SEPTEMBER, 2020 - Issue No. 1 |
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Life May Be Everywhere In The Universe
A new study from Japanese researchers confirms the possibility of panspermia, the possible spread of life throughout the universe via microbes that attach themselves to space bodies. The scientists showed that bacteria on the outside of the International Space Station can survive in space for years. The team also concluded that the Deinococcus radiodurans bacteria used in the experiment could even make the journey from Earth to Mars, hinting at the likelihood of our own extraterrestrial beginnings.
To understand how bacteria can withstand the harshness of space, scientists sent Deinococcal cell clumps to the International Space Station. Once there, the specimen, around 1mm in diameter, were attached to the outside of the station on aluminum plates. During the course of three years, bacteria samples were sent back from space to Earth for further study.
What the researchers found is that while the outer layer of the clumps was killed off by the strong UV radiation, layers on the inside survived. They were essentially protected by the dead bacteria in the outer layer. Once in a lab, they were able to fix damage to their DNA and even grow further. The researchers estimate such bacteria could survive in space for up to 8 years.
Akihiko Yamagishi from Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences in Japan, who was involved in the study, reported, "If bacteria can survive in space, they may be transferred from one planet to another," explained Yamagishi to New Scientist. "We don't know where life emerged. If life emerged on Earth, it may have been transferred to Mars. Alternatively, if life emerged on Mars, it may have been transferred to Earth."
In its early days, Earth was constantly bombarded by meteorites. Is there a connection between all the collisions and our existence? Considering the slow pace of evolution, the relatively fast appearance of life after the Earth cooled off point to panspermia being a possible explanation.
Another implication of panspermia--if we started out as microbes from another planet, why wouldn't there be more life throughout the universe, originated in a similar fashion? If you follow this logic, there's a good chance cosmic life is abundant.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Dr. Richard Lanza proposed the theory of a biocentric universe, where life is the rule rather than the exception. Experiments have also shown that there is a sort of sub-atomic matrix of DNA that directs substance into life forms. Our Quantum Balance Crystal provides this organizational energy that enhances energy flows throughout the body.
Religion and Spirituality Enhance Mental Health
 Both religion and spirituality can have a positive impact on mental health. In some ways, they provide the same impact. For example: Both religion and spirituality can help a person tolerate stress by generating peace, purpose and forgiveness. But benefits generally vary between the two due to their different nature.
Religion gives people something to believe in, provides a sense of structure and typically offers a group of people to connect with over similar beliefs. These facets can have a large positive impact on mental health—research suggests that religiosity reduces suicide rates, alcoholism and drug use. Here are some of religion's main mental health benefits:
- Initiates social connections with other members.
- Creates a sense of belonging to a group.
- Offers trustworthy and safe social engagement.
- Helps people to cope with difficult life situations (i.e. a ceremony for the loss of a loved one).
- Provides structure, regularity and predictability.
- Allows for time to rest as well as holidays and other special times of the year.
- Provides guidelines to live by (i.e. the importance of doing the right thing).
- Teaches compassion, forgiveness and gratitude.
- Identifies life lessons, even from challenging situations.
Spirituality is a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves—it helps a person look within and understand themselves while also figuring out the greater answer of how they fit in to the rest of the world. Here are some of those benefits:
- Enhances a person's sense of self and empowerment through the choice to decide what their practice looks like.
- Focuses on an individual's connection to what they believe in and their own personal growth.
- Accepts any person, whether they are part of a religion or not
- Encourages meditation and self-reflection.
- Leads to a meaningful life philosophy (i.e. feeling connected to others, nature or art).
- Prompts expression in any form such as art, poetry, myth or religious practice.
- Renews a sense of belonging in the world.
- Inspires appreciation and awareness of a person's interaction with the physical environment.
These mental health benefits are not limited to their respective categories—individuality isn't exclusive to religion, just like spirituality can include a sense of community in some instances. The takeaway is that: If presented in a supportive way, religion and spirituality can help people improve their mental health.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Use our Meditation Elixirs to enhance the benefits of religion and spirituality.
Emotional Hygiene is a Thing
 Dr. Guy Winch says: "Emotional hygiene refers to being mindful of our psychological health and adopting brief daily habits to monitor and address psychological wounds when we sustain them."
By prioritizing your mind as well as your body, you make a step towards better mental health. Here are some tips to help increase emotional awareness, understand the origin of emotions and learn how to express them properly.
1. Recognize Your Emotion - It is important to keep track of the moment when the emotion is manifested and try not to get involved in it. Take a deep breath instead. Exhale. Give yourself time to observe your condition. What do you feel? How would you define what disturbs you now? Behind our anger and irritation, fear can be hidden. And our anxiety often arises from uncertainty. Think about the emotions you're feeling right now. What is hidden behind them?
2. Identify the Main Triggers - Emotions do not arise without a reason. They are caused by certain situations, events, people, etc. It is very important to identify your main triggers, so that next time you can control your condition and consciously change the reaction to them. Learn to recognize triggers and switch destructive emotions to positive ones in order to control yourself and behave consciously.
3. Be in Contact With Your Body - They say that emotions are often reflected in the face. But not only that. Our whole body is a conduit for emotional impulses. When you get emotional try to observe how your breathing, the rhythm of your heart, the tension in your body, and the sensitivity of your skin are changing.
4. Make Pauses - Once you have identified the main triggers and the emotional response to them, learn to make a pause between the reaction and the next action.
5. Take Control Over Your Emotions - To observe emotional hygiene, you need to learn to identify, accept and express your emotions in a healthy way.
6. Protect Your Self-Esteem - Your self-esteem is like an emotional immune system--it can increase your resilience and protect you from stress and anxiety. Good emotional hygiene involves avoiding negative self-talk that damages your self-esteem and self-love.
Emotional hygiene is keeping your mind clear of negative thoughts, much like you would keep your hands clean from germs. We could all benefit from being more aware of our own emotional hygiene, not just at home, but at work, too. We all need to make emotional hygiene our daily routine.
QUANTUM HEALTH TIP: Use our Chakra Cleansing and Protection Crystal to help balance the energies in the body, repel negativity, and enhance well-being.
Health & Healing Hack of the Week
Interesting Point of View
This is a great tool from Access Consciousness, especially useful when the monkey mind is jumping all over the place, usually in a crowd of people, where we tend to pick up all kinds of thoughts and attitudes that aren't ours. Some of them, we may actually really believe, and when you can catch yourself believing some judgment or conclusion about someone or something, say, "Interesting Point of View I have that Point of View." This sets up a "two-point" in consciousness and collapses the wave holding the fixed point of view in place. This is especially valuable in close relationships, where we are particularly susceptible to victim/perpetrator strategies. Fixed points of view will dissolve, revealing further possibilities.
-- From 25 No Cost Health & Healing Hacks by Boyd Martin)
Quantum Healer of the Week
Anne Deidre Anne's transformational gifts allow her to intuitively "shine a light" into her clients energy system and illuminate their hidden and or dormant gifts and talents that their soul is here to share. Her unique and powerful gifts allow her to shift energetic patterns, heal trauma, and create new patterns so that they can bring their divine gifts to the world.
"You are being called to discover your unique gifts and talents, develop your intuition and unlock your sacred wisdom in a way that only you can. You are here because you are ready to release the energetic blockages and false beliefs keeping you from doing so. Time and time again, I've been blessed to witness miracles in my client's lives after our work together to clear the energetic blocks from their chakras. As an Intuitive Life Coach, think of me as your Guide who connects with your soul's purpose, empowering you in every area of your life. When you unlock the wisdom contained within your chakras, and energy field, you will discover powerful tools to access your intuition, purpose and inner well-being and will have awakened your Divine Intuitive Power." WEBSITE
Company & Product News
Feeling battered and frazzled with everything going on? Calm it all down with our advanced energy formulas: E-1 Stress Relief, Clean Sweep Clearing Spray, E-3 Pain Relieving and Revitalizing Cream, CalmZyme enzyme and herbal formula, and the remarkable Vital Force Quantum Balance Crystal. This full-spectrum approach to stress balances, re-vitalizes and repairs the physical and energetic centers of the mind, body and brain. Regain perspective, hope and confidence regardless of how stressful the world gets. Check it out! Use special discount code NOSTRESS for 30% off these advanced and effective formulas.
 Using a proprietary process developed by Subtle Energy Sciences founder Eric W. Thompson, Digital CBD broadcasts the amplified energetic signature of CBD through your electronic devices.
You might think of it as a kind of "amplified digital homeopathy," but it's far more powerful than traditional homeopathy. Simply open the Digital CBD digital file (in audio, video or picture file format, whichever format best suits your needs), and these energetically encoded digital files will automatically transmit the vibrational frequency of CBD oil (along with all the accompanying health benefits of real CBD oil) through your phone, tablet, computer or laptop. Sound impossible? Too good to be true? It isn't. It's here. Plus, unlike physical CBD, you only need to purchase Digital CBD once in order to benefit from it for the rest of your life! And when you take into consideration the fact that the CBD oil, from which we extracted the energetic signatures for Digital CBD, cost more than $100 for less than a month's supply, we're talking about an incredible value here. MORE INFO / ORDER
AMAZING PRODUCT ALERT: VibesUp Sandal Vibe Toppers
 Our feet have 50,000 receptors because we are designed to be walking barefoot and receiving energy up from the Earth's electromagnetic pulses. The electro feeds the energy IN and the magnetic pulls the non-beneficial energy OUT. Divine soles ground and nurture our body in the same way with the bonus of many essential plant oils and therapeutic gemstones! NEVER RUN OUT OF ENERGY. These soles are self-clearing and self-generating of energy. They run on their own natural batteries of Universal and Earth Energies. UNIQUE DELIVERY of EARTH ENERGY- Alive with waves of therapeutic nature energy... With a unique natural delivery system that pulses out gentle infrared rays of natural piezoelectric energy delivering the healthy vibrations of essential plant oils, therapeutic gemstones and liquid quartz crystal in a powerful and deep nurturing delivery beneficial to body mind and soul. MORE INFO
Thank you for reading our newsletter! We are celebrating 7 years of publishing the Quantum Health Newsletter, and are grateful for your readership! The Quantum Health Newsletter grew out of our former publication, The Vibrant Living Newsletter, which we published for several years through Subtle Energy Solutions, until the company changed its name Pure Energy Rx, and the Quantum Health Newsletter was born. In gratitude for your continued readership and support, please accept this gift code of TEN DOLLARS good for anything in the Pure Energy Rx store: READER10. Here's to a wonderful and transformative future, dedicated to the power of love that always conquers fear.
Gem Elixir for the Month
Herkimer Diamond
"Stone of Attunement"
Spiritually: Stimulates psychic abilities such as clairvoyance, spiritual vision, and telepathy. Links to guidance from higher dimensions. Cleanses subtle bodies.
Emotionally: Releases stress that may lead to pre-cancerous conditions and malignant tumors. Develops balance within the personality structure.
Physically: Helps release stress and tension in the physical body. Assists detoxifying of the body from exposure to radioactivity, geopathic stress or electromagnetic pollution. Helps correct metabolic imbalances. MORE INFO
(Website usage note: You can search for keywords at Pure Energy Rx, and it will return relevant results, e.g. "courage", "confidence", "fear", "intelligence", etc.)
This Quantum Life by Boyd Martin, Caretaker, Pure Energy Rx
The Bridge of Grace

Our reptilian brain in a state of fear will paint some of the most outrageous worst-case scenarios, fully engaging the fight-or-flight adrenal response, seemingly beyond our control, leaving us exhausted, defensive and constantly on guard.
On the other hand, in a state of love, the reptilian brain recedes into the background, and all responses to life events and the information about them always points to positive outcomes, leaving us hopeful and inspired.
Although it seems impossible sometimes, there is a choice point, where we can choose to take the high road to hope and harmony, or the low road to depression and oblivion. I believe which way we choose depends on how much love we have for ourselves.
The sage and spiritual master, Wei Po Yang, when asked about what he had learned from a lifetime of meditation, said, "To worry is preposterous." He said this because life unfolds for us in the way we are being. If we are steadfast in loving ourselves, our life reflects this as support, ease and joy. And, even if we are overwhelmed by negative thoughts and feelings, these can be neutralized by the simple act of seeing love in the world. Worry in and of itself is a fruitless exercise that does nothing but remove joy from life.
There is something called "grace", that is a sort of "bridge"--that no matter how fearful and deprived we are being, grace always provides a way to lift ourselves out of fear into love, should we choose it.
This gets to the importance of emotional and mental hygiene. When we get continually exposed to fearful and negative information and all the negative responses of others to that information, it is much easier to be triggered into fight or flight. When in this state, the mind engages the imagination negatively, incessantly constructing further existential threats, as it then begins looking for evidence that it is right.
The remarkable case of an overblown viral pandemic, wildly promoted by mass media and bought-and-paid-for "experts" at the behest of election-year political interests, is a perfect example of this. Even though there is a cure for the virus, and even though cool and sane heads point out facts that debunk the fearful narrative, the damage has already been done, with people freaking out, searching frantically for any kind of validation that supports an existential crisis. If that crisis narrative is challenged by knowledge-based facts, for people in fight-or-flight, it just further threatens the imagined existential crisis, because they no longer have the capability of calm and rational thought.
This all gets back to self-love, self-esteem and the certainty of grace in the world. This certainty is constantly challenged in a highly connected society built on a debt economy and fear-based blackmail politics. And yet, rising to this challenge by seeing love, compassion and inspiration in our lives is that bridge of grace available to all of us.
Quantum living provides the option of non-duality, where a negative state is the evidence of a simultaneously existing positive one. This guarantees that violence implies peace; anger implies compassion; fear implies safety; and so on. It is making the choice to allow this spectrum of duality that leads us to the fundamental reality of Universal Love underpinning all states of being.
As spiritual adept, Matt Kahn, has pointed out, every choice we make--even those choices about how we feel, are the portals to parallel worlds. We jump from one world to another via our choices. To the degree we can embody love, kindness, compassion and joy, literally determines the positive outcomes for the world we live in.
To your quantum health,

Boyd Martin

Janet Barrett is a subtle energies empath and consciousness educator utilizing the field of potential. With warmth, humor and support she will offer you new ways to understand your issues. By reframing what your stories are, you can transform and clear them. It is possible to change what is bothering you. You can enjoy new outcomes. And, they can happen in the blink of an eye. WEBSITE
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