SEPTEMBER, 2020--Issue No. 2 |
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More Evidence Plants Are Sentient
While it is easy to dismiss these findings as pseudoscience, more and more scientists are recognising that plants exhibit brain-like functions and make sentient decisions. In 2009, researchers Dieter Volkmann, Stefano Mancuso, Peter W Barlow and Frantisek Baluska, published an article in the journal Plant Signal Behaviour entitled "The ‘root-brain' hypothesis of Charles and Francis Darwin" in which they examined Darwin's root hypothesis and whether current scientific literature supports his theory.
Based on complex analysis of scientific data, they concluded that "recent advances in chemical ecology reveal the astonishing complexity of higher plants as exemplified by the battery of volatile substances which they produce and sense in order to share information with other organisms about their physiological state." According to the paper, plants can recognise self from non-self and roots, even secrete signalling exudates that "mediate kin recognition." Moreover, plants are "capable of a type of plant-specific cognition, suggesting that communicative and identity re-cognition systems are used, as they are in animal and human societies, to improve the fitness of plants and so further their evolution."
Monica Gagliano, associate professor at the University of Western Australia, conducted a series of experiments using Mimosa Pudicas plants to work out whether plants ‘memorise' changes in their environment.
In order to test her hypothesis, she placed the plants in pots and then loaded each one onto a specially designed plant-dropping device. Each plant was dropped from a height of six inches, sixty times in a row at five second intervals. The plants would fall onto a soft foam to prevent them from bouncing, with the drop quick enough to cause the plants to curl up their leaves. Since the plants were not harmed in any way, Gagliano wondered whether they would eventually realise the drop did not signify an external danger. After a short amount of time, she found that "some individuals did not close their leaves when fully dropped." The plants realised that falling from six inches would not cause them any harm and no longer curled their leaves.
Gagliano's research has significant implications in terms how we see plants. The fact that they respond differently to situations that present no harm to those that do, implies plants recall sensory information and "memorize" changes around them. While there is much uncertainty as to how plants recall this information, Gagliano believes it could be representative of a distributed intelligence operating entirely different to the mammalian brain.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Dr. Richard Lanza proposed the possibility that the entire universe is sentient. Our Quantum Balance Crystal provides this organizational sentient energy that enhances energy flows throughout the human body.
Information Is Its Own Reward
 Researchers at UC Berkeley's Haas School of Business (Berkeley Haas) found that the brain is wired to find learning new information rewarding. New information causes the brain to release dopamine, which makes a person feel rewarded in the same way they would had they gotten paid money or eaten their favorite snack. "To the brain, information is its own reward, above and beyond whether it's useful," said Associate Prof. Ming Hsu, a neuroeconomist at Berkeley Haas.
To understand how curiosity works on the brain, the researchers had volunteers play a gambling game while scanning their brains using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). During the game, each participant faced a series of lotteries and must decide how much they were willing to pay to learn more about the odds of winning each lottery. In some of the lotteries, the information was valuable--for example, revealing that a long-shot bet was actually a sure thing. In others, there wasn't much as stake, making the information not worth the cost.
For the most part, the volunteers made rational choices based on how much money it could help them win. However, that didn't always explain their choices--the volunteers over-valued information in general, particularly in the higher-valued lotteries. The higher the stakes, the more the volunteers' curiosity increased, even when the information had no effect on their decisions on whether to play.
The volunteers acquired information based not only on its actual benefit, but also on the anticipation of that benefit. Hsu compared this to wanting to know whether someone received a great job offer, even if that person had no intention of accepting it. "Anticipation serves to amplify how good or bad something seems, and the anticipation of a more pleasurable reward makes the information appear even more valuable," he said.
Upon analyzing the fMRI scans, Hsu and his team discovered that the information about the games' odds activated regions of the brain known to be involved in valuation. These are the same dopamine-producing reward areas that are activated by money, food and even many drugs. These areas were activated whether or not the information was useful, or changed the volunteers' decisions.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Use our Meditation Elixirs to enhance the benefits of dopamine, as well as serotonin.
Reality Is Probably A Simulation
 The model presented by simulation theory is that we all live in inside a computer generated reality, like the sophisticated video game. The operations system and commands render what we see around us based on information that lives "in the cloud" on a distant server somewhere, and each of us can access some subset of this information.
If we drill down on this model, one of the distinctions that becomes apparent is that there are really multiple versions of simulation theory. These are 1) the NPC version (non-player characters, or AIs within games) and 2) the RPG version (Role Playing Game) version, which I also like to call the Matrix Version.
In the NPC version, we are all simulated beings (AI) running on a sophisticated computer, and we have no independent existence outside of the running of the game. In the RPG version, just as in the Matrix, the individual players exist outside the game, but play "avatars' inside the simulation.
