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It seems that since I've landed in San Diego it's been one opportunity after another--some of them more flavorful and rich than others. I'm definitely on the path of the Healing Game.
I don't know how many of you knew that San Diego is a healing vortex. Thus, people like myself come here to heal, help others heal, and perhaps even discover undiscovered need for healing brought to light by the nature of this lovely coastal area.
It was with great joy that I was offered to co-partner with Rodney Schwan, the beginnings of a series of educational classes called "The Art of Sacred Wellness." Little did I know that in accepting that position I would be grafting my soul into the essence of this series of classes in the sacred art of wellness.
When I first arrived in San Diego I registered for Ayurvedic Deep Healing Yoga. That's due to begin the first weekend of October. I'm certain to be surrounded by like-minded people on a similar path as I continue the process of recovering from surgery. I am reasonably optimistic as my journey begins one step at a time.
I spent the last 10 years of my life nurturing a body of people I've in many cases, come to know very well--talked over the phone, shared emails, and in many cases became dear friends. Over these 10 years I've grown and learned along with all of you, and carved out a spot for myself in a position of global service. I want to thank all of you for allowing that possibility to grow over the years.
Until next time...
In vibrant health,
Shay Arave, President
Have a Feng Shui Party!
Host a happy, noisy and celebratory party which generates a tremendous amount of positive and auspicious energy! The advantage of being the host/tess is that your home is blessed with the happy chi even after everyone leaves.
Here are some very simple ways to make your get-together bright with auspicious energy...
- Place tons of fresh scented flowers everywhere
- Have lots of glittering lights by using sparklers, lanterns, candles, scattered crystals , lotus votive holders , twinkling fairy lights and so on
- Serve an abundance of brightly colored, delicious and healthy food
- Shower loved ones with gratitude for their presence in your life with take-home favor that gives them the energy of happiness, health or prosperity
- Send sky lanterns up to the heavens with your wishes and prayers-it's a breathtakingly beautiful sight!
- For your place settings, use color combinations that evoke good luck (red and gold); prosperity (silver and purple) or health (gold and green).
- Play uplifting music and dance dance dance!
-- Gwynne Warner, 10,000 Blessings Feng Shui
Emotional Detoxification
Involves gaining knowledge of the ways we get ourselves sick as well as the ways we can get ourselves well.
Ways to Get Sick (if that's what you really want to do)
- Don't pay attention to your body. Eat plenty of junk food, drink too much. If you are over-stressed and tired, ignore it and keep pushing yourself.
- Cultivate the experience of your life as meaningless and of little value.
- Do the things you don't like and avoid doing what you really want. Follow everyone else's opinion and advice, while seeing yourself as miserable and stuck.
- Be resentful and hypercritical, especially toward yourself.
- Fill your mind with dreadful pictures, and obsess over them. Worry most, if not all, of the time.
- Avoid deep, lasting intimate relationships.
- Blame other people for all of your problems.
- Do not express your feelings openly or honestly.
- Shun anything that resembles a sense of humor. Life is no laughing matter.
- Avoid making any changes which would bring you greater satisfaction and joy.
Ways to Stay Well (or get better if you're not too well to begin with)
- Do things that will bring you a sense of fulfillment, joy and purpose that validate your worth. See your life as your own creation, and strive to make it a positive one.
- Pay close and loving attention to yourself, nourishing, supporting and encouraging yourself.
- Release all negative emotions--resentment, envy, fear, sadness, anger. Express your feelings appropriately, don't hold on to them. Forgive yourself.
- Hold positive images and goals in your mind, pictures of what you truly want in your life. When fearful images arise, refocus on images that evoke feelings of peace and joy.
- Love yourself, and love others, too. Make loving the purpose of primary expression in your life.
- Create fun, loving, honest, relationships, allowing for the expression and fulfillment of needs for intimacy and security. Try to heal any wounds in past relationships, as with old loves and parents.
- Make a commitment to health and well-being, and develop a belief in the possibility of total health. Develop your own healing program, drawing on the support and advice of experts without becoming enslaved to them.
Thanks to Optimum Health Institute

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