Drumming: More Effective Than Drugs for Depression
Surprisingly, researchers in London have discovered drumming to be an effective treatment for anxiety and depression, even capable of altering the inflammatory immune responses that may be at the root of these disorders.
The "exploratory examination" found 10 weeks of group drumming had significant benefits for a group of people suffering from mental illnesses. The research conducted even concluded that the improvements persisted for at least three months after the sessions had wrapped up.
"This study demonstrates the psychological benefits of group drumming, and also suggests underlying biological effects, supporting its therapeutic potential for mental health," explained a research team led by Aaron Williamon and Daisy Fancourt of the Royal College of Music's Centre for Performance Science. Published in the online journal PLoS One, the study featured 45 Londoners, 30 of whom took part in the drumming lessons and 15 of whom served as a control group. All participants were "adults accessing mental health services."
The 30 participants in the experimental group took weekly 90-minute group drumming lessons led by a professional drummer. "The professional drummer taught the participants the basics of how to use the drum, led the participants in a series of 'call and response' exercises where they copied the leader, and taught the participants rhythmic patterns," explained the researchers. As the course went on, the complexity of the music they played gradually increased.
Each week all 45 participants filled out questionnaires regarding their levels of anxiety, depression, and general well-being. The drumming group participants also gave weekly saliva examples that the scientists used to measure the strength of pro- and anti-inflammatory markers.
"Significant improvements were found in the drumming group, but not the control group," noted the researchers. By week six, they said, "there were decreases in depression, and increases in social resilience. By week 10, these had further improved, alongside significant improvements in anxiety and mental well-being." They added that follow-up interviews taken three months later revealed that "all significant changes were maintained."
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Drumming has the potential to "modulate" endocrine and nervous system responses, meaning hypo- and hyper-conditions are brought into normal range. This is also what our E-1 Formula does. So dose with E-1 and then drum your heart out for a quantum leap in potency!
Truth: Dealing With Negativity
If you've noticed you're susceptible to negative energy or feel you need to block yourself from it, here are a few things you can do:
Energetic Shielding - I'm a huge fan of this, but you need to be careful about your intention behind it. All you need to do is envision a white light (or specific colour that resonates with you) around you that's "shielding" your body from any outer energies. For example, I've done this at funerals, while driving, or in other settings people perceive to be full of negative energy or danger. However, if you're energetically shielding yourself from the negativity you're perceiving to be coming from another individual, this may be a good opportunity to look inwards. Why is it that you're perceiving this individual as being so negative? Since we're all, at least to some degree, reflections of each other, if that individual has a trait you're perceiving to be extremely negative, perhaps that trait is one that you hold within you as well.
It's also important to note that energetic shields force you to spend a lot of energy holding them up. If you're consciously thinking about creating and maintaining that field, then you may not be fully present. There isn't necessarily anything wrong with energetic shielding — it is a beautiful practice with many excellent uses — but you should consider the intent behind your shield as well as weigh your other options before using one.
Cord Cutting - Emotional cords are bound to you, often from specific events, traumas, and/or from other people transferring energy to you, and they can be considered as positive or negative. For example, positive cords can be found when you're in love, as your partner wishes the best for you. Negative cords could be created from your own self-judgment or from someone pushing negative emotions onto you. Whether the cords you have are positive or negative, it is ideal to have no emotional cords whatsoever.
Sound Reiki Healer Catherine Varga shared this simple method with me to release energetic/emotional cords. Whenever you feel an energetic tie or emotional cord has been established, you can release it by physically pulling it out of you. Once you notice its presence on one of your chakras, you can use your hands to pull the cord out of you, as if you're pulling a rope, and then visualize it leaving your body.
Washing Your Hands or Body - Much like your physical body, your energetic body needs to maintain good hygiene, too. Water is one of our greatest assets because it can cleanse both our physical and energetic bodies. An excellent way to rid yourself of other people's energy is to actually physically wash your hands or whole body. As you feel the water flowing down on you, envision all of the negative energy washing off too.
Sage or "Smudging" - Not only does sage smell awesome, but it can also cleanse your home and your body of negative energy. Smudging with sage has been used for centuries to cleanse people's energetic auras and rid outer environments of negative energy.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: We have our Clean Sweep spray, which immediately neutralizes all forms of negativity from EMF to human emotion. Additionally, you can use our Trinity Black Tourmaline and Amber Elixirs for an added punch in transforming perceived negative energy into positive energy.
More Research About Gratitude and Health
A study conducted by Emmons and McCollough in 2003 outlined the positive impact that practicing gratitude can have on our well-being. Research was carried out with three experimental groups over a 10-week period, Dr. Robert A. Emmons described the study in his book 'thanks!'