You'll notice that these aren't mutually exclusive (you can have both NPCs and Avatars in an MMORPG like World of Warcraft, for example). Most academics who consider simulation theory – including Oxford's Nick Bostrom, whose simulation argument in his 2003 paper, Are You Living in a Computer Simulation, kicked off the recent spate of interest in simulation theory – imply strongly that we should focus on the NPC version. They don't always say this outright, but the statistics at the core of the simulation argument imply that most, if not all of us, are NPCs.
On the other hand, the RPG version of simulation theory, where we exist as both "players" and "avatars", is potentially more interesting and explains many more things about our physical universe, so we can move beyond a statistical argument into a whole new way of looking at and understanding the world around us. Armed with this new model, we can start to make sense of things which previously seemed "impossible" or "unexplainable".
The Simulation Hypothesis provides an alternate model that could push us light years forward in understanding these phenomena. If we view "the physical universe" as a rendered version of information that is stored somewhere on the "cloud", then many of the things which are currently labeled "impossible" or "unexplainable" become not only "possible" but "explainable". In other words, there is no matter, only information.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: The Vital Force technology used to infuse our subtle energy formulas could be seen as "pure information" that helps the body and mind assimilate and correct chaotic information leading to dis-ease and dysfunction. The Life Energy Pack is four formulas that inform most of the body's systems with harmony.
Health & Healing Hack of the Week
Feeling Prayer
This is an ancient technique of using the imagination to manifest or actualize a desired state or circumstance. The bridge, if you will, from the imagination to the temporal world is our ability to FEEL. What we feel is what manifests as our experience--not the other way around. We are not feeling as a result of our experience. We are experiencing as a result of what we feel. It's this confusion that blocks and confuses all of us incarnees down here on Planet Rock. By understanding this basic concept, it's then a simple matter of consciously FEELING what you want to experience. And in short order, it WILL come to pass. This is because we've already started the motion of sub-atomic particle-waves and force fields necessary to bring whatever it is to physical manifestation by our feeling. There is time in there, the amount depending on the depth and consistency of feeling. And that is where the skill comes in. Feeling prayer is a skill, requiring mindfulness, imagination and desire. All of those things most of us have been mis-informed as to how to use, even though they are our most powerful standard equipment. -- From 25 No Cost Health & Healing Hacks by Boyd Martin)
Quantum Healer of the Week
Velentaya Reece Velentaya Reece is a Vibrational Linguist who channels the language of light, the language of the Akash and written codes to heal and expand an individual beyond the current timeline of disharmony, to one which is in alignment with the soul blueprint. A trance channel for the Sirians, Pleiadians, and other groups, she is an open vehicle for many dimensions and consciousnesses. Transmitting the frequency of Divine Love and sacred light information from Source, her work aims to balance the physical, mental and emotional bodies, crystalize the DNA and reconnect humanity to source consciousness and to their divine gifts and purpose.
A Divine Light Session is an intimate and loving experience that attunes you to the vibration of your Divine Blueprint and to higher vibrational timelines of perfect health, infinite abundance, inner peace, love, joy and purpose. Combined with raising the consciousness of the planet, Velentaya's mission is twofold: To help spiritually awakened people activate their Soul Gifts and to assist others in living their most inspired and harmonious life aligned to the higher dimensions, anchored in divine love, trust, and flow. WEBSITE
Company & Product News
Feeling battered and frazzled with everything going on? Calm it all down with our advanced E-1 Stress Relief formula. E-1 balances, re-vitalizes the physical and energetic centers of the mind, body and brain. Regain perspective, hope and confidence regardless of how stressful the world gets. E-1 is based on Chinese Five Element principles known to have an up-regulating effect on the parasympathetic system. It works on the energetic template, supporting the flow of subtle energy through the subtle system, sending organizational information to support the body's natural ability to re-establish parasympathetic/sympathetic balance. Restoring the proper energy flow through subtle energy pathways supports the body to do its work to reduce stress, anxiety, tension, anger and depression and maintain positive emotions and moods. Check it out! Use special discount code E130 for 30% off this advanced and effective formula.
 Using a proprietary process developed by Subtle Energy Sciences founder Eric W. Thompson, Digital CBD broadcasts the amplified energetic signature of CBD through your electronic devices.
