every time the car stopped—-like they would if they were driving themselves—the other half made their decisions for all 10 stops right at the start, as if they were programming their self-driving car. Across a series of different experiments, the researchers found the people who programmed their cars in advance were consistently more cooperative than those who made their decisions on the fly.
In an attempt to find out why, the researchers carried out tests where the interface of the game emphasized different aspects of the challenge (i.e. focus on self vs. the collective or focus on the monetary reward vs. the environment) and also performed an analysis of participants’ self-reported motivations.
The results indicated that the act of programming their vehicles in advance made them less focused on the short-term financial reward. Interestingly, in another experiment where participants could reprogram cars after each round, they still cooperated more than those making decisions directly. That’s significant, the researchers say, because manufacturers will likely let customers tweak their car’s settings based on their driving experience. The underlying finding that separating people from immediate decision-making--something self-driving cars will certainly do--makes them more cooperative could be highly relevant as we increasingly rely on machines to act for us.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: In other research, it was found that stress levels are higher in individuals who do not consider the collective when making decisions. Self-serving at the expense of others apparently isn't healthy, for several reasons. The element of collective connection vs. individual separation makes the point that we are hard-wired to be connected to others. Enhance your connectedness with your social circle and loved ones by using our Vital Force Healing Love Crystal, infused with remarkable energies that create a field around the wearer.
Health & Healing Hack of the Week
One of the most efficient forms of exercise comes out of the Qi Gong practice of shaking. This is where you rapidly move body parts allowing the "chi" to flow more completely through the energy meridians of the body. This has a tonifying effect on the lymph system, as well as general blood circulation. There are no set rules about how to move, it's just a matter of vigorously shaking (without pain), the hands, legs, arms, torso, head, and even facial muscles. Add to this running the hands rapidly up and down the arms and legs, also helps move the chi and the lymph. Gently "thumping" the breastbone stimulates the production of T-cells out of the thymus gland, and rubbing the ears stimulates overall body chi. This exercise can be done standing, sitting, or even lying down. Be sure to breathe while doing these exercises, and have fun! (From 25 No Cost Health & Healing Hacks by Boyd Martin)
Quantum Healer of the Week
Troika St. Germain
Troika is a Spiritual Accelerator and Transformational Alchemist who is able to advance people to their next level of spiritual development through powerful Higher Realm Alchemy Activations that use Pure Light, Color, Sound, and the Violet Flame. She is the Founder of Divine Master Within, a system that facilitates individuals to awaken to their Divine Self by raising their vibration, communication with their Divine Inner Guidance, and living from their Heart. By doing so, one becomes empowered and personally guided to live at their Highest Potential and create the life of their dreams. Troika is a Self-Realized Being. She accomplished a deep transformation and Divine Union through guidance from Masters and Angels, in addition to her own spiritual practices, knowledge and techniques. Her experiences and techniques are the foundation of the Divine Master Within System. Having achieved a state of Oneness, Troika deeply knows that everybody is Divine, and that they can achieve the same transformation. Her mission is to awaken individuals to their true nature--their Divine Self--and to assist them and planet Earth with true transformation. WEBSITE
Clean Sweep: Instant Relief from Negative Energies
Clean Sweep was developed in the laboratory by a team of quantum physicists. They were researching a way to clear unwanted energies or frequencies from the lab in order to make testing more accurate. In the process of this research, they discovered a way to infuse ionized water so that when sprayed into the environment, it neutralized all forms of electromagnetic fields (EMF) and even deadly Gamma radiation. Later, in human trials, Clean Sweep showed the remarkable property of also neutralizing negative emotions and feelings in humans, and was able to reduce stress response not only in humans, but also in animals and even plants. The effect of Clean Sweep is immediate, as it swiftly calms the sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous systems. Great for contentious business meetings, family get togethers, upset infants, stressed out pets, and even house or garden plants that have been shocked. Clean Sweep is also extremely effective in clearing energies from doctors' offices, yoga studios, healer treatment rooms, car rentals, hotel rooms and aircraft. Clean Sweep is also an excellent self-treatment aid that creates a "bubble" of zero-negative space, making it much easier to meditate or concentrate on a task. The effect lasts approximately 3-6 hours, and with a few spritzes into the corners of a room, the space is cleared. Check out the Clean Sweep testimonials, and give Clean Sweep a try! Clean Sweep is available in three sizes and a concentrate, with case prices available. MORE INFO / ORDER
Subtle Energy Infused Hemp Oil

