Igniting the "Flow State"
Flow State is defined as an "optimal state of consciousness where we feel our best and perform our best," and when we are in flow, every action, every decision, arises seamlessly from the last. Here's how:
1. Zone out to zone in. It may seem strange to think that a wandering mind will ignite laser-sharp focus, but research has found that daydreaming can spark the creative thinking processes, and provoke those ‘aha’ moments. Daydreaming is a type of consciousness that’s unrestricted. Our thoughts float freely from one thing to another. Have you ever tried to brainstorm a connection from one thing to another, but that “other” seems entirely lost? Daydreaming creates connections between ideas you may never normally associate.
2. Transcendental meditation. Transcendental meditation is a technique for detaching oneself from anxiety and promoting harmony and self-realization through meditation, repetition of a mantra, and other yogic practices. Research has found that meditation techniques like TM ignite a heightened awareness of one’s thought processes and are therefore the most beneficial for creativity. Committing yourself to this practice regularly prior to tapping into your creative time can serve as a positive ritual and a tool to tell your brain it’s time to shut off the noise and enter the flow.
3. Wander through nature. There are a lot of barriers between most of us and the natural world. We spend time in our cars, our offices, and our homes, but rarely amongst grass and trees and stones. The distractions of the man-made world can become overwhelming, and prove a huge blockage keeping you from igniting your creativity. When you step into nature, you have the opportunity to leave behind conscious thought to boost your sense of vitality and well-being, thereby allowing for a clearer path to your core creativity. Research has found the benefits of getting lost in the woods for cognitive function and creative thinking processes, revealing that time spent with real earth under the feet can boost creativity by up to 50%.
4. Social media detox. Experts say it takes 21 days to create a habit, and kicking the need to mindlessly scroll through Facebook and Instagram, check people’s every move on Snapchat, and document your own, can have incredible benefits for not only your productivity, but your creativity as well. A mind free of clutter leaves room for inspiration and breakthroughs. “The idea of purposefully introducing into my life a service designed to fragment my attention is as scary to me as the idea of smoking would be to an endurance athlete, and it should be to you if you’re serious about creating things that matter,” explains productivity expert Cal Newport.
All in all, you can get into your flow-state and creativity with some simple methods that bring you back to centre, back to you. That is where all your creativity and purpose lies. Have fun!
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Buddhism and Science Meet At Last
Integrated Information Theory (IIT) is a theoretical framework for understanding consciousness, developed by Giulio Tononi, MD, PhD, from the Center for Sleep and Consciousness at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The resulting new theory of consciousness states that physical systems all contain consciousness, and that this consciousness can be measured as a theoretical quantity, which they are calling phi.
Tononi has developed a measuring system for phi in the human brain, where scientists send a magnetic pulse into a human brain and observe the pulse echo through the neurons. The idea is that the longer and clearer the reverberation, the higher the tested subject’s level of consciousness. The test can be used to tell whether a patient is awake, asleep, or anesthetized. The fact that consciousness has yet to be measured explains why a large portion of mainstream academia rejects the notion of consciousness existing as a separate entity, outside of the brain.
The new theory states that any object with a phi greater than zero possesses consciousness. This would mean that even protons are conscious beings, which wouldn't be too far off considering that when you observe them at the quantum level, their behaviour changes, almost as if they know they are being watched.
At the end of the nineteenth century, physicists discovered empirical phenomena that could not be explained by classical physics. This led to the development, during the 1920s and early 1930s, of a revolutionary new branch of physics called quantum mechanics, which has questioned the material foundations of the world by showing that atoms and subatomic particles are not really solid objects—they do not exist with certainty at definite spatial locations and definite times. Most importantly, quantum mechanics explicitly introduced the mind into its basic conceptual structure since it was found that particles being observed and the observer—the physicist and the method used for observation—are linked. These results suggest that the physical world is no longer the primary or sole component of reality, and that it cannot be fully understood without making reference to the mind.
These new interpretations of physical reality match up precisely with the Buddhistic tenets that all "things" in the universe possess consciousnness. Tononi and the Dalai Lama met recently to compare findings. Both experimental results and direct observations led to a coming together of minds on the subject of consciousness.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: It is commonly believed that crystal gemstones possess specific intelligences that can directly assist human consciousness. Our Trinity Gem Elixirs are potent examples of this. Browse our array of gem elixirs to find the ones that resonant for you!
DNA Begins as a Quantum Wave
One strand of DNA from one single cell contains enough information to clone an entire organism. Obviously, understanding DNA allows us to understand much about life and the universe around us. A deeper understanding of the new science tell us that DNA beings not as a molecule, but as a wave form. Even more interestingly, this wave form exists as a pattern within time and space and is coded throughout the entire universe.
We are surrounded by pulsating waves of invisible genetic information, whose waves create microscopic gravitational forces that pull in atoms and molecules from their surrounding environment to construct DNA.
One scientist who caught these microgravitational forces in their action is Dr. Sergey Leikin. In 2008, Leikin put different types of DNA in regular salt water and marked each type with a different fluorescent color and the DNA molecules were then scattered throughout the water. In the experiment's major surprise, matching DNA molecules were found pairing together. After a short time, entire clusters of the same colored DNA molecules had formed. Leikin believes some sort of electromagnetic charge allowed the same colored molecules to cluster. However, other experiments show that this is not the case. That it is most likely to be gravity.
