Hello, Vibrant Reader!
Despite busy schedules, we stil had time to have a lot of fun with Halloween this year. The little darling princess pictured right decided she wanted to pick out exactly the treat she wanted!
Just for fun, I've taken a part-time job at a local gift shop that I've always just loved. One perk is that I have access to scads of home decorations, so I went all out for Halloween with funny furry spiders, and wacky hanging bats.
Our resident aromatherapist, Candice Covington and her companion Charles, are still on her mission to India in search of exotic fragrances and gems. Candice reported, "Every nook and cranny here is filled with some thing to see, touch and taste--so it takes forever to see even one city block! Yesterday, we left at 10am and got back for dinner around 6ish, and we did not even finish the entire block at Gem Plaza! The jewelry here is mind blowing, and the stones used are just beautiful."
Stop by Divine Archetypes for the full reports and pictures of Candice's and Charles' adventures.
I've created a new necklace to add to our Chi Bracelet line that includes all seven gemstones for each of the chakras. They will be available soon, so if you are interested in a great holiday gift for a loved one, please feel free to call to pre-order.
Until next week...
In vibrant health,

Shay Arave
Pure Energy Rx
Workout shortcuts...
It's not a matter of being lazy with your workouts, it's a matter of efficiency. Here are some tips from the experts on making your workouts most effective.
Standard crunches - Try doing planks. Work up to holding the position for 2 to 3 minutes) and Swiss-ball crunches (start with 10 reps and work up to 30 to 40).
Protein - Your body can use only so much protein, and then some of it is just converted into fat instead of going to your muscles, Consume no more than 0.5 to 1 gram of protein per pound of your body weight each day (200 lbs. = 7.14 oz.).
Calf Raises - Squats work all those tiny muscles in and around the calves, so you don't need to use calf-raise machines. Do three sets of eight to 12 squats with heel raises. Lower your body with your feet flat on the floor until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Pause, then stand back up and rise onto the balls of your feet.
Jogging - Too much cardiovascular could be compromising your muscle development. It's better to do sprints. On a treadmill, after a light 3-minute warmup jog, sprint for 30 seconds, then rest for a minute, and repeat this sequence for 10 minutes.
Curls - A waste of time because they isolate a muscle group that's the size of an orange. Instead, work larger muscle groups with pulling exercises such as chinups,
Workout Streaks - Muscles grow during rest. Two days a week of strength training per muscle group is all you need.
Rest More Between Sets - Try supersets--performing two exercises back to back without rest. Then rest for 90 to 180 seconds.
Leg Extensions - Switch to body-weight lunges instead. Leg extensions isolate only your quads, while lunges work your quadriceps and butt and force you to stabilize your abs, lower back, and hips.
Bench Presses - Do more pushups instead, which build core musculature and upper-body strength. Elevate your feet, or hold a medicine ball between your hands for more intensity. MORE

Set Yourself Up for a Winning Relationship
Our resident Life Coach and Synergy Specialist, Charly Emery, has a new article! This one is entitled, "Set Yourself Up for a Winning Relationship." Charly says: "My private sessions with clients enable me to identify what specific steps they can take to attract what they desire, maximize all of their relationships, and most importantly, maximize their peace of mind. However, here are two of the most important steps you can take to help you enjoy a fantastic relationship... Set yourself up for a winning relationship by exploring what kinds of behaviors make you feel the most natural and authentically you. Then get clear about what makes you both feel well from within so the relationship has the best synergistic environment within which it can thrive... >>>> MORE
New Discount on the E-Formulas!
$5.00 off!
After nearly 10 years, we have decided to reduce the prices on our most popular product, the E-Formulas: E-1 (Balance), E-2 (Digest Aid), E-3 (Energy Cream), and E-4 (Foundation/Immune). We have been offering these dependable formulas for $30 in the 1 oz. bottle, and the 4 oz. of E-3 Lotion. That is now reduced to $25.
We have also decided to discount the case price (12 units), for each of the E-Formulas to $250, so you are getting two free with the purchase of a case of 12 (it was previously $300). That's a $50 savings!
We are continuing to offer the Life Energy Super Pack (all four formulas), for $100. And, remember, you can save an additional $10 if you decide to do a monthly autoship.
We always recommend using the E-Formulas along with our Transformation Enzyme products, as well as our Specialty Products. If you haven't checked these out lately, please do!
By Dr. DicQie Fuller-Looney,
Women's Health is a definitive look at the relationship between digestive enzymes and hormones, and how hormonal imbalances in women can be traced back to enzyme deficiencies. This book is a logical, no-nonsense evaluation of the current medical approaches that overlook digestive enzymes as an ultimate solution. Dr. Fuller-Looney makes her case by showing that the symptoms of protein malabsorption are the same as the symptoms of menopause.
- First carbon-neutral building declared
The 12,000 square foot structure produces 15% more energy than it consumes, thanks to its geothermal heating system and the 39.4 kilowatt photovoltaic solar array on its roof....
- Getting those 5 servings veggies may be out of reach for the poor
We tend to blame the obesity epidemic in the United States on people making the wrong lifestyle choices -- for example, eating a Big Mac instead of carrot sticks or Twinkies instead of an apple. New research shows, however, that the price of healthy food may be too high for many low-income families to afford...
- Smoking mothers lead to fat children: Japan study
TOKYO (AFP) - Children whose mothers smoked even in the early stages of pregnancy are nearly three times more likely to struggle with obesity later in life, according to a Japanese study...
- California bans smoking in cars with child passengers
California's cigar-loving leader Arnold Schwarzenegger has passed a law making it an offense to smoke in a car carrying children under the age of 18, official sources said Thursday...
- Sleeping pills for kids top global list of bad products
In announcing its bad products awards for 2007, Consumers International said the top prize went to the US subsidiary of Japanese firm Takeda Pharmaceuticals for promoting a sleeping drug for children...
- Social training helps kids keep weight off
by focusing "more on a child's developmental context...promoting social support for healthy behaviors," social facilitation maintenance would be the more effective intervention for weight maintenance...
- Caution: Killing Germs May Be Hazardous to Your Health
As antibiotics lose their effectiveness, researchers are returning to an idea that dates back to Pasteur, that the body's natural microbial flora aren't just an incidental fact of our biology, but crucial components of our health, intimate companions on an evolutionary journey that began millions of years ago...
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