You might think of it as a kind of "amplified digital homeopathy," but it's far more powerful than traditional homeopathy. Simply open the Digital CBD digital file (in audio, video or picture file format, whichever format best suits your needs), and these energetically encoded digital files will automatically transmit the vibrational frequency of CBD oil (along with all the accompanying health benefits of real CBD oil) through your phone, tablet, computer or laptop. Sound impossible? Too good to be true? It isn't. It's here. Plus, unlike physical CBD, you only need to purchase Digital CBD once in order to benefit from it for the rest of your life! And when you take into consideration the fact that the CBD oil, from which we extracted the energetic signatures for Digital CBD, cost more than $100 for less than a month's supply, we're talking about an incredible value here. MORE INFO / ORDER
AMAZING PRODUCT ALERT: VibesUp Crystal Refrigerator Mats
This 8" X 11" mat is a natural preservative and EMF clearing food preservation technology. We brave a trip to the store to get food and wouldn't it be great if we could keep our product fresh almost TWICE as long. Plus keep our food at a HEALTHY VIBE? Our refrigerators are toxic energy boxes that hold our precious food. Emf meters show fridges to be one of the highest producers of electronic toxins PLUS subject our food to the chemicals used to keep our food cold. FREON, which is another non-beneficial toxin in our lives. The mats employ a "quartz energy source" which has been emplified to create rays of piezo energy by putting it under pressure. These energies are further enhanced with different essential oils used by Ancient Egyptians to preserve their foods. MORE INFO
Thank you for reading our newsletter! We are celebrating 7 years of publishing the Quantum Health Newsletter, and are grateful for your readership! The Quantum Health Newsletter grew out of our former publication, The Vibrant Living Newsletter, which we published for several years through Subtle Energy Solutions, until the company changed its name Pure Energy Rx, and the Quantum Health Newsletter was born. In gratitude for your continued readership and support, please accept this gift code of TEN DOLLARS good for anything in the Pure Energy Rx store: READER10. Here's to a wonderful and transformative future, dedicated to the power of love that always conquers fear.
Gem Elixir for the Month
Herkimer Diamond
"Stone of Attunement"
Spiritually: Stimulates psychic abilities such as clairvoyance, spiritual vision, and telepathy. Links to guidance from higher dimensions. Cleanses subtle bodies.
Emotionally: Releases stress that may lead to pre-cancerous conditions and malignant tumors. Develops balance within the personality structure.
Physically: Helps release stress and tension in the physical body. Assists detoxifying of the body from exposure to radioactivity, geopathic stress or electromagnetic pollution. Helps correct metabolic imbalances. MORE INFO
(Website usage note: You can search for keywords at Pure Energy Rx, and it will return relevant results, e.g. "courage", "confidence", "fear", "intelligence", etc.)
This Quantum Life by Boyd Martin, Caretaker, Pure Energy Rx
Forgiving Life

"Life is not what happens to you. It is what happens as a result of you," said my long-time friend, shaman, teacher and confidant. As a young man, I was on a sort of vision quest--meditating, travelling and camping, searching for a point of view that at the time seemed fleeting and ethereal. I wanted to reach that state of unshakable equanimity, where nothing was "bad", and nothing was too good to be true.
He gazed at me as we sat in silence. Then his voice seemed to cut through a veil I didn't know was there, "You know you've finally awakened when there is nothing in your life but infinite possibility." He turned his gaze off to some distant point. "And what that takes is forgiveness."
"You mean forgiving yourself?" I asked. "Well, forgiving life itself," he replied, promptly standing up and walking off without another word, as if he had suddenly remembered an important appointment.
I sat there in front of my camper, feeling small, as the sun seemed to abruptly plop down behind the horizon. I began considering all the times I had blamed life--god, really--for various misfortunes I had endured. There was always something I had done "wrong", and as a result "life" had come back at me with a slap on the face, and rarely did I turn the other cheek. It was as if I was clinging to some type of entitlement to rebellion without repercussions.
I decided to call it a night when it got dark, skipping dinner. I'd lost my appetite and felt disconnected somehow from myself. As I drifted off to sleep, life itself seemed to be waiting for me to make a choice, to stand back and take a look at a bigger picture--to accept or allow something I had overlooked.
Now, nearly 40 years later, I think back on those hobo days of self-reflection, and how I so tenaciously held on to all that life had done to me, and despite God's finger constantly pointing to it in so many ways, I just couldn't see that all of life was in reality just me. Everything I have experienced has been the story of who I am being, the repeating patterns were those eddies forming around my resistance or denial.
Now I see that forgiving self is only half of the equation. The other half is forgiving the mirror that is life. The illusion is that there is some greater power with an agenda behind everything. The cosmic reality is, that power is me. Forgiveness is a remembering of how we created our situation. It is an awakening from the victim dream, where it becomes clear that all the choices we made were necessary to create the awakening.
In our human political world, the powerful and corrupt believe they can control and manipulate society, and by playing their part representing dark, hidden agendas, they reflect back to us our own dark and hidden agendas. It is our super power of forgiveness that awakens the infinite possibilities of how we respond to the darkness, revealing all choices we can make to return to the light. And in so doing, we light the way for others to wake up from their victim dream, ultimately exposing even the deepest darkness to the light of awakening.
To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin

Janet Barrett is a subtle energies empath and consciousness educator utilizing the field of potential. With warmth, humor and support she will offer you new ways to understand your issues. By reframing what your stories are, you can transform and clear them. It is possible to change what is bothering you. You can enjoy new outcomes. And, they can happen in the blink of an eye. WEBSITE
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