We've been attending Gwynne Warner's entertaining Feng Shui classes at the stunningly beautiful downtown Portland Chinese Gardens. Wow, what a great experience! It was so great, in fact, that we purchased year memberships--well worth it for the peace of mind this magical place creates. We've decided to go there at least 2-3 times a month to just get a timeout and to drink in the beauty and order that is so nourishing for spirit, mind and body.
I gave Gwynne a spritzer bottle of water mixed with the Kefir Lime Tattvas essential oil. She misted several of her class attendees on a hot day, and got tremendous response about how calming and invigorating the aroma of the oil made them all feel. That got me thinking, and for a test, I mixed the Tattvas oils with Dr. Yury's Clean Sweep Energy Spray. Wow, what a great combination! I highly recommend it! Read about the different oils to find out which one resonates with you, and order it along with the Clean Sweep. Once you receive them, pour in 10 drops of the oil into the spray bottle, shake vigorously and mist. Ahhh... it'll change your life.
Until next time...
In vibrant health,
Shay Arave, President
Summertime Vibrant Living
By Boyd Martin
Every season carries with it its own particular health issues, but summer's are the most fun. After all, the issues are mostly related to hobbies and recreation. Crawling out of those hermetically-sealed workplaces, and air-conditioned homes, to bake under the hot sun, and be food for all sorts of flying critters, brings summer a charm all its own. Regardless of the drawbacks, it's just plain fun to be outside--and if I haven't given away my bias by now, summer is my favorite season! >>> MORE
From Natural Health and Back Again
by Boyd Martin
It was Hippocrates, nearly 2400 years ago, who put forth the most influential ideas about human health and the creating and preserving of it. His observations and reasoning have formed the basic underpinnings of modern medicine, yet his approaches to actual medical conditions would be defined today as "alternative." Hippocrates espoused such "alternative" ideas as: The natural healing power of the human body; the importance of eating wholesome unadulterated foods; the effect of thoughts and feelings on the health of the body. >>> MORE
Quality of Life
by Boyd Martin
Last night I watched the Discovery Channel's "Extreme Martial Arts." I've always been inspired by the discipline, purity, and soulfulness of martial arts training and accomplishment, and this show had it all. One segment was about breaking things such as concrete blocks and wooden slabs, using pure intention and force. At one point, after a few injuries were featured, the announcer quipped, "It's not about the pain. It's about not minding." That set me off in a couple of directions pertinent to physical well-being and how we get into compromising situations with our bodies. >>> MORE
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Hey that's my friend's company--Denise Mari...she rocks!