Pure Energy Rx
January, 2004, Portland, Oregon, USA
Dear Readers,
This month we are going to get scientific, with three articles compiled from the fascinating lectures of radiophysicist, Dr. Yury Kronn. Dr. Kronn is the inventor of the device that "charges" our Pure Energy Rx products with subtle energy, or "Chi."
After some 20+ years of research, a way was found to "draw off" the subatomic subtle energy signature from any substance and then charge a different substance with that signature. This ability opened a huge door into a new energy medicine modality. For example, the element Lithium has long been used for treating depression. With Dr. Kronn's device, we are now able to "lift" the atomic signature of Lithium and infuse it into a carrier substance, usually an ionic trace mineral solution. When this is given to a person with depression, it acts exactly as if they had consumed Lithium, but without the side effects. This is because there is no actual Lithium in the mineral solution, only the subtle energy signature of it.
Additionally, Dr. Kronn has been able to create subtle energy formulas that energize the energy centers (chakras) of the human body, bringing into harmony and balance all these centers allowing stabilization and proper functioning of body systems.
Huge potentials exist now, not only in human physical and mental health, but in agriculture and veterinary medicine. I hope these articles will expand your mind about the nature of the physical world we live in, and provide alternatives to your own health care.
Here's to a healthy and vibrant 2004!

Boyd Martin
Pure Energy Rx
What Subtle Energy Is and Its Value to Health...
Dr. Kronn is one of a handful of advanced scientists to create practical applications of cutting edge physics research. The result will have far-reaching consequences, not just in the field of physics, but in diverse fields including human health, medical triage, agriculture and veterinary medicine, affecting how we think about the drug industry, medical care, and health education.
Subtle Energy Research for Alternative Healing
Because the subtle energy world is an immeasurable sea of energy, how do we know it is there? What physical evidence is there of its existence? Dr. Kronn has resourced some very interesting yet previously largely ignored research at the turn of the century, and backed it up with ancient knowledge from the medical antiquities of China. He then discovered current research and set up his own experiments that leave no doubt as to the existence of subtle energy and that subtle energy is the causative force behind the veil of the physical world.
Energy Tools
Once it was possible to discover the true existence of subtle energy, and discover how it interacts with the physical world, it was now possible to create a device capable of transferring the subtle energies of anything into anything else. Dr. Kronn decided to apply these discoveries to the field of health, since the precedent was already there with existing energy medicine techniques, such as Qi Gong, Acupuncture, and homeopathy.
Enzymes are the doorway to nutrition. No nutritive value of any food is of use to the body without enzymes converting it into useable material. All systems of the body require enzymes to function, and this becomes a serious issue when faced with the over-processed, denatured foods popular with modern culture--most of the enzymes necessary to break these "foods" down are not present, and put demands on the body to use its reserves for digestion. This can lead to immune system breakdowns, malnutrition, chronic fatigue, and early aging. Pure Energy Rx presents Transformation Enzymes developed by well-known medical nutritionist, Dr. DicQie Fuller. They are the highest quality therapeutic enzymes available at a great price. Take our BODY Evaluation Survey to find out what enzymes are the best for your Body Type. To complement the enzymes, we also offer our E-2 Digest Aid Ionic Minerals formula. E-2 Digest Aid is energized with Subtle Energies that potently work with the gastrointestinal tract, greatly increasing its energy and function. E-2 Digest Aid invigorates and revitalizes tired digestion improving liver function, bowel efficiency, stomach action, and strengthens the pancreas, kidneys and heart. Additionally E-2 offers a broad spectrum of sea minerals providing crucial electrolytes. Enzymes and E-2 Digest Aid are a great combo.
JANUARY SPECIAL: With an order of any Enzyme Formula(s),
receive a one-ounce bottle of E-2 Digest Aid FREE.
Thanks for tuning in to this month's newsletter. We hope to hear from you soon!