Personally, from the president...


Finding Inspiration

angst Last month I had an appointment with an area shaman, Michelle Leuschen out of Encinitas, who specializes in Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT - aka "tapping"). My neighbor had raved about the sessions she received from Michelle, so it picqued my curiosity enough to call her and make an appointment.

On my way to the meeting, I assessed my current "existential angst" and attempted to put a few words or phrases together to describe it when the time came during the session. What ended up coming out of my mouth, surprised me a little, but it rang truer to myself than I thought it would.

We exchanged pleasantries and sat for a moment in silence. "So, how can I help you?" She asked, smiling. "Well, I have an existential conundrum," I began professorially. "If just being is 'enough' in the eyes of God, then why do anything?" I gestured with palms up. "I mean, it seems that whenever I get an idea or an inspiration, I come across this conundrum that seems to block it straight away." I had remembered what the great economic philosopher, Charles Eisenstein, said in his preface to his book Sacred Economics: "These ideas are nothing new. What can I add that's going to move anything forward?" He then proceeded to blow my mind with his tremendously creative almagamation and synthesis of ideas.

Michelle, sat for a moment "reading" me, and suddenly the question, Have you had a loss of a loved one lately? popped into my head. "It (the Conundrum) might be partially related to Shay's passing," I offered. Shay was my life partner for 12 years who succumbed to cancer last year. Michelle proceeded to process me through the final remnants of that loss, and I was very aware that Shay was in the room, as was Michelle.

I then spontaneously got The Answer to the conundrum, and I blurted out, "That is why there is TIME! It is time that draws out beingness into doingness. But it is inspiration that drives the divine expression of ourselves." I felt oddly relieved for making that connection, and as I sat with the ramifications of that it occurred to me that in the cosmic order of all things there is no "wrong" action anyone can take. Sure, we are completely free to be as destructive as we want--heck, even Nature does that. And it could be said that destruction is a form of creation, but when creation comes from loving inspiration, that is where we can really shine.

time Michelle pointed out that I was a particular "soul type." This type of soul is an "idea factory", highly creative and always able to come up with ideas about anything. However, this soul type also must have fun. If it stops being fun, then this type either drops it, or suffers under the delusion of a commitment. And there was the key for me. Yes, I have lots of ideas, but only a few of these ideas seem really fun. What makes them fun? Inspiration! It's the act of creating an idea out of inspiration that gets my mojo workin'. This is opposed to just coming up with random ideas without any inspiration or impetus to action.

So if it's inspirational and fun, I'm going to do it. And it's perfectly OK to stop if I'm no longer having any fun. Thank you, Michelle! We did some tapping to ground this renewed perspective, and I left Michelle's office on a cloud.

I continued processing along this line of thought and feeling, observing what inspires me in the outside world, and what of my ideas are inspirational. What was interesting is that my life is pretty much set up to follow my inspirations! And all that was stopping me was my own judgment about how "valuable" my ideas might be in the world. I know now that it is not how "valuable" my ideas are--it's that they are MY ideas being expressed through ME that is the point of this game called life.

Expressing your ideas from a space of loving inspiration is what I have come to believe transforms this world into the paradise we all believe life can truly be.

In vibrant health,

Boyd Martin, President


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