The first group was asked to write down five things they were grateful for that had happened in the last week for each of the 10 weeks of the study. This was called the gratitude condition. The second group was asked to write down five daily annoyances or hassles from the previous week. This was the hassles condition. The third group was asked to simply listed five events that had occurred in the last week, but not told to focus on either positive or negative aspects. This was the events or control condition.
The types of things people listed in the grateful condition included:
- Sunset through the clouds.
- The chance to be alive
- The generosity of friends
- The right to vote
And in the hassles condition:
- Hard to find parking
- Burned my macaroni and cheese
- No money for gas
Before the experiment began, participants had kept daily journals to keep track of their moods, physical health, and general attitudes. These observations were then used to provide a comparison for after the 10 week experiment was finished.
The results of the study concluded that happiness levels were up by 25%. Those who were in the gratitude condition were more optimistic about the future, they felt better about their lives, and they even did on average about 1.5 more hours of exercise per week than those who where in the hassles or events condition. It's amazing to think that all of this can be achieved just from focusing on your blessings rather than your burdens.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Having a sense of inner peace goes a long way toward feeling gratitude in every day affairs. Wear our Vital Force Inner Peace Crystal to create a subtle energy field around you and watch how easy it is to be truly grateful.
Company & Product News
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Use the Life Energy Pack System

The four subtle energy infused formulas making up the
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Gem Elixir for the Month
"Stone of Regeneration"
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Mentally: Helps to release useless, old, or obsolete ideas.
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Trinity Garnet Elixir is on sale for a month for 30% off with discount code GARNET30 (enter the code in the indicated box as you checkout through the website shopping cart--offer good until 2/16/17).
This Quantum Life
by Boyd Martin, Caretaker
Trumped: Moral Politics
In the shamanic world--a world we are addressing with the idea of a "Quantum Life"--we see everything as energy. There is "negative energy", the energy of the destructive, death and decay, of fermentation and marination; and then there is "positive" energy--the energy of the creative, life-giving, growing, flowering. Both of these energies create the yin-yang of the physical world that we perceive through our senses. There would not be one without the other. Hence, ultimately, the division of energies into "positive" and "negative"--making one good and the other bad--is an arbitrary judgment having nothing to do with the truth of Reality.
With all the controversy and chaos-making surrounding the election of a new U.S. president, it's important to embrace this "everything is energy" truism.
I've personally never agreed with the two-party system. At its core, it's divisive, and serves to divide into two camps populations whose beliefs run the full spectrum of human emotions, values and morals--hardly contained within two platforms of political belief.
However, to divide is to control--a divided electorate is a controllable one--and those in power have used this "divide and conquer" strategy since the dawn of time.
This is why I was not at all surprised at the rise of and election of our current president. The further the pendulum swung in one direction, it was surely going to swing in the other--it's the nature of the two-party system. And when it comes to liberal vs. conservative it's interesting to note how those concepts have evolved through the years. I remember back in the day when "liberal" represented more along the lines of hippies and free-thinkers; where "conservatives" were more about keeping a comfortable status quo and being frugal with money.
Nowadays, "liberal" has come to be embraced as "humanitarian" by liberals; and "convervatives" have come to be known as "self-empowered" by conservatives. Yet the Liberals define conservative self-empowerment as "self-serving"; and the Conservatives see liberal humanitarism as "Socialism". How petty and un-serving are both views, because they trap a certain moral code into an over-simplified cage of judgment and denial.
That said, our current president has come into power not as a "liberal" or "conservative" but as a disruptor--a "joker" card, if you will, bringing chaos and outrageous uncertainty to a political world that has been hypnotized to sleep in a gigantic inhuman monolith known as "the government"--and it's all driven by the engine of finance. Believe it or not at one time in this country's history, the people came first and the money came second. This has, over time, been reversed because money is power in this culture.
We also must remember that the word "democracy" was shunned by the founding fathers, who saw fit to not use it in the Constitution. As Thomas Jefferson stated, "A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine."
And as the years rolled by, the building up of polarized quantum entanglements of politics within this supposed "democracy" have at last culminated in a completely polarized electorate, unable to hear or even allow opinions of the other side. And then amidst all this extreme rancor, sits The Disruptor of a president. It couldn't get more dramatic; and yet this Grand Entanglement is revealing the true mechanisms behind the status quo established long ago by power-seeking men and women, who have lost the point of what it means have a functioning republic.
Out of chaos rises awareness and unheard of possibilities. This is America's greatest hope--to unite in the awareness of who the Controllers really are, and re-create a better world without them.
Again, everything is energy, and as individual creators, how we create the energy of our own lives is how a better world for all is achieved.
To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin,