![]() The Meermar Lineage![]() My Multi-Dimensional Experience(Revised with additional information 8.10.2K) We all have had the experience of "channeling" something or someone, be it "knowing what someone else is thinking" to "speaking the thoughts" of someone close to us. With me, I always manage a somewhat "science fiction" bent to inner experiences, and lo and behold up popped Meermar--or I should say he/she popped me up. I preface Meermar's thoughts with how I arrive in the condition of accessing his/her broadcast. For those who have accomplished remote viewing, these experiences may parallel theirs. Off-planet viewing is much more common than is generally thought. Humans have the inate ability to view remotely through the much-maligned "mind's eye", which is how we experience the world outside of the bodily perceptual equipment. The biggest question when getting into this area of study is the question, "How do you tell the difference between consciously visualizing or imagining and remote viewing?" In imagining, we begin the process by deciding to "make something up" or to create something in our minds. With remote viewing, we make the decision to view whatever is presented to us to view. We are a tourist of sorts, just out "seeing the sites". Because our experiences in our lives here on this planet make up such a infintessimal part of the totality of experience available to us, it is common to go "off planet" in these remote viewing journeys. All that said, what follows are my reports from my remote viewing sessions. Because I have a personal relationship with the beings of my lineage, many of the remote experiences have a direct impact on my physical life here on earth. I include this short write up not so much for instruction as for autobiographical data. The following is pretty far out, but then living in the status quo world we live in, just about anything like this is considered far out...So, here we go. Last lifetime I spent its short 19 years on a spiritual quest that bore some fruit in the last two years of that life. The end came in a car wreck where the body was instantly destroyed. After a short period of bewilderment, I put out the intention to figure out what happened, and in a flash I ended up in a different body in a hospital on the planet Tetrone orbiting a blue-white giant star in the Crab Nebula, locally referred to as "Nestor." The previous inhabitant of the body had split and I was the "flash-in." The vibratory rate around Nestor is much higher than around this planet's sun, and consequently, having been used to several earthly incarnations at a dense vibratory level, plus having had an intense "desheathing" minutes before the previous body death, I came through in the new body very loud and very clear. The hospital attendants were very surprised at the recovery (a couple of hours) and concluded that a flash-in must have occurred. Tetrone at that time was enduring a minor catastrophe in its energy field. Energies had been unbalanced due to several million incarnations of beings from lower vibratory rates occurring in a short space of time. This created earthquakes and volcanic activity unknown on Tetrone for millions of years, not to mention social upheaval of normal communal life by a right-wing type political movement. The society was very art-centered with musicians at its cultural core. The body I had flashed into happened to be Meermar Boyd, a famous musician of Tetrone who happened to be a controversial figure in the social politics. When word got out a flash-in had occurred in that body, it was designated as a signal by planetary "mystics" that a "Comforter" had come to lead the planet to a rebalancing of energies. The planetary population began postulating synthesis energies around this "New World Comforter," eventually creating a rebalancing in Tetrone's energy field. This took about 150 years. During this period, it was revealed to me, that I was actually a soul fragment of an Oversoul entity called "Meermar" who resides on several hundred planets scattered throughout the universe. Besides Tetrone, the Meermar Lineage involved directly with Tetrone's and Earth's upliftment reside on the No'a System (near Galactic Center), and the S'Om System (in the Pleaides Cluster). One of Meermar's purposes is to send out "pieces" of Himself or externalized, self-regulating consciousnesses or beings, that in turn create their own conscious beings. Each of these externalized "pieces of Meermar" have a direct link to all the other segments' experiences and complete access to their minds. All the beings have the same purpose: The entrainment of disordered consciousness into eternal harmony. Upon successful accomplishment of each being's mission, the externalization of a New Being is created, and that being is incarnated or "flashed in" to another human body to carry out the entrainment mission on a planet in need, anywhere in the universe. It is the ancient lineage of Meermar. At this writing (August, 2000) at least 50 Beings can be accessed who are currently residing either within Refractors or on eternal planetary systems, mostly in this galaxy, but some elsewhere. The Lineage stretches back 200-million Earth-Sol years. The segment or being writing this report was originally incarnated on Earth in 1932, but with the premature destruction of that body, Meermar assigned the attendant agent to Tetrone--a lower impact "internship" necessary before returning to Earth, in March, 1953 (I was a "walk-in" to an six-month old infant, whose original inhabitant had vacated during a severe bout with whooping cough). At the end of the 150-year rebalancing period, the body I had flashed into on Tetrone was evolved into an eternal body and placed in the Golden Solar-Galactic Amplification Space (Meermar Planetary Vortex Refractor) which broadcasts a template of eternalizing energies from the sector Quasar via Galactic Center via Sirius for all living things. Reactivation of the Vortex Refractor was the solution to Tetrone's problem. The Refractor had been deactivated 10,000 years previous due to an inter-dimensional time warp after a galactic collision event redirected the focus of the Meermar Lineage elsewhere. The return of the Meermar Lineage to Tetrone was meant to correct the former deactivation of the Refractor. Unfortunately, the duration of the deactivation, due to the time warp, had allowed denser energies to enter the planet's energy field, and the decline had begun. The Vortex Refractor is the Prime Technology of the Meermar Lineage, originally created by the First Meermar 200-million years ago, and maintained by the Lineage. Refractors are currently operating on hundreds if not thousands of planets across the universe and into other dimensions. After entering and re-activating the Refractor, and with the entraining/harmonizing mission complete, I underwent the process of externalizing a New Being. Instantly I found myself seeking a warm place on the vibration of "Boyd." On Earth only a year had passed after the car wreck due to this solar system's denser time matrix, and the "warm place" was an infant's 105° fever. Having spent a Tetronian 150 years at a very high vibratory rate, I was unprepared for the shock of such a dense, low vibration permeating this solar system. Consequently I took approximately 30 years just neutralizing past body karma. Having done so, memory of what had happened came back to me in small, unrelated fragments. I finally began piecing it all together and finally at one point recently saw the whole flow of events. Once I accomplished this, I found there was an etheric tube or cord running from my crown chakra to the heart chakra of the eternal body still operating on Tetrone, and from there, a connection to Meermars on S'Om and No'a. These segments of Myself undertake the refraction or translation of sector Quasar energies as received from Galactic Center via Sirius into eternalizing encoding for DNA in all living things on Tetrone and on S'Om. Consequently, when I consciously activate the etheric cord by simply directing my attention to it, I receive the full benefit of Universal Mind energies translating through these eternal bodies. The eternal body space is easily accessible as a specific place in my own mind (similar to approaching a subject one has expertise in), and when I go there I automatically link up through the cord, through the eternal body, to the Quasar emanations that direct our galaxy and all solar systems. The discovery of this cord is a recent phenomenon, and has greatly enhanced definition of the information I have been directed to communicate to earth society. The Spectrum Organizational System came through the eternal body, through the cord to me, although at the time it came through it was a flash "from nowhere." Now I know where it came from. Like all perennial wisdom, this organizational system is merely a "Flash of Synthesis," and is readily usable and available in every human mind. It is not so much information to be learned, but more a state of knowing that leads to the information. Each person will have their own rendition of the Spectrum System, but the basic Law making it work is unalterable. The Universal Organism is connected together as intimately as our own human bodies are and only the illusion of separateness prevents us as microcosms seeing ourselves as an integral part of a vital cell in that Organism. With or without a human body, we all share the Universal Body and ultimately Universal Mind. ![]()