Moon Void of Course
The moon, being extremely magnetic and gravitational, has a tangible affect on human bodies, just as it has a tremendous influence on the oceans, so during void of course transits by the moon, humans react to that in subtle (or not) ways, exhibiting common characteristics. One of the most common reactions to a moon void of course is mental spaciness, or a wandering, unfocussed mind. Things seem to float around randomly without much upset or consequence. This leads astrologers to recommend that during Void of Course periods, avoid making life-changing decisions, or significant purchases (such as a house, car, or real estate); or sign binding contracts, or commit to responsibilities. This is mainly because we are mentally and emotionally ungrounded and "detached" from the present moment. On the other hand, void of course periods are good for self-reflection, taking long walks, relaxing with friends, or just "taking time off" from daily responsibilities. Routines will tend to be interrupted or just not followed, and conversations will meander and be inconsequential. You can find Moon Void of Course tables by doing a Google search. Here's the one I use. It's very handy for planning the week ahead, especially if there are big decisions to be made coming up.