Vital Force Technology (VFT) lab has created Vital360 CBD formula that combines several energy patterns based on different extracts of the Cannabis plant and infused them into the full spectrum cannabinoid extract (Elixinol Hemp Oil). This differs from other hemp oils on the market in that more healing constituents of the cannabis plant are represented energetically within the oil, using a proprietary process developed by Russian physicist, Dr. Yury Kronn. This process increases the healing potential of the oil up to several orders of magnitude. Numerous studies confirm the importance of the endocannabinoid signaling system in decreasing acute and chronic pain, especially from inflammation. VitalForce360 Hemp Oil improves the body’s homeostasis mechanism by supporting the human endocannabinoids system; improves overall wellness; is calming and soothing to the senses; helps replenish and sustain the body during stress; and improves poor concentration and overall weakness. Available in two levels of CBD concentrations.
Mystic Broadcast Radio is Back on the Air! 
Thanks to the generous donation of a beloved fan, our own
Mystic Broadcast Radio is now vibrating the airwaves once again. MBN features "cosmic chill" music tracks, reports from leaders in consciousness-raising and research, inspirational content, the latest on cosmic disclosure, as well as Boyd Martin's "This Quantum Life" podcasts. Tune in to the mystic broadcast of oneness emanating from every point in the universe!
Gem Elixir for the Month
"Stone of Spiritual Enlightenment"
Spiritually: Helps with angelic connection, and opening the crown and higher crown chakras, connecting to guides and higher forces.
Emotionally: Promotes living from the heart, opening to love.
Mentally: Calms the mind, removing extraneous thoughts.
Physically: Works best at a subtle level. Very helpful for those with sensitivities of all kinds. Good for muscle tension in the neck, and circulation of both chi and the blood.
Trinity Seraphinite Elixir is on sale till 3/1/19 for 30% off with discount code SERA30
This Quantum Life
by Boyd Martin, Caretaker, Pure Energy Rx
The Transcendental Object at the Center of Creation

Looking back on 60-odd years, I notice I've made it my business to follow some of the latest discoveries and trends in consciousness. It's more of a spiritual practice, actually, and allows a "quantum of solace" outside the normal noisy racket of my life. And every once in a while, I get a flash of insight about what this universe actually is, my place in it, and what life really means. Not to say I personally had any original thoughts in this field--just that every once in a while, I'm able to poke my head behind the curtain and see what's going on--or at least take a stab at describing what's going on.
My first real glimpse into cosmic discovery came about in a cliché way back in 1971 during a psychedelic experience. The gateway was "Orange Sunshine", and the experience was: "I saw what god was". I couldn't talk about the experience for years, but I've thought about it for over 40 years, and boiled it down to levels of consciousness, and among those, God Consciousness. This is something we all have access to (without taking psychedelics), it's just that our mundane aculturation, social training and--dare I say--American-style dismay with spiritual pursuits, puts us at a disadvantage when it comes to experiencing altered states of consciousness.
The thing about this first touch of god was, it terrified me. I mean it really scared the bejesus (pardon the pun) out of me. To the point where I was sort of stunned spiritually, where I couldn't even read a spiritual book or talk metaphysics for a few years after that.
But, as life paths go, I was returned to consciousness research from none other than my paternal granddad, a Baptist Minister by training, and a proud Irishman by birth. He gave me Teilhard de Chardin's The Phenomenon of Man, a pretty heavy read for a 20-year old--for anyone, any age, actually--and it pulled me out of my terror of my god encounter into an intellectual pursuit of proofs of god. This is a revered practice among Christian mystics, and I realized that under my granddad's jolly jokester Irishman act lay a true philosopher of magnitude. At any rate, I plowed through this dense tome a couple of times, and came away with a more rational view of what had happened to me that fateful night at the hippy dance.
De Chardin puts forth a series of thought experiments that bring you to unavoidable conclusions about the existence of god. He summarized that we are all "gods" in our own right (near blasphemy for his day), and that by merging into this universal consciousness, we all can have this divine experience.
Fast forward a few decades, and I was at a local ski resort on a two-night weekend gig with a band, and Sunday afternoon I was minding my own business eating a sandwich at the club where we were performing, and suddenly found myself looking at something in my mind that took me aback. It was a single sphere sitting there in my mind, much like the monolith in "2001: A Space Odyssey". I was like the apes jumping around trying to figure out why it was even there. And then came a thought: The entire universe emanates from this particle. Hummmm... OK. It just seemed to make sense, without any explanation--a self-evident display.
Fast forward another few years to Terence McKenna's "Time Wave Zero" theory, and we hear that there's a sort of transcendental object at the end of time, and that everything happening back from this "object" is a reflection and expression of that object. Time flows into this Transcendence like a vortex of water flowing down a drain, and it is entirely made of thought. This theory was enhanced by Kurzweil's Singularity--where all consciousness is moving toward a single point of universal thought.
THEN, a couple of scientists recently took the leap and mathematically proved that there is, indeed, one object from which the entire hologram of the universe emanates, and that it is a double tetrahedron (such as representations of the Star of David and the Sri Yantra). This accounts for all geometries, from spiraling galaxies to the double helix of DNA.
THEN, last night... I was watching the final episode of "Grimm", where our hero, Nick Burkhardt, battles the ultimate evil only to watch in horror as all of those he loved are murdered by it. And just when poor Nick is about to give up and hand over the key to universal destruction to the evil guy, he is visited by his deceased mother and aunt--both powerful Grimm shamans--and together they defeat the evil, sending our hero back in time to when everyone he loves is back together again. His mother said, "The power of blood--the blood of you and all your ancestors--are more powerful than any evil."
The take away for me was that we all have within our own Being access to all the power, knowledge and love in the Universe, and it is ONLY a matter of Being Who We Truly Are. We are all not only Children of God, but also the Father of those children, having our Being in cosmic love and trust that everything there is, is who we are: The Transcendental Object at the center of Creation.
To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin

Janet Barrett is a subtle energies empath and consciousness educator utilizing the field of potential. With warmth, humor and support she will offer you new ways to understand your issues. By reframing what your stories are, you can transform and clear them. It is possible to change what is bothering you. You can enjoy new outcomes. And, they can happen in the blink of an eye. WEBSITE