In 2011, Nobel Prize winner Dr. Luc Montagnier demonstrated that DNA can be spontaneously formed out of merely hydrogen and oxygen. He started out with a hermetically sealed tube of pure sterilized water and then placed another sealed tube next to it, which had small amounts of DNA floating in water. Montagnier then electrified both tubes with a weak, 7 hertz electromagnetic field and waited. 18 hours later, little pieces of DNA had grown in the original tube, which consisted of only pure sterilized water.
This new science tells us that the universe is constantly conspiring to make biological life, whenever and wherever it can. In any given area of the universe, these hidden microgravitational waves will begin gathering atoms and molecules together to create DNA, and thus, life.
Another phenomenal discovery was made when Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp caught DNA in the act of pulling in photons. It is now known that photons are essential to the basic health and function of DNA and are apparently used to send and receive information throughout the body. He found that each DNA molecule stores up to 1,000 photons within itself, similar to that of a tiny fiber-optic cable. The photons shoot back and forth at the speed of light inside the molecule and are stored until they need to be used.
In 1984, Russian scientist Dr. Peter Gariaev discovered that when a DNA molecule was placed inside a small quartz container, it naturally absorbed every photon in the room. But when the DNA was removed, some sort of gravitational influence was holding photons right where the DNA had been. This later became called the "DNA phantom effect". Thus, DNA is creating an energetic force that absorbs photons and pulls them right into the molecule, but the DNA itself isn’t even needed. It is some invisible force, or some wave, that attracts and holds the light (photons) there all by itself.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Of course these discoveries seem to prove that biological life is common in the universe, rather than the exception. The subtle energies that hold or create the information for the formation of DNA are the most fundamental forces in the universe. These forces are what Dr. Yury Kronn has harnessed in the development of his E-Formulas. Add some cosmic life force to your own life!
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Divine Archetypes Chakra Mists

Divine Archetypes and renown aromatherapist, Candice Covington, has released a new Chakra Mister line. "Chakra" is Sanskrit for
spinning wheels of energy. In short Chakras exist on the outside of the etheric body, and are the points of connection through which energy flows from one being to another. This may explain why we are attracted to each other or why sometimes people just don't connect. Imbalances in Chakra energy also lead to endrocrine and nervous system disorders, as well as emotional imbalances. Energize and balance your Chakras with these wonderful aromatherapy mists! Receive
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Mentally: Helps to release useless, old, or obsolete ideas.
Physically: May help regenerate the body and stimulate the metabolism. May assist spinal and cellular disorders. May purify and reenergize blood, heart, and lungs, may help regenerate DNA.
Trinity Garnet Elixir is on sale for a month for 30% off with discount code GARNET30 (enter the code in the indicated box as you checkout through the website shopping cart--offer good until 2/28/17).
This Quantum Life
by Boyd Martin, Caretaker
Life Doesn't Care...
My dear friend and shaman, Janet Barrett (whom I highly recommend for energy work), turned me on to this quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson: "Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. Begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense."
I've too often found myself stewing in recriminations and regrets about what I have or haven't done in my life--and when you get to that "certain age" (64), the opportunities to do so are frequent and persistent..
In saner moments, it's easy to see that all regret and recrimination is a result of judgments and conclusions that form into an overall point of view: "My life is nothing like I expected it to be", or "You'd think by now I'd have some things figured out", or "All this time has gone by and I still don't know shit." And then you consider all the time you've spent mulling over these apparent malfeasences and it adds more gasoline to the fire of self-condemnation.
In his quote, Emerson makes it all about choice. CHOOSE to forget those "blunders and absurdities"; CHOOSE to begin anew; and CHOOSE to begin it "serenely and with too high spirit to be encumbered by your old nonsense".
As Janet pointed out to me the other day in one of our marathon sessions, "What are you getting out of these judgments you're making about yourself? What is the reward?" Ouch. Does it actually feel good to wallow in self-pity? Well, if I was going to be completely honest, yes, there is a certain resignation and soft numbing not unlike falling asleep--and that does feel good. It's a sort of endorphin release of the abdication of responsibility combined with the cuddly softness of not giving a damn. It's a sort of soft rebellion of choosing not to care, choosing not to take action. It can be addicting, and I suspect it is what can lead a person into clinical depression.
It's not that there is anything wrong with this syndrome--it's just something to choose against, really. The soft heaviness and comfortable apathy is the vehicle carrying us toward death. It shows up in the body as a sapping of energy, a need to lie down, a compulsion to tune out everything that is not that--a path to oblivion.
Oddly, I've noticed I can jump out of this vehicle's gravitational pull by asking the simple question, "What would it take to finally have joy and ease in my life?" And after a time, the photons return to energize the DNA, and lo and behold there is light at the end of the tunnel.
The thing is, Life really doesn't care whether you personally live or die, since through living it expresses itself through you, and in death, simply uses the vacated quantum waves, molecules and cells to joyfully re-animate into new forms of life. So the choice to live or die is yours alone to make.
Vital and energetic joy and ease are what life uses to be more of itself. And when we are "full of life" there is automatically joy and ease in our lives.
To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin,