Pure Energy Rx
December, 2003, Portland, Oregon, USA
Dear Readers,
We depart from our usual format this month to present a short series of essays about achieving well-being, wellness and physically vibrant health. We hope some of our inspiration rubs off to help create a joyous holiday season for you.
Blessings and happy journey,

Boyd Martin
Pure Energy Rx
Change is Good...
"I get up in the evening / And I ain't got nothing to say / I come home in the morning / I go to bed feeling the same way / I ain't nothing but tired / Man, I'm just tired and bored with myself / I check my looks in the mirror / I wanna change my clothes, my hair, my face"--Bruce Springsteen, from "Dancing in the Dark." If these are your sentiments, check out our pep talk about CHANGE. It may not be fear of change itself that keeps us from changing, but fear we may not be able to change.
Quality of Life
From extreme martial arts to Stephen Hawking, we explore the ideas surrounding the quality of life in which goals are regularly achieved, morale is high, there is a high sense of well-being, and an aura of satisfaction around every endeavor, and all of this radiates out into the world and uplifts families, communities and nations. On the flipside lurk complacency and compromise, where comfort zones are not necessarily indicative of a quality life.
Your Thoughts, Your Body
The holistic health approach includes everything about a person including thoughts, feelings, culture and environment. Increasingly, it is being acknowledged that thoughts and feelings affect the body directly, hence, decisions one makes about feeling better have some of the greatest impacts on our lives. Oftentimes dietary and health decisions seem to get made for us when we have no definite goal for wellness. Yet once we make that decision to take control, information overload is usually the first result.
Obesity Epidemic
The World Health Organization announced that obesity is now the No. 2 leading preventable cause of death in the world. It is an epidemic. Currently Dr. Phil seems to be the champion of the weight-control movement, and his approach is behavioral. He stresses good choices, self-awareness, along with recruiting support from your family and friends. These good choices also include getting real with exercise and nutritional support.
Enzymes are the doorway to nutrition. No nutritive value of any food is of use to the body without enzymes converting it into useable material. All systems of the body require enzymes to function, and this becomes a serious issue when faced with the over-processed, denatured foods popular with modern culture--most of the enzymes necessary to break these "foods" down are not present, and put demands on the body to use its reserves for digestion. This can lead to immune system breakdowns, malnutrition, chronic fatigue, and early aging. Pure Energy Rx presents Transformation Enzymes developed by well-known medical nutritionist, Dr. DicQie Fuller. They are the highest quality therapeutic enzymes available at a great price. Take our BODY Evaluation Survey to find out what enzymes are the best for your Body Type. To complement the enzymes, we also offer our E-2 Digest Aid Ionic Minerals formula. E-2 Digest Aid is energized with Subtle Energies that potently work with the gastrointestinal tract, greatly increasing its energy and function. E-2 Digest Aid invigorates and revitalizes tired digestion improving liver function, bowel efficiency, stomach action, and strengthens the pancreas, kidneys and heart. Additionally E-2 offers a broad spectrum of sea minerals providing crucial electrolytes. Enzymes and E-2 Digest Aid are a great combo.
DECEMBER SPECIAL: With an order of any Enzyme Formula(s),
receive a one-ounce bottle of E-2 Digest Aid FREE.
Thanks for tuning in to this month's newsletter. We hope to hear from you soon!